52話 侍者アーナンダ ・・・・ ブッダのことばの管理人

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第5章 在家信者への教え
52話 侍者アーナンダ ・・・・ ブッダのことばの管理人
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In the time of the Buddha Padumuttara, the Venerable Ānanda had been the son of King Ānanda of Haṁsavatī and Queen Sujātā; he was named Prince Sumana. Once, he obtained a boon from his royal father after having quelled an insurrection of some frontier provinces. He asked to be allowed to entertain the Blessed One and a hundred thousand bhikkhus for their three-month rains-residence. At that time, Prince Sumana was much impressed by the loyalty and great devotion of the
Venerable Sumana, the Blessed One’s personal attendant. Being inspired, he made an aspiration in front of the Buddha Padumuttara to become a personal attendant of a future Buddha, just as the Venerable Sumana was of the Buddha Padumuttara.
Thenceforward, during the intervening period of a hundred thousand aeons, the future Venerable Ānanda performed various meritorious deeds in many rounds of existence before finally being reborn in the Tusita Heaven along with the future Buddha Gotama. After passing away from that existence, he was reborn on the same day as the Bodhisatta Siddhattha Gotama, as the son of Prince Amitodana, a younger brother of King Suddhodana.
Ānanda, together with the other five Sākyan princes—Bhaddiya, Anuruddha, Bhagu, Kimbila and Devadatta, decided to leave household life during the first visit of the Buddha Gotama to Kapilavatthu. At that time, the Blessed One had gone away from Kapilavatthu and was staying at the Anupiya Mango Grove. Then, those six Sākyan princes—with Upāli the barber joining as the seventh—set out to Anupiya and asked for higher ordination under the Blessed One.
Not long after becoming a bhikkhu, the Venerable Ānanda listened to a discourse by the Venerable Puṇṇa Mantāniputta and realised the Fruition of Stream-Entry (Sotāpatti).
During the first twenty years after His Enlightenment, the Blessed One did not have a permanent personal attendant. From time to time, several bhikkhus looked after Him, among them being Nāgasamāla, Nāgita, Upavāṇa, Sunakkhatta, Sāmaṇera Cunda, Sāgata, Rādha and Meghiya. The Blessed One was not particularly pleased with any of them because they were not very dutiful, nor did they always obey His
At the end of the twenty years of His ministry, when the Blessed One was residing at the Jetavana Monastery, He addressed the bhikkhus, saying: “Bhikkhus, I am old now. Some bhikkhus attending upon Me would take a different route from what I chose; some bhikkhus would even put My alms-bowl and outer robe down on the ground and departed. Now, please choose out one disciple who will attend upon Me on a permanent basis!”
In no time, the Venerable Sāriputta rose from his seat, paid homage to the Blessed One, and expressed his wish to be the permanent personal attendant to Him. However, the Blessed One declined his service owing to the fact that the Venerable Sāriputta was a precious asset to the world and he could expound the Dhamma in the same way as the Blessed One did. Then, the Venerable Moggallāna volunteered
himself for the position but was rejected likewise. Subsequently, the eighty great disciples offered themselves, but all shared the same result.
The Venerable Ānanda alone was left; he remained silent. Then, the bhikkhus urged him: “Friend Ānanda, each of us has offered ourselves for the privilege of attending on the Blessed One. You should also offer yourself.”
The Venerable Ānanda replied: “Friend, that position is not something to be asked for. If the Lord so wished, He will say: ‘Ānanda, be my personal attendant!’”
Afterwards, the Blessed One said to the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, Ānanda does not need advice from anybody to attend on the Tathāgata. He will serve Me on his own accord.”
Then, the Venerable Ānanda rose from his seat, paid obeisance to the Blessed One and expressed his agreement on a condition that the Blessed One would grant him eight boons. He said: “Lord, if the Blessed One granted me these four refraining conditions, I would become the Blessed One’s personal attendant:
1. The Blessed One should not give me fine robes which He Himself had received.
2. The Blessed One should not give me fine food which He Himself had received.
3. The Blessed One should not allow me to dwell in the same Fragrant Chamber.
4. The Blessed One should not take me to the invitation of lay supporters to accept alms.”
The Blessed One asked to the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, what disadvantages do you see in these four matters?”
“Lord, if the Blessed One did any of these things, people would criticise that Ānanda’s service to the Blessed One was done in order to get fine robes, food, lodging and to be included in the invitation,” replied the Venerable Ānanda.
Further, the Venerable Ānanda said: “Lord, if the Blessed One granted me these four special privileges, I would become the Blessed One’s personal attendant:
1. The Blessed One should kindly go with me to the invitation which I had received on behalf of the Lord.
2. The Blessed One should kindly give me permission to introduce visitors who come from afar to see the Lord.
3. The Blessed One should kindly allow me to consult all my perplexities with the Lord whenever they arise.
4. The Blessed One should kindly repeat to me any discourse that was taught in my absence.”
The Blessed One asked to the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, what advantages do you see in these four favours?”
“Lord, if the Blessed One did not comply with my request to accept the invitations made by lay supporters through me, or did not comply with my request on behalf of visitors who have come from afar, or did not comply with my request to have right to ask for elucidation on doctrinal problems, then people would say: ‘What is the meaning in Ānanda’s personal attendance on the Blessed One if he is devoid of
even these things?’,” replied the Venerable Ānanda.
“And again, Lord, regarding the fourth favour, if other bhikkhus asked me: ‘Friend Ānanda, where was this stanza, or this discourse, or this birth-story given by the Blessed One?’. If I were unable to answer their question, they would say: ‘Friend, you have been so close to the Blessed One as His very shadow, and yet you do not know even this much.’ Lord, to avoid such criticisms, I am asking the Blessed One this favour. Lord, these are the advantages I see in the four boons I am asking for,” replied the Venerable Ānanda.
The Blessed One granted these eight boons. Since then, the Venerable Ānanda became the Blessed One’s personal attendant for twenty-five years, following Him everywhere like His shadow till the Blessed One’s last moment.
The Venerable Ānanda attended upon the Blessed One with great love and care. By day, he would bring cold and hot water for the Blessed One; he would prepare toothpicks, wash His feet, massage His arms and legs, scrub the Blessed One’s back when He took a bath, sweep the precinct, and clean up the cell of the Blessed One’s Fragrant Chamber. He was always at the Blessed One’s side, fulfilling the Blessed One’s slightest wish.
And by night, with a stout staff and a large torch in his hands, he would go nine times round the Blessed One’s Fragrant Chamber in order to keep himself awake, in case he were needed; this is also to prevent the Blessed One’s sleep from being disturbed.
The Venerable Ānanda had the rare privilege of listening to all the discourses of the Blessed One. He was later appointed the Custodian of the Dhamma (Dhammabhaṇḍāgārika) owing to his powerful retentive memory in remembering the words of the Blessed One.
On one occasion, when the Blessed One was residing at the Jetavana Monastery, He ranked the Venerable Ānanda foremost amongst His disciples in five respects: wide learning (bahussutānaṁ), good retentive memory (satimantānaṁ), mastery over the sequential structure of the Teachings (gatimantānaṁ), steadfastness in studying, memorizing and reciting the Teachings and in caring for the Blessed One (dhitimantānaṁ), and rendering personal service (upaṭṭhākānaṁ).
In the Theragāthā, the Venerable Ānanda replied to the question of a brahmin regarding his knowledge of the Dhamma: “I receive eighty-two thousand from the Blessed One and two thousand from the bhikkhus. Thus, there are eighty-four thousand units (dhammakkhandha), Teachings that are set in motion.”
The Blessed One also mentioned His affection for the Venerable Ānanda shortly before His Parinibbāna, saying that the Venerable Ānanda was wise to know the right time to bring bhikkhus, bhikkhunīs, upāsakas, upāsikās, kings, kings’ ministers, sectarians and sectarians’ disciples to the Tathāgata. He had four wonderful and marvelous qualities in that whoever came to see him—bhikkhus, bhikkhunīs,
upāsakas or upāsikās—were all filled with joy on beholding him; if he preached to them, they were glad at his speech; but when he was silent, they would be left unsatiated.
The Venerable Ānanda was responsible for the planting of the Bodhi tree at the entrance of the Jetavana Monastery in order that people might still worship the Blessed One when He was away on tour. Because the tree was planted by the Venerable Ānanda, it became known as Ānanda-Bodhi. The Venerable Ānanda was also responsible for the establishment of the Order of Bhikkhunīs at the fifth rains-residence in Vesālī. Through his intervention, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī and five
hundred Sākyan ladies succeeded in entering the Order. The design of the robes for bhikkhus—after the field patterns in Magadha—was laid down by the Blessed One thanks to the Venerable Ānanda’s question.
Although the Venerable Ānanda had been the constant companion of the Blessed One, a distinguished disciple, well-versed in the Dhamma, it was not until after the Blessed One’s Parinibbāna that he was able to realise Arahantship. Though he lived as a “learner” (sekkha), he had the Analytical Knowledge (Paṭisambhidā Ñāṇa). The Blessed One’s final exhortation to him was: “You have made much merit, Ānanda. Keep on endeavouring, and you will soon be free from taints.”
The Venerable Ānanda’s attainment of Arahantship was about three months after the passing away of the Blessed One. At that time, the First Buddhist Council (Saṅgāyanā) was to be held but he was still a sekkha. He thought: “The Council will begin tomorrow. It would not be proper for me to participate as a sekkha.” He remembered the last advice of the Blessed One to him, and then he meditated with a
strenuous effort contemplating the body the whole night. When the night was near dawn, he reviewed his meditation work: “I have put too much effort, and this makes my mind agitated. I must balance between the energy and concentration.” Reflecting thus, he washed his feet and entered his cell to take a short rest. With mindfulness, he was lying down on the couch slowly. As his two feet were lifted over the floor,
and although his head had not yet touched the pillow, in that short moment his mind was liberated from taints through not clinging. Thus, the Venerable Ānanda attained Arahantship in none of the four postures, that is, while not lying down, not sitting, not standing, and not walking.
When the Venerable Ānanda was one hundred and twenty years old, he saw that he had only seven days to live, and he told this to his disciples. He went from Rājagaha to Vesālī. When King Ajātasattu heard that he was coming, he followed him with his retinues up to the Rohiṇī River. The princes of Vesālī, who also heard the news, hurriedly went out to bid him farewell. Thus, both parties reached the river banks from both directions. Reflecting that the people living on both sides had done much benefit to him, the Venerable Ānanda, not wishing to incur the displeasure of either party, raised himself into the air sitting cross-legged above the middle of the Rohiṇī River through his supernormal powers; he delivered a sermon to the people. At the end of the discourse, he entered into the ecstatic meditation of the fire element (tejokasiṇa). Instantly, his body ablazed. Through his will, his body split into two; one portion fell on the near side and the other on the farther side. Then, both parties erected stūpas to enshrine his relics.
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