50話 青年への教え ・・・・ 「シンガーラ教誡経」(六方礼経)

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第5章 在家信者への教え
50話 青年への教え ・・・・ 「シンガーラ教誡(きょうかい)経」(六方礼経)
「ああ、お父さん、お母さん! そのような比丘たちとお近づきになるなんて、わたしには関係ないことです。もし、そんな方々のところへ行けば、わたしは腰をかがめてお辞儀しなければなりません。すると、背中が痛み、膝がきつくなります。地面に坐らなければならないので、衣装が汚れて、台なしになります。その後に、わたしはそうした方々と会話して、親交を結び、互いに信頼するように努めなければなりません。で、それから、わたしがかれらを招待して、衣や食事などをお布施することになるでしょう。そうするとわたしの財産は減ってしまいます。比丘たちとお近づきになるなんて、わたしには、まさに何の利益もありませんよ」
「では、長者の子よ、よく注意して聴きなさい! もろもろの方角へ礼拝するほんとうの意味を説明しよう」
「長者の子よ、放棄すべき四つの汚れた行為とは、生きものの命を奪うこと(殺生)、与えられていないものを盗ること(偸盗)、肉欲の不品行(邪婬)、 嘘をつくこと(妄語)です」
「すばらしい、尊師よ、すばらしい、尊師よ! 真理が多くの方向で、世尊によってはっきり見えました。倒れていた物を正しく起こすように、隠されていたことを暴露するように、道に迷っている者に道を示すように、暗闇の中で灯火(ともしび)を掲げて物のかたちがくっきり見えるように、世尊はされました。わたしは世尊に、真理に、僧団に(仏法僧の三宝に)帰依します。尊師よ、在家の仏弟子としてわたしを世尊が数えてくださいますように。きょうからわが命尽きるまで、生涯帰依いたします」
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In Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, there lived a young householder named Siṅgālaka. His father was a millionaire who possessed wealth worthy of forty crores. He was a devoted lay disciple of the Blessed One. So was his wife. Having practised the Dhamma guided by the Blessed One, they could realise the first state of noblehood and became Sotāpannas. However, their son Siṅgālaka had
neither faith nor devotion to the Blessed One.
His parents very often advised the young Siṅgālaka, saying: “My dear son, you should approach the Blessed One, you should also approach the General of the Dhamma, the Venerable Sāriputta, the Venerable Mahā Moggallāna, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa, and the eighty great disciples.”
But, he replied: “O father, mother! I have no business to approach those bhikkhus. Should I go to them, I ought to pay homage to them by bowing down my body, and this will cause pain in my back; and by doing so, my knees become rough; I must sit on the ground which will soil and spoil my clothes. After that, I must make a conversation with them and try to generate intimacy and trust between us. And then, I should invite them and donate robes, alms-food, etc. to them. By doing thus, my wealth will decrease. Indeed, there is no benefit for me to approach those bhikkhus.” Thus, although they had advised the young Siṅgālaka as long as their life, their advice could not move his heart.
Now, his wise father was already very old, and when he was lying on his death-bed, he thought: “I will try to give advice to my son for the last time before I die.” And he thought further: “I will ask my son to worship the various directions everyday. As these are my last words, he will obey my advice though he does not understand its
meaning and purpose. Then one day while he is doing so, the Blessed One or His disciples will see him and preach the Dhamma to him. And having understood the advantage of the instruction from the Buddha, my son will perform meritorious deeds.”
Then, his father called the young Siṅgālaka and said to him: “My dear son, it seems my time has come and though I love you so much, we must be separated from each other due to my old age. After my death, having got up early in the morning, you should go outside the city and worship the six directions. My dear son, do this without failure!”
Remembering these last words, the young Siṅgālaka obeyed his father’s advice without understanding its meaning and purpose. Thus every day, the young Siṅgālaka—having got up early in the morning and gone out of the City of Rājagaha in wet clothes and with wet hair—worshipped with joined palms the six directions i.e. the east, the south, the west, the north, the nadir and the zenith.
At that time, the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha in the Veḷuvana Monastery, at the sanctuary where black squirrels were fed (Kalandakanivāpa). And the Blessed One, having risen early in the morning and rearranged His robes, took his outer robe and alms-bowl and went to Rājagaha for alms. On the way, seeing Siṅgālaka paying homage to the various directions, He asked: “Young householder, why have you risen early in the morning and come out from the City of Rājagaha in wet clothes and with wet hair worshipping the six directions?”
“Lord, my father advised me to do so before he passed away. And, Lord, out of respect for my father’s words, which I revere, honour and hold sacred, I have risen thus early in the morning to worship the six directions.”
“But, young householder, that is not the right way to worship the six directions according to the Ariyan discipline,” the Blessed One said.
“Well then, Lord, how should one worship the six directions according to the Ariyan discipline?”
“Then, young householder, listen and pay attention carefully! I will explain the real meaning of worshipping the various directions.”
“Very well, Lord,” Siṅgālaka replied.
The Fourteen Evils
Instead of directly explaining the six directions to the young Siṅgālaka, the Blessed One expounded first the fourteen evils which should be avoided; after that, He personified the six directions and explained their meanings in reciprocal ways. Here, the Blessed One gave the young Siṅgālaka a very comprehensive and practical guide for living harmoniously in the society; the guide also contains the various aspects of social life. This guide is known as the discipline of a householder (the Gihivinaya).
The Blessed One said: “Young householder, the noble disciple abandons the four defiled actions; he refrains from the four causes of evil action; and he does not follow the six means causing loss of wealth. Thus, through avoiding these fourteen evil things, the noble disciple covers the six directions; by such practice, he becomes a conqueror of both worlds and he can go well in this world and the next. And at the
breaking-up of the body after death, he will go to a good destiny, a heavenly world.”
“Young householder, these are the four defiled acts which should be abandoned: taking one’s life, taking what is not given, sensual misconduct, and telling lies.”
“And, young householder, these are the four causes of evil action from which a noble disciple refrains: evil action instigated by partiality, by ill-will, by ignorance of what is right or wrong, and by fear.”
“And again, young householder, these are the six means causing loss of wealth that a noble disciple does not follow: addiction to intoxicant drinks and negligence-inducing drugs, roaming about the streets at unfitting times, frequenting shows and entertainments, being addicted to gambling, associating with bad companions, and
habitual idleness.”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences attached to addiction to intoxicant drinks and negligence-inducing drugs: actual waste of money in this very life, liability to quarrels and violence, liability to sickness, loss of good name and reputation, indecent exposure of one’s body, and weakening of the intellect.”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences attached to roaming about the streets at unfitting times: one is defenceless and without protection; so are one’s wife and children; and so is one’s property; one is suspected of committing crimes; one is subjected to false accusations; and one will encounter all sorts of troubles.”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences attached to requenting shows and entertainments: neglecting his responsibilities, one is always thinking: ‘Where is the dancing? Where is the singing? Where is the playing of music? Where is the recitation? Where is the hand-clapping? Where is the beating of drums?’”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences attached to gambling: the winner begets enmity, the loser bewails his loss, one wastes one’s wealth, one’s word is not trusted in the assembly, one is despised by one’s friends and companions, one is not in demand for marriage because a gambler cannot support a wife.”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences to associating with bad companions: taking any gambler, any libertines, any drunkard, any fraud, any trickster, or any criminal as his friend, his companion.”
“Young householder, there are these six evil consequences attached to habitual idleness: one has a tendency for making an excuse saying that as it is too cold, one does not work; as it is too hot, one does not work; as it is too early, one does not work; as it is too late, one does not work; as one is too hungry, one does not work; as one is too full, one does not work.”
True and False Friends
“Young householder, there are these four types of false friends pretending to be true friends, that is, one who only takes things from others, one who is a great talker or one who only renders lip-service by making empty promises, the flatterer, and the fellow-spendthrift.”
“Young householder, there are these four types who can be seen as true-hearted friends: one who is helpful, one who is the same in happy and unhappy times, one who points out what is good or one who gives good counsel, and one who is sympathetic.”
The Meaning of the Six Directions
“And now, young householder, these six things are to be regarded as the six directions. The east denotes parents. The south denotes teachers. The west denotes wife and children. The north denotes friends and companions. The nadir denotes servants and employees. The zenith denotes religious teachers such as monks and brahmins.”
Parents and Children
“Young householder, in five ways a son should minister to his parents as the eastern direction, thus: my parents have supported me, I will support them in turn; I shall manage duties on their behalf; I shall keep up the honour and tradition of the family; I shall make myself worthy of their heritage; I shall perform meritorious deeds, such as offering alms, on their behalf.”
“And young householder, in five ways the parents, so ministered to by their children, should reciprocate: they will restrain them from evil, encourage them in doing good, give them education in arts and sciences, arrange them in marriages with suitable spouses, and hand over property to them as inheritance at the proper time.”
Teacher and Pupil
“Young householder, in five ways pupils should minister to their teachers as the southern direction, that is, by rising from the seat to greet them, by attending to and waiting upon them, by obeying them, by offering personal service to them, and by mastering the skills they teach.”
“And young householder, in five ways the teachers, thus ministered to by their pupils, should reciprocate, namely: they will give proper instruction to their pupils, make sure they have grasped what they should have duly grasped, train them in all arts and sciences, recommend them to their friends and colleagues, and provide them with security in all directions.”
Husband and Wife
“Young householder, in five ways a husband should minister to his wife as the western direction, that is, by being courteous to her and addressing her in endearing words, by showing respect to her and not disparaging her, by being faithful to her, by giving authority to her over household affairs, and by delighting her with clothes and
“And young householder, in five ways a wife, thus ministered to by her husband, should reciprocate, namely: by properly organising household affairs to her best, by being hospitable and generous to the kith and kin from both sides of the family, by being faithful to him, by managing well what he earns and brings to her, and by being skilful and diligent in all that she has to do.”
Companion and Friend
“Young householder, in five ways a man of a good family should minister to his friends and companions as the northern direction, that is, by giving them gifts, by speaking kind words to them, by helping them whenever they need, by treating them as he treats himself, and by being reliable in his words and promises.”
“And young householder, in five ways friends and companions, thus ministered to by a man of a good family, should reciprocate, namely: by looking after him when he is inattentive, by guarding over his property when he is inattentive, by being a refuge in times of danger, by not deserting him in times of need, and by showing concern for his descendants.”
Master and Servant
“Young householder, in five ways a master should minister to his servants and employees as the nadir, that is, by assigning work according to their ability and physical strength, by supplying them with food and wages, by looking after them when they are sick, by sharing special delicacies with them, and by granting them time off work.”
“And young householder, in five ways servants and employees, thus ministered to by their master, should reciprocate, namely: by getting up early before him, by going to bed after him, by taking only what is given, by performing their duties well, and by upholding his good name and reputation.”
Religious Teacher and Lay Person
“Young householder, in five ways a lay person should minister to monks and brahmins as the zenith, that is, by kindness in bodily action, by kindness in verbal action, by kindness in mental action, by keeping the house open to them, and by supplying them with food and requisites suitable to them.”
“And young householder, the monks and brahmins, thus ministered to by a lay person should reciprocate in six ways, namely: they restrain him from evil, encourage him to do good, protect him with loving-kindness, teach him what he has not heard before, explain and make clear to him the profound matters which he has heard before, and show him the way to heaven.”
The young Siṅgālaka listened to the Blessed One’s advice attentively and found the advantages of following His words. And when the Blessed One had spoken thus, Siṅgālaka exclaimed: “Magnificent, Lord, magnificent, Lord! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by the Blessed One, as though He were righting the overthrown, or revealing the hidden, or showing the way to one who is lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyes to see visible forms. I take
refuge in the Blessed One, in the Dhamma and in the Order of Bhikkhus. Lord, may the Blessed One count me as a lay disciple who has taken refuge from today till the end of my life.”
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奥田 昭則

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