
45話 心を耕す ・・・・ カシ・バーラドヴァージャの「労働」

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々

第3章 ブッダの一日

45話  心を耕す ・・・・ カシ・バーラドヴァージャの「労働」
























阿羅漢果(さとりの最高の境地)にひたることが、軛からの解脱(げ だつ)である」










「ゴータマさま、乳粥を召し上がりますように! ゴータマさまは、不死の果実すら、もたらす耕作をなされているのですから、ゴータマさまは耕作者です」











「すばらしい、世尊よ! すばらしい、世尊よ! 真理は、さまざまなやりかたで、世尊によって明らかにされました。まるで、ころんで逆さまに倒れた者を立ち上がらせるように、隠されていたものをあらわにするように、道に迷った者に道を示すように、暗闇のなかで物のかたちが眼で見えぬ者たちに灯火を掲げるように。わたしは、世尊と、真理と、僧団(仏法僧)に帰依いたします。世尊のもとで出家し、具足戒を受けることを望みます!」



※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.



Episode 45  Kasi Bhāradvāja, THE FARMER WHO BECAME A SAINT

One day, after the Blessed One had stayed at the Jetavana Monastery in Sāvatthi as long as He chose, He set out to wander by stages to the brahmin village of Ekaṇāḷā in the district of Dakkhiṇāgiri in the Magadha Country. During the rainy season, He observed the eleventh rains-residence there.
One day before dawn, when the Blessed One was surveying the whole world with His Buddha Eye, He saw in His vision that the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja’s mind was mature and that he would be able to understand and realise the Dhamma on that very day. Thereupon, in the early morning, the Blessed One dressed, took His alms-bowl and outer robe, and went to the working place of the brahmin.
It was sowing time, and brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja was holding a ploughing ceremony. He had five hundred ploughs harnessed for the sowing. At that time, the brahmin was making a distribution of food. The Blessed One went to where the food was being distributed, and He stood at one side, making Himself seen by the brahmin.
The appearance of the Blessed One—full of glory, with golden bright rays emanating from His body—made all the farmers awed. They could not help washing their hands and feet at once when they saw the Blessed One. And then, they surrounded and paid obeisance to Him with clasped hands. Kasi Bhāradvāja, leader of the farmers, became unhappy seeing this and thought: “My work has been purposely disrupted!”
Seeing the Blessed One waiting for alms-food, the brahmin said: “Bhikkhu, I plough the field and sow the seeds, and having ploughed and sown, I eat. You too, bhikkhu, should likewise plough the field and sow the seeds, and having ploughed and sown, you should eat.”
The Blessed One replied: “I too, brahmin, plough the field and sow the seeds, and having ploughed and sown, I eat.”
“But, we do not see the Venerable Gotama’s yoke, plough, ploughshare, goad, or oxen. Yet, the Venerable Gotama said: ‘I too, brahmin, plough the field and sow the seeds, and having ploughed and sown, I eat,’” the brahmin remarked.
And then, he addressed the Blessed One, thus: “You claim to be a farmer, but we see no ploughing that You do. Give us an answer so that we may recognise Your ploughing.”
Accordingly, the Blessed One answered: “My seed is faith (saddhā), My rain austerity (tapo), My yoke and My plough is wisdom (paññā), the pole of My plough is shame (hiri), mind (mano) the yoke-tie, and mindfulness (sati) My ploughshare and goad.”
“I am guarded in body as in speech, and modest in consumption of food. With truthfulness, I cut away weeds. Engaging in the fruition of Arahantship is the unyoking.”
“Perseverance (viriya) is My beast of burden that carries Me to security from bondage (Nibbāna). It goes ahead without turning, to where, having gone, one does not grieve.”
“In such a way this ploughing is done, which bears the fruit of Deathlessness. Having completed this work of ploughing, one is released from all suffering.”
Having heard the profound answer uttered by the Blessed One, the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja came to a good understanding of the benefit of the Dhamma ploughing which would bear the fruit of Deathlessness. And having partaken of the fruit of Deathlessness, one could liberate oneself from suffering once and for all. Thereupon, he filled a large bronze bowl with milk-rice and offered it to the Blessed One, saying:
“Let the Venerable Gotama eat the milk-rice! The Venerable Gotama is a farmer since the Venerable Gotama cultivates a crop that has even the Deathlessness as its fruit.”
However, the Blessed One refused to accept this, saying: “Brahmin, the food obtained by reciting verses is not fit to be eaten by Me. This, brahmin, is not the principle of the Buddhas. The Enlightened Ones reject such food over which verses have been sung. As such a principle exists. This is Their rule of livelihood.”
“Serve other food and drink to the Consummate One, the Great Sage with taints destroyed and remorse stilled, for He is the field for ones who would reap merit.”
The brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja thought: “I have brought this milk-rice for the sake of the Blessed One. Therefore, I should not give it to somebody else of my own accord.” He then asked: “Venerable Gotama, to whom shall I give this milk-rice then?”
“Brahmin, in this world with its devas, māras and brahmās, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmins, with its princes and men, I do not see anyone who could rightly digest this milk-rice if he ate it, unless it were a Perfect One or a disciple of His. Therefore, brahmin, you should either throw it away where there is no grass, or drop it into water where there is no life,” replied the Blessed One.
The brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja dropped the milk-rice into water where there was no life. As soon as it was dropped into the water, it hissed, boiled, fumed and steamed. Just as a ploughshare that has been heated for a whole day and is dropped into water would hiss, boil, fume and steam, so did that milk-rice.
Thereupon, the brahmin was awestruck, and his hair stood on end. He approached the Blessed One, prostrated himself at His feet and said: “Magnificent, Blessed One! Magnificent, Blessed One! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by Blessed One, as though He were turning upright what had been turned upside down, or revealing what was hidden, or showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyes to see visible forms. I take refuge in
the Blessed One and in the Dhamma and in the Order of Bhikkhus. I wish to receive the going forth and higher ordination under Blessed One!”
Then, not too long after having become a bhikkhu, the Venerable Bhāradvāja retired alone to a secluded place. There, he practised the Dhamma, exerting his effort vigilantly and vigorously with his mind bent on Nibbāna. In the end, he became an Arahant.

To be continued

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奥田 昭則



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