38話 女の出家・・・・ 比丘尼サンガ成立と八重法

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第2章 さまざまな女たち
38話 女の出家 ・・・・ 比丘尼サンガ成立と八重法
「アーナンダよ、もしマハーパジャーパティ・ゴータミーが八つの厳しいルール(八重法(アッタ ガルダンマー))を受けいれるなら、十分な入団戒だ、とみなすであろう。八重法とは以下のとおりである。
マハーパジャーパティ・ゴータミーは「簡略説経(サンキッタ スッタ)」(増支部・八法集ゴータミーの章)の説法を聴いた後、阿羅漢に達した。一方、他の五百人の女たちは「ナンダカ教誡(オーワーダ)経(スッタ)」(中部146)の説法を聴いた後、阿羅漢に達した。
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Episode 38. Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE Bhikkhunī Saṁgha
Having brought peace between Kapilavatthu and Koliya, the Blessed One proceeded to Vesālī by stages and resided at the Pinnacled Hall (Kūṭāgārasālā) in the Great Forest. While spending His fifth rains-residence there, He heard that His father, King Suddhodana, was seriously sick. The king was very old now. Although he could accept the reality, he always missed his beloved sons and grandson, who had renounced the world. Learning this, the Blessed One, accompanied by His two chief disciples—the Venerable Nanda and the Venerable Ānanda—went to Kapilavatthu. The king was very happy to see his sons again. The Blessed One consoled him with talk of the Dhamma. The king listened attentively to the preaching and he immediately attained Arahantship. Due to his old age, he could not recover from his illness. However, he could enjoy the bliss of Nibbāna before he passed away.
Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī was sad with the passing away of her husband, King Suddhodana. But her sadness did not last long as her mind was spiritually quite mature. She came to know that her duty as a wife had ended; so did her duty as a mother, as her son Prince Nanda had become a bhikkhu, and her daughter Princess Nandā was no more a child. Thus, she found nothing to do any longer and became tired of worldly life. Her wish to enter the Order under the presence of the Blessed One became stronger, but the Blessed One did not allow it.
Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī remembered that previously when the Blessed One was staying at the Nigrodha Monastery in His previous visit to Kapilavatthu, she had approached and requested Him to grant ordination to women to become bhikkhunīs, saying: “Lord, it would be good if women could obtain the going forth from the house life into homelessness in the Dhamma and Discipline (Vinaya) declared by the
Perfect One.”
However, the Blessed One refused by saying: “Enough, Gotamī! Do not ask for the going forth from the house life into homelessness for women in the Dhamma and Discipline declared by the Perfect One!”
She asked for the second and third time, but each time the Blessed One gave the same answer. She went back to the palace with sadness and grief, and she wept along the way.
Now, she found the right time to make another attempt. At that time, the five hundred former wives of the Sākyan princes who had joined the Saṁgha came to her. They asked her whether the Blessed One would allow them to enter the Order of bhikkhunīs. Assuming the form of bhikkhunīs by shaving their heads and donning yellow robes, the five hundred ladies, led by Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, walked from Kapilavatthu to Vesālī, about fifty yojanas away.
When they arrived at Vesālī, their delicate feet were bruised and wounded; their bodies besmeared with dirt and dust, with tears streaming down their cheeks. In sore distress, they stood in front of the gate of the Kūṭāgāra Monastery in Mahāvana; they did not dare to enter the monastery compound.
Shocked to see Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī in such a plight, the Venerable Ānanda came to her and asked: “O Gotamī, why are you standing outside the porch like this?”
She replied with a quivering voice: “O Venerable Ānanda, it is because the Blessed One does not grant admission to women to enter the Order.”
The Venerable Ānanda advised: “If that is so, Gotamī, wait here till I asked the Blessed One about this!”
Then, the Venerable Ānanda went to the Blessed One and told Him what had happened with His step-mother, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī. He, on her behalf, asked the Lord to grant admission to women to enter the Order, but the Blessed One persisted with His reply of not allowing her to be a bhikkhunī. Though he asked for the second and third time, he received the same answer.
Then, he asked the Blessed One in another way: “Lord, are women, after going forth from the house life into homelessness in the Dhamma and Discipline declared by the Perfect One, capable of realising the fruit of Sotāpatti, Sakadāgāmi, Anāgāmi, or Arahantship?”
“They are, Ānanda,” the Blessed One replied affirmatively.
“Lord, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī has performed the greatest favour to You when You were young. As Your mother’s sister, she was Your nurse and Your foster mother. She nourished and gave You milk; she suckled the Blessed One at her own breasts when Your own mother passed away. She also taught You and brought You up as her own son; she even let her own son be nourished by a wet-nurse. Since that is so, Lord, it would be good if women were to obtain the going forth.”
Then, the Blessed One replied: “Ānanda, if Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī accepts the Eight Strict Rules (Aṭṭha Garudhammā), that will count as her full ordination. These Eight Strict Rules are as follows:
1. A bhikkhunī who has been ordained even for a hundred years must pay
homage to, get up for, reverentially salute, and perform all the proper duties needed to a bhikkhu, even though the bhikkhu just receives the higher ordination on that very day.
2. A bhikkhunī must not spend rains-residence in a place where there are no bhikkhus.
3. Every fortnight, a bhikkhunī should ask two things from the Order
of Bhikkhus, namely the time of the Uposatha day and the time when a bhikkhu would come to admonish them.
4. At the end of rains-residence, a bhikkhunī must hold the Pavāraṇā ceremony in the presence of both Saṁghas, wherein she must invite criticism against anything improper in her conduct in three instances, that is, on what has been seen, heard, or suspected.
5. When a bhikkhunī has committed a grave offence, she must do penance (mānatta) in the presence of both Saṁghas.
6. A female probationer (sikkhamānā) who has observed the Six Precepts
perfectly for two years should seek higher ordination from both Saṁghas.
7. A bhikkhunī must not find fault with or abuse a bhikkhu in any manner whatsoever.
8. From today onwards, bhikkhunīs should not admonish bhikkhus, but bhikkhus should give admonition to bhikkhunīs.
These Eight Strict Rules are to be honoured, respected, revered and venerated; they are not to be transgressed as long as life lasts. If Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī accepts these Eight Strict Rules, that will count as her full ordination.”
Then, when the Venerable Ānanda conveyed these Eight Strict Rules to Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, she accepted to abide by those rules happily. And by her acceptance of those rules, she was fully ordained as a bhikkhunī. She was the first bhikkhunī in the Buddha Sāsanā.
When Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī asked the Blessed One regarding the five hundred ladies who accompanied her, He instructed the bhikkhus to give them full ordination as bhikkhunīs. Thus, the Order of Bhikkhunīs (Bhikkhunī Saṁgha) was established.
Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī attained Arahantship after listening to the Saṅkhitta Sutta, while the other five hundred ladies became Arahants after listening to the Nandakovāda Sutta. Among the bhikkhunī disciples, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī was the foremost in seniority and experience (rataññūnaṁ aggā). Before she passed away at the age of one hundred and twenty, she took leave of the Buddha and performed various miracles. The five hundred bhikkhunī Arahants of her companions also
passed away on the same day.
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