16話 ビンビサーラ王の申し出を断る

第1部 出家まで
第5章 出家
16話 ビンビサーラ王の申し出を断る
これをきいて、つい先ほど菩薩の姿を見たばかりの王は、もっと知りたくてしかたがなくなった。三人の王の使者に「行者を追え! 何をしているか注意深く監視して、居場所を突き止めよ! 話せる機会があれば、まずあいさつをして、丁重にきけ」と指示した。
王子としてふだん、きれいで、白い、香りのよいごはんに、たくさんのおいしく料理されたおかずや、食欲をそそる付け合わせを食べていた。見るだけ、匂いをかぐだけでも食欲が増したのに! ところがいま、この碗の中のごはんとカレーを食べなければならないのである。食欲を失い、胸が悪くなる思いだった。ごちゃごちゃの見かけと、ひどく不快な臭いに、気分が悪くなった。そして、まさにひと口食べようとして、ほとんど吐き出しそうになった。
そのとき、自分に、こういいきかせた。「シッダッタ、おまえが最高の快楽と力のある王子だったとき、僧になりたい、と思ったのではないのか? 王立公園で見た僧のように、托鉢にまわって得た食べ物を食べられる自分を想像しなかったのか? おまえは、多くの有情のために、生老病死を乗りこえる薬を探すために僧として気高く貴い道を歩もう、と決めたのではないのか? いまやおまえの願いがかなったのに、なぜ、行者の生活にがっかりして、いまだに王子にふさわしい暮らしを夢見ているのか?」
「なぜ、あなたは行者になられたのですか? お父上とけんかなさったのですか?」
「尊い方よ、あなたは純粋に支配者階級の出でいらっしゃる。この世から隠遁されてはいけません! わが国の首都へ来て、滞在してください! 王の楽しみと財産を、あなたにできる限り提供しましょう。アンガとマガダの二国をわたしは支配しております。その支配権の半分をあなたにさしあげましょう。王になって、統治してください!」と、ビンビサーラ王は申し出た。
「たいへんありがとうございます、陛下! わたしは、あらゆる物質的な楽しみには、何の欲望もありません。そんなものは望めば実際に得ることもできましたが、望まなかったのです。しかし、すべての有情のために聖なる生活を送っている僧に出会ってからは、かれのように僧になって、気高い道をたどろうと決めたのです。そうすることによってわたしは、あらゆる有情を生老病死の苦難から救うことができるようになるでしょう」
「尊い方よ、あなたは栄光と権力にみちた王座を手に入れようとしておられたのに、それをためらいもなく、まるで唾みたいに捨てられた。人間社会のために僧になられている。あなたの目的は何と崇高であることか! あなたの涅槃への大望をわたし自身が知ってしまって、あなたはブッダになられるとわたしは確信しています。尊い方よ、わたしはもはや、あなたのお時間を取らせませんが、一つお願いをさせてください。あなたが完全なさとりを実現されたらただちに、どうか、わが首都ラージャガハへ、最初に来てください」
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Episode 16 REJECTING KING Bimbisāra’S OFFER
During the first seven days after becoming a monk, the Bodhisatta spent his time in a nearby mango grove called Anupiya, not far from the Anomā River, contemplating and enjoying the bliss of ascetic life. On the eighth day, he left that place and travelled thirty yojanas southward to Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, which was ruled by King Bimbisāra—his chief queen was Kosala Devī, daughter of King Mahā Kosala and sister of King Pasenadi Kosala; their son was Prince Ajātasattu. King Bimbisāra had another wife named Khemā, who later became a bhikkhunī and was appointed as the first chief female disciple by the Blessed One.
In the morning when it was time to go for alms, the Bodhisatta donned his robes properly, took his alms-bowl—offered by Brahmā Ghaṭikāra, and entered the City of Rājagaha from the eastern gate. He walked from house to house receiving alms-food from devout families along the streets of Rājagaha. The Bodhisatta was passing by the palace ground when King Bimbisāra was about to give closing instructions to his citizens after a full-week festival. Thus, when the king was standing on the upper terrace of the palace, he saw the Bodhisatta walking calmly with his senses well-controlled.
Both the devout families who offered alms-food to the Bodhisatta and the citizens who were gathering in the palace ground were astonished by the distinguished appearance of the Bodhisatta, who was different from other ascetics. Everyone was amazed seeing the Bodhisatta, who was still very young, handsome, with clean and bright complexion, and who wore his robes neatly. His face was composed and pleasant, his eyes downcast seeing about only six feet ahead. Whenever he walked, stretched or bent his arms, he did it elegantly. Thus in a short time, the citizens of Rājagaha turned into a state of commotion talking about the incomparably graceful and unique demeanour of the Bodhisatta.
In the mean time, the royal attendants who knew about the presence of an elegant ascetic around the city immediately went to King Bimbisāra and reported: “Your Majesty, we have found a young man in ascetic dress walking around the streets collecting alms-food; he is handsome, clean, neat, calm, and pleasant, unlike the ordinary ascetics we usually meet. But no one knows anything about him.”
Hearing this, the king, who had seen the Bodhisatta a few moments ago, became enthusiastic to know more. He instructed three of his royal messengers: “Follow the ascetic! Observe carefully what he does, and find out where he stays! If you had a chance to talk, you should greet him first and inquire him politely.”
Meanwhile, after the Bodhisatta had gathered enough alms-food for the day, he left the city through the eastern gate and headed for the Paṇḍava Hill, where ascetics usually stayed. Having arrived at the eastern slope, he sat under the shade of a tree at the entrance of a mountain cave and prepared to take the alms-food. When he opened the lid of his alms-bowl, he was quite shocked with what he saw. The rice
and curries, offered by the families of the Rājagaha City, were mixed up together and looked very disgusting to him as he had never seen such foods all his life.
As a prince, he usually ate clean, white fragrant rice with many dishes cooked deliciously and garnished attractively; even seeing or smelling the dishes would increase his appetite! But now, he had to consume the rice and curries in his alms-bowl. He lost his appetite and felt disgusted. He felt sick by the jumbled appearance and the terribly unpleasant smell of the foods. And when he was about to put a
morsel into his mouth, he almost vomitted.
He then admonished himself thus: “Siddhattha, when you were a prince full of pleasure and power, didn’t you yourself want to become a monk? Didn’t you yourself imagine the time when you could eat the meals obtained by going on alms-round like the monk you saw in the garden? Weren’t you yourself determined, for the sake of the many, to find the medicine for overcoming birth, ageing, sickness and death by following the noble path of monkhood? Now that you have fulfilled your wish, why
are you discouraged of the ascetic life and still dream of things befitting a prince?” Thinking thus, he made up his mind to concentrate on the food merely as nutriments to sustain the body and to support his chaste life. He took the meals without any repulsion.
When the royal messengers knew where the Bodhisatta stayed, two of them kept staying in a distance to keep an eye on him, while the third returned to the king informing thus: “Your Majesty, after collecting his alms-food, the ascetic headed for the eastern slope of the Paṇḍava Hill and took his meal under the shade of a tree at the entrance of a mountain cave. He is now sitting calmly there.”
Thereupon, King Bimbisāra became excited and personally went in his royal chariot to where the Bodhisatta stayed; he continued his journey on foot from where the chariot could not go any longer. He approached the Bodhisatta and sat down on one side with his permission. The king was very much impressed by the appearance of the Bodhisatta, and he gladly exchanged greetings and asked about his health. The king said: “You are still young and good-looking. You are also endowed with perfection of physique and characteristics, but in your youthful age you have become an ascetic. Please tell me who you really are!”
The Bodhisatta revealed his identity: “Your Majesty, I come from the region of Kapilavatthu, located at the foothills of the Himalayas, in the land of the Kosalan people. My father King Suddhodana, who reigns over the region, is of the lineage of the Sun; thus I am of the Ādicca (the Sun) clan. And by my glorious birth, I am of the Sākya clan, “Sākya” being a new name which our ancestor King Ukkaka gave to his
skilful (sākya) off-springs. My name is Siddhattha and my family name is Gotama.” Since then, the Bodhisatta was known as “the ascetic Gotama” by the people.
King Bimbisāra asked further: “Why do you become an ascetic? Have you quarrelled with your father?”
“No, O great king, I do not quarrel with my father. On the contrary, I love my parents, wife, son, you and everybody else. I take up ascetic life by becoming a monk to achieve Nibbāna,” the Bodhisatta replied.
“Venerable sir, you come from the pure ruling class. Do not recede from the world! Come and stay in my capital city! I will offer you as much royal pleasure and wealth as possible. The two countries of Aṅga and Magadha are under my control. I will give you half of my sovereignty over the countries. Be a king and reign!” King Bimbisāra offered.
The Bodhisatta rejected politely, saying: “Thank you very much, Your Majesty! I have no desire at all for all material pleasures which I could have actually obtained had I wanted to. But after having met a monk who led a holy life for the sake of all living beings, I am determined to become a monk like him by following his noble path. By doing so, I will be able to help all sentient beings from afflictions caused by birth, old age, sickness and death.”
Having heard the explanation, the king replied: “Venerable sir, when you are about to acquire the throne which is full of glory and power, you leave it without hesitation as if it were spittle; for the sake of humanity, you become a monk. How sublime is your aim! Having known myself your great aspiration for Nibbāna, I firmly believe that you will certainly become a Buddha. Venerable sir, I shall not take your
time any longer, but let me make a request. Please come first to my capital city, Rājagaha, as soon as you have realised the Perfect Enlightenment.” After the Bodhisatta had given his approval, the king went back to the city.
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奥田 昭則

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