09話 シッダッタ王子の結婚

第1部 出家まで
第3章 王子の時代
09話 シッダッタ王子の結婚
スッドーダナ王は、この助言に賛同した。それから、八万の釈迦族の親族に通知するように命じ、かれらの娘たちを宮殿にさし出して王子が妃を選べるようにしてほしい、と要請した。ところが残念なことに、王から出された通知に対して、釈迦族の親族から思わしくない反応が出された。かれらがいうには「シッダッタ王子は、感じのよい容姿で、男前だし、裕福だとしても、他の武士貴族の王子のように、戦闘や狩猟の技を訓練場でみせてくださるようには見えない。もし、そうした戦士としての生きる技をもっていないのなら、どのようにして家族を養っていけるだろうか? いや、われらは意気地なしに娘をやれません」
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King Suddhodana was always alarmed with what had been said by the sage Asita and the prophecy uttered by the brahmin Koṇḍañña about his son. Therefore, he made the prince comfortable and happy at all times. He gave all the best for his son. Everything was carefully orchestrated so that the prince would never see any of the four omens. Old men and sick people were kept out of his sight. Even fading flowers and leaves were removed from the royal gardens so that the prince would never see anything that suggested decay. The king did not even let anybody talk about sickness, old age, death and monks. Furthermore, he had three luxurious palaces built for the prince to stay for each season—the Ramma Palace for the winter, the Suramma Palace for the summer, and the Subha Palace for the rainy season respectively. All these were done by the king to ensure that Prince Siddhattha would not change his mind, and that he would succeed to the throne to be a Universal Monarch.
By now, Prince Siddhattha had finished his studies and was sixteen years old. He grew up to be a young man, handsome and full of strength. But, his contemplative character and boundless compassion were even more conspicuous; amidst his comfort and luxury, he realised the universality of sorrow. The king was worried about his son’s behaviour. He then summoned his royal advisors asking them if there were any other means to ascertain that the prince would succeed to the throne instead of becoming a Buddha. After a short discussion, the royal advisors suggested: “Your Majesty, as your son is now mature enough in age, the best way to prevent the prince from abandoning the throne is to seek the most beautiful girl and have the prince marry her. Having experienced the sweetness of married life, the prince’s mind will no more be swayed from leading his household life. Your wish to crown him as king in the future will be fulfilled.”
King Suddhodana agreed with the advice. He then ordered messages to be sent to his eighty thousand Sākyan relatives and asked them to let their daughters come to his palace so that the prince could choose one to be his wife. Unfortunately, the royal messages from the king were negatively replied by the Sākyan princes. They said: “Even though Prince Siddhattha has a pleasant personal appearance, handsome and rich, he doesn’t look like other warrior princes who can show their skills in the art of fighting and hunting as their training ground. If he does not have these skills for a livelihood, how can he support a family? No, we will not give our daughters in marriage to a coward.”
Receiving such a reply, King Suddhodana was very upset. He came to his son and related the matter. Then, Prince Siddhattha said to his father that he would demonstrate his skills in any competition, including archery, in front of all the Sākyan princes and princesses. On the day of the competition, guests came and sat on the seats prepared around the palace square which had been decorated with colourful flags and banners. In the horse-riding competition, Prince Siddhattha proved to be the most skilful. In the fencing competition, he excelled even the best fencer. And in the last competition, archery, none of the famous master archers of Sākyans could even lift the big bow prepared for the competition, but Prince Siddhattha held the bow and lift it with his left hand. He showed great and matchless skills in the art of archery, such as akkhaṇavedhi (the skill of shooting and hitting a target many times in a flash of lightning), vālavedhi (the skill of shooting that could split into two halves a target as thin as the hair of an animal’s tail feather), saravedhi (the skill of shooting an arrow to hit another one which was shot ahead of it), saddavedhi (the skill of shooting a target without seeing but by listening to the sound), sarapaṭibāhana (the skill of stopping and warding off incoming arrows), and other archery skills.
By such skills in the art of war, Prince Siddhattha proved that he belonged to the warrior class and that he was superior to all other contestants. The fathers of the Sākyan princesses were much satisfied and no more doubtful of the prince. Moreover, the Sākyan princesses were very joyful to know the results. At the same time, they also became quite nervous whether they were pretty enough for the prince to choose. Among these Sākyan princesses, Prince Siddhattha finally chose Yasodharā, his own beautiful cousin, daughter of King Suppabuddha of the Koliyan Kingdom and Princess Amitā, the sister of King Suddhodana. For a present, the prince gave her an exquisite golden necklace more valuable than what he gave to the other princesses. King Suddhodana was very happy knowing that the prince had chosen Yasodharā as his
wife, and he blessed his son to marry her.
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奥田 昭則

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