08話 慈しみにみちた若き王子

第1部 出家まで
第3章 王子の時代
08話 慈しみにみちた若き王子
「おお、なんと命とは悩ましいものだろうか! もし、強い生きものがつねに弱いものを餌食にするのなら、こうした弱いものは、つねに強いものからの大きな危険の中で生きていくのだろう。なぜ両方が仲よく和合して生きられないのだろうか?」
ちょうどそのとき、やっと着いたデーヴァダッタが、シッダッタに抱かれている白鳥を見た。それを渡せ、とデーヴァダッタが要求したが、シッダッタは応じず、断った。デーヴァダッタが怒り、白鳥をつかみとろうと突っかかってきた。「それは、ぼくのだ! 射落としたのは、ぼくだ。ぼくに返せ!」と怒鳴った。
しかし、シッダッタ王子は胸に抱いたまま渡そうとはせず、「きみには渡さないよ、絶対に! もし、殺してしまっていたら、きみのものかもしれない。でも、この白鳥はけがをしただけで、まだ生きている。わたしがいのちを助けたのだ。だから、これは、射落としたきみではなくて、助けたわたしに所属している」
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What mostly differentiated Prince Siddhattha with his friends was his kindness. It was expressed in all his deeds. He did not like to see the exploitation of man by man. Once, he went to his father’s farm with some of his friends. He saw labourers ploughing the land, cutting trees, and doing other manual work. They were scantily clothed and worked under the hot burning sun; they were sweating all over their faces, limbs and bodies. Seeing this pitiful sight, his heart was greatly moved. He asked his friends whether it could be right for one to exploit another, but his friends had nothing to say.
Prince Siddhattha always thought of poor people and living beings who must work hard while their master could live in comfort. He thought of ways to make them as happy as their master or as he himself, who could live without any inconveniences. Among his friends, the prince has a prominent contemplative nature.
One day when he was sitting under the shade of a tree, he saw a lizard crawling out of a crevice in the earth. It wandered round, catching and eating small insects with its tongue. While the lizard was busy trying to find small insects, it was unaware that a snake was approaching and ready to devour it. In just a second, the snake bit the lizard’s head and swallowed it little by little. And when the snake was swallowing the lizard, a hawk swooped down, seized the snake, tore it apart, and ate it.
Prince Siddhattha noticed the event with astonishment. He thought deeply about it and reflected: “O, how distressing is life! If stronger creatures always prey on the weaker ones, then these weaker ones will always live in great danger from the stronger ones. Why can’t they live together in harmony?” He also realised: “If everything is as such, then what is said to be beautiful in life will surely also hide such ugliness. Thus, although I am happy now, there is also a great suffering hidden, and this is also true to all living beings.”
Prince Siddhattha was also very kind, not only to people, but to animals and other beings as well. His merciful nature was conspicuous towards all creatures. Once, seeing his attendant beating a snake with a rod, the prince immediately stopped and admonished him not to beat it.
On another occasion, the prince was playing with his companions in the woods. Among the companions was Devadatta, Prince Siddhattha’s cousin, who had a bow in his hand and some arrows in an arrow case hung on his back. During the recess, he was resting under a tree enjoying the peace and beauty of nature. Suddenly, a swan fell from the sky just in front of and not too far from him. He knew that Devadatta had shot the bird. Siddhattha stood up and rushed to help the swan. Devadatta also ran after it, however Siddhattha could run faster than Devadatta. He found that an arrow had pierced one of its wings; fortunately the swan was still alive. He then gently pulled the arrow out from the wing and picked some medicinal herbs, squeezed the juice onto the wound to stop the bleeding. He stroked the swan carefully and calmed the frightened bird. He held it next to his chest to give it warmth and safety.
Now, Devadatta, who just arrived, saw the swan held by Siddhattha. He demanded that the bird be handed over to him, but Siddhattha refused to comply. Devadatta angrily stepped toward him trying to snatch the swan and shouted: “That bird is mine! It was I who shot it down. Give it back to me!” But Prince Siddhattha kept it away from Devadatta, and replied: “I won’t give it to you. Never! Had you killed it, it would have been yours. But this swan is only wounded and it is still alive. I saved its life, so it belongs to me, the saver, not to you, the shooter.” Thus they quarrelled and argued. Finally, Siddhattha suggested: “Let us go to the court of wise men to settle this argument and ask them who really deserves the swan.” Devadatta agreed.
Before the court of wise men, they recounted their dispute. So, the wise men discussed among themselves. Some said that the bird should belong to Prince Siddhattha because he had saved its life, while others believed that Devadatta should be the owner, as by the rules of the game, he who killed it would own it. Finally, one of the wise men proclaimed: “All living creatures must belong to those who save or guard their lives. Life cannot belong to one who is trying to destroy it. This wounded swan is still alive and was rescued by Prince Siddhattha. Therefore, this swan surely belongs to its saviour, Prince Siddhattha.”
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奥田 昭則

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