44話 ブッダの一日 ・・・・ 定例の時間割

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第3章 ブッダの一日
44話 ブッダの一日 ・・・・ 定例の時間割
(Buddholoke samuppanno hitāya sabbapāṇinaṃ).
(1)午前の日課(食前の作務(プレーバッタ キッチャ))
(2)午後の日課(食後の作務(パッチャーバッタ キッチャ))
(3)夜のはじめの日課(初夜の作務(プリマヤーマ キッチャ))
(4)真夜中の日課(中夜の作務(マッジマヤーマ キッチャ))
(5)夜のおわりの日課(後夜の作務(パッチマヤーマ キッチャ))
これに引きつづいて、世尊みずからも休まれるため、自室にさがられた。もし、世尊が望まれるなら、右側を下にした獅子(ライオン)の寝姿で、気づき(正念)と正知をもち、横になられた。さもなければ大悲定(マハー カルナー サマーパッティ)の至福に到達された。この到達によって、世尊は世界をブッダの眼(仏眼)で見渡された。特に、比丘の弟子たちには、必要な精神的な助言を与えられた。
真夜中である中夜になると、比丘はすべて世尊に礼拝したあと、去って行った。この時間は、神々や梵天など一万世界からの天人たちだけのために確保されていた。たとえば「吉祥経(マンガラ スッタ)」(小部・スッタニパータ第2章4)や「敗北経(パラーバヴァ スッタ)」(同第1章6)などの説法は、この中夜の間に行われたのである。かれらは世尊に近づいて、前もって熟考しておいた真理について質問した。世尊は中夜すべてを、かれらの問題や混乱を解決することで過ごされた。
最後のパートは午前5時から6時であった。世尊は大悲定(マハー カルナー サマーパッティ)の至福に到達され、生きとし生けるものへの慈悲喜捨の念を放射されて、かれらの心を和らげた。この早朝の時間帯に、世界をブッダの眼(仏眼)で探索され、世尊が何かしてあげられる者を見つけ出された。世尊の助けが必要な者は、はるか遠くの向こうにいても、世尊の目の前にいるかのように世尊には鮮明に見えたのだ。かれらへの思いやりから、世尊はそこへ行かれ、必要な精神的援助をほどこされたのである。
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As a Fully-Enlightened One, the Buddha could live by experiencing the bliss of Nibbāna alone. Nevertheless, He did not live this way. In fact, He would be occupied with religious activities for the whole day, except when He was attending to His physical needs. The appearance of the Buddha is for the welfare of all living beings
(Buddho loke samuppanno hitāya sabbapāṇinaṁ). He selflessly gave His service for the moral upliftment of the world. He endeavoured His best to enlighten others and liberate them from the ills of life. The great compassion of the Blessed One can be known and seen clearly in His daily routine. Thus, it is not exaggerating to claim that the Blessed One is the most energetic and active of all religious teachers who ever lived on earth.
The daily duties, which the Blessed One performed, can be divided into five sessions, namely (1) the forenoon duty (purebhatta kicca), (2) the afternoon duty (pacchābhatta kicca), (3) the first-watch-of-the-night duty (purimayāma kicca), (4) the middle-watch-of-the-night duty (majjhimayāma kicca), and (5) the last-watch-of-the-night duty (pacchimayāma kicca).
The Forenoon Duty: 06:00 a.m.—12:00 noon
The Blessed One always rose early in the morning; after experiencing Nibbānic bliss, He would survey the world with His Buddha Eye to see whom He could help. Thus, He passed the last watch of the night in quietude till the time of going on alms-round. Then when the time came, He adjusted His lower robe, fastened His girdle, donned His upper robe, took His alms-bowl, and proceeded to the nearest village
for collecting alms-food—sometimes alone, at other times accompanied by His disciples.
If the Blessed One was not invited to partake of a meal by lay devotees at their homes, He would usually go on foot gently through the streets with the alms-bowl in His hands; His eyes were downcast; He was ever mindful in stretching or bending His arms; so was it when He opened the cover of His alms-bowl and received alms; ever mindful was He in all His movements. He would stand silently in front of the door of each house, without uttering a word or making any noise. He would collect whatever food was offered and placed in His alms-bowl. Then, when He had accepted enough food, He would return to the monastery to partake of the meal.
The Blessed One sometimes went by His psychic powers, such as to defeat the haughty matted-hair ascetic Uruvela Kassapa, to pacify the ferocious Yakkha Āḷavaka, to convert the notorious murderer Aṅgulimāla, or to tame the nāga king Nandopananda. On other occasions, on His way of going on alms-round, He would lead some people to the right path by using His wisdom—such as what happened to the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja and the youth Siṅgālaka—and at other times, He would even look after some people—such as what happened to the Venerable Pūtigatta Tissa.
Having finished His meal before midday, the Blessed One would deliver a short discourse; He would establish some listeners in the Triple Refuge, some in the Five Precepts, yet some others in the paths to deliverance. He would sometimes grant ordination to one who wished to join the Order. After benefiting the multitude in this way, He would rise from His seat and return to the monastery. Upon His return, He
would sit down in the pavilion in a special seat prepared just for Him; He would wait for His disciples, who would return after their meal. When all the bhikkhus had arrived, the Blessed One would then go forth towards His Fragrant Chamber.
The Afternoon Duty: 12:00 noon—18:00 p.m.
With the morning duty completed, the Blessed One would take a seat near His Fragrant Chamber and wash His feet. Then, getting up on a footstool, He would exhort the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, strive for your deliverance with diligence. Rare is the appearance of a Buddha in the world, rare is the acquisition of the human state, rare is the gain of optimal supporting conditions, rare is the going-forth into homelessness, rare is the opportunity of hearing the true Dhamma.”
Some bhikkhus would then ask questions about their problems which hindered the progress of their practice. The Blessed One would answer their questions and also would give suitable subjects of meditation appropriate for their particular temperaments. Thereupon, all the bhikkhus would pay homage to the Master and retire to their individual quarters to spend the afternoon.
Following this, the Blessed One Himself would retire to His own chamber to rest. If He so desired, He would lie down for a few moments on His right side, in the lion posture, mindful and clearly comprehending; otherwise, He would attain the bliss of Boundless Compassion (Mahā Karuṇā Samāpatti). By this attainment, He would survey the world with His Buddha Eye; He would especially give spiritual advice to His bhikkhu disciples as necessary.
Then, towards the evening, the residents of the city and villages where the Blessed One and His Disciples depended on alms would come to the preaching hall; they would carry flowers and other offerings to Him and waited to listen to His discourse. When the Blessed One preached the Dhamma, each member of the audience, though differently constituted, thought that the Blessed One’s sermon was directed in particular to him. Such was the Blessed One’s method of expounding the
Dhamma, which was appropriate to the time and circumstances. The sublime Teachings of the Blessed One appealed to both the masses and the intelligentsia alike.
The First-Watch-of-the-Night Duty: 18:00 p.m.—22:00 p.m.
After the lay devotees returned home, the Blessed One rose from His seat and went to the place where the attendant bhikkhu had fetched some water for His bathing. And after taking a bath, the Blessed One donned His robe well and stayed in solitude in His chamber for a moment.
Meanwhile, bhikkhus would come from their respective resorts and assembled to pay obeisance to the Blessed One. During this time, the bhikkhus were free to approach the Blessed One to get their doubts cleared, to question Him on the intricacies of the Dhamma, to obtain suitable objects of meditation, and to hear His Teachings.
The Middle-Watch-of-the-Night Duty: 22:00 p.m.—02:00 a.m.
When the middle watch of the night arrived, all the bhikkhus would have departed after paying homage to the Blessed One. This time would be exclusively reserved for celestial beings such as devas and brahmās from ten thousand world systems. Some discourses, such as the Maṅgala Sutta and the Parābhava Sutta, were expounded to them during this middle watch of the night. They approached the Blessed One to inquire Him on the Dhamma which they had previously pondered. The Blessed One spent the whole midnight by solving all their problems and perplexities.
The Last Watch of the Night Duty: 02:00 a.m.—06:00 a.m.
The last watch of the night was exclusively for the Blessed One Himself. It was divided into four parts. The first part was from 2 to 3 a.m. It was spent by Him for pacing up and down (caṅkamana) in order to ease His body that had been strained by His sitting posture since dawn. This serves as a mild physical exercise to Him. The second part was from 3 to 4 a.m. He mindfully slept on His right side in the Fragrant Chamber. During the third part, that is from 4 to 5 a.m. He rose from lying, sat cross-legged, and absorbed in the state of Arahatta Phala Samāpatti experiencing the bliss of Nibbāna.
The last part was one full hour from 5 to 6 a.m. The Blessed One attained the bliss of Boundless Compassion (Mahā Karuṇā Samāpatti) and radiated thoughts of loving-kindness towards all beings and softened their hearts. At this early hour, He surveyed the whole world with His Buddha Eye (Buddhacakkhu) to find out individuals to whom He could render any service. Those who needed His help appeared vividly before Him, though they might live at a remote distance. Out of compassion
for them, He would go and render the necessary spiritual assistance.
Thus, since Prince Siddhattha became the Buddha at His age of thirty-five, He was tirelessly performing religious duties for the good and happiness of all living beings. The whole day, He was fully occupied with the beneficial activities for others and He slept only for one hour per day. He had been spending His days throughout the
forty-five years of His ministry in such a way until His passing away at the age of eighty.
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奥田 昭則

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