
07話 こども時代と教育

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第1部 出家まで 

第3章 王子の時代

07  こども時代じだい教育きょういく



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During Prince Siddhattha’s childhood, he was looked after by nurses and men day and night with the greatest possible care. All of his attendants were young, good-looking, beautiful, handsome and of complete bodily form. If they were sick, they would not be allowed to stay in the palace and would be replaced by others. He was adorned all over with ornaments of various kinds, garlands, perfumes and scented
ornaments. His turban, tunic, lower garments and cloak were all ordered from the State of Kāsi. Musicians and dancers would all show their various skills to entertain him all day. Attendants were ordered to shade him with a great parasol wherever he went, the whole day, to protect him from the sun, dust and dews which might inconvenience him.
King Suddhodana had his men dig within the palace three lotus ponds. The Uppala Pond was peculiar for its growing and blossoming blue lotuses, the Paduma Pond for red lotuses, and the Puṇḍarīka Pond for white lotuses. These were made and beautifully decorated solely for Siddhattha’s pleasure.
When Siddhattha was seven years of age, he started his education. The eight distinguished brahmins, whom the king had invited to prophesy the future of Siddhattha, were his first teachers.
After they had taught the prince all which they knew, Suddhodana sent him to another teacher named Sabbamitta. The brahmin Sabbamitta was of distinguished descent and high lineage, living in the land of Udicca. He was a philologist and grammarian, and he was also well-read in the Vedas and the six Vedaṅgas, comprised of phonetics, prosody, grammar, exegesis, astronomy and ritual. He was the Bodhisatta’s second teacher.
There were many children in his class. These children came from noble families, but the Bodhisatta could learn all subjects faster than his classmates. Thus, he became the cleverest and the best in everything. He gained distinction in every subject and became cleverer than his teachers. He was the wisest and the only one who asked many questions to his teachers and elders. He was the strongest, the tallest and the most handsome boy in the class. He was never lazy. He never misbehaved and was never disobedient to the teachers. He loved everybody, and
everybody loved him. He was a dear friend to all kinds of people. He was even friendly to animals, never harming them.
The young prince never wasted his time. Whenever he found no work, he would go to a quiet place and practised meditation. He even tried to induce his companions to join him in practising meditation, but his friends did not consider it seriously and laughed at him.
As he belonged to the warrior class, he obtained education in the military science, too. He was trained in the martial arts, such as boxing, wrestling, fencing and horse-riding. He was also trained in archery and in the use of weapons, but he did not like inflicting injury to other beings. He also avoided killing or oppressing even harmless animals, such as rabbits and deer.
Even though Siddhattha was the cleverest pupil and was also a prince, he never neglected to treat his teachers with good manners and all due respect. He believed that only through the instruction from teachers could men acquire knowledge of very great value.

To be continued

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奥田 昭則



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