13話 四番目の予兆

第1部 出家まで
第4章 重大な前ぶれ
「チャンナよ、ご覧! あの方は、ほかの人とちがうよ。きれいに頭と髭を剃っている。サフラン色の外衣を着て、托鉢の碗を手に持っている。晴ればれとして感じのよい穏やかな顔をしている。ひっそり歩き、視線は下方へ向いて、伏し目がちだ。おおチャンナよ、あの方は誰なんだ?」
「僧? いったい『僧』って、どういう意味なんだ?」
「どうか、わたしに、もっと話してください! 僧とは、どういう意味なんでしょうか?」
「それで、どのように生きていらっしゃるのですか? どこにお住まいか? あなたはとても幸福そうに見える。生命の性質への悩みはないようだ。なぜですか?」
やすらぎと幸福は まさに幸運な母のこころ
やすらぎと幸福は まさに幸運な父のこころ
やすらぎと幸福は まさに幸運な娘のこころ
そんな娘の夫になるお方は かくの如きかれ
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Prince Siddhattha secluded himself more often, contemplating the three sights he had seen during his tours. He thought about them so many times that in the end he fully comprehended that people are born, grow to old age, are oppressed by sickness, and will eventually be dead. Thus, he obtained a wider understanding on the nature of life. He noticed that no one could escape from this chain of life. But not
being satisfied only to know this, he was very curious to know more about the other sides of life that he might not have seen yet. He did not accept that there was absolutely no way to overcome all these terrible phenomena.
In the mean time, King Suddhodana always arranged for many enjoyments for the prince to distract his mind from thinking of the three sights. It went on this way for a few months. But, the inquisitive and contemplative character of the prince was not easily swayed by those entertainments as by now he already had such an extent of
understanding of life. After four months, once again he approached his royal father asking for his permission to leave the palace for a pleasure trip to the royal garden to see another aspect of life. The king had no more reasons to reject his son’s polite request.
On that auspicious day, the prince, accompanied by Channa, went out to the royal garden passing through the City of Kapilavatthu. He noticed that the city was abuzz with more activities, with some new shops being opened. The prince was happy to learn that the economy of his kingdom was developing and that the people’s prosperity rose. Not sensing anything out of place in the city life, the prince continued his trip to the royal garden.
The royal garden looked very beautiful that day. Trees were blossoming with flowers and fruits as if adorning and beautifying the surroundings. The soft and fresh breeze was blowing while birds were chirping one after another, as if inviting everyone to come and enjoy the beauty of their melody. All this made the atmosphere of the garden so inspiring.
While the prince was sitting and enjoying the garden, he saw a man with a clean shaven head and beard coming from afar, his face bright and calm. He donned a saffron-coloured robe unlike those worn by others, and he was walking quietly with his faculties well-controlled. This wonderful scene so amazed the prince that he watched that man attentively and wondered what he was known as.
Being curious, he asked his charioteer: “Channa, look! That man is not like others. He has a clean shaven head and beard. He wears saffron-coloured robes and carries an alms-bowl in his hands. His face is bright, pleasant-looking and calm. He walks quietly, and his eyes are cast downwards. O Channa, who is he?”
“Your Majesty, he is a monk,” Channa replied.
The prince was astonished and continued asking: “A monk! What is
meant by a ‘monk’?”
“A monk is a man who has left the family life. He puts on saffron-coloured robes as a symbol of sacrifice. He bears in his mind always to do meritorious deeds because he knows it is blameless,” Channa answered.
Prince Siddhattha felt an urge to learn more what a monk really is. To him, a monk looked admirable and noble, unlike others. The prince was not satisfied with the short explanation given by Channa. He then stood up and approached the monk. The prince asked him: “O man, your appearance is different from those of others; your head is unlike the heads of others; your clothes are also unlike the clothes of others.
Who are you?”
“Your Majesty, I am a monk,” the monk replied.
The prince was quite surprised that the monk knew who he is though he as dressed in disguise, but he continued asking anyway: “Please tell me more! What do you mean by ‘a monk’?”
The monk explained: “I am one who has gone forth from household life. Having shaved off my hair and beard, I put on saffron-coloured robes. I have given up all worldly pleasures in order to seek the medicine for overcoming birth, old age, sickness and death, all of which cause unhappiness. I seek the way of deliverance from worldly suffering, and I work for the promotion of welfare for all sentient beings.”
Inquisitively, the prince asked him further: “And, how do you live? Where do you stay? You look so happy without worrying the nature of life. Why?”
“I may stay in the forest or in a monastery, and I go on alms-round for receiving alms-food offered by devout families everyday. With this alms-food, I can sustain my life. Satisfied with limited properties and needs, simply I live; I am happy and have no worry of the nature of life because I have realised the way. I dedicate my life by going from place to place to teach people how to live a happy life by abstaining from ill-treating living beings, performing good deeds and purifying the mind,” the monk described.
The Birth of the Prince’s Son—Rāhula
The prince was very happy to see the admirable and noble monk. He knew that there was a true way for overcoming the misery of life as what the monk had described. Instead of going back to the palace, he continued spending that day in the garden quietly. His mind was occupied with thoughts of a clean and pure way of life by becoming a monk.
While the prince was sitting under a cool shady tree and reflecting the idea of becoming a monk, a royal messenger sent by King Suddhodana came to him and said: “Your Majesty, I come with good news for you; may you know that your wife has given birth to a lovely baby boy.”
Instead of showing delight, the prince was unhappy to hear the news and he remarked: “An obstacle (rāhu) has been born to me; a great bondage has arisen to me (Rāhulajāto, bandhanaṁ jātaṁ)!” It was an obstacle because he loved his family and his son, the newborn. He thought that attachment to his family and son would hinder his intention to be a monk as what he had decided. Knowing what the prince had uttered when he received the message, King Suddhodana then named the baby “Rāhula”.
Kisā Gotamī’s Verse of Joy and the Pearl Necklace
On the way back to the palace, Prince Siddhattha passed by a mansion of a Sākyan Princess named Kisā Gotamī, who possessed charm and beauty. At that time, she was on the terrace of her mansion and she saw the prince passing by. She was impressed by the appearance of the prince, who was young, good looking and calm; she felt very delighted and her heart was inundated with joy. Spontaneously, she expressed her happiness:
“Nibbutā nūna sā mātā
Nibbutā nūna so pitā
Nibbutā nūna sā nārī
Yassā’yaṁ īdiso patī”
“Peaceful and happy indeed is the mind of a fortunate mother.
Peaceful and happy indeed is the mind of a fortunate father.
Peaceful and happy indeed is the mind of a fortunate woman
Who has become the wife of such a husband as he.”
Hearing the verse of joy, the prince reflected that the sight of such personality would give peace and happiness to the mother, the father and the wife. The prince recognised that it was only temporary happiness. Only if the fire of passion, the fire of hatred, the fire of delusion and defilements such as conceit, wrong views, etc. were extinguished, would then one experience the true happiness and the
true peace of mind.
Princess Kisā Gotamī has mentioned pleasant words about the element of peace which would become true by the extinction of all sufferings, as if reminding the prince to go in search the element of extinction, “nibbuti”. The prince then took off an exquisite pearl necklace worth one hundred thousand from his neck and presented it to her as a token of appreciation. Thus the prince became more firm with his
determination to become a monk to search for eternal peace and happiness, “Nibbāna”. However, Kisā Gotamī had the wrong impression; she was overjoyed with the thought that Prince Siddhattha had sent her the lovely present because his mind was inclined to her.
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奥田 昭則

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