35話 墓場のソーパーカ ・・・・ 七歳の阿羅漢

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 さまざまな男たち
35話 墓場のソーパーカ ・・・・ 七歳の阿羅漢
「あいつはわしの息子と喧嘩しやがった。まったく、ほんとうに迷惑な奴だ! あいつをたたき出さない限り、この家には平和がない。しかし、母親はあいつをとても愛している。母親があいつのそばにいるあいだは何もできん。このわしのもくろみを実行するのに、ちょうどいいときを見つけよう」
街をいくらか歩きまわった後、おじさんは街の外の墓地の方へ向かって行った。ソーパーカはこわかったのだが、おじさんの後について行くほかなかった。墓地の真ん中に着いたとき、ひどい悪臭のする腐敗した死体がいくつもあった。おじさんはソーパーカをつかみ、両手を一つの死体にしっかりくくりつけた。それからおじさんは、そこにソーパーカひとりを残して「獣たちに喰われてしまえ!」と言い放ったのである。ソーパーカは泣き出して、「ああ、おじさん、ぼくをひとりにして置いて行かないで、お願いだから! この腐りかけの死体にくくりつけないで! ああ、おじさん、ぼく、こわいよ! ああ、お願いだから、どうぞ家に連れて帰ってよ、おじさん!」と必死に訴えたが、おじさんは去って行った。
ソーパーカは打ちひしがれ、絶望を感じた。近くに誰も助けてくれる者がいなかったのだ。「おお、ぼくのどんな悪業が、墓地の真ん中で縛られているという、こんな結果をもたらしたのだろう? ぼくの親族か、それとも見知らぬ人でも、誰か親切にぼくを無事安全にしてくれる人がいないものだろうか?」と、ソーパーカは嘆いた。
「来たれ、おお、ソーパーカよ! 恐れるな! 如来(タターガタ)を見つめよ! わたしはそなたを助けています」
親族も、避難の逃げ場は与えられない」 (ダンマパダ288)
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Once, during the Buddha’s life time, there was born in Rājagaha a baby boy in the family of a cemetery-keeper. The child was called Sopāka. It was four months after his birth when his father was suddenly ill and died. Then, the poor Sopāka was adopted and brought up by his uncle; there, he stayed together with his cousin. However, his uncle only loved his own son, but he was cruel, unkind, and wicked to him. Whenever his mother was away, the little Sopāka, who was kind, innocent and well-behaved, was always beaten and scolded by his uncle.
One day, Sopāka quarrelled with his cousin. His uncle became angry and thought: “This boy quarrelled with my son. He is indeed an annoyance to us! There will be peace in this house only after I kick him out. But his mother loves him very much, and I cannot do anything while she is beside him. I shall find the right time to execute my plan.”
One evening, his uncle invited him: “My dear son, this evening the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Let us take a walk outside to get some fresh air.”
The seven-year old Sopāka was surprised that his uncle suddenly became very kind and spoke softly to him. He thought: “O, surely this is because my mother. She may have asked him to treat me well like his own son. If I am kind to my uncle, my mother will also be happy. I will not disappoint my mother.” Having considered thus, he eagerly followed his uncle walking around.
After walking around the city for some time, his uncle led him outside the city towards a cemetery. Although Sopāka was afraid, he had no way but to follow him. When they reached the middle of the cemetery, where there were some rotten corpses with a very bad smell, his uncle grabbed him, bound his hands and tied him fast to a corpse. Then, his uncle left him alone there, saying: “Let the beasts eat!” Sopāka started crying and calling him: “O uncle, do not leave me alone, please! Do not tie me to this rotten corpse! O uncle, I am afraid! O please uncle, please take me home, uncle!”
Sopāka tried to release himself from the bonds, but his efforts were in vain. At night, the surrounding became very dark and frightening, and the smell of dead bodies was really sickening. Wild beasts approached and knocked off branches; the wind rustled the leaves. All this frightened him so much that his hair stood up on its end. Soon, the sound of jackals howling one after another was heard in a distance; they came nearer and nearer to the cemetary in search of prey. He was crying as loud as he could, but no more tears rolled down from his eyes just like the dry Aciravatī River in the summer. But, cold sweat trickled down and soaked his body until it was entirely wet. But due to the fruit of his past merits, no jackals dared to prey on him.
He felt desperate and hopeless. He found no one near to help him. He lamented: “O, what wrong act of mine leads to this result, being bound in the middle of a cemetery? Is there anyone, my relatives or strangers, who can favour me safety?”
At that time, the Blessed One sent His brilliant light of glory, glowing in the darkness of the cemetery, where Sopāka was tied. The Blessed One calmed him. After Sopāka regained his mindfulness, the Blessed One spoke kindly: “Come, O Sopāka! Do not be afraid! Behold the Tathāgata! I am helping you.”
And by the greatness of the Buddha, Sopāka could easily break his bonds and instantly stood before the Blessed One’s Fragrant Chamber. And supported by his past merits, that very moment he could realise the Dhamma and became a Sotàpanna.
At home, Sopāka’s mother was looking for his son. When his uncle came home, she asked: “You went out with Sopāka, but now you came back alone. Where is my son?”
He replied unsympathetically: “I don’t know. I thought he has come back after slipping away from me.”
The whole night, Sopāka’s mother could not sleep. Her mind was full with worry for Sopāka’s safety. She cried a lot, thinking of his lost son. In the early morning, she thought: “It’s said that the Blessed One knows all matters, whether past, future and present. I’d better go to the Blessed One and ask Him to show my beloved son.”
Still unable to hide her sorrow, she proceeded to the monastery. When she arrived, the Blessed One, by His supernormal power, made Sopāka invisible to her.
The Blessed One asked: “O sister, why do you come here weeping?”
She answered: “O Lord, my son’s uncle had taken him walking around the city yesterday evening. But when he returned home, he came without my son. My son is lost, and I still could not find him until now. Nor has he come back to me. O Lord, please show me my son!”
Then, the Blessed One consoled her by uttering a stanza: “No sons are there for refuge, nor can father and close relatives protect one assailed by death; indeed neither kith nor kin can give refuge.”
Listening to the Blessed One’s words attentively, she could penetrate the essence of the Dhamma and attain the Fruition of Stream-Entry (Sotāpatti). Meanwhile, Sopāka developed the three higher Paths that at the end of the discourse he attained Arahantship at the age of seven. Thereupon, the Blessed One withdrew His supernormal power and revealed Sopāka’s presence to his mother. The mother was very happy to see her son again; she allowed him to enter the Order.
Some time later, the Blessed One wished to confer on Sopāka the higher ordination as he had attained Arahantship, even though he was still under twenty years old. The Blessed One put ten gradual questions to him, beginning with “What is one?”, and he answered the question beginning with “All creatures subsist by nutriment”, which was known as the “kumārapañhā”. The Blessed One was satisfied with the answers and allowed Venerable Sopāka’s higher ordination (pañhabyākaraṇūpasampadā).
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奥田 昭則

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