37話 ローヒニー川の水戦争

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 さまざまな男たち
37話 ローヒニー川の水戦争
「友人たちよ、われらの作物もまた、実ろうとしている、ということをご理解いただきたい。そしてまた、実が成熟するには水が必要なのです。さもないと、われらは作物を収穫できないでしょう。もし、あなた方が水を全部使ったら、きっと十分に収穫を楽しめることでしょう。しかし、われらはどうなりますか? われらはあなた方の家の一軒一軒に、お米をもとめて籠とお金をもって行く、なんていうことはできません。その一方で、あなた方みんな、米蔵にお米を十分蓄えて、楽に暮らせるのですよ」
「もしそうであるなら、ローヒニー川の流れの、価値の小さい、いくらかの水のために、なぜあなたたちは互いに戦って、価値の計り知れない高貴な王(カッティヤ)族を滅ぼそうと望んでいるのですか? 役に立たぬ戦闘とむだな衝突では、ほんのわずかな喜びすらも見つかりませんよ」
その後すぐに、世尊は「パンダナ樹本生(ジャータカ)」(ジャータカ475)、「物音(ドゥッドゥバ)本生」(ジャータカ322)、「ウズラ(ラトゥキカ)本生」(ジャータカ357)、「ルッカダンマ本生」(ジャータカ74)、「和合(サンモーダマーナ)本生」(ジャータカ33)、「武器を執ること(アッタダンダ)(執杖(しゅうじょう))経(スッタ)」(スッタニパータ第4章15)を次々に続けて物語られた。かれらはみずからの愚かさを思い知った。最後には和解した。愚かな戦争を回避できた感謝を示すために、釈迦族とコーリヤ族はそれぞれ二百五十人の王子を世尊のもとへ送り、比丘として入団させた。それから世尊は、かれらをカピラヴァットゥの近くの大林(マハーヴァナ)へ連れて行った。かれらは「クナーラ本生(ジャータカ)」(ジャータカ536)を聴いた後すぐに聖者への階梯の最初の段階(預流(ソーターパッティ))に達した。さらに、「大集会経(マハーサマヤ スッタ)」(長部20)を聴いて、その終わりには阿羅漢になった。
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The Sākya Kingdom and the Koliya Kingdom were separated by a small river called Rohiṇī. People on both sides used the water to cultivate their fields. A dam was constructed across the river so they could use the water equally.
However, once in the month of Jeṭṭha (about mid May – mid June), the water level reached its lowest, and their crops did not get enough water. The two countries called for a meeting to discuss the matter of water sharing. At the meeting, the Koliyan farmers said: “Friends, the water of the Rohiṇī River is very limited now; if it were shared, none of us would get enough to water our fields. But friends, our crops are about to ripen now, and we have estimated that one more flood of water would be adequate to bring our crops to maturity. So, we would like to ask for your permission to let us use this limited water.”
The Sākyan farmers replied: “Friends, let yourselves know that our crops are also about to ripen, and they also need water to mature; otherwise, we would not harvest our crops. If you use all the water, you will surely enjoy your harvest well, but how about us? We cannot go from door to door of your houses carrying baskets and money in search of paddies, while you all can live in ease because you have enough paddies in your rice barn.”
The meeting, which started in peace and harmony, was heated by arguments from both sides. They argued, abused, and retorted one another; none of them were going to give in. Exchange of words eventually led to blows; a farmer of one side started to attack a farmer from the other side, and the latter retaliated in the same manner. Resentment grew among them to the extent of decrying the royal clans of both sides.
Going home to their respective places, the chief of the Sākyan farmers and the chief of the Koliyan farmers reported this matter to their own ministers of agriculture. Then, when this case was brought to members of parliaments, it became a state affair. In the end, both kingdoms prepared to wage war against each other.
At that time, the Blessed One was residing at the Jetavana Monastery in Sāvatthi. In the early morning, when surveying the whole world with His Buddha-Eye, He perceived that a bloody battle was imminent between the Sākyans and the Koliyans. Knowing that the war would only give bad effect to both kingdoms, He proceeded to the battlefield to prevent them from killing each other.
The two rival armies had marched to the battlefield beside the Rohiṇī River when the Blessed One arrived there in the evening. Sitting cross-legged in the sky over the Rohiṇī River in the middle of the rival armies, He emitted dark blue rays from His hair so that darkness prevailed all over even though the sun had not yet set. Seeing the unusual phenomena, all the armies standing on both sides of the river were shocked and terrified. Then, Blessed One emanated rays of six colours from His body and made Himself clearly seen by them.
When the Sākyans saw the Blessed One, they discussed among themselves and decided: “It is not proper for us to let our weapons fall upon the bodies of the Koliyans in the presence of the Blessed One. Let the Koliyans kill us or capture us, should they desire to do so.” Then, the Sākyan army abandoned all their weapons and sat down respectfully paying homage to the Blessed One.
The Koliyans came to the same decision as the Sākyans. They also abandoned their weapons and sat down paying obeisance to the Blessed One. Then, the Blessed One descended from the sky and sat down on a reserved seat, with all the grace and glory of a Buddha.
The Blessed One asked: “Which is of more priceless value, the water of this Rohiõã River or the earth?”
They replied: “The water of the Rohiõã River is of small value compared to the earth, Lord.”
The Blessed One continued: “Then, how would you value the Khattiya race?”
“The value of the noble royal Khattiya race is unlimited, Lord,” they replied.
Then, the Blessed One addressed: “If that is so, for some water of this Rohiṇī stream, small in value, why do you wish to destroy the priceless royal race of Khattiya by fighting one another? Not the slightest amount of pleasure could be found in worthless conflicts and wasteful strives.”
Thereafter, the Blessed One related the Phandana Jātaka, the Duddubha Jātaka, the Laṭukika Jātaka, the Rukkhadhamma Jātaka, the Sammodamāna Jātaka, and the Attadaṇḍa Sutta consecutively to them. They realised their folly. Finally, they were reconciled. To show their gratitude, the Sākyans and the Koliyans sent two hundred and fifty princes from their respective families to the Blessed One to be ordained as bhikkhus. Then, the Blessed One took them to the Great Forest (Mahāvana) near Kapilavatthu. They soon attained the first stage of sainthood (Sotāpatti) after listening to the Kuṇāla Jātaka; they became Arahants at the end of the Mahāsamaya Sutta.
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奥田 昭則

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