61話 資産家ウパーリ ・・・・ ジャイナ教を捨てて
第5部 さまざまな「悪」
第4章 外道―異教徒たち
61話 資産家ウパーリ ・・・・ ジャイナ教を捨てて
「よろしい、よろしい、タパッシーよ! ニガンタのディーガ・タパッシーは、みずからの師の教えを正しく理解している、よく教育された弟子のように、ゴータマ沙門に答えた。どうして、些細な精神の暴力を、粗大な身体の暴力と比べて考えるのか? まったく逆で、身体の暴力は、悪しき行為の実行と、悪しき行為の犯行では、もっとも非難されるべきものであり、言葉の暴力と精神の暴力は、それほどでもない」
「すばらしい、すばらしい、尊師よ、タパッシーの部分は! ニガンタのディーガ・タパッシーは世尊に、みずからの師の教えを正しく理解している、よく教育された弟子のように答えています。どうして些細な精神の暴力を、粗大な身体の暴力と比べて考えるのでしょうか? まったく逆で、身体の暴力は、悪しき行為の実行と、悪しき行為の犯行では、もっとも非難されるべきものであり、言葉の暴力と精神の暴力は、それほどでもないのです」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? ここで、ニガンタの信者が病気になり、苦しみ、そして、冷たい水の処方が必要な重病人になっているのに、かれの誓戒が冷水を拒むのです。かれは心ではそれを切望しているのに、冷水を拒絶するのです。そして、許容できる湯だけを使うかもしれません。かくして誓戒を身体的に、また、言葉でも守っているのです。かれは冷たい水が得られないために死んでしまうかもしれません。さて、資産家よ、ニガンタ・ナータプッタは、かれはどこに生まれ変わる、と説くのでしょうか?」
「尊師よ、〈意に縛られたものたち〉(マノーサッター神)という神々がいます。かれは、そこに生まれ変わります。それは、なぜか? かれが死ぬとき、かれはまだ、心のなかで束縛されたままだからです」
「資産家よ、資産家よ、そなたはどのように答えるのか、注意しなさい! そなたが前にいったことと、後でいったことは一致しておらず、後でいったことが、前にいったことと一致していません。しかも、そなたは『わたしは真理にもとづいて議論しようと思います、尊師よ。だから、われわれはこれについて会話しましょう』と、いっていたのです」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? ここで、ニガンタの信者は四種類からなる自己抑制で修練しているかもしれません。かれは、あらゆる水について抑制しています。すなわち、かれは、あらゆる悪の回避ができています。かれは、悪の回避によって浄化されています。そして、かれはあらゆる悪の回避にみちています。にもかかわらず、進みながら、そして退きながら、多くの小さな生き物を殺害するにいたるのです。どのような果報をニガンタ・ナータプッタは、かれ自身に説いているのですか?」
「資産家よ、資産家よ、そなたはどのように答えるのか、気をつけなさい! そなたが前にいったことと、後でいったことは一致しておらず、後でいったことが、前にいったことと一致していません。しかも、そなたは『わたしは真理にもとづいて議論しようと思います、尊師よ。だから、われわれはこれについて会話しましょう』と、いっていたのです」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? この街、ナーランダーは、繁栄し、富み栄えていますか? 人で混雑し、にぎわっていますか?」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? ここに抜き身の剣をふりかざした男が一人やって来て、このようにいうとしましょう。『一瞬のうちに、一須臾のうちに、俺がナーランダーのすべての生き物をひとつの肉の山、ひとつの肉のかたまりに、してみせよう』そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ、その男が、そうできるのかどうか?」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? ここに神通力をもち、心の自在を得ている修行者かバラモンがやって来て、このように言うとしましょう。『我は、このナーランダーの街を、憎悪の意思作用ひとつで灰燼に帰してみせよう』そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ、そのような修行者かバラモンが、そうできるのかどうか?」
「資産家よ、資産家よ、そなたはどのように答えるのか、気をつけなさい! そなたが前にいったことと、後でいったことは一致しておらず、後でいったことが、前にいったことと一致していません。しかも、そなたは『わたしは真理にもとづいて議論しようと思います、尊師よ。だから、われわれはこれについて会話しましょう』と、言っていたのです」
「そなたは、どう思いますか、資産家よ? そなたは、ダンダキー、カーリンガ、メッジャ、そしてマータンガという森のみが森になっている、ということを聞いていますか?」
「資産家よ、資産家よ、そなたはどのように答えるのか、気をつけなさい! そなたが前にいったことと、後でいったことは一致しておらず、後でいったことが、前にいったことと一致していません。しかも、そなたは『わたしは真理にもとづいて議論しようと思います、尊師よ。だから、われわれはこれについて会話しましょう』と、いっていたのです」
「尊師よ、わたしは、世尊のまさに最初の喩えで満足して、喜んでいるのです。しかしながら、わたしは、世尊の問題へのさまざまな解答をおききしたくて、世尊に、このように反論しよう、と考えました。すばらしいことです、尊師よ! すばらしいことです、尊師よ! 世尊は真理(ダンマ)を多くのやり方で明らかにされました。まるで世尊は、倒れていたものを立ち上がらせるかのように、隠されていたものを暴露するかのように、道に迷った者に道を示すかのように、あるいは、もろもろのもののかたちが見える視力をそなえた者たちのために、暗闇で灯りを高く掲げるかのように。尊師よ、わたしは世尊と真理(ダンマ)と僧団(サンガ)(三宝)に帰依いたします。世尊がわたしを生涯帰依する在家の信者として、お認めくださいますように」
「徹底的に調べてみなさい、資産家よ! そなたのように著名な人は、まず、徹底的に調べてみることがよいのです」
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In the chronicle of the Buddha, there are two personages under the same name of “Upāli”. The first personage is Upāli the barber, whotogether with the six Sākyan princesobtained the higher ordination under the Blessed One at the Anupiya Mango Grove. He was well-versed in the Disciplinary Rules (Vinayadhara) and was appointed as the answerer (vissajjaka) of the Vinaya during the First Buddhist Council.
The second is a millionaire of Bālaka, one of the prominent disciples of Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta. He was distinguished as Upāli-gahapati (Upāli the householder). After hearing the Blessed One’s exposition of the Dhamma, he was so pleased that he instantly expressed his desire to become a follower of the Blessed One. Here is his story:
Once, when Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta was seated together with a very large assembly of laymen from Bālaka led by Upāli, there came Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī to him. Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta asked: “Where did you come from in this middle of the day, Tapassī?”
“I came from the presence of the ascetic Gotama, Venerable sir.”
“Did you have some conversation with the ascetic Gotama, Tapassī?”
“Yes, I had some conversation with the ascetic Gotama, Venerable sir.”
“What was your conversation with Him like, Tapassī?”
Then, Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī related to Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta his entire
conversation with the Blessed One:
“This morning, after wandering for alms in Nāḷandā and partaking of
my meal, I went to Pāvārika’s mango grove to see the ascetic Gotama. I exchanged greetings with Him. After this courteous and amiable exchange, He asked me to take a seat; then He asked: ‘Tapassī, how many kinds of action does Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describe for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action?’”
“Friend Gotama, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta is not accustomed to use the description ‘action, action (kamma)’; Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta is accustomed to use the description ‘rod, rod (daṇḍa)’.”
“Then, Tapassī, how many kinds of rods does Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describe for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action?”
“Friend Gotama, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describes three kinds of rods for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action; that is, the bodily rod (kāyadaṇḍaṁ), the verbal rod (vacīdaṇḍaṁ), and the mental rod (manodaṇḍaṁ).”
“Of these three kinds of rods, Tapassī, thus analysed and distinguished, which kind of rods does Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describe as the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action: the bodily rod, the verbal rod or the mental rod?”
“Of these three kinds of rod, friend Gotama, thus analysed and distinguished, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describes the bodily rod (kāyadaṇḍaṁ) as the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”
“Do you say the bodily rod, Tapassī?”
“I say the bodily rod, friend Gotama.”
“Do you say the bodily rod, Tapassī?”
“I say the bodily rod, friend Gotama.”
“Do you say the bodily rod, Tapassī?”
“I say the bodily rod, friend Gotama.”
“Thus, Venerable sir, the ascetic Gotama asked me, and I maintained my statement up to the third time. Then, I asked Him: ‘And you, friend Gotama, how many kinds of rods do You describe for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action?’”
“Tapassī, the Tathāgata is not accustomed to use the description ‘rod, rod (daṇḍa)’; the Tathāgata is accustomed to use the description ‘action, action (kamma)’.”
“But, friend Gotama, how many kinds of actions do You describe for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action?”
“Tapassī, I describe three kinds of actions for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action; that is, the bodily action (kāyakammaṁ), the verbal action (vacīkammaṁ), and the mental action (manokammaṁ).”
“Of these three kinds of action, friend Gotama, thus analysed and distinguished, which kind of actions do You describe as the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action: the bodily action, the verbal action or the mental action?”
“Of these three kinds of actions, Tapassī, thus analysed and distinguished, I describe mental action (manokammaṁ) as the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the bodily action and the verbal action.”
“Do You say mental action, friend Gotama?”
“I say mental action, Tapassī.”
“Do You say mental action, friend Gotama?”
“I say mental action, Tapassī.”
“Do You say mental action, friend Gotama?”
“I say mental action, Tapassī.”
“Thus, Venerable sir, I made the ascetic Gotama maintain His statement up to the third time, after which I rose from my seat and come here, Venerable sir.”
When this was said, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta praised him: “Good, good, Tapassī! Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī has answered the ascetic Gotama like a well-taught disciple who understands his teacher’s dispensation rightly. What does the trivial mental rod count for in comparison with the gross bodily rod? On the contrary, the bodily rod is the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the verbal rod and the mental rod.”
At that time, Upāli, who was seated in the assembly, was paying close attention to the account narrated by Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī. He also praised Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī before Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta and said to him: “Now, Venerable sir, I shall go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on the basis of this statement. If the ascetic Gotama maintains before me what the Venerable Dīgha Tapassī made Him maintain, then just as a strong man might seize a long-haired ram by the hair and drag him to, drag him fro, and drag him round about, even so in the debate I will drag the ascetic Gotama to, drag Him fro, and drag Him round about. Venerable sir, I shall go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on the basis of this statement.”
Then, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta urged him: “Go, householder, and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on the basis of this statement. For either I, Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī, or you yourself should refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine.”
“Yes, Venerable sir,” the householder Upāli replied. Thereafter, he rose from his seat. After paying homage to Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta, keeping him on his right, he left to go to the Blessed One.
Now, on that occasion, the Blessed One was residing in Pāvārika’s mango grove at Nāḷandā, when Upāli the follower of Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta came to Him with the intention to debate Him on volitional actions (kamma). After paying homage to the Blessed One, he sat down at one side and asked: “Venerable sir, did Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī come here?”
“Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī did come here, householder.”
“Venerable sir, did You have some conversation with him?”
“I did have some conversation with him, householder.”
“What was Your conversation with him like, Venerable sir?”
Then, the Blessed One related to the householder Upāli His entire conversation with Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī.
When this was said, the householder Upāli said to the Blessed One: “Good, good, Venerable sir, on the part of Tapassī! Nigaṇṭha Dīgha Tapassī has answered the Blessed One like a well-taught disciple who understands his teacher’s dispensation rightly. What does the trivial mental rod count for in comparison with the gross bodily rod? On the contrary, the bodily rod is the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much
the verbal rod and the mental rod.”
“Householder, if you will debate on the basis of truth, we might have some conversation about this.”
“I will debate on the basis of truth, Venerable sir, so let us have some conversation about this.”
“What do you think, householder? Here, some Nigaṇṭha might be afflicted, is suffering, and is gravely ill with an illness needing treatment by cold water, which his vows prohibit. He might refuse cold water though mentally longing for it, and he might use only the permissible hot water, thus keeping his vows bodily and verbally.
Because he does not get cold water, he might die. Now, householder, where would Nigaṇṭha Nātaputtta describe his rebirth as taking place?”
“Venerable sir, there are gods called ‘mind-bound’ (manosattā devā); he would be reborn there. Why is that? Because when he dies, he is still bound by attachment in the mind.”
“Householder, householder, pay attention to how you reply! What you said before does not agree with what you said afterwards, nor does what you said afterwards agree with what you said before. Yet, you made this statement: ‘I will debate on the basis of truth, Venerable sir, so let us have some conversation about this.’”
“Venerable sir, although the Blessed One has spoken thus, yet the bodily rod is the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the verbal rod and the mental rod.”
“What do you think, householder? Here, some Nigaṇṭha might be disciplined in four kinds of self-restraint—he is restrained with regard to all water; he is endowed with the avoidance of all evil; he is cleansed by the avoidance of all evil, and he is suffused with the avoidance of all evil—and yet, when going forward and returning, he brings about destruction of many small living beings. What result does Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describe for himself?”
“Venerable sir, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta does not describe what is unintentional as greatly reprehensible.”
“But, if one does it intentionally, householder?”
“Then, it is greatly reprehensible, Venerable sir.”
“But, under which of the three rods does Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta describe
intention (cetanā), householder?”
“Under the mental rod, Venerable sir.”
“Householder, householder, pay attention to how you reply! What you said before does not agree with what you said afterwards, nor does what you said afterwards agree with what you said before. Yet, you made this statement: ‘I will debate on the basis of truth, Venerable sir, so let us have some conversation about this.’”
“Venerable sir, although the Blessed One has spoken thus, yet the bodily rod is the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the verbal rod and the mental rod.”
“What do you think, householder? Is this town of Nāḷandā successful and prosperous? Is it populous and crowded with people?”
“Yes, Venerable sir, it is.”
“What do you think, householder? Suppose a man came here brandishing a sword and spoke thus: ‘In one moment, in one instant, I shall make all living beings in Nāḷandā into one mass of flesh, into one heap of flesh.’ What do you think, householder, would that man be able to do that?”
“Venerable sir, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty men would not be able to make all the living beings in Nāḷandā into one mass of flesh, into one heap of flesh in one moment or instant. So what does a single trivial man count for?”
“What do you think, householder? Suppose some ascetic or brahmin who possesses supernormal powers and has attained mastery of mind came here and spoke thus: ‘I will reduce this town of Nāḷandā to ashes with one mental act of hate.’ What do you think, householder, would such a ascetic or brahmin be able to do that?”
“Venerable sir, such an ascetic or brahmin who possesses supernormal powers and has attained mastery of mind would be able to reduce ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty citizens of Nāḷandā to ashes with one mental act of hate, so what does a single trivial citizen of Nāḷandā count for?”
“Householder, householder, pay attention to how you reply! What you said before does not agree with what you said afterwards, nor does what you said afterwards agree with what you said before. Yet, you made this statement: ‘I will debate on the basis of truth, Venerable sir, so let us have some conversation about this.’”
“Venerable sir, although the Blessed One has spoken thus, yet the bodily rod is the most reprehensible for the performance of evil action, for the perpetration of evil action, and not so much the verbal rod and the mental rod.”
“What do you think, householder? Have you heard how the Daṇḍaka, Kāliṅga, Mejjha, and Mātaṅga Forests became forests?”
“Yes, Venerable sir.”
“As you heard it, how did they become forests?”
“Venerable sir, I heard that they became forests by means of a mental act of hate on the part of the seers.”
“Householder, householder, pay attention to how you reply! What you said before does not agree with what you said afterwards, nor does what you said afterwards agree with what you said before. Yet, you made this statement: ‘I will debate on the basis of truth, Venerable sir, so let us have some conversation about this.’”
“Venerable sir, I was satisfied and pleased by the Blessed One’s very first simile. Nevertheless, I thought I would oppose the Blessed One thus since I desired to hear the Blessed One’s varied solutions to the problem. Magnificent, Venerable sir! Magnificent, Venerable sir! The Blessed One has made the Dhamma clear in many ways, as though He were turning upright what had been overthrown, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark
for those with eyesight to see forms. Venerable sir, I go to the Blessed One for refuge and to the Dhamma and to the Saṁgha. Let the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to Him for refuge for life.”
“Investigate thoroughly, householder! It is good for such a distinguished person like you to make first a thorough investigation.”
Upāli was overjoyed at this unexpected remark of the Blessed One. He said: “Venerable sir, had I been a disciple of other sectarians, they would have taken me round the streets of the City of Nāḷandā proclaiming: ‘The millionaire householder Upāli had renounced his former faith and has come to discipleship under us.’ But, on the contrary, the Blessed One advises me to investigate further. The more pleased am I with this remark of Yours. So, for the second time, Venerable sir, I go to the Blessed One for refuge and to the Dhamma and to the Saṁgha. Let the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to Him for refuge for life.”
However, the Blessed One advised him further: “Householder, for a long time, your family has supported the Nigaṇṭhas. Although you have become My follower, you should practise tolerance and compassion. You should continue to give alms to your former religious teachers as they still depend very much on your support. You cannot just ignore them and withdraw the support you used to give them.”
Upāli became more satisfied and pleased with the Blessed One’s advice and said: “Venerable sir, I have heard wrongly that the ascetic Gotama says thus: ‘Offerings should be given only to Me; offerings should not be given to others. Offerings should be given only to My disciples; offerings should not be given to others’ disciples. Only what is given to Me is very fruitful, not what is given to others. Only what is given to My disciples is very fruitful, not what is given to others’ disciples.’ But, on the contrary, the Blessed One encourages me to give offerings to my former teachers. Anyway, we shall know the time for that, Venerable sir. So for the third time, Venerable sir, I go to the Blessed One for refuge and to the Dhamma and to the Saṁgha. Let the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to Him for
refuge for life.”
Then, the Blessed One gave the householder Upāli a progressive instruction, that is, talk on generosity, talk on virtue, talk on happy destiny of celestial abodes; He explained the danger, degradation and defilement in sensual pleasures, and the blessing of renunciation. When He knew that the householder Upāli’s mind was
ready, receptive, free from hindrances, elated and confident, He expounded to him the Teachings special to the Buddhas—the Four Noble Truths.
Just as a clean piece of cloth with all marks removed would be able to take dye evenly, even so at the end of the Dhamma talk, while the householder Upāli was sitting there, the spotless immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in him: “All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation.” Then, the householder Upāli attained the Dhamma, realised the Dhamma; he crossed beyond doubt and became a Sotāpanna.
Thus, Buddhism is saturated with this spirit of free enquiry and complete tolerance. It is a teaching of the open mind and the sympathetic heart which, lighting and warming the whole universe with its twin rays of wisdom and compassion, sheds its genial glow on every being struggling in the ocean of birth and death.
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奥田 昭則
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