
32話 一人息子ラーフラ ・・・・ 最初の沙弥(サーマネーラ)

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ

第3章 ふるさとへ

32話 一人息子ラーフラ ・・・・ 最初の沙弥(サーマネーラ)





「わが愛する息子よ、あの上品な比丘(ビック)をごらんなさい。梵天(ブラフマー)のように金色の外見をしていて、二万人の比丘(ビック)たちにかしずかれています! あの方があなたのお父さまです。たいへんな財産をお持ちでしたが、世を捨てられたのと同時に消えてなくなりました。あなたのお父さまの近くに行って、次のように申しあげて財産相続をお願いしなさい。『お父さま、わたしは若き王子で、いずれ王位に就きます。わたしには王にふさわしい財産と宝物が必要です。そのような遺産の相続をしてくださるようお願い致します。息子はどんなときでも父の遺産の継承者となりますから』と。



食事の後、世尊は布施食の提供の功徳について説法され、宮殿を去って二万人の阿羅漢の弟子たちとニグローダ園に向かわれた。ラーフラ王子は「わたしに財産相続してください、おお、比丘よ! わたしに財産相続してください、おお、比丘よ!」と言いながら、世尊のあとについて行った。王子は園林までの道のりの間中、そうくりかえした。しかしながら、誰もそれを止めず、世尊も止めなかった。
















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Episode 32     Rāhula, THE FIRST NOVICE

The young prince Rāhula was seven years old when the Blessed One visited Kapilavatthu. He was brought up by his mother Yasodharā and his grandfather King Suddhodana. During that period, he had never seen his father, Prince Siddhattha, who renounced the world on the day he was born.
On the seventh day in Kapilavatthu, the Blessed One and His disciples again partook of their meal in the king’s palace. At that time, Princess Yasodharā had the young prince elegantly dressed and sent him to the Blessed One, saying: “My beloved son, look that gracious bhikkhu, who has a golden appearance like a brahmā and is attended by twenty thousand bhikkhus! He is your father. He had great wealth, but
it had disappeared simultaneously with His renunciation. Approach your father and ask for your inheritance, saying: ‘My father, I am a young prince and I will be crowned as a king one day. I am in need of wealth and treasures befitting such a king. I pray that those properties be given to me as inheritance, for the son always becomes heir to such a property of his father.’”
Immediately, Prince Rāhula came close to the Blessed One and felt the affectionate love of his father. His heart was inundated with joy. He said all that his mother had asked him to say and added his own words: “O bhikkhu father, even Your shadow is pleasing to me!”
After the meal, the Blessed One gave a discourse on the merits of provision of alms-food and left the palace for the Nigrodha Monastery together with His twenty thousand Arahant disciples. Prince Rāhula followed behind the Blessed One, saying: “Give me my inheritance, O bhikkhu! Give me my inheritance, O bhikkhu!” He repeated it along the way up to the monastery. Nevertheless, no one stopped him, nor did the
Blessed One.
When the Blessed One arrived at the monastery, He thought: “Prince Rāhula wants to inherit his father’s wealth, but this worldly wealth and property would only lead him to an unending suffering of the rounds of rebirth. I shall better give him the seven kinds of noble wealth: faith (saddhā), morality (sīla), sense of shame (hiri), fear of wrongdoing (ottappa), knowledge (suta), generosity (cāga), and wisdom (paññā), all of which I have discovered during my struggle for Enlightenment. I shall make him the owner of the excellent inheritance.” Then, the Blessed One asked the Venerable Sāriputta to initiate Prince Rāhula as a novice (sāmaṇera). Thus, Rāhula became the first sāmaṇera in the Buddha Sāsanā.
On hearing that his grandson Prince Rāhula was initiated as a sāmaṇera, King Suddhodana was greatly distressed and suffered an intense mental and physical agony. Thereupon, he went to the Blessed One. After paying homage to Him, he sat down at an appropriate seat and said: “Lord, may I ask one favour of the Blessed One?”
“O royal father, Perfect Ones have left favours behind,” the Blessed One replied.
The King said: “I will only make a request which is proper and blameless.”
“Tell it, then, O great king!” the Blessed One replied.
King Suddhodana described and asked thus: “Lord, I suffered no little sorrow when You first renounced the world. But then, my son Nanda received the higher ordination as a bhikkhu. And lastly, my grandson Rāhula was initiated as a sāmaṇera. Now, my misery is immeasurable. Love for our children, Lord, penetrates the outer skin. It pierces into the inner skin, flesh, sinews, bones, and even down to the
marrow. Lord, it would be good if the Venerable One did not give the going forth to children without the parents’ consent.”
The Blessed One then instructed, urged, roused, and encouraged the king with talk on the Dhamma. Afterwards, King Suddhodana rose from his seat; and after paying homage to the Blessed One, he left, keeping Him on his right.
In regard with the king’s request, the Blessed One accepted this reason and laid down a rule at the Order of Bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, you should not give the going forth to children without the consent of their parents.”
The Blessed One constantly taught Rāhula many suttas for his guidance, and the sāmaṇera himself was eager to receive instruction from Him and his teachers. He always rose up early in the morning and took a handful of sand, saying: “May I today receive as many words of counsel from my teachers as these grains of sand.”
When Rāhula was seven years old, the Blessed One preached to him the Ambalaṭṭhika-Rāhulovāda Sutta, in which He advised him not to tell lie even in play. And when Rāhula was eighteen, the Blessed One delivered the Mahā Rāhulovāda Sutta, in which He explained a profound discourse on mental-culture. At the age of twenty, Rāhula obtained his higher ordination as a bhikkhu. And when he listened to the Cūḷa Rāhulovāda Sutta preached by the Blessed One at Andhavana, at the end of the
discourse he attained Arahantship, together with one hundred thousand crores of listening devas.

To be continued

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奥田 昭則



著書にヴァイオリニスト五嶋みどり、五嶋龍の母の半生を描いた「母と神童」、単一生協では日本最大のコープこうべ創立80周年にともなう流通と協同の理念を追った「コープこうべ『再生21』と流通戦争」、新聞連載をもとにした梅原猛、今出川行雲、梅原賢一郎の各氏との共著 「横川の光 比叡山物語」。2021年、逝去。