33話 アナータピンディカ ・・・・ 給孤独長者

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第1章 さまざまな男たち
33話 アナータピンディカ ・・・・ 給孤独長者
「嫁とり(アーヴァーハ)か婿とり(ヴィヴァーハ)をしているのだろうか? それとも、何か大きな供犠か? それとも、あすはビンビサーラ王を招待して、お供の者たちも含めて全員にごちそうするのだろうか?」
「もう十分だ、長者よ、十分だ! あの空地に、金貨を敷くな! わたしにそこを残して、精舎入り口にアーチ付き通路を造らせてくれ!」
あるとき、世尊は「得業経(パッタカンマ スッタ)」(増支部・四集・得業の章1)をアナータピンディカに説かれた。
「長者よ、これら次の四つの状態は実現が望ましく、大切で、とてもうれしく、そして世間で得がたいものです。その四つとは何か? こんな願いです。『合法的な手段で富がわたしのもとに来ますように!』、『親族と先生のあいだに、わたしのよい評判がありますように!』、『長生きできて、たいへんな高齢まで生きられますように!』、『身体がこわれて、死んだ後、天界に再生できますように!』」
「さて長者よ、これら四つの状態を勝ち得るには、四つの状態への助けとなるものが四つあります。その四つとは何か? 信の完成(サッダサンパダー)(信具足)、戒の完成(シーラサンパダー)(戒具足)、施の完成(チャーガサンパダー)(施具足)、慧の完成(パンニャーサンパダー)(慧具足)です」
また別の機会に、世尊は「無債経(アーナニャ スッタ)」(増支部・四集・得業の章2)をアナータピンディカに説かれた。
「所有の楽とは何か? ここに、長者よ、良家の若い男がいて、精力的にがんばって富を得たとします。かれの腕力で富をかき集め、額に汗して富を勝ち得て、公正に合法的なやり方で得たものです。そこで、こう思いつく。『富はわたしのものだ。精力的にがんばって得た。合法的に得た』と。この上ない喜び、満足が、かれにやってきます。これは、長者よ、所有の楽、と呼ばれます」
「受用の楽とは何か? ここに、長者よ、良家の若い男がいて、精力的にがんばって得た富で、その富を使って楽しむのと、功徳ある行為をするのと、両方やるとします。そこでこう思いつく。『精力的にがんばって得た富で、その富を使うのと、功徳ある行為をするのと、両方わたしは楽しんでいる』と。この上ない喜び、満足が、かれにやってきます。これは、長者よ、受用の楽、と呼ばれます」
「無債の楽とは何か? ここに、長者よ、良家の若い男がいて、その大小を問わず負債がない、とします。そこでこう思いつく。『わたしには大小を問わず誰にも負債がない』と。この上ない喜び、満足が、かれにやってきます。これは、長者よ、無債の楽、と呼ばれます」
「無罪の楽とは何か? ここに、長者よ、高貴な弟子が、身体の過ちなき行為、言葉の過ちなき行為、思考の過ちなき行為に恵まれている、とします。そこでこう思いつく。『わたしは身体の過ちなき行為、言葉の過ちなき行為、思考の過ちなき行為に恵まれている』と。この上ない喜び、満足が、かれにやってきます。これは、長者よ、無罪の楽、と呼ばれます」
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
Episode 33 Anāthapiṇḍika, THE FEEDER OF THE POOR
The Conversion of Anāthapiṇḍika
In Sāvatthi, there lived a millionaire known as Anāthapiṇḍika, the Feeder of the Poor. He was so called because of his munificence. His personal name was Sudatta. On one occasion, Anāthapiṇḍika travelled to Rājagaha on a business trip with five hundred carts loaded with goods from Sāvatthi. On his arrival at Rājagaha, he noticed that his brother-in-law, who used to welcome him enthusiastically, seemed to be
neglecting him and was busily engaged with arranging and preparing food offerings. Then, he thought: “Is there a taking in marriage (āvāha) or a giving in marriage (vivāha)? Or is there some great sacrifice? Or has he invited King Bimbisāra and his full retinues to a feast tomorrow?”
When the rich merchant had finished directing his servants, he went to Anāthapiṇḍika and welcomed him enthusiastically as ever before. When Anāthapiṇḍika told him his thought, he replied: “I am not holding a marriage ceremony, nor have I invited King Bimbisāra and his full retinues to a feast tomorrow. But I am preparing a great offering ceremony of four requisites to the Order of Bhikkhus headed by the Buddha, the Enlightened One, for tomorrow.”
When Anāthapiṇḍika heard the word “Buddha”, his body was suffused with rapture (pīti). He was not sure if he had heard the word “Buddha”, so he asked his brother-in-law again: “Did you say the ‘Buddha’?”
“Yes, I said the ‘Buddha’,” his brother-in-law replied.
Three times he asked, three times he got the same answer. He thought:
“It was rare indeed to hear the word ‘Buddha’, and it is hard indeed that the ‘Buddha’ come in the world. Now, as was told by his brother-in-law, the Blessed One was dwelling in the Cool Grove (Sītavana) near Rājagaha. Suppose I go there to see the Blessed One now?”
However, the rich merchant of Rājagaha advised him not to go at that time as it has been late in the evening. He suggested Anāthapiṇḍika to go early tomorrow morning.
Then, Anāthapiṇḍika went to his room with a thought: “Early tomorrow morning, I shall be able to see a Blessed One, a Worthy One and a Fully-Enlightened One.” He laid down on his bed thinking of the Blessed One all the time. His desire to visit the Blessed One was so intense that he got up three times in the night thinking it was dawn. Even so, his sense of deep devotion towards the Blessed One became so
exceedingly great that rays emitted from his body.
In that early morning before dawn, Anāthapiṇḍika arose and went to the Cool Grove. When he reached the city gate, it was already opened by a guardian spirit, called Yakkha Sīvaka. As soon as he was out of the city, the rays emitting from his body disappeared, and darkness was before him. Fear, dread, and horror arose in him. He wanted to turn back, but Yakkha Sīvaka encouraged him without making himself
visible, saying:
“A hundred elephants and a hundred horses, too.
A hundred chariots drawn by she-mules.
A hundred thousand maidens decked with gems and earrings.
All these are not even worth a sixteenth part of single step forward.
Go forward, O householder, go forward!
Better go forward than turn back!”
Having heard this stanza, his fear subsided, and his devotional faith in the Blessed One arose and strengthened again. His body was glowing again, and the darkness disappeared.
Nevertheless, when he passed through a cemetery, the smell of dead bodies and the voices of dogs and jackals discouraged him from continuing his journey. The light from his body vanished, and darkness fell as before. But, Yakkha Sīvaka, who accompanied him along the way, encouraged him again.
This fear, dread, and horror happened to him again for the third time, but Yakkha Sīvaka helped him to overcome all the dangers and revived his faith in the Blessed One.
Finally, when he arrived at the Sītavana Grove, the Blessed One had arisen and was pacing up and down in the open air. When the Blessed One saw Anāthapiṇḍika, He left His walk and took a seat. Then, He addressed him: “Come, Sudatta!”
Anāthapiṇḍika was happy to hear the Blessed One calling his personal name. He approached the Blessed One, paid obeisance at His feet and asked: “Lord, did You sleep well?”
The Blessed One replied that a brahmin who had eradicated all defilements and had attained Nibbāna would be peaceful in his mind; thus he could always sleep well at all times. Subsequently, He preached the progressive discourse and the Four Noble Truths. At the end of the discourse, Anāthapiṇḍika realised the Dhamma and became a Sotāpanna. Then, he resolved to take the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṁgha for refuge. He invited the Blessed One and His Disciples to partake of a meal on the following day. The Blessed One gave His consent in silence.
When he related to his brother-in-law what had happened, his brother-in-law offered himself to arrange all things for Anāthapiṇḍika, but Anāthapiṇḍika refused it politely. Likewise, when the chief of the market town and King Bimbisāra offered their service, he declined the offer saying that he would be able to manage the
alms-giving by himself. The following day, Anāthapiṇḍika served the meal with his own hands and attended upon the Blessed One and His Disciples with many kinds of good food. After the meal, Anāthapiṇḍika invited: “Lord, may the Blessed One and the Order of Bhikkhus spend the rains-residence in Sāvatthi.”
The Blessed One gave His consent saying: “The Perfect One delights in secluded places, householder.”
Anāthapiṇḍika replied: “I understand, the Blessed One; I understand, the Sublime One.” Then, he paid homage to the Blessed One and left, keeping Him on his right.
The Construction of the Jetavana Monastery
When Anāthapiṇḍika had finished his business at Rājagaha, he quickly returned to Sāvatthi. On his way home, he informed people that the Blessed One would pass by the road. He directed them to make gardens, build dwellings, and arrange for alms-giving.
On his arrival at Sāvatthi, Anāthapiṇḍika immediately looked for a suitable place to be prepared as a monastery for the Order of Bhikkhus headed by Blessed One. Finally, he found a park belonging to Prince Jeta. It has all the requisite qualities. However, when he told the prince of his intention to buy the park, Prince Jeta refused to sell it unless Anāthapiṇḍika covered the park with a hundred thousand gold coins from edge to edge. Anāthapiṇḍika agreed to buy the park on this condition. However, the prince persisted not to sell it. The case was brought to court for trial, and there, the arbitrating officer decided in favour of Anāthapiṇḍika.
Anāthapiṇḍika had the gold coins brought in carts, and he had the Jeta’s park covered with them. But the gold coins, which were brought the first time, was not enough to cover all sides of the park; there was small space near the gate that remained uncovered. Anāthapiṇḍika ordered his men to go back and fetch more gold coins to cover the space. Hearing this, Prince Jeta thought: “Anāthapiṇḍika is spending such an immense number of gold coins. Surely this must be an
extraordinary and noble act of charity.” Then, he told Anāthapiṇḍika: “Enough, householder, enough! Do not cover that space! Leave it for me to build an archway for the monastery!”
Anāthapiṇḍika thought: “This Prince Jeta is a prominent and well-known person. It will be greatly beneficial if such a well-known person were to acquire confidence in the Teachings of the Blessed One.” So, he left that space for Prince Jeta.
Thus, Prince Jeta’s park was bought by Anāthapiṇḍika at a cost of eighteen crores of gold coins. He constructed a magnificent monastery on it worth another eighteen crores of gold coins. And another eighteen crores were spent for the nine-month inaugural ceremony. Thus, the Jetavana Monastery was built with a total expense of fifty-four crores of gold coins.
The Blessed One spent His fourteenth rains-residence in the monastery. He spent the twenty-first up to the forty-fourth rains-residence in Sāvatthi—that is, eighteen times in the Jetavana Monastery, and six times in the Pubbārāma Monastery, which was donated by Visākhā.
The Object of Reverence
Every time the Blessed One stayed in Sāvatthi, Anāthapiṇḍika visited Him. At other times, when the Blessed One was on His missionary journeys away from Sāvatthi, Anāthapiṇḍika felt bereft without a tangible object of reverence. Due to this, one day he told the Venerable Ānanda of his wish to build a shrine. The Venerable Ānanda asked for the Blessed One’s advice, and the Blessed One said that
there were three types of shrines. Firstly, sārīrika, objects of reverence appertaining to the body, i.e. the corporeal relics of the Blessed One after His Parinibbāna. Secondly, pāribhogika, objects of reverence appertaining to personal use, i.e. objects which had a connection with the Blessed One and had been used by Him, such as the
alms-bowl, robes, and the Bodhi tree. And finally, uddesika, objects of reverence pertaining to the representations of the Blessed One, i.e. visible symbols, such as the Buddha image. The Blessed One also said that among the three kinds of shrines, the Bodhi tree, under which the Bodhisatta had attained Enlightenment, was a memorial to the Blessed One, both while He was still alive and after He passed away.
Accordingly, having obtained the permission from the Blessed One to plant this tree in Jetavana, the Venerable Ānanda requested the Venerable Moggallāna to fetch a fruit from the original Bodhi tree. The Venerable Moggallāna immediately took a fruit that was falling from the tree and gave it to the Venerable Ānanda. Then the Venerable Ānanda presented it to King Pasenadi for a ceremonial planting. But the king replied, with princely humility, that he served in this life merely as a steward for the office of the king. It would be far more appropriate for someone with a closer relationship to the Teaching to consecrate the fruit. With his, he handed it to Anāthapiṇḍika. Then, Anāthapiṇḍika planted it at the entrance of the Jetavana Monastery. The tree grew. Later, it became an object of veneration for all the pious laity.
Anāthapiṇḍika’s Family
Anāthapiṇḍika was married to a lady named Puññalakkhaṇā, sister of a rich merchant in Rājagaha. Puññalakkhaṇā was a very virtuous lady who lived up to her name, which means “one with the mark of merit.” She gave a good spirit to the house. She also took care of the servants and the bhikkhus who came at her house for alms. Anāthapiṇḍika always offered alms-food for five hundred bhikkhus everyday. Besides, he also prepared alms-food for sick bhikkhus, bhikkhus who attended to sick bhikkhus, bhikkhus who were about to go on a journey, bhikkhus who just arrived in Sāvatthi, guests, poor people, invalids, etc. And there were also five hundred seats ready in his house for guests who might come at any time.
Anāthapiṇḍika had three daughters and one son. Two of the daughters, Mahā Subhaddā and Cūḷa Subhaddā, were pious like their father and had attained the sainthood stage of Sotāpatti, while the youngest daughter, Sumanā, surpassed even the rest of her family in her deep wisdom. Upon hearing a discourse from the Buddha, she attained the second Fruition of noblehood, becoming a Sakadāgāmi.
At first, the only son of Anāthapiṇḍika, Kāḷa, did not want to know anything of the Dhamma but immersed himself completely in his business affairs. One day, Anāthapiṇḍika said to him that he would offer him one thousand pieces of gold if he were to observe a Sabbath day. Kāḷa consented to his father’s proposal and took one day off from his business and enjoyed himself with his family. Anāthapiṇḍika would give him another thousand if he were to go to the monastery and learn by
heart a stanza preached by the Blessed One. Each time Kāḷa learned a verse, the Blessed One made him misunderstand it, so that he had to listen repeatedly with keen attention. While struggling to comprehend the meaning, suddenly he became profoundly inspired by the Teaching and attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti. Thus, due to the skilfulness of his father, Kāḷa became a devout son and a major benefactor of the Order.
The Seven Kinds of Wives
Kāḷa was married to Sujātā, a sister of the famous lay devotee, Visākhā. One day, after an alms meal in Anāthapiṇḍika’s house, the Blessed One was delivering a discourse when loud shouts and yelling were heard from another room. The Blessed One halted His talk and asked Anāthapiṇḍika the reason for this commotion, which sounded like noisy shouts of fisherfolk.
Anāthapiṇḍika replied: “Lord, it is Sujātā, my daughter-in-law, who lives with us. She is scolding the servants. She came from a wealthy family and she is very proud of her family background. She treats everyone harshly, beats her servants, and spreads fear and terror wherever she goes. She pays no heed to her parents-in-law or to her husband. She does not give alms, was faithless and unbelieving, and was forever causing conflict. She does not venerate, honour, or respect the Exalted One.”
Then, the Blessed One asked that she be called. When she came to Him, the Blessed One asked her: “Sujātā, which of the seven kinds of wives do you want to be?”
Sujātā replied: “Lord, I do not understand the meaning of Your question. What are those seven kinds of wives?”
Then the Blessed One explained: “Sujātā, whosoever is wicked in mind, pitiless, fond of other men, neglecting her husband, a prostitute, bent on harassing, such a wife is called a slayer wife (vadhakabhariyā).”
“When her husband acquires wealth by his craft, trade or farm work, she tries to filch a little for herself. Such a wife is called a thievish wife (corabhariyā).”
“The slothful glutton, bent on doing nothing, harsh, cruel, rough in speech, lives by domineering the industrious; such a wife is called a tyrannical wife (ayyabhariyā).”
“She who is always helpful and kind, who guards her husband as a mother for her only son, who carefully protects the accumulated wealth he earns; such a wife is called a motherly wife (mātubhariyā).”
“She who holds her husband in high regard, as a younger sister holds the elder born, who is obedient to her husband’s wishes; such a wife is called a sisterly wife (bhaginibhariyā).”
“She who rejoices at her husband’s sight, as one friend might welcome another, who is well-raised, virtuous, devoted; such a wife is called a friendly wife (sakhībhariyā).”
“She who is without anger but calm, endures all things of her husband, pure in heart, free of hatred, who is obedient to her husband’s wishes; such a wife is called a handmaid wife (dāsibhariyā).”
“The types of wives like a slayer, a thief, and a tyrant are bad and blameworthy. These kinds of wives, at the breakup of the body, will be reborn in hell. But wives like a mother, a sister, a friend, and a handmaid are good and praiseworthy. These kinds of wives, being steady in virtue and restrained, at the breakup of the body, will go to
“These, Sujātā, are the seven kinds of wives a man may have. Which of them are you?”
Sujātā was deeply moved by the Blessed One’s words. She replied: “Lord, let the Blessed One know me as a handmaid wife from today onwards.” Thus, she changed her bad attitude and strived to be a good house-wife to her husband. Later, she became a faithful disciple of the Blessed One, to whom she was ever grateful for her salvation.
Discourses to Anāthapiṇḍika
Whenever the Blessed One was residing in the Jetavana Monastery, Anāthapiṇḍika regularly went to see Him twice a day—sometimes with many friends—always giving alms to the young novices. However, worried he might make the Blessed One tired, he never asked Him any questions. But, the Blessed One, of His own accord, preached to him various discourses, several of which are contained in the Aṅguttara Nikāya.
Once, the Blessed One was preaching the Pattakamma Sutta to Anāthapiṇḍika:
“Householder, there are these four conditions to realise which are desirable, dear, delightful, and hard to win in the world. What four? The wish: ‘May wealth by lawful means come to me!’ ‘May I have a good report among my kinsmen and teachers!’ ‘May I live long and reach a great age!’ ‘When the body breaks up, after death, may I be reborn in a heavenly world!’”
“Now, householder, to the winning of these four conditions, four conditions conduce. What four? Perfection of faith (saddhasampadā), perfection of virtue (sīlasampadā), perfection of generosity (cāgasampadā), and perfection of wisdom (paññāsampadā).”
On another occasion, the Blessed One preached him the Ānaṇya Sutta:
“Householder, there are these four kinds of bliss to be won by the householder: the bliss of ownership (atthisukha), the bliss of wealth (bhogasukha), the bliss of debtlessness (ānaṇyasukha), and the bliss of blamelessness (anavajjasukha).”
“What is the bliss of ownership? Herein, householder, a young man of a good family has wealth acquired by energetic striving, gathered by the strength of his arms, won by the sweat of his brows, justly obtained in a lawful way. At the thought: ‘Wealth is mine, acquired by energetic striving, …lawfully obtained,’ bliss comes to him, satisfaction comes to him. This, householder, is called the bliss of ownership.”
“What is the bliss of wealth? Herein, householder, a young man of a good family by means of wealth acquired by energetic striving, …both enjoys his wealth and does meritorious deeds. At the thought: ‘By means of wealth acquired…I both enjoy my wealth and do meritorious deeds,’ bliss comes to him, satisfaction comes to him. This, householder, is called the bliss of wealth.”
“What is the bliss of debtlessness? Herein, householder, a young man of a good family owes no debt, great or small, to anyone. At the thought: ‘I owe no debt, great or small, to anyone,’ bliss comes to him, satisfaction comes to him. This, householder, is called the bliss of debtlessness.”
“What is the bliss of blamelessness? Herein, householder, the noble disciple is blessed with blameless action of the body, blameless action of speech, blameless action of mind. At the thought: ‘I am blessed with blameless action of the body, speech, mind,’ bliss comes to him, satisfaction comes to him. This, householder, is called the bliss of blamelessness.”
These are the four kinds of bliss to be won by the householder.
The Death of Anāthapiṇḍika
When Anāthapiṇḍika was about to pass away, he asked his attendant to go to the Blessed One on his behalf to pay homage at His feet, to inform Him that he was seriously ill, and also to humbly request the Venerable Sāriputta, out of compassion, to come to his house. The Venerable Sāriputta, accompanied by the Venerable Ānanda, then visited Anāthapiṇḍika, who was lying on his bed. The Venerable Sāriputta consoled and preached to him a profound discourse called the Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta.
At the end of the discourse, tears came to Anāthapiṇḍika’s eyes. The Venerable Ānanda turned to him compassionately and asked if he were sinking. But, Anāthapiṇḍika replied: “O Venerable Ānanda, I am not sinking. I have served the Master and His disciples for a long time, yet I have never heard such a profound discourse.”
Then the Venerable Sāriputta replied: “Such profound talk, householder, will not be clear enough for white-clad lay followers; they will not understand its meaning; but it is clear enough for advanced disciples.”
Anāthapiṇḍika requested: “Venerable Sāriputta, let such talks on the Dhamma be given to white-clad lay followers, too. There are those with just a little dust on their eyes. If they do not hear such teachings, they will be lost. Some may be able to understand.”
Then, not long after the departure of the Venerable Sāriputta and the Venerable Ānanda, Anāthapiṇḍika passed away and was immediately reborn in the Tusita Heaven.
Anāthapiṇḍika was so genuinely devoted to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Saṁgha that at that very night he appeared in the Jetavana monastery as a young deva, filling the whole area with heavenly light. He went to the Blessed One and, after paying homage to Him, uttered the following verses in extolling the virtues of Venerable Sāriputta, expressed his pleasure on seeing the Blessed One and His disciples residing in his
”This indeed is that Jeta’s Grove,
The resort of the Order of seers,
Dwelt in by the Dhamma King,
A place that gives joy to me.”
”By action and knowledge and righteousness,
By virtue and an excellent life:
By this are mortals purified,
Not by clan or by wealth.”
”Therefore a person who is wise,
Out of regard for his own good,
Should carefully examine the Dhamma:
Thus he is purified therein.”
“Sāriputta truly is endowed with wisdom,
With virtue and with inner peace.
Even a bhikkhu who has gone beyond
At best can only equal him.”
Having spoken thus, the deva paid homage to the Blessed One and, keeping Him on the right, disappeared right there.
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奥田 昭則

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