11話 二番目の予兆

第1部 出家まで
第4章 重大な前ぶれ
11話 二番目の予兆・・・一人の病人
11話 二番目の予兆・・・・一人の病人
その光景は王子には衝撃だった。これで二度目である。慈悲心あふれる王子は、急いで男に近づいた。それを見たチャンナはあわてて王子の手をつかもうとしたが、止めることはできなかった。王子は男を抱え上げ、男の頭を自分の膝の上に乗せた。男の頭をやさしくなでて、慰めた。それから王子は「どこか具合が悪いのですか? どこが悪いのですか?」ときいた。男は何か言おうとしているようだが、ひとことも口に出せない。ただ、泣くばかりだった。
「おお、チャンナよ、この男はどうなっているんだ? おなかが、どうなったんだ? どうか、わたしにいってくれ! なぜ、かれはこうなっているんだ?」と王子がきいた。
「かれの体は弱っていて、ふるえている。なぜだ? それに、なぜ、息をするのがむずかしいんだ? なぜ、話せないのだ? かれの体は、どうなっているんだ?」
「かれにさわってはなりません! 病気です! その男を、そのように抱えてはいけません! かれの血は毒で、血管を通じて毒が全身に広がっております。毒血症で、体全体が燃えています。それで息をするのもむずかしくなって、最後は息が止まります。情けなく泣いているのはそのせいで、口がきけないのです」
「しかし、この男のように苦しんでいる者は、ほかにいないのか? わたしはどうなんだ? わたしも、こんなふうになるのか?」と王子がきいた。
「そのとおりでございます、王子さま。かれみたいな病気の者は、ほかにもおります。そして、あなたさまも、もしかれをそのように抱えたまま、近くで接触されましたら、かれのように病気になります。どうか王子さま、その男を寝かせて、さわらないでください! さもないと男の体の毒があなたさまに移り、かれみたいに病気になってしまわれます!」
「そのような病気を治すのを、助けられる者はいないのか? みんな、病気になるのか? 病気が襲ってきたとき、それにわたしたちは勝てるのか? あるいは、病気になるのを防げるのか?」
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Four months have passed. Prince Siddhattha’s sense of religious urgency, generated by detestation towards the nature of birth and old age could no longer be obstructed by the pleasures and luxuries provided and arranged by his father. One day, he once again requested to go out. However, this time round it should neither be announced nor prepared as his intention was to see all things, including how people ordinarily live their daily lives. King Suddhodana consented reluctantly, for he was still worried of what happened during the prince’s first tour. Now that the prince would see many ordinary people, the king started to fear that what the old sage had prophesied would indeed come true. But his love and compassion to his prince son subdued his firm heart. So, he allowed the prince to make a tour for the second time, wishing at the same time that unpleasant things not be seen by the prince.
The day arrived. Prince Siddhattha went out of the palace on foot and was accompanied by Channa. He dressed modestly like any youth of a rich family so that he would not be recognized and attract people’s attention. The ordinary situation of the city was different from what he saw during his last tour. Now, there were no flags, banners, flowers or people who were specially dressed waiting and hailing the prince along the street. But, they were busy with their own activities to earn a living. Blacksmiths were sweating and pounding iron pieces with steel hammers to make ploughs, knives, sickles, etc. In jewellery shops, goldsmiths were making necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings ornamented with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious gemstones. In other parts, some people were dyeing clothes of various colours and hanging them up to dry. Bakers were skilfully baking breads and cakes and selling to people waiting to buy them. Prince Siddhattha was very happy and satisfied to see people industriously working according to their abilities.
But while he was walking along, he suddenly heard a man crying loudly in great pain. The prince looked around searching for where the sound came from. He saw a man lying on the ground, holding his stomach and rolling to the left and right in agony. Every time he tried to rise, he fell down heavily to the ground again. His face and body were full of black spots. He could not stay quietly because of the pain, and he was always gasping for air. He asked for help, but no one cared. They even avoided him.
The sight shocked the prince for the second time. The prince, with a heart full of compassion, quickly approached the man. Seeing this, Channa hastily tried to catch the prince’s hand, but he was unable to stop him. The prince held him up and placed the man’s head on his knee; he rubbed the man’s head gently, calming and comforting him. The prince then asked: “What is wrong with you? What is wrong?” The man tried to say something, but he could not even say a single word. He could only cry.
“O Channa, what happened to this man? What happened to his stomach? Please, tell me! Why is he like this?” questioned the prince. “His body is weak and trembling. Why? And why is he difficult to breathe? Why can’t he talk? What is the matter with his body?” he bombarded Channa with questions.
Seeing what the prince was doing, Channa was horrified and shouted: “Do not touch him! He is sick! Do not hold this man that way! His blood is poisonous and it has spread through all the veins in his body. He has toxaemia, and it is burning all over his body. It makes him difficult to breathe, and he will finally stop breathing. That is why he is crying miserably, unable to speak.”
“But, are there other people suffering like this man? How about me? Will I, too, become like this?” the prince asked.
“Yes, my prince, there are others sick like him, and you may also become sick like him if you still hold him, and are in close contact with him. Please, my prince, lay him down and do not touch him! Else the poison in his body may pass on to you, and you will become sick like him!” Channa replied.
“Channa, are there any other sicknesses which are similar to or more serious than this?” the prince asked.
“O my prince, there are so many kinds of sicknesses other than this. They can attack us at any time without our knowing and they may cause as much pain as this, even more,” Channa replied.
“Are there no people who can help to cure these sicknesses? Will everyone be sick? Can we overcome the sickness when it attacks? Or, can we avoid falling sick?” the prince asked.
“My dear prince, it is possible and common that everybody in this world is subject to illnesses, including our parents, our beloved, Your Majesty and me. We may fall sick at any time and any place. We will suffer from it then. We cannot fully avoid falling sick though we can make prevention,” Channa replied.
Prince Siddhattha became very sad knowing these worldly phenomena. Then together with Channa, the prince returned to the palace as he had no more desire to continue his tour.
King Suddhodana called Channa and questioned him as before. And again, he became worried and sad knowing what had happened to his son. Then, he ordered further increase of guards to be placed in the four directions. He also arranged for more palace attendants and dancing girls.
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奥田 昭則

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