34話 コーサラ国パセーナディ王 ・・・・ パトロン国王

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 さまざまな男たち
34話 コーサラ国パセーナディ王 ・・・・ パトロン国王
「偉大な王よ、若いから、小さいからといって見下げたり、軽蔑すべきではないものが四つあります。その四つとは何か? 王族、蛇、火、比丘です。王族の王子は若いからといって、暴君かもしれず、他者に害をなすかもしれません。小さな蛇は、他者に噛みつき、死なせてしまうかもしれません。パチパチと小さな火花を出している火は、大火事になって家や森を燃やすかもしれません。そして比丘は、まだ若くても、徳において卓越しているかもしれないのです」
パセーナディ王は世尊から直接、説法を聴ける機会が多くあったので、ビンビサーラ王よりは幸運であった。相応部経典(サンユッタ ニカーヤ)のパーリ有偈篇(サガータヴァッガ)第三部にはコーサラ相応(サンユッタ)として、世尊がパセーナディ王に説かれた二十五経からなる特別編がある。また、長部経典(ディーガ ニカーヤ)、中部経典(マッジマ ニカーヤ)、増支部経典(アングッタラ ニカーヤ)、小部経典(クッダカ ニカーヤ)にも、世尊、あるいは弟子たちが、王に説いた教典がある。
「法尊重経(ダンマチェーティヤ スッタ)」(中部89)を世尊から聴いて、パセーナディ王は大いに喜んだ。しかしながら王は僧院から出たとき、馬一頭と侍女一人を除き、従者全員がいなくなっているのを見て、衝撃を受けた。何が起きたのか侍女から知らされ、アジャータサットゥ王を頼ってマガダ国のラージャガハへ急いだ。
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The Kingdom of Kosala, with Sāvatthi as its capital city, was located to the north of the Kingdom of Magadha. When King Mahā Kosala was reigning, his son, the young Prince Pasenadi, went to Takkasilā to study for higher education. Among his friends were Prince Mahāli Licchavī son of King Licchavī of Vesālī, and Prince Bandhula son of
the chieftain of the Mallas in Kusinārā. When their education was completed, they returned to their respective homes.
Soon after his arrival in Sāvatthi, Prince Pasenadi demonstrated his proficiency in various arts before his royal father. Having seen and being satisfied with his son’s skills and abilities, King Mahā Kosala crowned Prince Pasenadi as king of the Kosala Kingdom, and he was well known as King Pasenadi Kosala. Mallikā, daughter of a garland maker, was his chief queen; she was dearly loved by the king. Realising that
her wisdom was greater than his own, King Pasenadi often asked her for advice in solving many difficulties.
The Conversion of King Pasenadi
Having completed His second rains-residence in Rājagaha, the Blessed One went to Sāvatthi and stayed at the Jetavana Monastery, fulfilling Anāthapiṇḍika’s invitation. It was the first time King Pasenadi met Him. On that occasion, he asked: “Master Gotama, how is it that You claim to have attained the Supreme Full Enlightenment while Master Gotama is both young in years and newly gone forth into homelessness?”
The Blessed One replied: “Great king, there are four things that should not be looked down on and despised because they are young. What are the four? They are a noble warrior, a serpent, a fire, and a bhikkhu. Though a noble warrior prince is young, he may be tyrannical and cause harm to others. A small serpent may attack and bite others to death. The sparkling of a little fire may cause a big conflagration
to houses and forests. And though a bhikkhu is still young, he may be the one who excels in virtues.”
King Pasenadi was satisfied and pleased with the answer uttered by the Blessed One. Firm faith to the Blessed One arose in him, and he believed that the Blessed One was indeed full of wisdom. Then, he resolved to take the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṁgha as his refuge and to be His follower so long as his breath would last. Since then, he became a royal benefactor of the Buddha and the Order of Bhikkhus.
Relationship between the Buddha and King Pasenadi
The Blessed One and King Pasenadi were of the same age, and their talks were, therefore, friendly and warm. One day, King Pasenadi went to the Jetavana Monastery after having his morning meal. The king was used to eating one quarter of a basket of rice with meat curry everyday, and because of this habit he became very fat. So, while
listening to the Blessed One’s discourse, he felt very sleepy and was nodding most of the time. Seeing him nodding, the Blessed One advised him to take a little less rice everyday and to decrease the amount on a sliding scale to the minimum of one-sixteenth part of the original amount he was taking. The king did as he was told and found that by eating less he became thin, but he felt very much lighter and enjoyed
much better health.
King Pasenadi was more fortunate than King Bimbisāra as he had the chance to hear many discourses directly from the Blessed One. In the third section of the Saṁyutta Nikāya, we can find the Kosala Saṁyutta of Sagāthāvagga Pāḷi, a special section consisting of twenty-five discourses which the Blessed One preached to King Pasenadi. We can also find many discourses—in the Dīgha Nikāya, Majjhima Nikāya,
Saṁyutta Nikāya, Aṅguttara Nikāya, and the Khuddaka Nikāya—which the Blessed One or His disciples preached to the king.
The Buddha’s Attitude towards Women
On one occasion, when King Pasenadi was talking with the Blessed One, a messenger came and whispered to him that Queen Mallikā had given birth to a daughter. He was not pleased hearing the news as he had been expecting a son to succeed to the throne. Unlike other religious teachers, the Blessed One advised him thus: “O great king, some women are indeed better than men. There are women who are wise (medhāvinī), virtuous (sīlavatī), who regard their mothers-in-law as goddesses (sassudevās), and who would be devoted wives (patibbatās). They may
bear a valiant son who would become king and who would rule a kingdom.”
Objection Against Animal Sacrifice
One night, King Pasenadi had sixteen bad dreams and was greatly perturbed in mind, not knowing their true significance. His brahmin advisers interpreted that they presaged danger either to his kingdom, his life, or his wealth. They instructed the king to make an animal sacrifice to ward off the danger. The king made all the necessary arrangements for this sacrifice. But hearing of this barbarous act which would result in the loss of thousands of helpless creatures, Queen Mallikā persuaded the king to consult with the Blessed One, whose understanding infinitely surpassed that of those worldly brahmins. The king followed her advice and immediately approached the Blessed One in the Jetavana Monastery. The Blessed One explained the significance of the dreams fully to him.
War between the Kosala Kingdom and the Magadha Kingdom
At one time, Ajātasattu assassinated his father King Bimbisāra and became the new king of Magadha. Queen Kosaladevī fell into a deep sorrow over the demise of her husband, King Bimbisāra. She died of grief before long. Learning the death of his sister queen, King Pasenadi confiscated the revenue of the Kāsi Village, which was part of Queen Kosaladevī’s dowry in her marriage to King Bimbisāra. King
Ajātasattu was angry and declared war upon his uncle, King Pasenadi. Then, when he marched into the village, King Pasenadi—with his army—also advanced therein. There, the uncle and his nephew fought each other. In the first three battles, the young and strong King Ajātasattu could beat his old uncle, who was forced to retreat to
When the news was heard by the Blessed One, then He said:
“Victory brings forth hatred.
The defeated one lives in agony.
One who has a peaceful mind lives happily,
As he has laid aside victory and defeat.”
In the fourth battle, King Pasenadi won and captured his nephew, King
Ajātasattu. King Pasenadi confiscated all his elephants, horses, chariots, and infantry, but he let him live. King Pasenadi did not release Ajātasattu until he vowed not to resort to violence again.
Knowing this, the Blessed One uttered two stanzas reflecting the truth regarding warfare between countries—these stanzas are still relevant, even to the present days:
“A man may plunder another until it serves his ends.
But when others plunder him in return,
He, the plundered one, plunders back.
The fool believes he is in luck,
So long as the fruit of evil does not ripen.
But when it does, he fares ill.”
“The slayer gets a slayer in turn.
The conqueror meets one who conquers him.
The abuser gets himself abused.
The annoyer annoyed.
Thus, by the devolution of deed,
A man who plunders is plundered in turn.”
The First Conspiracy
After King Pasenadi became a lay follower of the Blessed One, he wished to be close to the Saṁgha. Knowing that the Blessed One was a Sākyan, he then sent messengers to the Sākya Kingdom to ask a Sākyan princess for marriage. The Sākyans could neither give a Sākyan princess in marriage to non-Sākyans nor refuse it as they were a vassal state of the Kosala Kingdom. Then, they made a conspiracy by giving Vāsabhakhattiyā, daughter of the Sākyan Prince Mahānāma and a slave-woman, Nāgamuṇḍā. Unaware, King Pasenadi was very glad and immediately took her as his consort. By her, King Pasenadi had a son, Viḍūḍabha.
On one occasion, when Prince Viḍūḍabha visited Kapilavatthu, he found that no Sākyan princes paid respect to him and he came to know that his grandmother was a slave girl. He was very upset and vowed that the day he became king he would kill all the Sākyans. King Pasenadi who heard this news became very angry and withdrew the royal honours and relegated the prince and his mother to the slave position. However,
after the Blessed One advised and related to the king the Kaṭṭhahārika Jātaka, King Pasenadi reinstated the royal honours to the mother and her son.
The Second Conspiracy
On arrival at his home from Takkasilā, Prince Bandhula wished to show his proficiency in front of the princely families of the Mallas. But, he was tricked by his kinsmen. Thus, he was failed in the exhibition. Discovering the treachery, he threatened to kill them all and made himself a king, but his parents dissuaded him. Disappointed with his kinsmen, Prince Bandhula went to Sāvatthi to live with his friend, King Pasenadi, who welcomed and appointed him as commander-in-chief
(senāpati). Prince Bandhula married Mallikā, daughter of King Malla of Kusinārā. They had sixteen twin sons. Like their father, the thirty-two sons became skilful in various arts; each had a thousand retinues.
One day, Bandhula heard that a miscarriage of justice had occurred. He retried the case afresh and passed a judgement which was greatly applauded. Hearing what had happened, King Pasenadi was pleased and appointed him as judge. However, the former judges became angry and jealous with him. They plotted a conspiracy against him by deceiving the king that Bandhula was aspiring to usurp the throne. The king
believed them and became worried if Bandhula revolted against him. Thus, when there was an uprising in the frontier, the king sent Bandhula together with his thirty-two sons to quell the rebellion. Along with Bandhula were the king’s chosen generals, who were ordered to kill Bandhula and all his sons on the way home.
Mallikā, who was offering alms-food to the five hundred bhikkhus led by the two chief disciples at her home, received the news of the massacre of her husband and sons. She read the message and kept it in her pocket, carrying on with her duties calmly as if nothing had happened. At that time, her maid was bringing a bowl of ghee to the table, but it accidentally slipped from her hands and broke. Seeing this, the Venerable Sāriputta advised Mallikā not to let her mind be disturbed by the broken bowl. Thereupon, she took out the message from her pocket and said that she had just received a grim message about the death of her husband and her sons. Even so, she did not allow her mind to be disturbed by the news. Moreover, she advised her thirty-two daughters-in-law not to be oppressed by sorrow, grief, and lamentation, and not to harbour resentment against the king.
The Third Conspiracy
King Pasenadi heard from his agents of the attitude showed by Mallikā. He understood that his commander-in-chief, Bandhula, was actually innocent. The king became remorseful. He went to Mallikā’s house and apologized to her and her thirty-two daughters-in-law. The king not only gave a boon to them, but also appointed Bandhula’s nephew, Dīghakārāyaṇa, as commander-in-chief.
Although the king had made all possible amends, he was still possessed by a feeling of guilt. Since then, he became dejected and did not find pleasure in his kingly luxuries. One day when the Blessed One was staying at Medāḷupa, King Pasenadi—now eighty years old—wished to visit Him. He left the royal insignia with his commander-in-chief, Dīghakārāyaṇa, before entering the Blessed One’s chamber alone.
Thereupon, while the Blessed One was teaching the king inside the chamber, Dīghakārāyaṇa, who never forgave the king for having assassinated his uncle, left a horse and a royal maid behind and brought the royal insignia to Sāvatthi. He crowned Prince Viḍūḍabha as the new king of the Kosala Kingdom.
Having heard the Dhammacetiya Sutta from the Blessed One, King Pasenadi was delighted. However, when he came out of the monastery, the king was shocked seeing that all his retinues, save a horse and a royal maid, were gone. Having known from the royal maid what had happened, the king hurried back to Rājagaha to ask King Ajātasattu for support. When he arrived in Rājagaha, the city gates were already
closed as it was late in the evening. The old king was exhausted after a long journey. He had to spend the night in a hall outside the city, intending to see his nephew, King Ajātasattu, in the next morning. That night, he suffered from terrible indigestion, making him very weak. Accompanied only by the royal maid, King Pasenadi passed away at dawn the next day, predeceasing the Blessed One.
Prince Viḍūḍabha, who was now king, remembered his oath. He led a large army to wage war against and destroy the Sākyans. But on the way, he met the Blessed One, who gave His benign protection to His kinsmen. Knowing this, he ordered his army to retreat. Three times the king led an expedition against the Sākyans, and three times he withdrew his army after seeing the Blessed One. Nevertheless, when King Viḍūḍabha marched his army for the fourth time, the Blessed One could no longer give protection. He knew that the Sākyans’ evil deeds in the past were about to fructify.
The Sākyans were averse to taking life but they had to face the invasion of the Kosala army. Using their skills in archery, the Sākyans shot arrows into King Viḍūḍabha’s army without hitting any of them, just to frighten them away. However, thinking that the Sākyans were trying to kill them, King Viḍūḍabha ordered them to exterminate all the Sākyans, except his grandfather, Prince Mahānāma, and some of
his followers.
On the way back to Sāvatthi, they had to camp on the bank of the Aciravatī River at night. But that night, there was a sudden flood which swept away King Viḍūḍabha and his army into the ocean, where they were devoured by fish and turtles.
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奥田 昭則

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