12話 三番目の予兆

第1部 出家まで
第4章 重大な前ぶれ
12話 三番目の予兆・・・・一つの死体
「チャンナ、あの行列を見ろよ! あれは何をやっているんだ? なぜ、行進しながら、嘆いているんだ? なぜ、板の上に寝ている人は、ひとことも言わず、四人の男たちが持ちにくそうに運んでいるんだ?」
「死んでいる? ふーん・・・それは奇妙にきこえるな、わたしには」と、王子はつぶやいた。それでもやはり、行列をずっと見ていた。
「チャンナ、『死』って、ほんとうにどういう意味なんだ? なぜ、あの男は動かないまま、あそこに横たわっているんだ? そして、なぜ、自分が親族によって焼かれるがままにしているんだ? 焼かれているとき、痛みを感じないのか?」
「しかしチャンナよ、わたしもまた、あの男のように死を免れないのか? 父も、母も、妻のヤソーダラーも、わたしの知っているすべての人たちもまた、死を免れないのか? 死の性質を乗りこえられる者は誰もいないのか?」
「はい、そのとおりでございます、わが親愛なる王子さま! 生きている者は誰でも、いつかあの男のように死ぬのです。死がやってきたとき、避けたり、止めたりする道はありません。誰も永遠には生きられません。そして誰も死を乗りこえられません。お父上の王さま、お母さま、お妃さま、殿下ご自身、そしてすべての愛しい親族の方々、わたしも含めて、いつか死にます。そうした方々はいずれ、殿下を見られなくなりますし、殿下もある日、見られなくなるのでございます」
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After the prince’s return from his second tour, King Suddhodana arranged many kinds of entertainments to distract his attention from renouncing the world and becoming a recluse. Thus, Prince Siddhattha spent his time enjoying the pleasures and luxuries of the palace life, and his sense of religious urgency became slightly diminished.
However, after about four months, Prince Siddhattha once again requested to go out of the palace to see more of the city. The king unwillingly consented; he thought that it was no use anymore to prevent his son since it would only make him unhappy.
As in the last tour, Prince Siddhattha disguised himself as a youth from a noble family and was followed only by Channa, who also dressed differently to conceal his identity. They went out of the palace walking in the City of Kapilavatthu that morning. The prince cheerfully saw the people’s activities. A few times, the prince
approached some shops and the crowds to see their activities closely. Some of the shopkeepers welcomed him and asked him whether he would buy anything. Some called the prince to look at their merchandise. Meanwhile, some others neglected him and carried on with their business as they did not recognise him as their prince. However, all these natural responses only served to make the prince happy, for his
disguise worked as planned.
Then on the way, he saw a procession of people coming along the street. Two persons in front and two others at the back were carrying a bier on which a very thin man laid flat and still, covered with a cloth. The rest walked following them with a very sad expression on their faces. Some of them could not control their sadness and burst out crying. However, they proceeded walking to their destination.
Not knowing what was happening, the prince turned to his charioteer asking: “Channa, look that procession! What are they doing? Why are they marching along and lamenting? Why did that person lying on the board not say a word though the four men are carrying it clumsily?”
“Your Majesty, that man is dead. He can neither know nor say anything although they are carrying him clumsily. Now they, his family and relatives, are going to cremate him, and after that they will not see each other any longer. That’s why they are crying,” Channa explained.
“Dead? Hmm… It sounds strange to me,” the prince mumbled. Nevertheless, he kept observing the procession.
Arriving at the cremation spot, they rested the person on a prepared pile of wood and set the wood on fire. The prince was really shocked seeing what they did towards the dead man; he pinched his own arm and rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not dreaming. In the meantime, the relatives of the dead surrounded the corpse and wailed so uncontrollably that its sound would touch anyone’s heart. They were tousling their hair and beating their chests while uttering something to express their sorrow.
Being utterly dazed by what was happening before his very eyes, the prince watched the cremation ceremony heartrendingly. For a moment, he could not say a single word. Then with a trembling voice, he asked his charioteer: “Channa, what does ‘dead’ really mean? Why does the man keep lying down there without moving? And, why does he let himself be burnt by his relatives? Doesn’t he feel pain when he is burnt?”
“Your Majesty, when a man dies, he does not have consciousness or feeling any longer in his body. He cannot see any forms though he has eyes. He cannot hear any sounds though he has ears. He cannot smell any odours though he has a nose. He cannot taste any food as sweet, bitter, sour, or salty though he has a tongue, and he cannot feel any bodily touch as hot, cold, soft, or hard though he has a body. He is
not conscious of anything and he has absolutely no feeling for any touch as he is already dead,” replied Channa.
“But Channa, am I also subject to death like that man? Will my father, mother, my wife Yasodharā, and all the people I know be also subject to death? Is there anyone who can overcome the nature of death?” the prince asked further.
“Yes, that is so, my dear prince! Anybody who is alive will die someday like that man. There is no way to avoid or to stop death when it comes. No one can live forever. And no one can overcome death. It is certain that one day, your royal father, mother, your wife, you yourself, and all your beloved relatives, including me, will die. They will never see you anymore, nor will you see your relatives any longer one day,” Channa explained.
This unpleasant sight occurred without anyone able to prevent it. It deeply touched the prince’s heart for the third time of his tour. Prince Siddhattha has no more mood to continue his visit. Followed by Channa, he quietly returned to the palace, and alone he went into his room. He sat down and thought deeply about what he had seen. He said to himself: “It is so horrible that everybody must die one day, and no one can prevent it. There must be some way to overcome this. I shall find out the way so that my father, mother, Yasodharā and all my beloved relatives will never be plagued by old age, sickness and death.”
Channa told the king that the prince had come back in a hurry after seeing a corpse. Hearing this, the king became very sad and worried. And although he had strived with utmost care to prevent his son from seeing unpleasant things, an unexpected sight occurred for the third time as predicted by the eight brahmins.
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奥田 昭則

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