47話 最上の吉祥とは ・・・・ ブッダの幸福論「吉祥経」

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第5章 在家信者への教え
47話 最上の吉祥とは ・・・・ ブッダの幸福論「吉祥経」
「吉祥とは何か? 見られるものが吉祥か? 聞かれるものが吉祥か? 感じられるものが吉祥か? 誰か吉祥とは何か、知っているか?」
吉祥についての噂は、まもなく全ジャンブ洲に広がった。人びとが集まっては、吉祥とは何か、考え込んだ。人間界のこの噂を守護神(アーラッカデーワター)たちが伝え聞いたとき、守護神たちもまた、論争に引き込まれてしまった。それから、守護神たちの友である地居神(ブンマデーワター)たちがいて、かれらも噂を聞いて、同じく考え込んだ。さらにまた、地居神たちの友である空住神(アーカーサッタデーワター)たちがいて、かれらも噂を聞いて、同じく考え込んだ。さらにさらにまた、空住神たちの友である四大天王神(チャトゥンマハーラージカー デーワター)がいて、かれらも噂を聞いて、同じく考え込んだ。このようにして、吉祥についての論争と考察が、人間界から天界、梵天界、さらには最上位の色究竟天(アカニッタ)(有頂天)地(ブーミ)まで広がったのである。
「それでは、みなさん、どうして人間のようにふるまうのか? みなさんは火をないがしろにして、ホタルから火をともそうとしているのだ。比類なき天人師(訳注:人間、天界の神々など一切衆生の唯一の師)たる世尊をさしおいて、なんとわたしが尋ねるのにふさわしい者である、とみなさんは考えているのだ。来たれ、友よ。世尊にこの問題をお尋ねしようではないか。きっとわれらは、すばらしい解答を得られるであろう」
さて、このように世尊が説教を締めくくられると、一万クローレ(一千億)の神々が阿羅漢に達した。また預流果(よるか)、一来果(いち らい か)、不還果(ふ げん か)に達した神々も数え切れぬほど多かったのである。
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In the days of the Buddha Gotama, a large numbers of people in Jambudīpa (India nowadays) used to gather together here and there at the city gates and in debating halls. They learned lectures from the various visiting sectarians, held discussion with them about some topic, and paid them with gold. Besides, they were used to watching debate contests between wandering debaters, too.
On one occasion, they met in the public hall. There arose an interesting discussion about “Auspiciousness” (Maṅgala). They asked: “What is Auspiciousness? Is what is seen Auspiciousness? Is what is heard Auspiciousness? Is what is sensed Auspiciousness? Who knows what Auspiciousness is?”
Then, a certain person who held the view of Auspiciousness as something seen said: “I know what Auspiciousness is. Here, someone sees a pleasant sight in the early morning, such as a talking bird, a pregnant woman, children adorned in finery, full offering dishes, a bull, a cow, a brown ox, or else he sees some agreeable sight. This is Auspiciousness.”
Some accepted his statement, but some who did not agree argued with him. Then, another man who held the view of Auspiciousness as something heard said: “Sirs, the eye sees both what is clean and what is unclean, likewise what is beautiful and what is ugly, agreeable and disagreeable. If sights were Auspiciousness, everything would then be Auspiciousness. Therefore sights are not Auspiciousness.”
He continued: “But here, someone, having risen early in the morning, hears the words ‘grow’, ‘prosper’, ‘full’, ‘auspicious’, ‘glad’, ‘luck’, ‘growth of welfare’, or else he hears some agreeable sound. This is Auspiciousness.”
Some accepted his statement, but some who did not agree argued with him. Then again, another man who held the view of Auspiciousness as something sensed said: “Let yourselves know, sirs, the ear hears what is good and what is bad, agreeable and disagreeable. If sounds were Auspiciousness, everything would then be Auspiciousness. On the other hand, what is sensed is actually Auspiciousness, for the odour, flavour and tangible reputed as Auspiciousness is sensed.”
And he continued: “Here, someone, having risen early in the morning, smells such a flower scent as lotus scent, chews a fine tooth-stick, or touches the earth or green crops, a flower, a fruit, or dresses himself in fine cloth; else he smells some such odour, tastes some such flavour, or touches some such tangible. This is Auspiciousness.” Some accepted his statement, but some did not agree with him.
He who held the seen to be Auspiciousness could not convince the man who held the heard to be Auspiciousness. Nor could any of them convince the other two to perceive as he did.
The talk on Auspiciousness soon spread throughout all Jambudīpa. People speculated in groups about what Auspiciousness really was. When this talk was heard by the guardian devas (ārakkhadevatā) of human beings, they were also drawn into the debate. Then, there were earth devas (bhummadevatā) who were friends of the guardian devas; they heard the talk and likewise took to speculating about it. Again, there were space devas (ākāsaṭṭhadevatā) who were friends of the earth devas; they heard the talk and likewise took to speculating about it. And again, devas of the Realm of the Four Great Kings (Catummahārājikā devatā) who were friends of the space devas heard the talk and likewise took to speculating about it. In this way, the controversy and speculation about Auspiciousness spread from man to the upper
celestial realms of devas and brahmās as far as the Highest Pure Abode (Akaniṭṭhabhūmi).
The Auspiciousness tumult (Maṅgala kolāhala) arose not only in this world system, but it continued spreading throughout ten thousand world-systems. And when they were drawn into the debate about Auspiciousness, one of them kept on defining, “Auspiciousness is this,” while others would mention their own opinions. Except for the noble disciples of the Blessed One, man, devas and brahmās held diverse opinions. This resulted in their division into three groups, i.e. those who subscribed to the notion that Auspiciousness were things seen, heard, or sensed. This tumult continued for twelve years, but still there was no agreed definition yet.
At the end of the twelve years, the devas belonging to the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven realm approached Sakka, the king of devas, and asked:
“Good sir, please know that a question on Auspiciousness has arisen. Some say that the seen is Auspiciousness, some say that it is the heard, some say that it is the sensed. We and others, too, have come to no conclusion. Indeed, it would be good if you were to declare its real meaning.”
Then, Sakka, who was endowed with supreme intelligence, replied:
“Where is the Fully-Enlightened One?”
“He is in the human world, sir.”
“Has anyone enquired the Blessed One on the matter?”
“No one, sir.”
“How then, good sirs, did you behave like man? Having ignored fire, you try to make fire out of a firefly. Even so, good sirs, thinking that I am fit to be asked, you have overlooked the Blessed One, the Incomparable Teacher of Auspiciousness. Come, good sirs, let us consult the Blessed One on this matter; surely shall we then obtain a
splendid answer.”
Having said so, Sakka ordered a certain deva to approach the Blessed One and obtain His trustworthy answer. Then that deva—adorned with ornaments to suit the occasion and surrounded by a great congregation of devas and brahmās coming from ten thousand world systems—proceeded to where the Blessed One was.
At that time, the Blessed One was residing at the Jetavana Monastery of Anāthapiṇḍika, near Sāvatthi. Then, soon after the middle watch of the night, the deva of surpassing splendour came to the presence of the Blessed One, illuminating the entire Jetavana Monastery. Having approached and made obeisance to the Blessed One, he stood at a suitable place. Thus standing, the deva addressed the Blessed One in this stanza:
“Many devas and human beings
Longing for their well-being
Pondered on Auspiciousness
Pray, tell us the Highest Auspiciousness!”
When the Blessed One heard the words of the deva, He gave His reply by uttering the thirty-eight factors of Auspiciousness, arranged in eleven beautiful stanzas:
“[1] Not to associate with fools,
[2] To associate with the wise,
[3] And to honour those who are worthy of honour ;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[4] To live in a suitable locality,
[5] To have done meritorious deeds in the past,
[6] And to set oneself in the right course;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[7] To have wide knowledge [8] and skill in crafts,
[9] be well-trained in moral conduct,
[10]to have well-spoken speech;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[11] To attend to one’s mother and father,
[12] To care for one’s wife and children,
[13] And to have a blameless occupation;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[14] To perform acts of charity [15] and to live righteously,
[16] To support one’s relatives,
[17] And to perform blameless actions;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[18] Abstention from all evils in mind, [19] body and speech,
[20] Abstention from intoxicants,
[21] And non-negligence in meritorious acts;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[22] To be respectful [23] and of humble manner,
[24] Contentment [25] and gratitude,
[26] And to listen to the Dhamma on suitable occasions;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[27] Patience and [28] obedience,
[29] Meeting noble people (samaṇā),
[30] And discussing the Dhamma on suitable occasions;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“[31] Practice that consumes evil states, [32] and leading a noble life32,
[33] Seeing the Noble Truths,
[34] And realisation of Nibbāna;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“Though tempted by worldly conditions,
[35] One’s mind is unshaken,
[36] Sorrowless, [37] stainless, [38] and secure;
This is the highest Auspiciousness.”
“Having fulfilled such things as these,
Beings are invincible everywhere,
And go everywhere in safety;
That is the highest Auspiciousness for them.”
Now, when this Teaching was thus concluded by the Blessed One, a hundred thousand crores of devas attained Arahantship, and the number of those who attained the Fruitions of Sotāpatti, Sakadāgāmi, and Anāgāmi was incalculable.
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