10話 最初の予兆

第1部 出家まで
第4章 重大な前ぶれ
10話 最初の予兆・・・一人の老人
「チャンナ、あれは何なのだ? きっと人間じゃないよ。もし人間なら、ほかの人とちがって、なぜ、腰があんなに曲がっているんだ? なぜ、体がふるえているんだ? なぜ、ほかの人とちがって、髮が白いんだ? なぜ、眼が濁って、顔がしわくちゃなんだ? 歯はどこに行ったんだ? チャンナ、かれは何という名で知られているのか、わたしにいってくれないか?」
「チャンナ、わたしは、あのような生きものを見たことがないぞ。『老人』とは、どういう意味なんだ? あんなふうに生まれる者もいるのか?」
「そのとおりでございます、殿下! われらはみんな、誰ひとり例外なく、老齢に支配されます。誰ひとり、老化の性質を乗りこえられません。おお、王子さま、動揺されませんように。なぜなら、たんにこの老人の問題なのでございますから!」
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The married life of Prince Siddhattha and Princess Yasodharā started at their age of sixteen. King Suddhodana gave much attention to his prince son so that he would always be happy. The king ordered the construction of high walls around the palace and gardens to ensure that the prince would never see the four omens, but only enjoy the comfortable and luxurious life within the palace.
However, when Prince Siddhattha was twenty-eight years old, all the luxuries and amusements surrounding him was no more pleasing to his heart. He became bored, feeling that life within his luxurious palace was more like a prison. He wanted to see the world outside. He was curious to know the life of the people and things beyond the palace walls. So one day, he approached his father, asking: “Father, I have
always been staying in the palace thus long. But as a prince who will be a king someday, I should also know how our people live outside the palace. Please, father, allow me to take a walk outside!”“Very well, my son, you may go outside the palace and see how our people live in the beautiful city and how they take a rest in the royal garden. However, first I must prepare everything so that my prince son can go comfortably and properly,” answered the king.
Then, the king instructed his minister that every house in the city had to be cleaned and decorated with flags and flowers. On the day that the prince was to go around the city, no one would be allowed to be seen working; all citizens must wear beautiful clothes; leprous people, sick, old, blind and crippled men had to stay at home.
When the preparation was complete, Prince Siddhattha was accompanied by Channa, his charioteer. He was seated in a royal chariot adorned with ornaments and harnessed with pure thoroughbred white horses. The chariot came out of the palace and travelled around the city. Crowds stood on both sides of the roads welcoming him enthusiastically. Many waved their hands while some strewed flowers on the road. Thus, the tour became merry.
But after having covered some distance, all of a sudden an old man came out from the middle of the crowds who were rejoicing in their handsome prince. The old man walked along the road before anyone could stop him. His hair was grey, and he was clad in dirty rags. Not even a single tooth remained in his withered mouth. His eyes were dull and dim, his face full of wrinkles. He could no longer stand upright, and his back was severely hunched. His skinny body was trembling, and he had to rely on a walking stick in his hand. He walked along the street, begging for food from the people around him. He tried to utter something, but his voice was hardly audible. He had certainly starved and would die on the very day without any food.
The prince was really shocked by what he saw. He was completely dazed and did not know what he was looking at as it was the first time in his life that he saw such an old man.
He asked his charioteer: “Channa, what is that? He must not be a man. If he is a man, why is his back so curved, not like that of others? Why is his body trembling? His hair, why is it grey and not like that of others? Why are his eyes so dim and his face wrinkled? Where are his teeth? Channa, tell me by what name is he known?”
“Your majesty, he is called an old man,” Channa replied.
“Old man?” the prince murmured and again asked his charioteer:
“Channa, I have never seen such a creature, what does ‘old man’ mean?
Are some people born like this?”
Channa told the prince: “One who cannot live longer is known as an old man. He was not born into the world this way. Like everybody else, he was also strong and could stand upright in his youth. His hair was black, he had bright eyes, and his teeth were complete. But then, he becomes old like now by the increase in age. He has changed into this shape, and it cannot be stopped.”
The prince continued: “Do you mean that all of us, after having lived for a long time, will change like him?”
Channa replied: “Indeed so, Your Majesty! All of us, without exception, are subject to old age, and no one can overcome the nature of ageing. Do not let it upset you, O prince, for it is merely a matter of this old man!”
Prince Siddhattha immediately ordered Channa to drive back to his palace as he had no more moods to continue his tour around the city. He was very sad. His mind was greatly disturbed by what he saw.
That night, his attendants tried to console him with good dinner, music and dance, but he was neither interested nor happy, thinking that he himself, Yasodharā, his father, his step-mother and all the persons he loved would grow old. He wanted to know if there was anyone who could stop and overcome this old age.
Having heard what had happened to his son, the king became worried and sad. He ordered his attendants to increase the number of guards in the surrounding places and to put more female attendants and dancing girls to entertain the prince at all times.
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奥田 昭則

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