54話 美女スンダリーを殺したのは?

第5部 さまざまな「悪」ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 殺人事件
54話 美女スンダリーを殺したのは?
「あたしになんで何にも答えてくれないの? あたしの何がいけないんですか?」
「この辺りにゴータマ比丘が舞い込んできて以来、わしらは大損害をこうむっているのを、あんた、わからないのかい? あいつは、ほんとうはわしらのものになるはずのたくさんの供物を奪っているんだ。ねえさん、あんたの身内のようなわれらのために、ここはひと肌脱いで、手伝ってくれ」
「あら、みなさん、あたしに何ができるっていうんですか? あたしの命は、みなさんみたいな、あたしの身内に、お預けしてるんですもの」
「さあ、みなさん、どちらさんも、見てください! 清純に生きて、真実を語り、道徳をまもっている、とほざいている連中が、実は恥知らずの悪意ある嘘つき野郎たちだったのだ! かれらが何をやったか見てください! 情交を楽しんだあと、どうして男は相手の女を殺すことができるんでしょうか?」
逝った来世で、ひとしく苦しむ” ・・・ (ダンマパダ306)
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It was early in the Buddha’s ministry when the heretics sent the cunning and wicked Ciñcamāṇavikā to slander Him. They made another attempt to discredit the Buddha in the twentieth year of His ministry.
One time, when the Blessed One was residing at the Jetavana Monastery, He was honoured and revered by not only man, but by devas and brahmās as well. People made offerings of robes, alms-food, lodging and medicine to the Blessed One and the Saṁgha abundantly. But, the heretics suffered from deficiency of the four requisites and other offerings due to their lack of meritorious deeds in the past and the wrong practice they followed in the present.
The heretics became very jealous of the reputation of the Blessed One—their followers were dwindling, and they also worried that things would get worse if they did not do anything to destroy the reputation of the Buddha. Then they gathered to find a way to disgrace the Blessed One and His Holy Order.
In the meeting, at first the heretics tried to find out why people respectfully and enthusiastically made such wonderful offerings to the Blessed One. One heretic said that it was because the bhikkhu Gotama was a direct descendant of Mahā Sammata. Another heretic said that it was because a variety of miraculous events took place at the time of His birth. Many others said that it was because His feet flew aloft and rested on the head of the sage Asita when King Suddhodana made Him pay respect to the sage. Some others said that during the Ploughing Festival, He was absorbed in the first jhāna, and that the shade of the rose-apple tree under which He was sitting did not move even after noon-tide. Still, some said that it was because He was very handsome, while others speculated that it was because He forsook the Throne of a
Universal Monarch.
Thus, the meeting came to a fruitless discussion. They could not find the real cause because they were ignorant of the Buddha’s incomparable attributes of the practice of perfections (pāramī), the practice of great giving (pariccāga) and the practice of great practices (cariyā). Just then, one of the heretics came forward with a plot to destroy the fame and gains of the bhikkhu Gotama, saying: “Sirs, there is no one in this world who does not get pleasure with women. This bhikkhu Gotama, who is young and endowed with a handsome appearance like a deva, would also be attracted by a maiden of equal age and appearance. In case He cannot be completely seduced, people will still become doubtful of His moral uprightness. Let us send our sister, the
wandering ascetic Sundarī, on this mission to destroy the reputation of the bhikkhu Gotama all over the land.”
Sundarī was a female wandering ascetic (paribbājikā)—a member of the heretics—and lived in Sāvatthi. She was so named because in her youth she had a beautiful appearance excelling others. But her behaviour, speech and thoughts were awful.
Thereupon, all the heretics agreed with the plot and went to Sundarī. On seeing them, Sundarī asked: “Good sirs, why have you come here together?” However, they went to the corner and sat there, all in silence. She approached and asked them again and again: “Why do you not give me any answer? What is my offence?”
Finally, one of the heretics said: “We do not give any reply since you have neglected us. Sister, do you know that we have been quite long oppressed by someone?”
“Who has oppressed you?”
“Don’t you see that since the bhikkhu Gotama wandered around, we have come to a great disadvantage? He has taken over many offerings that actually belong to us. Sister, try and help for the good of your own relatives like us.”
“Good sirs, what can I do for you? My very life is pledged for the good of my relatives like you.”
“Sundarī, you are a very beautiful and clever young lady. You should visit the Jetavana Monastery regularly and make yourself seen by people that you are having sexual dealings with Him. Do anything to the best by means of your appearance and cunning to bring ruin to this bhikkhu Gotama.”
Accordingly, having beautified herself with perfumes and brought flowers in her hand, she went to the direction of the Jetavana Monastery every evening when people came out of the monastery after hearing the discourses. When asked, she would reply: “I am going to visit the bhikkhu Gotama. I usually stay together with Him in His
Fragrant Chamber.” But then, she would proceed to the heretics’ park nearby and spend the night there. In the next morning, she would return home by the same route where many people went to the monastery. When asked, she would tell them: “I have just spent the night with the bhikkhu Gotama in His Fragrant Chamber by serving Him with sexual gratification.”
After a few days, the heretics knew that she had been seen by many people going regularly to the Jetavana Monastery; they were satisfied with what Sundarī had performed. Then, the heretics hired some drunkards to kill Sundarī and put her body under heaps of decayed flowers in a ditch near the Buddha’s Fragrant Chamber.
The next day, the heretics spread the news about the disappearance of the wandering ascetic Sundarī. They went to King Pasenadi Kosala, saying: “O great king, our female disciple, Sundarī, cannot be found.”
“Where do you suspect she is?”
“We suspect she’s in the Jetavana Monastery, great king.”
“Then search the Jetavana Monastery!”
The heretics went to the Jetavana Monastery and pretended to look for Sundarī. Soon, they found the dead body of Sundarī beneath the heaps of decayed flowers. They placed the corpse on a litter and carried it to the palace. Then, they said to the king: “O great king, the disciples of the bhikkhu Gotama have killed Sundarī; they have thrown away her body under heaps of decayed flowers in a ditch near the
Buddha’s Fragrant Chamber in the Jetavana Monastery to cover up the misdeed of their teacher.” The king, without making proper investigation, said: “You may go round the city and proclaim the fact.”
Thereupon, the heretics carried the dead body of Sundarī. Entering Sāvatthi, they went from street to street and from crossroad to crossroad announcing: “See all men and women! They, who claim themselves living in purity, speaking the truth and being virtuous, are actually shameless and wicked liars! See what they have done! How can a man slay a woman when he has finished enjoying sex with her?”
As a result, when the citizens saw bhikkhus, they condemned, reviled and abused them with rude harsh words as instigated by the heretics. Returning from Sāvatthi after their regular alms-round, the bhikkhus then went to the Blessed One and reported the matter. The Blessed One calmed them down, saying: “Bhikkhus, this uproar will not last long. It will only last seven days. At the end of seven days, it will
subside. So, when people abuse you thus, exhort them with this following stanza:
“One who tells lies goes to hell.
Also one who has done evil but afterwards says ‘I did not do it.’
Both of them being men whose acts are vile
Suffer alike in the life to come.”
Having learned this stanza from the Blessed One, when the citizens abused them, the bhikkhus refuted them by uttering it. On hearing it, the people thought: “These bhikkhus, the sons of the Sākyans, had not committed the murder as charged by the heretics. Even these noble persons did not take any steps to retaliate upon us for abusing them with harsh words. Instead, they have shown forbearance and exhorted
us, who have blindly slandered them, with the Truth. Uttering that stanza proves their innocence.”
Soon, people regained their senses and became reasonable again. They remembered that the Blessed One and His disciples were never known to commit any crime. And they believed that someone else had killed Sundarī, but then they accused the bhikkhus as the murderer. The uproar did not last long. After seven days, it subsided completely. Then, the bhikkhus went to the Blessed One and said: “It is wonderful, Lord, it is marvelous how well that was foretold by the Blessed One!”
Knowing the meaning of this, the Blessed One then advised them: “When harsh words are spoken to a bhikkhu, let him endure them with an unruffled mind.”
The king then employed spies to investigate the murder of Sundarī. On one occasion, there were two drunkards who were quarrelling in a tavern. One of them shouted at the other: “So, you are enjoying drinks with the money you got from the heretics for killing Sundarī and keeping her dead body under heaps of decayed flowers.” The spy immediately arrested and brought them to King Pasenadi Kosala.
In court, they admitted killing Sundarī at the instigation of the heretics. The heretics were then called for a formal investigation;
they all admitted that they were the ones who had plotted the assassination. The king gave his judgement by ordering them to go round the city and confess their guilt to people. So, they went round the city saying: “We are the ones who killed Sundarī. We have falsely accused the bhikkhu Gotama and His disciples with the purpose of just
bringing about ruin to the bhikkhu Gotama. The bhikkhu Gotama is innocent; so are His disciples; only we are guilty of the crime.” The heretics also had to undergo punishment for the charge of murder.
As a result of this incident, people lost their respect for the heretics and were disgusted with them. On the contrary, they honoured, revered and esteemed the Blessed One and the Saṁgha more than before.
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奥田 昭則

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