57話 病める比丘への慈悲 ・・・・ プーティガッタ・ティッサ

第5部 さまざまな「悪」
第3章 弱き者へ―病の比丘・嘆きの母
57話 病める比丘への慈悲 ・・・・ プーティガッタ・ティッサ
(訳注: “ああ、やがてこの身は 大地に横たわるであろう。意識がなくなり、捨てられる。
役に立たない棒切れのように” ・・・ ダンマパダ41)
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Once, there was a young man of a good family in Sāvatthi named Tissa, who was established in faith after listening to the Dhamma preached by the Blessed One. Thereafter, he sought the going forth and the higher ordination under the Blessed One.
After the Venerable Tissa joined the Order of Bhikkhus, he took a subject of meditation from the Blessed One and subsequently practised meditation diligently. Some time later, he was afflicted with a skin disease. Boils as big as mustard seeds appeared all over his body; they gradually developed into big sores. When these sores burst, his upper and lower robes became sticky and was stained with pus and blood, and his whole body was stinking. For this reason, he was known as “Pūtigatta Tissa”—Tissa with a stinking body. Although he deserved nursing, his fellow bhikkhus were unable to take care of him and abandoned him. He found himself helpless; he could only lie down on his bed in great agony.
Then, early in the morning when the Blessed One was in the attainment of the bliss of Boundless Compassion, he surveyed the world with His Buddha Eye. There appeared in His vision the sorrowful state of the Venerable Pūtigatta Tissa, who had been abandoned by his fellow bhikkhus due to his stinking body. The Blessed One also saw that his mind was mature for attaining sainthood.
The Blessed One proceeded to the fire-shed close to the place where Tissa was staying. He washed a pot, filled it with water, placed it on the fire-place and boiled it. Then when the water had been boiled, the Blessed One went into Tissa’s room and lifted the edge of the couch. After knowing that the Blessed One was attending to Tissa personally, only then did the resident bhikkhus gather round him hurriedly and
offered their service. As instructed by the Blessed One, the bhikkhus carried Tissa near the fire-shed while some other bhikkhus prepared warm water and other necessities.
Thereupon, with His own hand the Blessed One washed and bathed Tissa with warm water. While he was being bathed, his upper and lower robes were washed and dried. After he was cleaned up, he became fresh and felt comfortable in body and mind, and while still lying down on bed he soon developed one-pointedness of mind.
The Blessed One, standing at the head of the couch, said to him:
“Bhikkhu, this body, when devoid of life, would be useless just as a piece of wood laying on the ground.”
At the end of the discourse, the Venerable Pūtigatta Tissa attained Arahantship achieving Analytical Knowledge (Paṭisambhidā-Ñāṇa). But soon, he passed away.
Thus, the Blessed One set a noble example by attending on the sick Himself. He then gave an exhortation to His disciples for their neglect with these memorable words: “He who ministers unto the sick ministers unto Me.”
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奥田 昭則

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