46話 女性の在家信者で「布施第一」 ・・・・ 鹿子母(ミガーラマーター)
![南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花](https://sujaata.net/wp/wp-content/themes/sujata/images/terakoya/kronologi_sec_flower-min.png)
第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第4章 ヴィーサーカー信女
46話 女性の在家信者で「布施第一」 ・・・・ 鹿子母(ミガーラマーター)
「ヴィサーカーよ、これは、おまえにとって喜ばしい日だ。わしにとっても喜ばしい。あの尊師が、われらの市に到着されたのだよ。おまえの五百人の侍女、五百人の下女といっしょに、五百台の車に乗って行きなさい! 世尊をお迎えに、おまえは出かけなさい」
ヴィサーカーは、こども時代を両親とともにサーケータ市で過ごした。ヴィサーカーは世尊をたいへん崇敬し、しばしば比丘たちを托鉢食に、そして聖なる真理を説法するように、招いた。彼女は「五種類の美しさ(パンチャ カリヤーナーニ)」に恵まれていた。すなわち、髪の美しさ(ケーサ カリヤーナ)、くちびるの美しさ(マンサ カリヤーナ)、歯の美しさ(アッティ カリヤーナ)、肌の美しさ(チャヴィ カリヤーナ)、若さの美しさ(ヴァヤ カリヤーナ)、である。
彼女は嫌悪感をあらわに示して「まぁ! なんてこと!」と、ため息をつき、そしてただちに踵を返して、かれらに礼拝することなく、自室に戻ったのである。
「長者よ、なんでもっとましな嫁御をもらわなかったんですか? どうして、ゴータマ行者の女性の信者を、この家に入れたんですか? ただちにこの家から、あの女の悪魔を追い出しなさい!」
「この乳粥を持って行け! ヴィサーカーをこの家から追い出せ! 見よ、わしがこのめでたい乳粥を、わしのこのめでたい家で食べていると、ヴィサーカーは、わしが不潔な汚物を食べている、とぬかしたのだ!」
「長者よ、われらの嫁御(よめ ご)は義務に忠実で、あなたの下女たちでさえできないことをやってのけた。あなたのために、とのみ、彼女はやったのでしょう。それをもってあなたは過失だと見られますか?」
『尊師よ、何々という比丘が死にました。かれの行き先はどこでしょうか? かれが再生した先は何でしょうか?』
「それじゃ、取りに行って来なさい! でも、もしアーナンダ尊者が忘れ物を保管されていらっしゃるなら、そのドレスはもはや尊者にお布施した物とみなしてくださいませ、といいなさい」と、ヴィサーカーは下女にいった。
さらに別のとき、ヴィサーカーは世尊に、女が「優雅な神々」(可意衆天(マナーパカーイカー デーヴァー))へ生まれ変わるのに導いていく性質について尋ねた。世尊は、女性がもつべき八つの条件を詳しく説かれた。
彼女は、世尊と比丘・比丘尼僧団の支援者として奉仕する女性の在家信者の中で第一である(布施第一の信女(ダーイカーナン アッガー))、と宣言されたのである。
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
In the time of the Buddha Gotama, in the City of Bhaddiya, the Kingdom of Aṅga, there lived five remarkable persons endowed with great past merits. They are the millionaire Meṇḍaka and his wife Candapadumā, his son Dhanañjaya and daughter-in-law Sumanadevī, and his servant Puṇṇā. They had all shared the same meritorious deed in their previous life, and as a result they all obtained miraculous merits in their present life. Their shared participation in that noble deed had become a bond uniting them in successive rounds of existence as they wandered through the rounds of rebirth.
The Childhood of Visākhā
In that extraordinary family, the son Dhanañjaya and his wife Sumanadevī had a daughter named Visākhā, who also inherited an abundance of past merits. In her earlier life, during the time of the Buddha Padumuttara, the future Visākhā was born into a rich family in the City of Haṁsavatī. On one occasion, when she was listening to a discourse by the Blessed One, she saw a lay woman disciple being designated by the Blessed One as the foremost in giving charity. Being inspired, she expressed her aspiration at the feet of the Buddha Padumuttara to become the chief benefactress of a Buddha and His Saṁgha in the future. And since that time onwards, for a hundred
thousand aeons, she wandered through the rounds of rebirth in the deva and human worlds. In between, she made various extraordinary offerings under many previous Buddhas, accumulating the spiritual perfections required for fulfilling her aspiration.
One day, when Visākhā was seven years of age, the Blessed One arrived in her birth place, Bhaddiya, accompanied by a great number of bhikkhus. The visit of the Blessed One to that city was immediately heard by Meṇḍaka. Then, he sent for her beloved granddaughter, saying: “Dear girl, this is an auspicious day for you and an auspicious day for me, for the Teacher has arrived in our city. Mount five hundred
carriages together with your five hundred female attendants and five hundred maid-servants! You should go out to welcome the Blessed One.”
Visākhā obeyed her grandfather’s advices. She departed together with her attendants in five hundred carriages. And when she had reached a certain distance, she dismounted from her carriage and went on foot to the Blessed One. Having paid obeisance to Him, she sat respectfully at a suitable place and listened to the Dhamma preached by the Blessed One attentively. The young Visākhā was so sharp in knowledge and far advanced in virtues that at the end of the discourse, she and all her five hundred female attendants attained the Fruition of Stream-Entry. Meṇḍaka—along with his wife, his son, daughter-in-law, and his slave, too—came and listened to the Dhamma, and all were established in the Fruition of Stream-Entry. Meṇḍaka then invited the Blessed One and His disciples to accept alms-food at his house for the next morning and made great offerings as long as the Blessed One stayed at Bhaddiya.
Besides the millionaire Meṇḍaka, within the domain of the Kingdom of Magadha, which was ruled by the devout King Bimbisāra, there were four other householders possessing inexhaustible wealth, namely: Jotika, Jaṭila, Puṇṇaka and Kākavaliya. Having heard that in the neighbouring kingdom there were five householders of great merit, and knowing that his kingdom has no such extraordinary householders, King Pasenadi Kosala requested King Bimbisāra, who was his friend and brother-in-law, to send one of those householders to his domain.
King Bimbisāra discussed this matter with his ministers and came to the conclusion that they could not fulfil King Pasenadi’s request. However, to satisfy his wish they agreed to send one of the five householders’ sons. Then, the king requested Dhanañjaya, the son of Meṇḍaka, to move and settle in the Kingdom of Kosala. Accordingly,Dhanañjaya along with his family moved from Bhaddiya into the Kosalan
Kingdom. On the way, Dhanañjaya arrived at a place which was suitable for human settlement, big enough for his household to live in and only seven miles from the capital city, Sāvatthi. With the agreement of King Pasenadi, Dhanañjaya founded a new city at that place; and since it was a place of the settler’s choice, the city was called “Sāketa”.
The young Visākhā spent her childhood at Sāketa together with her parents, who highly venerated the Blessed One and frequently invited bhikkhus to receive alms and to preach the noble Dhamma. She grew up as a maiden endowed with five kinds of beauty (pañca kalyāṇāni), namely beauty of hair (kesa kalyāṇa), beauty of lips (maṁsa kalyāṇa), beauty of teeth (aṭṭhi kalyāṇa), beauty of skin (chavi kalyāṇa), and
beauty of youth (vaya kalyāṇa).
The Wedding Ceremony
In Sāvatthi, there lived a wealthy householder’s son named Puṇṇavaḍḍhana, who had reached manhood. His father, Migāra, advised him to marry a girl from a householder’s family of equal lineage. But, Puṇṇavaḍḍhana insisted that he would only marry a girl endowed with five kinds of beauty. Migāra could only follow his will. However, he summoned a team of brahmins and told them to look in the entire country for such a maiden. The brahmins carried out their mission by travelling to cities and villages, searching diligently, but they could not find a single maiden endowed with the five kinds of beauty. So, they decided to come back to Sāvatthi.
On their return journey, they arrived at Sāketa, where a certain festival day was being celebrated. At that time, Visākhā, who was about fifteen or sixteen years old, accompanied by her five hundred female attendants all of her age, went on foot to the river to bathe. Just then, an unexpected thunderstorm burst. All the five hundred
girls ran away ungraciously for shelter to avoid getting wet. Meanwhile, the brahmins noticed them carefully, but still they did not see a promising girl. But then, they saw Visākhā, who was walking at her normal pace with great dignity behind them; she disregarded the rain and reached the shelter with all her clothes and ornaments
soaked. When the brahmins saw Visākhā, they were greatly impressed with her graceful manner. Immediately, they distinguished her beautiful features which coincided with the expectation of their master’s son. But still, they could not see one feature: her teeth.
In order to know this feature, the brahmins approached Visākhā and started a conversation with her:
“Little daughter, you walk graciously like an elderly lady.”
“Father, why do you say so?”
“Little daughter, all your companions ran away hastily for shelter to avoid getting wet. But you came here walking at a normal pace; you neglected the heavy shower that was drenching your dress. Suppose an elephant or a horse were chasing after you, would you do the same way?”
Visākhā answered: “Father, if I wished, I could run even faster than them, but I refrained from doing so. Father, there are four beings for whom it is unbecoming to hastily run about. First, it is unbecoming for an inaugurated king (abhisittarājā), adorned with all jewels, to gird up his loins and run in the palace-court; should he do so, he will surely be reproached: ‘Why does this king run about like a householder?’ Indeed, it is becoming for a king to walk gracefully. Second, it is unbecoming for a fully caparisoned state elephant (maṅgalahatthī) to run; it should move about with the natural grace of an elephant. Third, it is unbecoming for one who has gone forth
(pabbajita) to run about; should he do so, he will be reproached: ‘Why does this ascetic run about like an ordinary layman?’ Indeed, it is becoming for an ascetic to walk gracefully. Fourth, it is unbecoming for a dignified girl (itthī) to run about; should she do so, she would be reproached: ‘Why does this girl run about like a man?’ Besides, father, as an unmarried girl I have to take care of myself, as if tending merchandise offered for sale, so that I may not suffer damage and become useless. That was why I did not run away from the rain.”
The brahmins were pleased with the answer given by Visākhā and agreed among themselves that they had found suitable bride. Then, they went to her father and asked for her in marriage for their master’s son, Puṇṇavaḍḍhana. Dhanañjaya agreed to the betrothal, and accordingly arrangements for the wedding ceremony were made. Soon afterwards, the householder Migāra with his son Puṇṇavaḍḍhana and his whole family went to fetch the bride. When King Pasenadi Kosala heard of it, he joined the householder going to Sāketa.
When the bridegroom’s family, together with the king, arrived at Sāketa, Dhanañjaya entertained them merrily and splendidly, and the whole city was showered in a festive atmosphere. On the wedding day, Visākhā received an exquisite ornamental bridal dress—called “mahālatāpasādhana”—and a large amount of wealth as dowry from her father. Dhanañjaya also appointed eight confidential advisers to
examine carefully any complaint and to settle any dispute that might be raised against his daughter. Then, when she was about to go to her parents-in-law’s house in Sāvatthi, Dhanañjaya gave her admonitions, saying:
“Dear daughter, as a good housewife, you should serve your husband faithfully and manage the household affairs properly; these ten principles ought to be known and practised accordingly:
(1) You should not carry outside the indoor fire.
(2) You should not take inside the outdoor fire.
(3) You should give only to those who give.
(4) You should not give to those who do not give.
(5) You should give both to those who give and do not give.
(6) You should sit happily.
(7) You should eat happily.
(8) You should sleep happily.
(9) You should tend the fire.
(10) You should honour the household divinities.”
Finally, Visākhā and her party reached Sāvatthi. Considering that many people would desire to see the great bridal dress she was wearing, she exposed herself by standing in her carriage so that the greatness of her unique bridal dress could be seen by all.
Right from the beginning of her arrival in Sāvatthi, Visākhā was showered with various gifts by people of all ranks, according to their status and ability. But so kind and generous was she that she distributed them to other citizens of Sāvatthi so that all houses could get them. In this way, the citizens of Sāvatthi were soaked in charity from the first day that she came to her husband’s home. Thus, she treated all the residents of the city as her own kinsfolk.
Then, on the first night of her arrival at her parents-in-law’s house, she heard that her thoroughbred mare had a difficulty giving birth to a foal. Though it was the middle of the night, she had her maid-servants hold up the torches; they rushed to the stable. There, she attended to the delivery of the foal with greatest care and
attention. She also had the mare bathed in hot water and then had oil applied onto her body. Having attended upon them dutifully and having made sure that both the mare and foal were safe and in good condition, she went back to her chamber.
Charges Against Visākhā
The wedding reception was also held at Migāra’s house for seven days. Migāra, being a loyal follower of an order of naked ascetics, disregarded the Blessed One, who was residing at the Jetavana monastery. Instead, he invited a houseful of naked ascetics to his house for alms. He treated them with deep respect and served them with sumptuous foods. Then, he called Visākhā, his new daughter-in-law, saying: “Come, dear, and make obeisance to the Arahants!”
Visākhā was delighted to hear the word “Arahants” and eagerly went to the hall, expecting to see some bhikkhus (Buddhist monks). But, she was shocked seeing only naked ascetics devoid of all modesty, a sight unbearable for such a refined lady as Visākhā. She was greatly disappointed and thought: “These shameless fellows cannot be called ‘Arahants’. How could my father-in-law ask me to pay respect to them?”
She uttered in disgust: “Fie! Fie!” And at once, she turned away to her quarters without attending to them.
The naked ascetics, seeing Visākhā’s behaviour, were upset and reproached Migāra: “Householder, can’t you get a better daughter-in-law? Why have you brought a female follower of the ascetic Gotama to your house? Expel this demon of a woman from this house immediately!”
But, Migāra thought that he could not heed their advice, for she came from a high-class family. So, with much effort, he had to pacify his teachers by saying: “Masters, young people are reckless and they are inclined to do something which is known or unknown. Would you kindly keep your patience?” Then, on another occasion, while Migāra was eating rich rice porridge mixed with honey in a golden bowl and while Visākhā was fanning him, a bhikkhu on his alms-round was standing outside his house. Visākhā stepped aside so that Migāra could see the bhikkhu and give him alms;
but though the bhikkhu was in full view, Migāra continued with his meal and pretended not to notice his presence. Reading this situation, Visākhā politely told the bhikkhu: “Pass on, Venerable sir, my father-in-law is eating stale food.”
Hearing Visākhā’s words, Migāra misunderstood and flew into a rage. He instantly put his hands away from the golden bowl and said angrily to his attendants: “Keep away this milk food! Expel Visākhā from this house! Look, while I am eating this auspicious milk food in my auspicious house, Visākhā said I was eating dirt and filth!” But, all the attendants had been brought to the house by Visākhā herself, and
they all loved her for her kindness. Nobody dared to disobey even her words, let alone do physical violence against her; thus they refused to carry out Migāra’s order.
Visākhā then replied calmly and respectfully: “Father, I am not obliged to leave your house by your improper command and incorrect reason. I was not brought by you to this house like a slave girl from some ford. A good daughter, whose parents are still alive, does not obey this kind of unlawful command. It is for this very reason that my father, when I set out to come here, appointed eight advisers and entrusted me to them, saying: ‘Should there arise any problem concerning my daughter, you are to investigate the case and settle it.’ These eight people are my father’s trustees in whom my security lies. Would you send my case to them and let them investigate whether I am guilty or innocent?”
Migāra agreed to her reasonable request and summoned the eight advisers. Then, he said to them: “At a time of festivity, while I was sitting and eating rich rice porridge mixed with honey from a golden bowl, this girl said that I was eating dirt and filth. For this fault, I expel her from the house.”
The advisers asked Visākhā: “Daughter, did you say as your father-in-law has alleged?”
Visākhā explained: “Fathers, it is not exactly what I have said. The fact is that while he was eating rich rice porridge mixed with honey in a golden bowl, a bhikkhu stood at his door in quest for alms-food. When I saw my father-in-law completely ignoring the bhikkhu, I went up to the bhikkhu and said: ‘Pass on, Venerable sir, my father-in-law is eating stale food.’ By this, I meant to say that my father-in-law does
no meritorious deed in his present existence, but is living only on the fruit of his past deeds. Now fathers, what is the fault of mine in this case?”
The eight advisers concluded: “Householder, Visākhā’s explanation was reasonable, and she was not guilty in this case. Why should you be angry?”
Migāra replied: “So it is, gentlemen.” However, he continued charging Visākhā with another case, saying: “But, gentlemen, this girl had, at the very first night in this house, ignored her husband; she went behind the house with her attendants in the middle watch of the night.”
The advisers asked: “Dear daughter, did you ignore your husband and do as alleged?”
Visākhā explained: “Fathers, I did not go to any other place, but the fact is that I was attending to my thoroughbred mare, which was having difficulty in giving birth to a foal at the stable in that middle of the night. I considered it my duty to do so. I had my maid servants hold up the torches and supervise the proper delivery of the foal.
What is my fault then?”
The advisers told Migāra: “Householder, our daughter-in-law had been dutiful and done what even your maid-servants could not do. She had done it for your good only. Do you see it as an offence?”
Migāra accepted that she was not guilty of his second charge. But again, he complained about the ten admonitions given by her father Dhanañjaya to her on the day of her departure from her house. For instance, Dhanañjaya said to her: “She should not carry outside the indoor fire.” Migāra then said: “How is it possible to live without giving fire even to our neighbours?”
Hearing his complaints, Visākhā availed herself of the opportunity to explain all the ten admonitions in detail to his entire satisfaction: “My father has given the ten admonitions to me not in ordinary sense, but they should be understood respectively as follows:
(1) The wife should not divulge the affairs of her husband and parents-in-law to outsiders. Neither should their surroundings nor household quarrels be reported elsewhere.
(2) A wife should not report the criticism from other households towards her family to the other members of the family.
(3) Things should be lent to those who do return them.
(4) No article should be lent to those who do not return them.
(5) Poor kinsfolk and friends should be helped, even if they do not repay.
(6) A wife should sit in a becoming way. On seeing her parents-in-law or her husband, she should keep standing and not sit.
(7) Before partaking of her meal, a wife should first see that her parents-in-law and husband are served. She should also see that her servants are well cared for.
(8) Before sleep, a wife should see that all doors are closed, the furniture is safe, the servants have performed their duties, and that parents-in-law have retired. As a rule, a wife should rise early in the morning and, unless unwell, she should not sleep during the day.
(9) Parents-in-law and husband should be regarded as a blazing fire or as a nāga king that are to be always dealt with carefully and held in reverence.
(10) By these words my father admonished me, that when I become a housewife, I should give alms-food to bhikkhus who stand at my door for alms. Only after offering alms-food to them should I eat.”
Thereupon, the advisers gave a sarcastic remark to Migāra: “Householder, you seem to please yourself by ignoring bhikkhus who come to you for alms-food.”
Hearing this, Migāra sat in silence, his face looking downwards and had no words to retort it.
Having proved her innocence, Visākhā then said to the eight advisers: “Fathers, I did not deem it wise to obey to my father-in-law’s rash command in expelling me, for my father had entrusted me to your care and to settle problems concerning myself. And now that I am cleared of my fault, I am happy to go from this house.”
Migāra immediately apologised to Visākhā for his fault: “Dear daughter, I had been reckless. Forgive me!”
Visākhā, seeing her opportunity, said to her father-in-law: “Dear father, I readily forgive you for what is forgivable. And, let yourself know that I have absolute and unshakeable faith in the Teachings of the Buddha. I cannot stay at a place where the Blessed One and His bhikkhu disciples are not welcome. I shall stay only if I am allowed to invite bhikkhus to the house to offer alms-food and make other offerings to them in complete freedom. Otherwise, I shall leave.”
Her father-in-law promptly replied: “Dear daughter, I grant you complete freedom to invite the Blessed One and His bhikkhu disciples and to perform religious activities.”
The Conversion of Migāra
Thereafter, Visākhā lost no time in inviting the Blessed One and His disciples to her house for the next-day alms-food. Then, on the following day when the time for meal had come, the Blessed One dressed and took His bowl and outer robe; He went to her house, accompanied by His disciples. At that time, learning of the visit of the Blessed One to Migāra’s house, the naked ascetics went thither and sat surrounding
the house.
Having offered the alms-food to the Blessed One and poured libation water, she sent words to her father-in-law that everything was ready for serving the meal to the Blessed One and His disciples. She invited him to join her in attending to the Blessed One personally. But following the instruction of the naked ascetics, Migāra replied to
Visākhā: “Let my dear daughter herself attend to the Blessed One.”
When the meal was over, Visākhā informed her father-in-law to come and listen to the Blessed One’s discourse. Migāra felt that he should not refuse for a second time, thinking: “It would not be good if I were to refuse her invitation again.” He had an inner urge to listen to the Blessed One’s discourse and went to the hall. However, the naked ascetics advised him: “If you were to listen to the ascetic Gotama’s discourse, you should be screened off from Him.” Just to be polite, he appeared shortly and then concealed himself behind a curtain while listening to the Blessed One’s discourse.
However, the Blessed One’s discourse could be heard well by any audience, whether hidden or far away from Him, whether divided by a wall or as distant as the whole extent of a world system. Thus, the Blessed One’s words moved him so deeply that while sitting hidden from view, at the end of the discourse he penetrated the ultimate Truth about the nature of existence and was established in the Fruition of
Stream-Entry. Subsequently, he lifted up the screen and went up to the Blessed One, prostrating himself at His feet and declared his allegiance to the Triple Gems. Filled with overwhelming gratitude to the Blessed One and also to his daughter-in-law, he extolled Visākhā before the Blessed One’s presence, saying: “Dear daughter, from this
day onwards, I would respect you like my own mother.” Since then, Visākhā came to be known as “Migāra’s Mother” (Migāramātā).
On the next day, Visākhā invited the Blessed One for another meal offering. On that occasion, her mother-in-law also became a Sotāpanna. From that day onwards, the entire family became devoted supporters of the Blessed One and His Order of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunīs.
Then, Migāra thought: “I want to express my gratitude towards my daughter-in-law Visākhā, who has given me real happiness and welfare. The mahālatāpasādhana is too cumbersome for her daily wear. I shall give her a suitable dress for wearing by day or by night, suitable for all her bodily postures.” He then had an ornamental dress, called “ghanamaṭṭhaka”, made for her everyday use at a cost of one hundred
thousand. On the day of the presentation of this dress, Migāra held for her a special festival in her honour. He invited the Blessed One and His disciples to an offering of food, and she was made to bathe in sixteen pots of perfumed water.
The Eight Boons of the Buddha
On one occasion, when the Blessed One and the Order of Bhikkhus accepted Visākhā’s invitation of meal offering at her house, she requested Him to grant her eight boons. He replied that the Perfect One had gone beyond the fulfilling of boons. She said that she wished for those which were allowable and those which were blameless. When the Blessed One let her speak on, she mention her eight wishes,
saying: “Lord, I should like to provide: (1) rains-cloth (vassikasāṭika) to the Saṁgha for as long as I live, (2) food for visiting bhikkhus, (3) food for bhikkhus setting out on a journey, (4) food for sick bhikkhus, (5) food for bhikkhus tending another sick
bhikkhu, (6) medicine for sick bhikkhus, (7) a regular supply of rice gruel, and (8) bathing-cloths (udakasāṭika) for the Saṁgha of Bhikkhunīs.”
The Blessed One then asked her for which special reasons she requested these eight boons. She explained in detail:
“Lord, in order to to preserve their robes, some bhikkhus were seen with their robes laid aside, letting their bodies get wet with rain and thus were mistaken for naked ascetics. Nakedness, Lord, is improper; it is disgusting and repulsive. Having this reason, I want to give them rains-cloth.”
“Lord, a newly incoming bhikkhu does not know the streets and alms resorts, and has to walk for alms despite his weariness from his journey. Having this reason, I want to give food for visiting bhikkhus.”
“Lord, a bhikkhu, who is setting out on a journey, may miss his caravan through having to seek food for himself, or may arrive late at the place where he wants to stay, and may get tired on the journey. Having this reason, I want to give a good meal to out-going bhikkhus.”
“Lord, a sick bhikkhu has to suffer much, and may even die if he lacks suitable food; therefore I want to cook food for sick bhikkhus.”
“Lord, a bhikkhu tending another sick bhikkhu had to go on alms-round for himself as well as for the sick bhikkhu; he could easily be late, and both would not be able to eat past noon time because the meal time had already passed; therefore, I want to provide food for sick-nurse bhikkhus.”
“Lord, when a sick bhikkhu does not get suitable medicine, his sickness can get worse and may even die. Therefore I want to provide medicine for sick bhikkhus.”
“Lord, I have heard some benefits are connected with rice gruel in the early morning, so I would like to provide gruel to the Order.”
“And Lord, it was unsuitable for bhikkhunīs to bathe without clothes, as had happened recently. Therefore, I would like to provide them with a suitable covering.”
Then, the Blessed One asked: “But, Visākhā, what benefits do you foresee for yourself in asking the Perfect One for the eight boons?”
Visākhā gave an elaborate answer: “As to that, Lord, bhikkhus who have spent the rains in various places will come to Sāvatthi to see the Blessed One. They will approach the Blessed One and question Him thus: ‘Lord, the bhikkhu named so-and-so has died; what is his destination? What is his rebirth?’ The Blessed One will tell how such a one had reached the Fruition of Stream-Entry, or of Once-Returning, or of Non-Returning, or of Arahantship.”
“I shall approach the bhikkhus and ask: ‘Venerable sirs, did that bhikkhu ever come to Sāvatthi?’ If they answer that he did, I shall conclude that surely a rains-cloth will have been used by that bhikkhu, or visitors’ food, or food for one going on a journey, or food for the sick, or food for a sick-nurse, or medicine for the sick,
or the regular morning rice-gruel.”
“When I remember it, I shall be glad. When I am glad, I shall be happy. When my mind is happy, my body will be tranquil. When my body is tranquil, I shall feel pleasure. When I feel pleasure, my mind will become concentrated. That will bring the development of spiritual faculties in me and the development of spiritual powers and also the Enlightenment factors. This, Lord, is the benefit I foresee for myself in asking for the eight boons of the Perfect One.”
“Good, good, Visākhā; it is good that you have asked the Perfect One for the eight boons foreseeing these benefits. I grant you the eight boons.”
Construction of the Pubbārāma Monastery
Visākhā was soon widely known as the auspicious lady in Sāvatthi. The citizens of Sāvatthi would invite her whenever they held ceremonial offerings. One day, after Visākhā had attended such a ceremony, she proceeded to the Jetavana Monastery with her entourage—she was adorned with her gorgeous mahālatāpasādhana dress. On arrival, she thought it out of modesty if she were attired in that dress to meet the Blessed One. So, at the entrance to the monastery, she entrusted it to her
maid-servant and put on the ghanamaṭṭhaka dress instead.
Then, she went to the Blessed One, paid obeisance to Him and listened
to His discourse. Delighted with the discourse, she left the hall accompanied by her maid-servant, who forgot to take Visākhā’s dress with her. It was the routine duty of the Venerable Ānanda to look after things left by any absent-minded lay disciples. When he found Visākhā’s dress, he reported to the Blessed One, who asked him to keep it in a safe place to be returned to the owner.
Meanwhile, she went round the various places in the Jetavana Monastery to find out things needed by the bhikkhus and sāmaṇeras. And after having visited the sick bhikkhus and sāmaṇeras and attending to their needs, she left the monastery by another gate. At that time, she wanted to wear her mahālatāpasādhana dress again and asked her maid-servant to bring it to her. Only then did the maid remember about
it and said: “My lady, I have forgotten to pick it up.”
“Then, go and bring it back! However, unless the Venerable Ānanda had kept it under his custody, say to him that the dress is to be considered as already donated to him,” said Visākhā to her.
When the Venerable Ānanda saw Visākhā’s maid-servant coming, he told her to collect it. Knowing that the Venerable Ānanda had kept it, the maid said to him as instructed by Visākhā. She then reported what had happened to Visākhā.
But then, Visākhā thought that it would be troublesome for the Venerable Ānanda keeping it in his custody. She thought she would sell the dress; with the proceeds, she would donate something proper to the Saṁgha. Thereafter, Visākhā displayed the dress on an elephant and put it up for public sale at a price of nine crores and a hundred thousand, as had been appraised by goldsmiths. But since there was no one who could afford to buy the dress, Visākhā bought it herself.
Then, Visākhā went to the Blessed One and expressed her desire to do something beneficial to the Saṁgha with the money. The Blessed One advised her to build a monastery. She was very glad to hear that; accordingly she bought—at a cost of nine crores—a piece of land near the eastern city gate of Sāvatthi. The construction of the monastery soon began under the supervision of the Venerable Moggallāna. It took
nine months to complete. The monastery was called the Mansion of Migāra’s Mother (Migāramātu-pāsāda). And because it was located in the Eastern Park, it was also known as the Pubbārāma Monastery.
When the monastery was completed, Visākhā held a ceremony to donate it to the Saṁgha; she also invited Him to spend the rains-residence in the new and spacious monastery. The ceremony lasted four months at a cost of another nine crores. The total expenses which Visākhā incurred in her donation towards the Pubbārāma Monastery was twenty-seven crores. Just as the Blessed One frequently stayed in the Jetavana Monastery built by Anāthapiṇḍika, it was also recorded that He stayed
in the Pubbārāma Monastery for at least six rainy seasons.
Visākhā’s Questions
There were numerous discourses preached by the Blessed One to Visākhā
during her frequent visits; chief among them being the famous discourse on observing the Uposatha days. In that discourse, the Blessed One expounded the true Uposatha days of the noble ones; these Uposatha days should be observed by lay devotees. It consists of the observance of the Eight Precepts and reflection on the virtues of the
Blessed One, the Dhamma, and the Saṁgha, and on the devas and one’s own virtue.
In another discourse, Visākhā asked the Blessed One about the qualities which would enable a woman to get welfare and happiness in this world and in the next. The Blessed One answered that in four ways a woman would get welfare and happiness in this world, that is by being capable at her work, by managing her servants, by loving her husband, and by guarding his property. And in four ways a woman would get welfare and happiness in the next world, that is, by being established in faith (saddhā), virtue (sīla), generosity (cāga), and wisdom (paññā).
At another time, Visākhā questioned the Blessed One concerning the qualities in a woman which would lead to her to a rebirth among “the graceful devas” (manāpakāyikā-devā). The Blessed One expounded eight conditions that a woman should possess: that she is always an agreeable and pleasant companion to her husband, irrespective of his conduct; that she honours and looks after the people, such as his parents, the wise men, and people who are dear to her husband and are
worshipped by him; that in her housework, she is industrious and careful; that she supervises the servants well, cares for them properly, and considers their health and their food; that she guards her husband’s property and does not dissipate his wealth; that she takes refuge in the Blessed One, the Dhamma, and the Saṁgha; that she
observes the Five Precepts; and that she delights in generosity and renunciation.
The Industriousness of Visākhā
Visākhā used to give alms to five hundred bhikkhus daily at her house. In the afternoon, she visited the Blessed One; after listening to His sermon, she would go round the monastery inquiring into the needs of the bhikkhus and bhikkhunīs and ensuring that none of them lacked food, clothing, shelter, bedding, and medicine. She was sometimes accompanied by Suppiyā, another devout Buddhist lady.
Visākhā had ten sons and ten daughters, each of whom had the same number of children, and so on down to the fourth generation. Visākhā herself lived to the remarkably high age of one hundred and twenty, but without having a grey hair. All her life, she always retained the appearance of a sixteen-year-old girl. Before her death, besides her twenty direct lineal descendants, she had four hundred grandchildren and eight thousand great-grandchildren. It is also said that she had
physical strength equivalent to five elephants; she could work untiringly, looking after her large family. Once, the king, wanting to test Visākhā’s reputed strength, let loose a great elephant in her direction. All her five hundred attendants ran away in fear, but she calmly took the trunk of the elephant between her two fingers and
forced him back on his courtyard in the palace.
Visākhā played an important role in various activities connected with the Sāsana. At times, she was deputed by the Blessed One to settle disputes that arose amongst bhikkhunīs. Some Vinaya rules were also laid down for bhikkhus owing to her intervention.
By her dignified conduct, graceful deportment, refined manners, courteous speech, obedience and reverence to elders, compassion to those who are less fortunate, kind hospitality, and religious zeal, she won the hearts of all who knew her.
She was declared foremost among the female lay supporters who served as supporters of the Blessed One and the Order of Bhikkhus and bhikkhunīs (dāyikānaṁ aggā).
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