51話 侍医ジーヴァカ ・・・・ ブッダを治療した名医

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第6章 側近の人たち
51話 侍医ジーヴァカ ・・・・ ブッダを治療した名医
ジーヴァカは世尊に大いに心を引きつけられた。かれは日に三度は、世尊のもとへ通った。あるとき、世尊が便秘に悩まされたので、穏やかな効き目の下剤を投与し、治癒して差し上げた。また別の折、デーヴァダッタが鷲峰山(ギッジャクータ パッバタ)で岩のかけらを落下させて世尊の足にけがをさせたとき、比丘たちによって世尊は、マッダクッチへ運ばれてきた。そのあとジーヴァカのマンゴー林に連れられ、ジーヴァカが世尊の手当てをした。傷に収斂剤を塗布した。かれは世尊に、街へ患者の往診に行ってくるので包帯したままにしておいてください、と告げた。ジーヴァカは往診後、マンゴー林に戻ってこようとしたのだが、市の門が閉まるまでに戻ることができなかった。
(世尊をふつうの患者のように扱って、足のけがに強力な薬を塗布して、傷口に包帯した。大失敗だ! いまはもう、包帯をはずすときだ。夜通し包帯したままだと、世尊はひどい痛みで苦しまれるであろう)
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In Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, there lived a beautiful maiden named Sālavatī. By the consent of King Bimbisāra, she was chosen as a courtesan to glorify the City of Rājagaha, just as Ambapālī in Vesālī. After some time, Sālavatī happened to conceive a baby. During her pregnancy, she always pretended to be ill whenever some guest wanted to meet her.
When the time was due, Sālavatī delivered a baby boy. She directly had her trusted servant place the newborn in an old bamboo tray to be thrown onto a rubbish heap beside the road. It was customary at that time for a courtesan to raise only baby girls to be made courtesans like their mother.
Then in the morning, Prince Abhayarājakumāra, who was on his way to see his royal father King Bimbisāra, saw from a distance a flock of crows shrieking and swarming over the place where the baby was left. He then sent his attendants to investigate it: “O guard, see what is going on in that rubbish heap!”
The attendants went to the rubbish heap and found the baby, saying:
“My Lord, there is a newborn baby boy!”
“Is it still alive?” asked the prince.
“Yes, my Lord, it is still alive,” replied the attendants.
Prince Abhaya was moved by compassion and had the baby taken to his royal residence. The baby was cared for by the best nurses and was given the best food; the baby was raised as his adopted son. He was then named “Jīvaka” because he was found alive (jīvati). And because he was brought up by the prince, he was called “Komārabhacca”. Thus, the boy was later called Jīvaka Komārabhacca.
When grown up, Jīvaka pondered his own status in the royal palace and believed that it would be impossible for him to stay in the royal court devoid of any knowledge. So, he decided to go to Takkasilā without Prince Abhaya’s knowledge. Jīvaka studied medicine under a famous teacher there. Within a short time, he acquired much knowledge.
After studying for seven years, he thought that there would be no end to the study. When he discussed this matter with his teacher, he was given a shovel and was instructed to go into the forest to survey within an area of one yojana for a herb that had no medicinal power at all. He immediately carried out the task, but was disappointed as he could not find such a herb. He went back and reported his finding. But to his surprise, his teacher told him that he had completed his education; he was allowed to earn his living by that means since then on.
On his way back to Rājagaha, when he reached Sāketa, his provision—which was given by his teacher—ran out. So, he decided to apply his skills to earn some money. At that time there lived in Sāketa a millionaire’s wife who had been suffering from a headache for seven years. Several famous physicians had tried to cure her disease,
but she had not recovered. Jīvaka offered himself to cure her, but she declined the offer, seeing that Jīvaka was still young. Furthermore, she did not want to waste her money any more. But, when Jīvaka proposed that she did not need to pay any money if she was not cured, she agreed. She thought that she had nothing to lose. Thus, she became his first patient.
Jīvaka diagnose her illness carefully and prepared medicines made from a mixture of ghee and herbs. Shortly after taking the medicine, she completely recovered from her ailment. She became very happy as she was free from her suffering that had tortured her for a long time. For that, Jīvaka earned not only sixteen thousand kahāpaṇas, but he also received some slaves and a coach with horses as well.
On his arrival in Rājagaha, Jīvaka offered all his money and slaves to Prince Abhaya, who had saved him from the rubbish heap and brought him up. But, the prince did not want them and returned them back; moreover, he had a dwelling place built for Jīvaka in his own residence.
At another time, Prince Abhaya took Jīvaka to his royal father King Bimbisāra, who was suffering from haemorrhoids. Jīvaka was able to cure the disease with only one application of his medicine. King Bimbisāra presented him all jewelleries used by his concubines and appointed him as physician to the royal families and also to the
fraternity of bhikkhus with the Blessed One as its head.
Along his career as a physician, Jīvaka also successfully cured a millionaire (seṭṭhi) of Rājagaha; the millionaire had been afflicted of a severe headache for years. Jīvaka cured him by carrying out a trepanning operation. Another time, he performed a successful operation on the abdomen of the son of the treasurer of Bārāṇasī who was suffering from a chronic intestinal trouble due to misplacement
At one time, he was sent by King Bimbisāra to cure King Caṇḍapajjota of Ujjenī, who was ill with jaundice (paṇḍupalāsa). King Caṇḍapajjota loathed the ghee which was, unfortunately, the only remedy. Although Jīvaka knew about this, he carried on preparing the medicine containing ghee and herbs. He made the smell and taste of the medicine like astringent juice and prescribed it to the king. After taking the
medicine, the king discovered the nature of the medicine and became very angry. However, upon finding that the medicine was effective and it cured his ailment, he sent Jīvaka a pair of Siveyyaka cloth as a token of his favour. Jīvaka, in turn, presented them to the Blessed One. Then, when the Blessed One encouraged him by a talk on the Dhamma, Jīvaka was enlightened into the Path and Fruition of Stream-Entry (Sotāpatti).
On one occasion, Jīvaka found that the Veḷuvana Monastery was too far away. Thereafter, he built a monastery in his mango grove in Rājagaha. The grove, which was then known as Jīvaka’s mango grove (Jīvakambavana), was dedicated to the Blessed One and His disciples. When King Bimbisāra passed away, Jīvaka continued to serve his successor, King Ajātasattu. He also did a merit in inducing the king to visit the Buddha after the king’s heinous crime of patricide.
Jīvaka was greatly attracted to the Blessed One. He used to attend to the Blessed One three times a day. One time, when the Blessed One was afflicted by constipation, he healed Him by administering a mild laxative. On another occasion, when the Blessed One’s foot was injured by a splinter from the rock hurled by Devadatta at the Vulture Peak Rock (Gijjhakūṭa Pabbata), the Blessed One was carried by the bhikkhus to Maddakucchi. Later, He was taken to Jīvaka’s mango grove. Jīvaka
attended to the Blessed One; he applied astringent to the wound. He told the Blessed One to keep the bandage intact until his return from his visit to a patient in the city. When Jīvaka tried to return to the mango grove, he could not reach the city gate before it was closed.
Jīvaka was worried, thinking: “I have applied a potent medicine to the Blessed One’s foot and bandaged the wound, treating Him like an ordinary patient. I have made a grave mistake! This is the time to untie the bandage. If the bandage remained all night, the Blessed One would suffer intense pain.” But, the Blessed One read his thought and called the Venerable Ānanda and said: “Ānanda, Jīvaka could not come
back in time; he could not reach the city gate before it was closed. Now, he is worried because it is time to untie the bandage. Ānanda, untie the bandage for Me!” When the Venerable Ānanda removed the bandage, the wound disappeared like barks detached from a tree.
As soon as the city gate was open, Jīvaka hurried to the mango grove though it was still dark. He approached the Blessed One and asked Him whether He suffered intense pain all night. The Blessed One replied:
“Jīvaka, I have overcome all pain since I attained Supreme Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.”
Jīvaka was declared by the Blessed One as the foremost among His lay disciples who has personal devotion (aggaṁ puggalappasannānaṁ).
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奥田 昭則

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