
41話 嘘つき孕み女 チンチャマーナヴィカー

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々

第2章 さまざまな女たち

41話  嘘つき孕み女 チンチャマーナヴィカー






この情況は遍歴行者やその他の外道たちの心中に、怨嗟えんさ羨望せんぼうをかきたてた。かれらは人びとに、いろんなやりかたで、供物を持ってくるように、と説いてみた。たとえば四つ辻よつつじで、「おお、善男善女のみなさん、あの比丘(ビック)ゴータマだけが覚者に達したのではないのです。われらもまた、みなさん、覚者に達しておるのだ、とぜひ知ってもらいたい! 比丘ゴータマに布施されるのと同じく、われらに布施すると功徳があり、われらに供物を持ってくれば、大きな功徳が得られるのですぞ。われらは謹んで、みなさんに供物をもってくるよう、お誘いいたします」と呼びかけたのであった。





「みなさま、わたしは三度、礼拝しましたが、何もおっしゃってくださらないのですね。わたしが、どんな無礼をはたらいたせいで、このように無視され、みなさまが沈黙していらっしゃるのか? ここに来るな、ということでございましょうか?」


「みなさま、わたしの質問にお答えください! わたしに、どんな不都合がある、と思っていらっしゃるのか?」


「ねえさん、おまえさんはわれらが、比丘ゴータマによって深刻な被害に直面していることを知らないのかい? あいつは、われらから真っ当な収入と評判を奪ったのだ」




「それはよろしゅうございますね、みなさま。わたしに、お任せくださいませ! この件は、ちゃんとやってご覧にいれます! ご心配なく!」と、け合って、彼女は僧院から立ち去った。











「偉大な比丘よ、あなたはみなさまに、とてもおじょうずに説いていらっしゃる! でも、わたしはといえば、あなたさまと親しくして、この赤ちゃんを身ごもったのです。わたしは妊娠してお産が近いのに、あなたさまは、わたしのお産には、なんにもしてくださっていない。あなたさまは、お楽しみになることだけを、ご存じなんですね!」







「おお、腹黒い女め! 嘘つき! 恥を知れ! われらが尊師にインチキな糾弾をするとは、なんとまあ大それた奴なんだ!」



※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.



Episode 41.   Ciñcamāṇavikā, THE CALUMNIATRESS

The Blessed One—after emancipating the five hundred disciples of the Venerable Sāriputta, the many devas and man through the realisation of the Four Noble Truths in the City of Saṅkassa—proceeded to Sāvatthi to take residence in the Jetavana Monastery.
Ever since the Blessed One started His missionary by spreading the true Dhamma to all people without discrimination to caste, colour, race or sex, the number of His disciples increased rapidly. Many princes, princesses, queens, brahmins, merchants, farmers, housewives, untouchables, maidservants, and even courtesans joined the Order of Bhikkhus and the Order of Bhikkhunīs, while many others became pious lay disciples. Wherever the Blessed One went, He drew large crowds of people from every section of society. And whenever He preached the Dhamma, more and more people came flocking to Him.
The life of purity shown by the Blessed One and His disciples had brought honour and fame to the Saṁgha. As a result, many people became more enthusiastic to give charity to the Holy Order of the Blessed One. On the contrary, the power of the sectarians waned; offerings made to them dwindled to a vanishing point.
This situation had aroused resentment and envy in the heart of wandering ascetics and other sectarians. They made attempts to persuade people to make offerings to them in many ways, such as making propaganda at road junctions, saying: “O good people…this bhikkhu Gotama is not the only one who has attained Buddhahood. Let yourselves know that we, too, have attained Buddhahood! Just as you may gain merit by making offering to the bhikkhu Gotama, even so can you gain
great merit by making offerings to us as well. We hospitably invite you to make offerings to us.”
Finding that their appeals were of no effect, they then assembled secretly to make a plan that would harm the good reputation of the Blessed One by calumniating Him so that people would make no more offerings to Him and His Holy Order through lack of respect and esteem.
At that time, there lived a female wandering ascetic (paribbājikā) in Sāvatthi, named Ciñcamāṇavikā. She was so called because she was born of a moisture-laden tamarind tree. She was endowed with beauty and was gracious like a nymph; rays of light emitted from her whole body.
In the discussion, the sectarian members worked out the details of the plot and assign various jobs to appropriate individuals. They all agreed to employ Ciñcamāṇavikā as a tool to achieve their wicked and selfish aims. When the scheme was approved by all members, they called Ciñcamāṇavikā, their devoted disciple, to their monastery.
Ciñcamāṇavikā swiftly proceeded to the sectarian monastery. As soon as she arrived, she approached and paid respect to them three times, but she was totally ignored by the sectarians. She was shocked and puzzled by their response. Anxious to know what mistake she had committed, she asked: “Good sirs, I pay obeisance to you three times but you do not say anything. What offence have I done to you that you
have neglected me and kept silence? Do you not ask me to come here?” She repeated her question three times, but they did not reply any single word. Finally, she became irritated and cried out: “Sirs, I request you to answer my question! What kind of offence do you find in me?”
Then, one of the sectarian brothers, having made a deep sigh, replied with a deep voice: “Sister, don’t you know that we are facing a serious harm made by the bhikkhu Gotama? He has deprived us of our legitimate gain and honour.”
Upon this, Ciñcamāṇavikā said: “Sir, I know nothing about this. But is there anything I can do for you to settle this matter?”
Then they replied: “Sister Ciñcamāṇavikā, if you really care for our welfare, you might use your personal charm as a tool to disgrace this bhikkhu Gotama in the midst of the public, and cease his fame, honours and gifts.”
Ciñcamāṇavikā agreed to comply with the evil task, saying: “Very well, good sirs. Trust me! I will settle this matter! Do not worry!” She then left the sectarian monastery.
She started her wily tactics on that very day. She knew that every evening a great many people would be going home from the Jetavana Monastery after listening to the Blessed One’s discourse. Having beautified herself and wearing a bright red dress, she made her way towards the Jetavana Monastery, carrying flowers and perfumes in her hands. On her way, people were attracted by her personal charm; they would ask: “O sister, where are you going at this hour?” And she would reply: “What is the use of knowing where I am going?” She actually passed by the Jetavana Monastery and spent the night in the heretics’ quarters nearby.
The next morning, she would return to the City of Sāvatthi and let herself be seen—as if she had spent the night in the Jetavana Monastery—by the crowd of devotees who were going from the city towards the Jetavana Monastery to pay an early homage to the Blessed One. And when they asked: “Where did you spend the night?” she would give a similar answer: “What is the use of knowing where I was
sleeping last night?” Thus, her behaviour aroused people’s suspicion.
After one and a half months of the same routine, she changed her tactics by replying: “I spent the night with the bhikkhu Gotama in his Fragrant Chamber in the Jetavana Monastery,” whenever the lay devotees enquired her. Hearing her reply, people started to have misgivings, wondering whether she might be speaking the truth. Some three or four months later, she simulated pregnancy by wrapping her belly with some cloth. Dressing herself in red, she started telling people that she
conceived a child by the bhikkhu Gotama. Some people began to believe her deceit. Then, after eight or nine months, Ciñcamāṇavikā tied a disc of wood on her belly and wore a red garment. She also beat her hands and feet with an animal bone to make them swollen and to give the perfect picture of a fatigued expectant mother.
Then one evening, when the Blessed One was seated on the throne and was preaching the Dhamma to a vast congregation, she stood in front of Him and charged Him with a false accusation: “Great Bhikkhu, so sweet do you preach to others! As for me, I have conceived this baby due to association with You. I am in this advanced stage of pregnancy, and yet You have provided nothing for my confinement. You only know how to enjoy Yourself!”
The Blessed One stopped preaching for a while and said to her:
“Sister, only you and I know whether what you have just said is true or false.”
And Ciñcamāṇavikā retorted: “Yes, Great Bhikkhu, You are right, how can others know what only You and I know?”
At that moment, the emerald throne of Sakka was heated up, and he perceived that Ciñcamāṇavikā was calumniating the Tathāgata. Thinking, “I must settle this matter,” he came down to the Jetavana Monastery with four devas who then transformed themselves into four tiny mice. Then, they went under the woman’s clothes, and with one bite they cut off the strings that tied the wooden disc to her belly. And as the wind blew off her clothes upwards, the wooden disc dropped right on her toes, cutting them severely.
The multitude became aware of her deception. They became angry and cried out: “O wicked woman! A liar! Shame on you! How dare you falsely accuse our Noble Teacher!” They condemned her and spat on her head, brandishing clods of earth and sticks, and drove her out of the monastery compound. She ran as fast as she could, and at the place where she was out of the Blessed One’s sight, the earth cracked and
the flame of hell fire swallowed her into the bottom of the Great Hell (Mahā Avīci).

To be continued

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奥田 昭則



著書にヴァイオリニスト五嶋みどり、五嶋龍の母の半生を描いた「母と神童」、単一生協では日本最大のコープこうべ創立80周年にともなう流通と協同の理念を追った「コープこうべ『再生21』と流通戦争」、新聞連載をもとにした梅原猛、今出川行雲、梅原賢一郎の各氏との共著 「横川の光 比叡山物語」。2021年、逝去。