49話 人食い鬼アーラヴァカ ・・・・ 最上の生き方とは?

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第5章 在家信者への教え
49話 人食い鬼アーラヴァカ ・・・・ 最上の生き方とは?
ある日の早朝、世尊がジェータヴァナ僧院(祇園精舎)の香房で、大悲定(マハーカルナー サマーパッティ)の至福に達し、そのなかにひたり、ブッダの眼(仏眼(ブッダチャック))で世界を探査されていたとき、アーラヴィー国で起きようとしていること、アーラヴァカ王子、アーラヴァカ夜叉、そして八万四千の生けるものが、さまざまな段階の真理(ダンマ)を覚り、どのようになり得るか、その可能性を見られた。
「友アーラヴァカよ、そなたはなんと幸運か! 世尊がそなたの棲みかに来られて、そこにまだ坐っていらっしゃる。さあ、友アーラヴァカよ、世尊のお世話をしなさい!」
「あなたらの師のブッダがもっと強いというのか? もっと強いのは、おれの方ではないか? さあ、あなたらはいま、見るであろう!」
あたり一面に煙と燃えあがる炎が噴き出た。マントは世尊に向かって飛んだ。 しかし、世尊にふれる前に足ふきのぼろ雑巾に変わって、世尊の足もとに落ちた。天界で生けるものたちがこの戦闘を見物するために集まっていたが、大声をあげて喝采した。おかげでアーラヴァカは、すっかり自尊心を失った気になった。
世尊はアーラヴァカの命令を受け入れ、 「よろしい、友よ」と、喜んで答えて、出て行った。
(うーん、ゴータマ比丘に命令を下すのは、とてもかんたんだな。だが、なぜ、わしはひと晩中、世尊と戦うべきなのだろうか? いやまあ、わしはこんなふうにひと晩中やって、世尊を疲れてへとへとにさせてやろう。そうしたらその後に、世尊を放り出してやろう)
これらの答えの終わりには、アーラヴァカは預流果(ソーターパッティ パラ)に達した。かくて血に飢え、残虐で知られたアーラヴァカは、剣や笞、棍棒ではなく、世尊の無比の自己抑制から生まれる忍耐強い辛抱をとおして攻略されたのである。
「涅槃(Nibbāna(ニッバーナ))にみちびく正等覚者の説く真理(dhamma(ダンマ))に確かな信(saddhā(サッダー))をもつ者は、賢者に耳を傾ける恭敬聴聞者(sussūsaṃ(スッスーサン))であり、気づきある不放逸な者(appamatta(アッパマッタ))であり、明察ある者(vicakkhaṇa(ヴィチャッカナ))であって、智慧(paññā(パンニャー))を得る。真っ当に、忍耐強く、活発に、ことをなす者は、財(dhana(ダナ))を獲得する。うそを言わない誠実さで、名声(kitti(キッティ))を得る。そして布施する寛大さで、友だち(mitta(ミッタ))ができる。確かな信がある在家者は、真実(sacca(サッチャ))、真理(dhamma(ダンマ))、堅固(dhiti(ディティ))、布施(cāga(チャーガ))というこれら四つの精神的資質があれば、あの世へ逝った後にも、悲しみ嘆かない(peccanasocati(ペッチャナ ソーチャティ)」
「さあ、きいてみなさい! ほかの多くの行者、バラモンに、もしもこの世に、真実(sacca(サッチャ))、自制(dama(ダマ))、布施(cāga(チャーガ))、忍耐(khanti(カンティ))より偉大なものが、何かあるのかどうかを!」
「なぜ、わたしが、ほかの多くの行者、バラモンにきかなければならないのでしょうか? まさに、きょう、わたしは個人的に、来世に属するほんとうの幸福を覚ったのですから」
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Episode 49 Ālavaka, THE FEROCIOUS OGRE
In the Blessed One’s sixteenth rains-residence, there was an important event concerning the conversion of Āḷavaka, a fiercely hostile ogre (yakkha).
The kingdom of Āḷavī was governed by King Āḷavaka. The king had a habit of holding pleasurable hunting in a forest once a week to keep his army in trim. One day when he was hunting, the quarry escaped from where the king laid in wait; according to the custom, it became the king’s duty to capture it. The king, equipped with a bow, immediately followed the deer. Having run for three leagues, the deer was lying
exhausted by a pond; thus the king easily killed it and cut it into two pieces and carried it with a pole.
On his way back, he took a rest under a shady banyan tree which was the abode of the yakkha Āḷavaka. The yakkha had been granted a boon by Vessavana, king of yakkhas; the boon allowed him to eat anybody who came within the shadow of the tree. Accordingly, he seized the king, but when the king made a promise to him that he would provide a man and a pot of cooked rice every day, Āḷavaka released him.
King Āḷavaka, with the help of his ministers, was able to keep his promise by sending criminals to the yakkha. As soon as the victim was in the shade of the banyan tree, the yakkha would assume a very frightful frame and devoure him as though he were eating a bulbous root. And when there were no more criminals in the prison, the king forced each household to contribute one child for the sacrifice to the yakkha.
Then, after twelve years, there were no more children in Āḷavī but the king’s own son, Āḷavaka Kumāra. Although the king loved his son very much, but he knew no one in this world dearer to him than himself; he could not sacrifice himself to the yakkha. Thereupon, he had his son dressed in all splendour and taken to the yakkha.
One day in the early morning, when the Blessed One was engaged in the attainment of the bliss of Boundless Compassion (Mahā Karuṇā Samāpatti) in his Fragrant Chamber in the Jetavana Monastery and when He was surveying the world with His Buddha-Eye (Buddhacakkhu), He saw what was going to happen in Āḷavī and the potentiality of Prince Āḷavaka, the yakkha Āḷavaka and eighty-four thousand beings to realise the Dhamma in various stage.
Then after His morning duty, the Blessed One took His bowl and robe and set out alone for Āḷavī—thirty yojanas away from Sāvatthi—on foot. He arrived at the abode of Āḷavaka at dusk when he was away at a meeting of yakkhas in Himavanta. His door keeper, the yakkha Gadrabha, approached the Blessed One, paid his respect, and asked: “Venerable sir, have you come at this late afternoon?”
“Yes, Gadrabha, I have come. If it were not burdensome to you, I would like to spend the night in Āḷavaka’s abode.”
“Venerable sir, it is not burdensome to me, but be informed that this yakkha is fierce and cruel; he does not show respect even to his own parents. Therefore, let the Blessed One not stay here!”
“Yes, Gadrabha, I know Āḷavaka’s fierce and cruel temperament. There would not be any danger to Me. So, if it were not burdensome to you, I would like to spend the night here.”
For the second time, Gadrabha warned the Blessed One, saying:
“Venerable sir, Āḷavaka is like a burning-iron pot. He ignores everyone and everything: his own parents, bhikkhus, brahmins or the Dhamma. He can drive mad those who come here; he can split open their hearts, or hurl them into the ocean beyond, or even into the world beyond, by seizing their feet.”
And for the second time, the Blessed One said: “Yes, Gadrabha, I know all this. But if it were not burdersome to you, I would like to spend the night here.”
For the third time, Gadrabha tried to discourage the Blessed One from staying. And again for the third time, the Blessed One did not retreat His wish. On account of this, Gadrabha said: “Venerable sir, it is not burdensome to me, but Āḷavaka might kill me if I allow You to stay here without his permission. Therefore, Venerable sir, I shall go and tell him about this matter.”
“Gadrabha, you may go and tell him as you like.”
“Venerable sir, in this case You alone are responsible for whatever might happen to Yourself.” Having said thus, Gadrabha saluted the Blessed One and departed to Himavanta.
The Blessed One entered the mansion and took His seat on Āḷavaka’s jewelled throne. He emanated a golden halo from His body to all directions. Seeing this, Āḷavaka’s female attendants gathered around and paid obeisance to Him. The Blessed One delivered a miscellaneous Dhamma talk, inspiring them with the benefits of giving alms, observing morality and developing concentration. Having heard the
sweet discourse, they remained sitting with great reverence, surrounding the Blessed One.
In the meantime, Gadrabha, who had arrived at Himavanta, informed the yakkha Āḷavaka about the arrival of the Blessed One in his mansion. His mind was instantly heated, and he made a gesture to Gadrabha to be quiet. He would go back immediately to take the necessary actions.
There were two noble yakkhas, Sātāgira and Hemavata, passing through
the air on their way to the congregation. They became aware of the Blessed One’s presence by their inability to fly over Him. They descended to Āḷavaka’s mansion and paid obeisance to the Blessed One before carrying on their journey. On their arrival, Sātāgira and Hemavata told Āḷavaka: “Friend Āḷavaka, how fortunate you are! The
Blessed One has come to your mansion and is still sitting there. Go, friend Āḷavaka, attend to the Blessed One!”
Instead of being happy, Āḷavaka became furious. His heart was burnt with great anger on hearing his two friends’ high praise of the Blessed One. Then, he got up from his seat and shouted: “Is your master, the Buddha, more powerful? Or, is it I who am more powerful? You shall see now!” And with an uncontrollable rage, he proudly
uttered his name aloud: “I am Āḷavaka!” and hurried back to his abode.
Yakkha Āḷavaka subsequently attacked the Blessed One with nine kinds of deadly weapons. First, he caused a devastating cyclone (vātamaṇḍalaṁ) capable of uprooting villages and towns in the surrounding area. But when it came near the Blessed One, it could not ruffle even the corner of His robe.
Seeing that his weapon had no effect, Āḷavaka became more furious and created a heavy torrential rain (mahāvassaṁ) which could abrade the earth into a crater, inundating the area and drowning the Blessed One. But, this terrible rain turned into minuscule dewdrops that evaporate even before they touched the ground.
In his mad fury, Āḷavaka rained down thousands of huge flaming boulders (pāsāṇavassaṁ). Before touching the Blessed One, they were transformed into fragrant celestial garlands. Still unable to flush out the Blessed One, the ferocious Āḷavaka continued his attack by pouring down rains of hot weapons (paharaṇavassaṁ), such as swords, javelins, machetes, knives, arrows, etc. But, they fell only in the form of manifold celestial flowers.
Once again, his effort failed. But then, Āḷavaka hurled down ablazed coals (aṅgāravassaṁ) onto the Blessed One; but, they, too, were transformed into sweet celestial flowers. Āḷavaka continued assailing the Blessed One; he poured down from the sky a mass of very hot, fire-like ashes (kukkuḷavassaṁ); but they turned into aromatic sandalwood powder, as if in adoration of the Blessed One.
Again, he created rains of hot sand (vālukāvassaṁ) down the sky; but they became a shower of tiny celestial flowers. Next, he poured down hot burning mud (kalalavassaṁ) from the sky; but they turned into celestial perfumed paste.
Having failed with his eight kinds of rains, Āḷavaka was shaken. Nevertheless, he pressed on with the ninth weapon called andhakāraṁ. He created deadly darkness to surround the abode; but on reaching the presence of the Blessed One it vanished just as darkness being eliminated by sunlight.
The yakkha was shocked that all his nine deadly rains proved to be ineffective and were unable to make the Blessed One flee from His seat. Subsequently, he marched towards the Blessed One by leading a fourfold frightening army consisting of various forms of ghosts armed with weapons. Āḷavaka and his hordes attacked the Blessed One for a half night without daring to go close to Him.
Having failed for many times, he decided to attack by launching his most devastating weapon, a divine white cloak (dussāvudha). While rising up around the Blessed One and roaming about, he hurled his weapon towards the Blessed One. It made a terrible sound in the sky like the thunderbolt weapon of Indra; it emitted smoke and burning flames all over. The cloak flew towards the Blessed One. But before touching Him, it turned into a foot-rag and dropped at the feet of the
Blessed One. Many celestial beings who assembled to see the fight roared their applause, while Āḷavaka felt he had utterly lost his pride.
Āḷavaka then reflected why the Blessed One was invincible. He came to know that it was due to His power of all-embracing loving-kindness (mettā). He thought if he could make the Blessed One angry and unforbearing, only then he could defeat Him. Accordingly, he approached the Blessed One and ordered: “Get out, you bhikkhu!” The Blessed One accepted his order and reply pleasantly: “Very well,
friend,” and went out.
“Come in, you bhikkhu!” Āḷavaka ordered. “Very well, friend,” the Blessed One entered again.
Āḷavaka thought: “Well, it is indeed very easy to command this bhikkhu Gotama. Why should I fight him for a whole night? Now, I will make him weary in this way for the whole night, and after that I will throw Him away.” Thus, Āḷavaka’s heart began to soften. So, he gave his second order to the Blessed One: “Get out, you bhikkhu!” The
Blessed One went out, saying: “Very well, friend.”
“Come in, you bhikkhu!” he ordered again. “Very well, friend,” the Blessed One entered again.
The Blessed One understood the natural phenomena that hostility could not be appeased by hostility, but by gentleness. Just as a naughty little child crying would be calm when his wish is fulfilled, even so the Blessed One with enduring patience tamed the yakkha by following his order. And in fact, Āḷavaka’s heart became more and more softened.
Then, when Āḷavaka ordered again for the fourth time: “Get out, you bhikkhu!” the Blessed One replied: “Friend, I shall not go out. You may do what you like.”
“O Great Bhikkhu Gotama, I am going to put some questions to You. If You cannot answer them thoroughly, I will make You mad, or cause the burst of Your heart, or hold You by the legs and throw You across the Gaṅgā River.”
The yakkha’s parents had learnt eight questions and answers from the Buddha Kassapa, whom they worshipped. They taught all these questions and answers to Āḷavaka when he was young. As time went by, Āḷavaka forgot the answers but he had written down the questions on a gold leaf with red paint, stored away in his mansion.
The Blessed One said: “Friend Āḷavaka, all over the worlds including the worlds of divine beings such as devas, māras and brahmās, and the world of human beings such as ascetics, brahmins, kings and commoners, I do not see anybody who could make Me mad, or cause the burst of My heart, or hold Me by the legs and throw Me across the Gaṅgā River. Nevertheless, friend, you may put whatever questions you like.”
Then Āḷavaka questioned the Blessed One in a verse:
“What is the most praiseworthy wealth of man in this world?
What, when well practised, brings happiness?
What indeed is the sweetest of tastes?
How is one’s life is considered the noblest life?”
The Blessed One replied in verse:
“Faith (saddhā) is the most praiseworthy wealth of man in this world.
Wholesome course of action (dhamma), when well practised, brings happiness.
Truth (sacca), indeed, is the sweetest of all tastes.
Living by wisdom (paññājīviṁ) is considered the noblest life.”
On hearing the answers given by the Blessed One, Āḷavaka became very
glad and continued asking the remaining four questions by uttering a
“How does one cross the flood?
How does one cross the ocean?
How does one overcome suffering?
How is one wholly purified?”
The Blessed One replied in verse:
“By faith (saddhā), one crosses the flood (of greed, wrong view and ignorance).
By vigilance (appamāda), one crosses the ocean (of saṁsāra—rebirth and death).
By right effort (viriya), one overcomes suffering (of worldly existence).
By wisdom (paññā), is one wholly purified.”
At the end of these questions and answers, Āḷavaka attained the
Fruition of Stream Entry (Sotāpatti Phala). Thus, Āḷavaka, who had
been known as fierce and blood-thirsty, was conquered not by sword,
stick or cudgel, but through enduring patience flowing from the
unequalled self-mastery of the Blessed One.
Thereupon, Āḷavaka, who was impressed by the word “wisdom” (paññā),
became desirous of asking further questions:
“How is wisdom gained?
How is wealth acquired?
How is fame attained?
How are friends won?
After passing away from this world to the next, how does one not grieve?”
The Blessed One gave somewhat elaborate answers, saying:
“He who has firm faith (saddhā) in the Dhamma of the Perfect One that
leads to Nibbāna, who pays attention to the wise (sussūsaṁ), who is
mindful and earnest (appamatta), and who has wise reflection
(vicakkhaṇa), gains wisdom (paññā). One, who does what is proper,
persevering and vigorous, acquires wealth (dhana). By truthfulness,
one attains fame (kitti). And by generosity, one wins friends (mitta).
The faithful householder, who is endowed with these four spiritual
qualities: truthfulness (sacca), righteousness (dhamma), courage
(dhiti) and generosity (cāga), does not grieve in the hereafter (pecca
na socati).”
And again, for Āḷavaka’s spiritual satisfaction the Blessed One urged
him to ask more, saying:
“Come on then! Ask many other ascetics and brahmins if there were anything in this world greater than these: truthfulness (sacca), self control (dama), generosity (cāga) and patience (khanti)!”
The yakkha gave his bold answer:
“Why should I ask many ascetics and brahmins? Indeed, today I come to know personally the real welfare I will gain belonging to the next world.”
“Verily, for my own good did the Enlightened One come to the City of Āḷavī. And today, I myself do know where gifts bestow the greatest fruit.”
And having acquired the means to develop his welfare, Āḷavaka now expressed his wish properly to do for the welfare of others:
“For this reason, from village to village and city to city will I wander forth honouring the Supremely Enlightened One, His Sublime Teachings and His Holy Order.”
At the dawn of the day, King Āḷavaka’s messengers offered the little Prince Āḷavaka Kumāra to the yakkha as sacrifice. As Āḷavaka had already become a Sotāpanna, he felt greatly ashamed. He tenderly took over the little prince with two hands and handed him over to the Blessed One. The Blessed One blessed the child and gave him back to the king’s messengers. Thus, because of this event, the prince was known as “Hatthaka Āḷavaka”.
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奥田 昭則

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