26話 カッサパ三兄弟と獰猛な龍王

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第1章 初転法輪
26話 カッサパ三兄弟と獰猛な龍王
「よろしいとも、偉大な比丘よ。しかし獰猛な龍王(ナーガ ラージャー)がそこに住んでいます。超自然の怪力をもち、恐ろしい猛毒がある。あなたに危害を加えるかもしれない」とウルヴェーラ・カッサパが答えた。
その後、世尊はカッサパの庵からほど遠くない森の中に住まわれた。それにつづく何夜か、四方の神々の王(四天王(チャートゥンマハーラージカ デーヴァ))、帝釈天(サッカ)(神々の支配者)、サハンパティ梵天が、それぞれ法(ダンマ)を聴くため世尊の御前に現れた。こうしたすべての出来事にウルヴェーラ・カッサパは気づいたが、それでも世尊は自分のような阿羅漢ではない、とずっと思っていたのである。
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After giving higher ordination to the thirty Bhaddavaggiyā princely brothers, the Blessed One continued His missionary journey by stages. In due course, He arrived at Uruvelā.
In the Uruvelā Forest, there lived three matted-hair ascetics (jaṭila) with their one thousand followers. The eldest one was named Uruvela Kassapa, dwelling on the bank of a river with his five hundred disciples. His younger brother, Nadī Kassapa, was dwelling in some distance downstream with his three hundred disciples. And the youngest one, Gayā Kassapa, was dwelling in some distance farther downstream
with his two hundred disciples.
As it was already quite late in the evening when the Blessed One arrived there, He went to the hermitage of Uruvela Kassapa and requested: “Kassapa, if you don’t mind, may I spend one night in your fire chamber?”
“I don’t mind, Great Bhikkhu. But a ferocious nāga king (nāgarājā) lives there. He has supernormal powers and is terribly poisonous. He may harm You,” Uruvela Kassapa replied.
The Blessed One repeated His request for the second and third time, but He received the same reply. Then, He said: “Perhaps he will not harm Me, Kassapa. Let Me stay at the fire chamber.”
Uruvela Kassapa gave his assent: “You may stay as long as You wish, Great Bhikkhu.”
Thereupon, the Blessed One entered the fire chamber, spread out a grass mat and sat cross-legged, keeping His body erect and establishing mindfulness on the object of meditation. On seeing the Blessed One, the serpent king was angry and blew forth burning fumes incessantly towards the Him with the intention to kill Him.
Then, the Blessed One thought: “Suppose I counter his fire by fire without injuring his body.” Far more violent fumes then countered the attack of the nāga king’s fumes without injuring his body. Then, the nāga king, unleashing his fury, blew forth blazing flames from his mouth. This time, the Blessed One sent forth harmless violent flames towards the nāga king. The fire chamber seemed ablaze with enormous
flames sent forth by the Blessed One and the nāga king. The nāga king used all his powers to attack the Blessed One, but he could not cause even a single scratch to His body. Thus, the Blessed One subdued the nāga king by His psychic powers without injuring him. He then put the nāga king into His alms-bowl.
Seeing the violent flames inside the fire chamber, Uruvela Kassapa, who was waiting outside with his disciples, hopelessly said: “The handsome Great Bhikkhu has been destroyed by the nāga king.”
When the night was over and the day broke, Uruvela Kassapa and his disciples approached the fire chamber to see what had happened inside. To their surprise, they saw the Blessed One was sitting calmly there. Then, the Blessed One rose up from His seat and took His alms-bowl. He opened His alms-bowl in front of Uruvela Kassapa: “This is your nāga king, Kassapa. I have subdued his fire by My fire.” Seeing the nāga
king, he cried out of fear and ran away; so did his disciples. Nevertheless, he thought: “Though the Great Bhikkhu is so mighty and powerful that He can overpower the nāga king, but He is not an Arahant like me.” Then, Uruvela Kassapa invited the Blessed One to stay there and promised to offer constant supply of food.
Thereafter, the Blessed One resided in a wood not far from Kassapa’s hermitage. In the following nights, the four deva kings of the Four Regions (Cātummahārājika devas), Sakka (the ruler of devas), and Brahmā Sahampati respectively came to the presence of the Blessed One to listen to the Dhamma. All these events were noticed by Uruvela Kassapa, but he always thought that the Blessed One was not an Arahant
like him.
As mentioned in the Text, during His stay there the Blessed One was compelled to perform His psychic powers (iddhipāṭihāriya) for at least sixteen times to make Uruvela Kassapa realise his wrong view. However, he still maintained that the Blessed One was not an Arahant like him. Although the Blessed One was aware of Uruvela Kassapa’s mind, He restrained Himself and remained patient, waiting for the time when Uruvela Kassapa’s sense faculties (indriya) would mature.
When three months had nearly passed, the Blessed One saw the right time to show Uruvela Kassapa’s wrong view. The Blessed One told him: “Kassapa, you are neither an Arahant, nor are you on the way to becoming one. There is nothing that you do by which you might become an Arahant or enter into the way to becoming one.”
Thereupon, a strong sense of religious urgency arose in Uruvela Kassapa. He immediately prostrated himself with his head at the Blessed One’s feet and made a request: “Lord, may the Blessed One grant me the going forth and higher ordination as a bhikkhu.”
The Blessed One, instead of directly ordaining him, asked: “Kassapa, you are the leader, chief, head and principal of five hundred matted-hair ascetics. You must consult them first so that they may do as they think fit.”
So when Uruvela Kassapa told this matter to his five hundred disciples that he wanted to lead the holy life under the Blessed One, his disciples said: “O great teacher, we have long had faith in the Great Bhikkhu. If you lead the holy life under Him, all of us will do likewise.”
Then, Uruvela Kassapa and his five hundred disciples took their hair, their matted locks, their belongings, and the furniture for fire sacrifice, and dropped them all into the Nerañjarā River to be carried away. After that, together they approached the Blessed One and prostrated with their heads on the Blessed One’s feet and made a
request for the going forth and higher ordination. Thus, Uruvela Kassapa and the five hundred matted-hair ascetics became bhikkhus.
When Nadī Kassapa, who lived downstream, saw many properties of matted-hair ascetics being carried along by the river, he and his three hundred disciples set out for his elder brother’s hermitage to find out what had happened. On arriving there, Nadī Kassapa found his elder brother and his disciples had become bhikkhus. Then, he asked: “O elder brother Kassapa, is this state of a bhikkhu most noble and
“Yes, this state of a bhikkhu is most noble and praiseworthy,” Uruvela Kassapa replied.
Then, Nadī Kassapa and his three hundred matted-hair disciples followed the path of Uruvela Kassapa and his five hundred followers. They also threw away all their ascetics’ properties into the Nerañjarā River and became bhikkhus in the Blessed One’s presence.
The youngest brother, Gayā Kassapa, and his two hundred matted-hair disciples also followed the example of his elder brothers. They became bhikkhus in the presence of the Blessed One.
After the Blessed One liberated the Kassapa brothers and their one thousand followers from the wrong view and converted them into bhikkhus, all of them left the Uruvelā Forest and set out for Gayāsīsa. There, accompanied by the Kassapa brothers and a thousand bhikkhus, the Blessed One took His seat on a big stone slab. Then, He
delivered the Ādittapariyāya Sutta (the Discourse on All-in-Flames).
In this discourse, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus that the twelve sense bases (āyatana)—the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, visible forms, sounds, odours, flavours, tangibles, mind, and mental objects—are continuously burning. Even so, the six forms of consciousness, the six forms of contact, and the eighteen kinds of
feeling arising through contact are burning. They are burning with eleven kinds of fire, namely the fires of lust, hatred, delusion, birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair. Seeing thus, the wise noble disciple becomes dispassionate towards all of those. And being dispassionate, his lust fades away. With the fading away of lust, his mind is liberated. When his mind is liberated, there comes the insight that birth is exhausted, that the holy life has been lived out, that what has to be done is done, and that there is no more of this to come.
And while this discourse was being delivered, the minds of the Kassapa brothers and a thousand bhikkhus were released from taints through unclinging; all of them attained the stage of Arahantship.
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