20話 成道・・・完全なさとり

第2部 成道へ
第2章 さとり
20話 成道・・・・・完全なさとり
菩薩(ボーディサッタ)は、それからネーランジャー川の岸辺のサーラ(沙羅)林へ行った。そこでしばらく休息し、この日の残りは、出息・入息(アーナパーナ)の修習(バーワナー)にみずからを集中させながら、サーラ林の涼しい木陰で過ごした。黄昏どきになって大気が冷たくなり、そよ風が吹いていた。かれはガヤーの森の菩提樹(原注:パーリ語ではassattha(アッサッタ)、ラテン語ではFicus(フィクス) religiosa(レリギオサ))の根もとに向かった。さまざまな精霊たちが付き添ってきた。
その後すぐに、菩薩は、東に向いて、菩提樹の下の玉座に、足を組んで坐った。そして、次のように固い決意をした。「たとえ骨と皮と筋だけになるにしても! たとえ全身の肉と血が干あがって萎縮してしまうにしても! さとりに達するまで、わたしは決してこの座から立たないであろう!」
菩薩がこのような固い決意と強い意思で、明智をもとめて菩提樹の下で懸命に坐ったとき、一万の大世界から帝釈天、パンチャシカ(五髻)天(デーヴァ)、スヤマ天(デーヴァ)、 兜率天(デーヴァ サントゥシタ)、サハンパティ梵天、マハーカーラ龍王(ナーガ)ら神々(デーヴァー)と梵天(ブラフマー)が八万の龍女の踊り子とともに、菩薩に敬意を表するためにやってきた。菩薩がさとりに達するのを目撃するために大いに喜び勇んでやってきたのだ。かれらは菩提樹のまわりで、この、およそめったにない機会を待ちかまえているのである。
さて、悪魔は、欲界天の最上位の他化自在天の棲みかから魔の戦闘軍を招集し、指揮していた。「おお、わが無双の兵士たちよ、おまえたちはさまざまな戦闘隊形に変化せよ! 殺傷兵器を各自持って、シッダッタ王子を巨大奔流がほとばしるように圧倒的に急襲せよ!」かれみずから千本の腕にそれぞれ殺傷兵器を持つ恐ろしい魔王に変身した。
一方、悪魔とかれの軍勢は徐々に近づいてきた。しかし、かれらは菩薩を攻撃するために菩提樹の周辺(菩提壇(ボーディ マンダラ))に入ってくることはできなかった。かれらは勢いよく出てきて菩薩のまわり全部を取り囲んだ。悪魔は鬨の声を上げるだけしかできなかった。「捕まえろ! 攻撃しろ!」しかしかれ自身は、菩提壇へ躙り寄ることもできなかった。かれの手勢に「われらは前面から攻撃ができない。後方から攻撃しよう!」と命じたのである。
「おまえたちはなぜ、突っ立って見ているだけなんだ? このシッダッタ王子を攻撃しろ! 切り刻め! 押しつぶせ! さとりに達する、どんな好機も与えるな!」
「おお、シッダッタ王子よ、無敵の玉座から降りろ! 今すぐおまえを殺してやる!」
「おお、悪魔よ、わたしが与えなかった布施(ダーナ)はない。戒(シーラ)でわたしが守らなかったものはない。苦行(ドゥッカラ)でわたしが多くの輪廻転生をとおして多くの過去世で実践しなかったものはない。わたしは三十波羅蜜を永劫の中で成しとげ、三十七菩提分法(ボーディ パッキヤ ダンマー)も成就した。もしおまえにわたしの腕力をつかってみせても、何の功徳も生まれないとわかっている。その代わりに、おまえにはわたしの智力で対応したのである。おまえはわたしを無敵の玉座から、微動だにさせることができないのだ!」
菩薩がそうしているとき、不屈のエネルギー(精進(ヴィリヤ))がかれの中に喚起され、かれの気づき(念(サティ))は不動かつ明晰になった。かれの身体は穏やかで混乱がなかった。かれの心は集中して統一(一境性(エーカッガター))していた。かれの心は、まったく障碍(蓋(ニーヴァラナー) 訳注:心に蓋をして人の能力を奪い、善を成就させない要素で煩悩 の異称。五種類あり、五蓋=貪欲、瞋恚、惛沈・睡眠、掉挙・後悔、疑、と呼ばれる)から自由で、感覚の快楽(事欲(ヴァットゥカーマ))と感覚の欲望(煩悩欲(キレーサカーマ))から離れていた。
菩薩が阿羅漢道(アラハッタ マッガ)をさとったとき、すべての束縛(結(サンヨージャナ))は根こそぎなくなった。そしてかれの心には漏尽智(アーサワッカヤ ニャーナ)が現れ、四つの汚れ(漏(アーサワ))が完全に破壊された。四つとは、官能の欲望の汚れ(欲漏(カーマーサワ))、存在への執着の汚れ(有漏(バヴァーサワ))、邪見の汚れ(見漏(ディッティアーサワ))、無知の汚れ(無明漏(アヴィッジャーサワ))である。そして無間のうちに(まったく時を置かずに)、かれは阿羅漢果(アラハッタ パラ)をさとった。それはかれに完全に清浄な心の状態をさずけた。このように菩薩は全知(一切知智(サッバンニュタ ニャーナ))を獲得することによって完璧な自覚明智者(正自覚者(サンマーサンブッダ))に到達し、「ブッダ」(覚者、目覚めた人)の称号にふさわしい方となられた。
かれの明智のさとりは、至高の智慧である〈四聖諦(チャッターリ アリヤ サッチャーニ)〉、四重の分析智である〈無碍解智(パティサンビダー ニャーナ)〉、六重の独自の智慧である〈不共智(アサーダーラナ ニャーナ)〉で、これらが十四重のブッダの智慧を構成している。さらにまた、四重の勇敢な智慧〈四無所畏智(ヴェーサーラッジャ ニャーナ)〉、十の智力〈十力智(ダサバラ ニャーナ)〉、十八の特別な資質〈十八不共法(アーヴェーニカ ダンマ)〉もある。
“Aneka jāti saṃsāraṃ Sandhāvissaṃ anibbisaṃ;
Gahakārakaṃ gavesanto, Dukkhā jāti punappunaṃ.”
“Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi, Puna gehaṃ na kāhasi;
Sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā, Gahakūṭaṃ visaṅkhataṃ;
Visaṅkhāragataṃ cittaṃ, Taṇhānaṃ khayamajjhagā ti.”
これらの偈に、ブッダは明智に達する前のことを述べている。数え切れない年数を、一つの生存から別の生存へとさまよってきた。不放逸に、この家の作者である肉体(五蘊)を探し求めていた。しかし見つけられなかった。再生はほんとうに悲しいことだ、とわかった。なぜなら生まれ変わった肉体は、老、病、死に悩まされることが避けられない。しかし最後の生となる菩薩で行者になった。冥想を実践しているあいだ、かれの直感智によって家の作者を、実体のない建築家を、おぼろげながら見つけたのだ。官能の欲望への渇愛(欲愛(カーマタンハー))、存在への渇愛(有愛(バヴァ タンハー))、非存在への渇愛(非有愛(ヴィバヴァ タンハー))である。それらが心のエネルギーの流れのうちに潜在的な汚れとして流れているのだ。それがこの渇愛(タンハー)で、粗大かつ繊細に、輪廻(サンサーラ)の転生をくりかえすことにみちびき、あらゆるかたちの生命に固執させるのだ。
ブッダになって、一切知智(サッバンニュタ ニャーナ)をさずかり、かれは明確に渇愛を識別したので、もはや心に忍びこむことはなかった。家の垂木とは十種類の心の汚れ(煩悩(キレーサ))だ。貪(ローバ)、瞋(ドーサ)、痴(モーハ)、慢(マーナ)、見(ディッティ)、疑(ヴィチキッチャー)、惛沈(ティーナ)、掉挙(ウッダッチャ)、無慙(アヒリカ)、無愧(アノーッタッパ)が十煩悩である。家の棟木とは無明(アヴィッジャー)で、あらゆる感情の根源であり、垂木を支えている。道智(マッガ ニャーナ)のまさかりが、すべての煩悩の垂木と無明の棟木を粉砕した。かくして家の解体で、阿羅漢に達することによって、家を再建する材料がもはや力をもっていないのだ。そしてこの状態に到達したとき、ブッダの心は清らかになり、無為の状態、涅槃に到達したのである。
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Episode 20
The Bodhisatta then went to the sāla grove on the bank of the Nerañjarā River where he took a rest for a while and spent the rest of the day under the cool shade of a sāla tree, concentrating himself in the ānāpāna bhāvanā. In the twilight of that evening, when the weather was cool, and the wind was breezing softly, he went to the Gayā Forest heading towards the foot of the Bodhi tree (Pāḷi: assattha; Latin: Ficus religiosa), accompanied by various divinities.
On the way, he met a grass-cutter named Sotthiya, who was coming from the opposite direction carrying grass. He was impressed by the glorious appearance of the Bodhisatta. Having known the Bodhisatta’s wish to have some grass, he offered him eight handfuls of the kusa grass. Having reached the Bodhi tree, the Bodhisatta investigated the surroundings to look for a suitable site for meditating. He found that
the eastern side of the Bodhi tree was the auspicious site of victory where all the previous Buddhas attained Enlightenment. Then, at the moment he spread out the eight handfuls of grass as his seat, they were transformed into a large jewel throne, fourteen cubits in size.
Thereupon, the Bodhisatta sat cross-legged—facing east—on the jewel throne under the Bodhi tree and made a firm resolution: “Even only my skin, sinews and bones remain! Even my whole body, flesh and blood dry up and wither away! Never will I rise from this seat unless and until I have attained Buddhahood!”
Vanquishing Māra Vasavattī
When the Bodhisatta was thus seated with a firm determination and a strong will-power, struggling for Enlightenment at the foot of the Bodhi tree, there came to pay homage to him Deva Sakka, Deva Pañcasikha, Deva Suyama, Deva Santusita, Brahmā Sahampati, the nāga king Mahākāḷa—with a company of eighty thousand female nāga dancers—and the devas and brahmās from ten thousand world-systems.
With great joy, they came to witness the Bodhisatta in attaining Buddhahood; they waited around the Bodhi tree patiently to see for themselves this very rare opportunity.
Māra, lord of the world of passion, had been following closely behind the Bodhisatta for the whole six-year period of dukkaracariya, waiting for the occasion when the Bodhisatta might harbour unwholesome thoughts, such as sensual desires, ill-will or cruelty. He thought:
“Prince Siddhattha had passed the six-year period without any fault. Now, he has arrived at the Bodhi tree for attaining Buddhahood; he is surely trying to escape from my surveillance. There is nowhere for him to run away now. I will not let him slip away!”
Now Māra, having assembled his fighting forces from his abode of the Paranimmitavasavattī-Deva world, commanded them: “O my mighty soldiers, transform yourselves into various frightening forms! Hold your deadly weapons each, and quickly attack Prince Siddhattha like a huge torrent of water gushing down overwhelmingly!” He transformed himself into a terror-striking fiend with one thousand arms each brandishing a deadly weapon.
Riding the savage tusker, Girimekhala, one hundred and fifty yojanas in height, he led his armies, which extended twelve yojanas to the front, right, and left of him, to the end of the Cakkavāḷa behind him, and nine yojanas into the sky above him. The frightening sounds of intimidations, shoutings and exclamations of the great armies of Māra could be heard from a distance of one thousand yojanas. They advanced on the Bodhisatta in order to overpower, destroy and shake him, but his mind remained absorbed in deep meditation.
At the sight of Māra and his troops, all the divinities gathering at the Bodhi tree to honour the Bodhisatta disappeared in a flash. Deva Sakka ran away with the Vijayuttara conch hanging on his back. So did Deva Pañcasikha, Deva Suyama, and Deva Santusita. The Mahā Brahmā threw away his white umbrella at the edge of the world-systems and went back to the brahmā abode. Nāga Mahākāḷa, abandoning all nāga dancers, dived into the earth and headed back to Mañjerika, the nāga mansion. There was not a single deva or brahmā who dared to remain standing in the neighbourhood of the Bodhisatta and the Bodhi tree; they fled helter-skelter in all directions.
Ominous Signs of the Arrival of Māra
Before Māra and his troops directly encountered the Bodhisatta, there had appeared these ten ominous signs to portend his arrival: (1) thousands of meteors fell violently and frightfully, (2) total darkness reigned with the rising of haze, (3) the oceans and the earth quaked violently, (4) mists arose in the oceans, (5) many rivers flowed upstream, (6) mountain tops fell to the ground, (7) trees toppled over, (8) storms and winds blew violently, (9) the violent storms and winds made fearful sounds, (10) the sun vanished in the darkness, and headless bodies roamed about in the sky. Nevertheless, the Bodhisatta remained seated calmly without the least fear, like the lion king Kesaraja sitting calmly amidst other beasts.
Meanwhile, Māra and his troops came closer and closer. But, they were unable to enter into the vicinity of the Bodhi tree (Bodhi Maṇḍala) to attack the Bodhisatta. They sallied forth and surrounded him on all sides. Māra could only sound his war-cries: “Seize him! Attack him!” But he himself could not slither into the Bodhi Maṇḍala. He commanded his gangs: “We can’t make a frontal attack on him; we shall attack him from the rear!”
At that time, the Bodhisatta found only emptiness surrounding him, since all the devas and brahmās had fled away. He also saw that the great numbers of Māra’s troops were ready to attack him from all sides. Then, he thought thus: “With such great efforts, Māra and his troops are assailing me; there is neither my mother, father, brother, nor any other relatives of mine here at this place. Only the Ten
Perfections (Pāramī), which I have so long developed and practised, will serve me as my companions and sole protection; no other things can I rely on to repulse these hordes of Māra, but my Pāramī weapons.” Then, while sitting all alone like a great brahmā residing inside a secluded mansion, he remained reflecting on the meritorious deeds of his ten Pāramīs.
Facing Māra’s Deadly Attack
Being neglected by the Bodhisatta as if nothing happened, Māra became more and more furious. He planned to launch his various deadly weapons one after another to kill the Bodhisatta. He thought: “By discharging these nine deadly weapons consecutively, I will shatter his bones into pieces.”
First, he created violent cyclones capable of breaking up and blasting away mountain tops, uprooting trees and jungle bushes, and pulverising villages and towns in the surrounding areas. However, when these cyclones approached the Bodhisatta, they became powerless and incapable of even ruffling the edge of his robe.
Māra was very upset on seeing the Bodhisatta remaining seated and unshaken like a firm erected gatepost. He then let loose his second weapon. He quickly created huge clouds which immediately changed into heavy torrential rain falls capable of scraping down the earth into a big hollow. Having swept away the fringe of forests, valleys and trees, the torrents of water reached near the Bodhisatta. But then,
they were incapable of wetting even a single thread of his robe.
Failing to kill the Bodhisatta, with great anger, Māra continued his attacks by creating rains of hot stones. Thousands of huge stones were rolling down from the sky sending off fumes of dust. However, when they approached the Bodhisatta, they were transformed into big celestial garlands and balls of flowers.
Once again, his efforts failed. Now, Māra attacked again by creating rains of hot weapons—such as spears, swords, sabres, machetes, knives, arrows—shooting down by emitting fumes and flames. These hot weapons could mince anything into smithereens. But when they entered the Bodhi Maṇḍala, they were transformed and fell down in the form of manifold celestial flowers.
Māra was struck with wonder as he found the Bodhisatta still seated like a huge rock without a single scratch. Thereafter, he created rains of live coals falling down ablaze. But when they came near the Bodhisatta, they were transformed into a rain of manifold celestial flowers falling down at the feet of the Bodhisatta, as if paying
homage to him.
Māra continued to assail the Bodhisatta. He caused a mass of very hot ashes—like fire—to pour down from the sky. But, they turned into celestial sandalwood powder as they reached the feet of the Bodhisatta.
Again he created a rain of hot sand pouring down from the sky. But again, they fell at the feet of the Bodhisatta as very soft fine powder of celestial flowers.
Thereafter, he caused a shower of hot mud with fumes and flames to fall from the sky like rain. But, they fell at the feet of the Bodhisatta as celestial perfumed paste.
Now, Māra discharged his ninth deadly weapon of great darkness with
the intention to discourage Prince Siddhattha. Just as a man would feel horrified being alone in the middle of a deep forest at a new-moon night with a thick cloudy sky, such a horror might arise in him because of its darkness. Even so, the great darkness from Māra’s deadly weapon could create such a frightening phenomena which no one could bear. But on reaching the presence of the Bodhisatta, the
darkness disappeared as if dispelled by sunlight.
Lethal Weapon of Māra
Nine deadly weapons had been launched by Māra to kill the Bodhisatta, but they proved ineffective. So much irritated was Māra on seeing the Bodhisatta—like a huge diamond mountain—remaining seated on the Invincible Throne (Aparājita Pallaṅka) under the Bodhi tree without noticing any of the atrocities by the Evil One.
Again with great fury, Māra attacked the Bodhisatta by letting meteors fall from the sky—the meteors could make the whole ten thousand world-systems completely covered with fumes and smokes. Although there were no clouds, the sky rumbled with thunder; thousands of lightning struck frighteningly. But, this also could not cause any harm to the Bodhisatta.
Now, Māra wanted to hurl his final weapon, cakkāvudha, to the Bodhisatta. This lethal weapon was so mighty that if it were thrown on the ground, no grass could grow for twelve years; if it were discharged into the sky, there would be drought, and not a single rain drop would fall for a total period of twelve years; if it were directed at the top of Mount Meru, the mountain would break up into two and fall asunder. Believing that he could smash Prince Siddhattha’s head into pieces, he immediately launched his cakkāvudha. It came down through the sky creating horrible sounds of roaring thunder. But on getting near the Bodhisatta, it remained as a canopy poised over the Bodhisatta.
Finding that his lethal weapon could not even make a single scratch on the Bodhisatta’s skin, all his pride was hurt. Māra was greatly agitated with rage. But not knowing what else to do, he yelled out to his hordes: “Why are you just standing and looking there? Attack this Prince Siddhattha! Seize him! Kill him! Cut him up! Crush him! Do not let him have any chance to attain Buddhahood!” Soon, the hordes of
Māra manifested themselves in various terrible forms trying to attack the Bodhisatta in many frightening ways. While sitting on the back of Girimekhala, he also challenged the Bodhisatta: “O Prince Siddhattha, get down from the Invincible Throne! I will kill you right now!”
Just as a compassionate father would always be kind towards his naughty children—he would show no anger; he would not hit or kick them; he would not scold them; but, he would embrace them and hold them with fatherly love and affection in his bosom to let them sleep—even so, the Bodhisatta showed forbearance towards all the attacks by the wicked Māra and his hordes; he looked at Māra without
fear, but with loving-kindness and compassion.
Then, the Bodhisatta said: “O Māra, if I so wish, I could seize and pulverise you and your soldiers by just snapping my fingers. But, I do not take the slightest delight in taking other’s life; it is a wrongdoing.”
“O Māra, there was no charity (dāna) which I have not given; no morality ((sīla) which I have not observed; no austerity (dukkara) which I have not practised throughout my many rounds of existence in many worlds. I have performed the thirty Pāramīs through aeons of existence and I have also fulfilled the thirty-seven Requisites of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiyadhammā). I find no benefit will accrue to
me if I advance against you using my physical strength, but I have advanced facing you with my power of wisdom. You cannot make me stir from this Invincible Throne!”
As soon as Māra asked him to prove the evidences of the perfection of his Pāramī, the Bodhisatta invoked the matchless power of the immeasurable store of spiritual merits born of his Pāramīs and proclaimed: “Having no volition is this great earth; it is just and fair to you as well as to me; it is impartial to you as well as to me; let this great earth be my witness!” So saying, the Bodhisatta brought out his glorious right hand from inside his robe to touch the ground.
When his fingers touched the ground, at that very moment, the earth revolved swiftly—like a potter’s wheel—with a great noise like a streak of thunderbolt flashing in sky. The whole of the ten thousand world-systems rolled violently creating terrible and fierce sounds, crackling and exploding like a bamboo grove on fire. The entire
cloudless sky was rumbling horribly, and thunderbolts crashed intermittently. Māra and his troops were trapped between the earth and the sky with a continuous din and clamour, greatly frightened, without refuge and help. Māra threw away his battle-banner, discarded his one thousand weapons, and ran away leaving his elephant behind. Girimekhala knelt down in front of the Bodhisatta before taking leave.
Seeing his master had fled away, Māra’s great armies were scattered to all directions and were in disorder like ashes blown away by a storm; they fled helter-skelter.
The devas and brahmās, who had fled out of fear on the arrival of Māra and his hordes, and who had been watching the battle from afar, were curious to know who won the battle. When they found that the Bodhisatta had vanquished Māra and emerged as the victor, they shouted in chorus: “Sādhu, sādhu, sādhu!” Now that the atmosphere in the Gayā Forest became serene once more, the devas and brahmās soon returned and congregated again at the Bodhi Maṇḍala, where the Bodhisatta was residing. The good news of the victory over Māra spread rapidly as far as ten thousand world-systems. The devas and brahmās were overjoyed hearing the news; then they came prostrating before the Bodhisatta, paying homage with flowers, perfumes and scented paste, singing auspicious words of praise and eulogies in many and various ways.
Attainment of the Triple True Knowledge
The victory over the wicked Māra was marked by the juxtaposition of the full-moon—rising in the eastern horizon—and the sun, with its red orb sinking in the western horizon. The Bodhisatta then came to know that it was the right time to continue his struggle for attaining Supreme Enlightenment. At that full-moon night of Vesākha, in the year 588 B.C., the Bodhisatta looked very graceful sitting cross-legged on the Invincible Throne at the foot of the Bodhi tree, developing various stages of meditation. Though all the devas and brahmās from the ten thousands world-systems assembled crowding this universe and paid homage to him, the Bodhisatta remained oblivious of them, concentrating his attention on the practice of the Dhamma only.
When he was doing so, tireless energy (viriya) was aroused in him and his mindfulness (sati) became steadfast and clear; his body was tranquil and untroubled; his mind was concentrated and unified (ekaggatā). His mind was entirely free from hindrances (nīvaraṇas), detached from sensual pleasures (vatthukāma) and sensual desires (kilesakāma). He entered upon and abided in the first jhāna, which is accompanied by applied thought (vitakka), sustained thought (vicāra), rapture (pīti) and pleasure (sukha) born of seclusion.
And again, the Bodhisatta, with the stilling of applied and sustained thought, entered upon and abided in the second jhāna, which has self-confidence and singleness of mind without applied thought (avitakka) and without sustained thought (avicāra), but with rapture and pleasure born of concentration.
When he proceeded, rapture was fading away, and he became imbued with a mental state of equanimity (tatramajjhattatā). He was mindful and fully aware, dwelling only on pleasure. Thus, he entered upon and abided in the third jhāna; his mindfulness became very clear, and his insight wisdom was greatly sharpened.
With the abandoning of both physical and mental pleasure and pain, and with the previous disappearance of joy and grief, he entered upon and abided in the fourth jhāna, which has neither-pain-nor-pleasure (upekkhā) and purity of mindfulness due to the mental state of equanimity.
When his concentrated mind was thus purified, bright, unblemished, rid of imperfection, malleable, wieldy, steady, and attained to imperturbability, he directed his mind to the knowledge of the recollection of past lives (pubbenivāsānussati ñāṇa). He recollected his manifold former rounds of existence, that is, one life, two lives, three lives, four lives, five lives, ten lives, twenty lives, thirty lives, forty lives, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a hundred thousand lives; then the dissolution of many world systems, the evolution of many world systems, and both the dissolution and evolution of many world systems.
He understood thus: “I was so named in that place, of such a clan, with such an appearance; such was my nutriment; such was my experience of pleasure and pain; such was my life-term. Passing away from that place, I came into existence elsewhere, and there, too, I was so named, of such a clan, with such an appearance; such was my nutriment; such was my experience of pleasure and pain; such was my life-term.
Thence, passing away from there, I came into existence here.”
Thus, he recollected the details and particulars of his manifold former rounds of existence. This, indeed, was the First True Knowledge attained by the Bodhisatta in the first watch of the night. Ignorance was banished, and true knowledge arose; darkness was banished, and light arose—as happens in one who abides with diligence, ardour, and resoluteness.
Again, when his concentrated mind was thus purified, bright, unblemished, rid of imperfection, malleable, wieldy, steady, and attained to imperturbability, he directed his mind to the knowledge of the passing away and reappearance of beings (dibbacakkhu ñāṇa). With the clairvoyant vision, purified and surpassing the human vision, he saw beings passing away and reappearing, inferior and superior, fair and ugly, fortunate and unfortunate.
He understood how beings passed on according to their actions thus: “These beings, who were ill-conducted in body, speech, and mind, who reviled the noble ones, who were wrong in their views—giving effect to wrong actions—on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappeared in a state of deprivation, in a bad destination, in perdition, even in hell; but these worthy beings, who were well-conducted in body, speech, and mind, who did not revile the noble ones, who were right in their views—giving effect to right actions—on the dissolution of the
body, after death, reappeared in a good destination, even in the heavenly worlds.”
Thus with the clairvoyant supernormal vision, he saw beings passing away and reappearing, inferior and superior, fair and ugly, fortunate and unfortunate, and he understood how beings passed on according to their actions. This, indeed, was the Second True Knowledge attained by him in the second watch of the night. Ignorance was banished, and true knowledge arose; darkness was banished, and light arose—as happens in one who abides with diligence, ardour, and resoluteness.
And again, when his concentrated mind was thus purified, bright, unblemished, rid of imperfection, malleable, wieldy, steady, and attained to imperturbability, he directed it to the knowledge of the destruction of taints (āsavakkhaya ñāṇa). He directly knew things as they are. He knew that “this is suffering,” that “this is the origin of suffering,” that ‘this is the cessation of suffering,” that “this is the way leading to the cessation of suffering.” Likewise, in accordance, he also knew that “these are taints,” that “this is the origin of taints,” that “this is the cessation of taints,” that “this is the way leading to the cessation of taints.”
Thus, he cognised and perceived that his mind was liberated from the taints of sensual desire, from the taints of hatred, and from the taints of ignorance. And when he was liberated, there came the knowledge: “I am liberated.” He directly realised: “Birth is destroyed; the holy life has been lived; what has to be done has been done; there is no more coming to any state of being.”
This, indeed, was the Third True Knowledge that he attained in the last watch of the night. Ignorance was banished, and true knowledge arose; darkness was banished, and light arose—as happens in one who abides with diligence, ardour, and resoluteness.
Attainment of Buddhahood
When the Bodhisatta realised Arahatta-Magga, all the fetters(saṁyojanas) were completely uprooted, and there appeared in his mind āsavakkhaya ñāṇa, the complete destruction of the four taints (āsavas), namely: the taint of sensual desire (kāmāsava), the taint of attachment to existence (bhavāsava), the taint of wrong views (diṭṭhāsava), and the taints of ignorance (avijjāsava). And without any lapse in time, he realised Arahatta-Phala, which made him endowed with a complete pure state of mind. Thus, the Bodhisatta attained the state of a Perfectly Self-Enlightened One (Sammāsambuddha) by gaining omniscience (sabbaññuta ñāṇa) and was worthy of the title “Buddha”—an Enlightened or Awakened One.
Accompanying His Enlightenment were the supreme knowledge of the Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariya Saccāni), the Fourfold Analytical Knowledge (Paṭisambhidā Ñāṇa), and the Sixfold Unique Wisdom (Asādhāraṇa Ñāṇa), making up the Fourteenfold Wisdom of a Buddha; there were also the Fourfold Valorous Wisdom (Vesārajja Ñāṇa), the Ten Powers (Dasabala Ñāṇa), and the Eighteen Special Qualities (Āvenika Dhamma).
Sitting cross-legged on the Invincible Throne at the foot of the Bodhi tree, the Buddha looked very graceful—the golden colour of his body made the high ground of the Bodhi tree and all the animate and inanimate objects in the surrounding area appear immersed in a stream of liquid gold. Thus, towards early in the morning of the full-moon day of Vesākha, 588 B.C., at the age of thirty-five, the Bodhisatta attained omniscience (Sabbaññuta Ñāṇa) and became a Buddha of the three worlds. At that moment, a bright radiant light was emitting from His body; it made ten thousands world-systems vibrate and resound.
At that time, the whole of the ten thousand world-systems reached the height of beauty. All kinds of flowering trees blossomed simultaneously, irrespective of the season. All kinds of fruit-bearing trees also bore fruits simultaneously in rich abundance, irrespective of the season. Flowers also blossomed strangely on the trunks, branches and creepers. And bunches of flowers were dangling from invisible plants in the sky. At that very moment, the ten thousand world-systems (jātikkhetta) quaked gently.
The Joyous Utterances (Udāna)
At dawn, on the very day of His Enlightenment, His mind was occupied with exulting joy (pīti); He was reflecting that he was able to discover the lasting peace and happiness of Emancipation (Nibbāna), which he had been searching for a very long time. He was able to realise the reality concerning life, and His success was achieved on His own, without the assistance of any external power, force or the
so-called Almighty God. The medicine for overcoming birth, old age, sickness, and death had been discovered. Thus, He could now help all sentient beings to get free from the enormous suffering of the cycle of birth and rebirth (saṁsāra).
Then, the Buddha expressed His happiness by uttering two verses of a paean of joy (udāna) which vividly described His transcendental moral victory and His inner spiritual experience:
“Anekajātisaṁsāraṁ— Sandhāvissaṁ anibbisaṁ
Gahakāraṁ gavesanto — Dukkhā jāti punappunnaṁ”
“Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi— Puna gehaṁ na kāhasi
Sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā— Gahakūṭaṁ visaṅkhataṁ
Visaṅkhāragataṁ cittaṁ— Taṇhānaṁ khayamajjhagā”
“Through the rounds of countless births have I wandered
Seeking, but not finding the builder of this house.
Sorrowful, indeed, is born ever and again!”
“O house builder! You are now seen!
You shall build no house again!
All your rafters are broken!
Your ridge-pole is shattered!
My mind has now attained the Unconditioned!
Achieved is the end of craving!”
In those verses, the Buddha stated that before attaining Enlightenment, He had wandered for incalculable ages from one existence to another. He was diligently searching for the builder of this house—the body (khandhā)—but he could not discover it. He found that rebirth was indeed sorrowful, for the reborn body would
inevitably be plagued with ageing, sickness, and death. But in His final birth as a Bodhisatta, He became an ascetic; while He exerted Himself in meditation, by his intuitive wisdom He discovered the vague builder of the house, the illusive architect—craving for sensual pleasures (kāma taṇhā), craving for existence (bhava taṇhā), and
craving for non-existence (vibhava taṇhā)—flowing within the mental continuum of living beings as latent defilements. It is this craving (taṇhā), gross and subtle, which led to repeated births in saṁsāra, and which made one cling to all forms of life.
Having become a Buddha and being endowed with Sabbaññuta Ñāṇa, He had clearly discerned the craving that it would no longer creep into the mind. The rafters of the house are the ten kinds of defilements (kilesa)—greed (lobha), aversion (dosa), delusion (moha), conceit (māna), wrong views (diṭṭhi), sceptical doubt (vicikicchā), sloth (thīna), restlessness (uddhacca), moral shamelessness (ahirika), and fearlessness of wrongdoing (anottappa). The ridge-pole is ignorance (avijjā)—the root cause of all passions—that supports the rafters. The axe of Magga Ñāṇa has crushed all the rafters of defilements and the ridge-pole of ignorance. Thus, with the demolition of the house builder, by attaining Arahantship, the materials to rebuild the house had no more power. And when this stage was reached, His mind became
pure and attained the unconditioned state, Nibbāna.
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