22話 タプッサとバッリカ ・・・・ 最初の在家の仏弟子

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第1章 初転法輪
22話 タプッサとバッリカ ・・・・ 最初の在家の仏弟子
「息子たちよ、ここにさとられたばかりの世尊がいらっしゃる。四十九日間、何も食べずに解脱の至福にひたられ、いまだラージャーヤタナ樹の下で坐っていらっしゃる。行って、食べ物のお布施をして礼拝しなさい! この功徳ある行いは、おまえたちに長いあいだ、繁栄と幸福をもたらすであろう」
それで世尊は頭を右手でこすり、巻き髪の房八つをかれらに与えたのである。かれらはその形見の毛髪(髪舎利(ケーサ ダートゥ))をうやうやしく両手で受け取り、黄金の小箱に納めた。それから大喜びでその場を離れた。商売の取引を終えてすぐさま、ふるさとのウッカラ地方のポッカラヴァティー市に帰り、その形見の毛髪を納めるチェーティア(廟)を建立した。布薩日(ウポーサタ)(安息日)の日々にはチェーティアは青い光線を放つ、といわれている。
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Episode 22
There lived two brothers in the City of Pokkharavatī, in the district of Ukkala (Orissa). They were sons of a travelling merchant who carried out his trade using a big caravan for carrying goods from place to place. The elder brother was Tapussa and his younger brother Bhallika. They became householders and continued the business which had been done by their father. Now, they were going along with five
hundred bullock carts from their home on a trading journey to Majjhimadesa.
It was the first day of the eighth week after the Buddha’s Enlightenment. Early in the morning, the Blessed One was still sitting at the foot of the rājāyatana tree when the two merchant brothers were passing by the main road not far from the tree. At that time, their carts suddenly stopped as if they were stuck in the mud although the ground was even and free from water.
The incident was caused by a deva who had been their mother in their previous existence. The deva realised that the Blessed One had to eat for His survival after fasting for forty-nine days. And knowing that the two sons were not far from the rājāyatana tree, the deva thought that it was a good and right time for them to offer alms-food to the Blessed One. So, the deva stopped the bullocks by using his power.
They were confused by the incident. While they were investigating the cause, the deva revealed himself on a branch of a tree and told them: “Dear sons, here is the Blessed One, newly Enlightened. He had been absorbed in the bliss of Emancipation without any food for forty-nine days, and He is still sitting at the foot of the rājāyatana tree. Go and honour Him with offerings of alms-food! This meritorious deed will bring you much welfare and happiness for a long time.”
On hearing this news, their hearts were swamped with delight. Immediately, they went to the Blessed One taking with them rice cakes and honey which they brought during their journey. Having respectfully paid homage to Him and sitting on a suitable place, they said: “Lord, may the Blessed One accept these rice cakes and honey, so that we may get welfare and happiness for a long time.”
Thereupon, the Blessed One thought: “All the previous Buddhas had never received alms-food with their hands. With what should I accept these rice cakes and honey?” Knowing the thought of the Blessed One, the four deva kings of the four quarters—Dhataraṭṭha in the East, Virūḷhaka in the South, Virūpakkha in the West, and Kuvera in the North—came from their abodes bringing with them each a granite bowl of green colour and said: “Lord, may the Blessed One accept the rice cakes and honey in these.” The Blessed One accepted the timely gift of those four bowls. Having placed one bowl upon another, He made a resolution: “Let there be only one bowl.” No sooner had the Blessed One resolved thus, the granite bowls became only one bowl with four rims.
Then, the Blessed One received the rice cakes and honey with that new alms-bowl. And having eaten them, the Blessed One delivered words of appreciation to the merchant brothers, who were deeply impressed. Subsequently, they uttered: “Lord, we take refuge in the Blessed One and in the Dhamma. May the Blessed One count us as lay disciples who have taken refuge from today till the end of our lives.” Thus, Tapussa and Bhallika became the first two lay disciples of the Blessed One by
taking the Twofold Refuge (Dvevācikasaraṇagamaṇa)—in the Blessed One and in the Dhamma only. At that time, the Saṁgha, the Order of Bhikkhus, had not come into existence yet.
When it was time to continue their journey, they made a request to the Blessed One: “Lord, may the Blessed One, out of compassion, bestow something on us to commemorate and to revere everyday.” Then, the Blessed One rubbed His head with His right hand and gave them eight strands of His hair. They received the hair relics (kesa dhātu) respectfully with both of their hands and kept them in a gold casket.
Then, they left the place with much delight. Soon after they had finished their trading, they returned to their home town of Pokkharavatī in the district of Ukkala, where they built a cetiya for enshrining the hair relics. It is said that on Uposatha (Sabbath) days, the cetiya used to emit blue rays.
Later, when the Blessed One was in Rājagaha after the preaching of His first discourse, both of them visited Him and listened to His preaching. Tapussa became a Sotāpanna; Bhallika entered the Saṁgha and became an Arahant.
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奥田 昭則

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