36話 くず拾いのスニータ ・・・・ 賤民の阿羅漢

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 さまざまな男たち
36話 くず拾いのスニータ ・・・・ 賤民の阿羅漢
ある日、夜の最終更(後夜)に、世尊は坐られながら大悲定(マハーカルナー サマーパッティ)の至福に深く没入されていた。世尊は仏眼(ブッダチャック)で世界を見渡され、なにか役に立つはたらきができないか、ご覧になっていた。そしてスニータの解脱の機が熟していることを見られた。托鉢に行く時間になって、世尊は衣をまとわれ、托鉢の鉢と大衣を持たれ、弟子たちとラージャガハへ向かわれた。
「尊師よ、わたしはいつでも命令されているのですが、このようなご厚意をいただいたことはありません。もし、あなたさまが、わたしみたいな汚くて、もっともみじめなくず拾いを受けいれてくださるのなら、なぜ、わたしがこの厳しくて汚い仕事をはなれないわけがありましょうか? どうぞ、尊い方よ、わたしを比丘にしてください!」
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In the City of Rājagaha, there lived a man belonging to a family of flower-scavengers (pupphachaḍḍakakula) named Sunīta. In this existence, he experienced a miserable life because in one of his past rounds of existence he had spoken disparagingly to a Silent Buddha (Pacceka Buddha). With his social status as an outcaste, it was impossible for him to get a good job and a good salary. To support his life, he worked as a road sweeper and earned a very small salary. Although he eked out his income, he still could not afford the basic needs such as clothes, medicine and a simple wooden hut. He could only eat rice gruel everyday. Sometimes, he would eat better meals of broken rice with lentil soup¾the meals were given by a kind family due to his service of cleaning their house. He wore only a piece of cloth to cover the lower part of his body. At night, he slept on the road side, for he did not have a house to sleep in.
Sunīta was also barred from mingling freely or moving about with other people. Whenever a high-caste person went on the road, he had to leave and stay far away from him so that his shadow would not fall on the person, otherwise he would be scolded and severely punished. More miserable to him was that he did not have the opportunity to learn anything and was completely barred from entering any religious place and from joining religious activities.
One day, in the last watch of the night, the Blessed One was sitting plunged into the bliss of Boundless Compassion (Mahākaruṇā Samāpatti). He surveyed the world with His Buddha Eye (Buddhacakkhu) to see whether He could be of service to any. He saw that Sunīta was ripe for deliverance. When it was time to collect alms, the Blessed One dressed. Taking His alms-bowl and outer robe, He went to Rājagaha with His disciples.
At that time, Sunīta was sweeping rubbish, fallen leaves and whatever dirt in the street, and was collecting the scraps in his basket. His body was sweating and was covered with dust. Then, from a distance, he saw the Blessed One and His disciples coming along the street. He hurried to put the rubbish into the basket, carried it away on his head to throw, but the Blessed One and His disciples came nearer and nearer to him. His heart was filled with fear and wonder. Finding no place to stay away, he put his basket and broom down on the ground, and stood stiffly against a wall, with palms joined in front of his chest in respect to the Blessed One.
Thereafter, the Blessed One approached and asked him sympathetically: “Sunīta, would you like to leave this hard livelihood and become a bhikkhu?”
When he heard this question, his body quivered with excitement, his heart was filled with great joy and happiness, and his eyes glistened with tears. He was so deeply touched that he could not say even a word for a moment as no one had ever spoken to him like this before. He pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming. All his life, he only received orders, curses and scolding from other people. But now, he was asked by the Blessed One with a tender voice and affection that he had never expected before.
Sunīta replied: “Lord, I always receive orders, but never get such kind of favour. If You were pleased to accept a dirty and most miserable scavenger like me, why should I not leave this hard and dirty job? Please, Lord, ordain me as a bhikkhu!”
Thus, while still standing there, Sunīta was ordained by the Blessed One with the word “Come, bhikkhu!” (Ehi Bhikkhu Upasampadā,). Then, the Blessed One took the Venerable Sunīta to the monastery along with the other monks. The Blessed One taught him a subject of meditation by which the Venerable Sunīta practised it perseveringly. And in not too long a time, he attained Arahantship. Many men and devas came to pay homage to him, and the Venerable Sunīta preached to them on his way of attainment.
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奥田 昭則

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