39話 美女ケーマー ・・・・ 不浄をさとり、王妃から聖尼へ

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第2章 さまざまな女たち
39話 美女ケーマー ・・・・ 不浄をさとり、王妃から聖尼へ
「この若く美しい女は、年をとって、美しさのすべてが色褪せ、おしまいには死んでしまった。身体の性質とは、このように朽ち果てるものかしら? それなら、わたしの身体も同じだわ。おお、この身は不浄で、まさにおぞましい。どうしてわたしは、この不浄でおぞましい身体を、うれしく思うことができようか?」
捨て去った快楽を顧みることもなく” ・・・ (ダンマパダ347)
ありのままの身体について、世尊の法話を聴き、ケーマー妃の心は柔軟になり、うれしくなり、受けいれやすくなった。それを知って、世尊は「大因縁経(マハーニダーナ スッタ)」(長部15)と呼ばれる教えを妃に説かれた。この説法の終わりには、妃は預流(ソーターパッティ)果に達した。
半月後、布薩(ウポーサタ)(訳注:同一地域の比丘・比丘尼が毎月二回、新月と満月の日に集まり、戒を誦し、互いに反省し、罪過を懺悔する行事)の儀式のあいだに、ケーマー尊者は目の前にある灯油明かりの炎のゆらめきを見て、炎がどのように明滅するか、を観察した。そのとき彼女は、炎の生滅の性質にはたらかせた洞察のひらめきを、条件づけられたすべての現象に通達させた。これを行うことによって、彼女は、無常といのちの不満足(苦)をさとり、四無碍解智(パティサンビダー ニャーナ)(訳注:むげげち、義・法・詞・弁の四つに精通した智慧)と六神通(アビンニャー)(神足通、天耳通、他心通、宿命通、天眼通、漏尽通)の阿羅漢に達した。
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Episode 39. Khemā, THE FIRST CHIEF Bhikkhunī DISCIPLE
During the time of the Buddha Gotama, King Maddarāja of Sāgala had a daughter. She was named Khemā because ever since her birth, the country had been experiencing a high state of peacefulness. She was well known for her beauty; her complexion was of golden colour; her cheeks were as smooth as lotus petals; and her eyes sparkled like
gems. When she came of age, she became one of the chief consorts of King Bimbisāra of Magadha. Queen Khemā was so proud of her physical beauty that she did not want to visit the Blessed One lest He should speak disparagingly of her beauty with which she was infatuated.
On one occasion, when the Blessed One was residing at the Veḷuvana Monastery in Rājagaha, King Bimbisāra thought: “I’m one of the most prominent lay supporters of the Blessed One, but my queen, Khemā, has never visited Him. It would be good and beneficial for her if she met the Lord.” Then, King Bimbisāra had a song composed in praise of the beauty of the Veḷuvana Monastery and its surroundings. The song described that the Veḷuvana Monastery was as beautiful as the Nandavana Garden of Sakka, the king of devas. In the monastery area, there lived many kinds of birds always singing back and forth;
squirrels played happily and harmoniously; so did many kinds of flowers bloom in every season.
When Queen Khemā heard that song, her interest in the grove was aroused. With the king’s permission, she went to the Veḷuvana Monastery with her attendants. She chose the one morning when she presumed the Blessed One was collecting alms. She wandered about and enjoyed the beauty of the grove. She walked along the path under the shade of the trees, with the wind blowing softly, birds singing one
after another, and squirrels playing and jumping from one tree to another.
However, while visiting some of the rooms, she suddenly heard a deep,
soft, clear voice coming from the preaching hall. As a bee was attracted by the smell of flower’s honey, even so the voice was so attracting that Queen Khemā just walked to where the voice came from. When she entered the hall, she was quite surprised that she should see the Blessed One, who was sitting inside the hall and preaching the Dhamma.
The Blessed One, who read Queen Khemā’s thought, then created an image of a beautiful young lady, standing aside and fanning Him. Queen Khemā was very surprised to see the lady whose beauty surpassed her own. Then, she immediately sat down behind a pillar to cover herself from the Blessed One and gazed on her in admiration of her beauty. She was amazed: “Oh, her eyes and her eyelashes are more beautiful than mine; her nose, her lips, and her hair are so perfect; her hands with
the beautiful fingers and her complexion, all are excellent.”
But then, as Queen Khemā looked at the young lady whose extraordinary beauty far excelled her own, she saw her gradually growing from youth to old age. Her beauty was fading; wrinkles appeared on her face; her black hair turned grey, and then white; her beautiful cheeks were sunken as her teeth decayed. She could not stand upright any longer; she became hunchbacked; finally she fell on the floor and died. Queen Khemā was shocked seeing the phenomenon which had just happened. She
thought: “This beautiful young lady grew old and all her beauty was fading and at last she died. Is the nature of the body wrecked like that? Then, so will my body. O, this body is impure, it is indeed loathsome. How can I relish this impure and loathsome body?”
Thereupon, the Blessed One gave her a Dhamma talk which made her mind
pliable, delighted and receptive. Knowing this, the Blessed One continued preaching a discourse called the Mahānidāna Sutta to her. At the end of the discourse, she attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti.
Queen Khemā then returned to the palace—where she immediately approached her husband, King Bimbisāra—and asked for his consent to enter the Order of Bhikkhunīs. King Bimbisāra with his joined palms raised to his forehead said to his queen: “My dear queen, I allow you to become a Bhikkhunī. May your renunciation come to its fulfilment.”
About half a month later, during the Uposatha ceremony, the Venerable
Khemā contemplated on the flickering flame of the oil lamp in front of her, how the flame arose and how it disappeared. Then, she applied the insight into the nature of the rise and fall of the flame to all conditioned things. By doing this, she realised the impermanence and dissatisfaction of life and attained Arahantship.
Among the bhikkhunī disciples, the Venerable Khemā is the foremost in
wisdom (mahāpaññānaṁ aggā). Just as the Venerable Sāriputta and the
Venerable Moggallāna were appointed by the Blessed One as His chief bhikkhu disciples in the Order of Bhikkhus, so were the Venerable Khemā and the Venerable Uppalavaṇṇā appointed as the two chief bhikkhunī disciples in the Order of bhikkhunīs.
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奥田 昭則

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