59話 すべて亡くし、裸でさまよう女 ・・・・ パターチャーラー

第5部 さまざまな「悪」
第3章 弱き者へ―病の比丘・嘆きの母
59話 すべて亡くし、裸でさまよう女 ・・・・ パターチャーラー
「おお! わたしのあなた! おお、どうして? あなたは死んじゃったの? おお! これはみんなわたしのせいよ。おお! これはみんなわたしのせいよ」
「知っていますよ、かれらのことを、奥さま。どうか、あの家族のことをわたしにきかないでください! あの家族以外ならば、街のどの家族のことでもきいてくださいよ!」と、男は答えた。
「でも、どうしても! わたしが知っているのは、あの家族だけなんです。話してください!」
「うーん、それじゃ、奥さま! 昨晩、季節はずれの大嵐があったのを、あなたはご存じですね? あのひどい嵐の最中に裕福な商人の家が崩壊し、商人とかれの妻、かれらの息子の上に落下して、死んだんです。かれらは火葬の積み薪一つきりで、ついさっき荼毘に付されたんです。ちょっと、向こうをご覧なさい! まだ、その火葬の積み薪の煙が見えるでしょう」
遠くのほうでいく筋か煙が立ち昇ってたなびいているのを彼女が見たとき、ひと言も口から出なかった。再三にわたって、こんな深い苦悩に押しつぶされ、しばらくのあいだ、彼女は崩れ落ちるように卒倒した。しかし意識を取り戻したときは、彼女は気が狂っていた。ぐるぐる歩いてさまよった。ぐるぐる回るので、彼女の服はからだから脱げ落ち、裸になった。このため、みんなが彼女のことをPaṭācārā(訳注:パーリ語のpaṭa・パタは“衣服”、 また動詞patati・パタティは“落ちる”、ācārā・アーチャーラーは“さまよう女”の意)と呼んだのである。
(訳注: このとき世尊が唱えられたのが、ダンマパダ113の以下の偈
「 生滅を観(み)ずに百年生きるより、生滅を観て一日生きるほうが勝(まさ)っている)
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At the time of the Buddha Gotama, a baby girl was born to a very rich merchant of Sāvatthi. She grew up as a beautiful girl, so much loved by her parents. Her name was Paṭācārā. When she was sixteen years of age, her parents had her confined to the top floor of a seven-storey mansion, where she was surrounded by guards to prevent her from associating with young men. In spite of this precaution, she formed intimacy with a servant in her parents’ house.
When her parents arranged for her to be married to a son of another wealthy family, she decided to elope with her lover. By disguising herself as a maid-servant, she escaped from the top floor of her parents’ mansion and met her lover near the city gate. The couple went to live in a small village three or four yojanas away from Sāvatthi. There, the husband earned his living by farming a small plot of field, and the young wife had to do all the menial chores which formerly had been performed by her parents’ servants. Thus, she reaped the results of her deed.
In due course, she became pregnant. And when the time for her confinement drew near, she wished to return to her parents’ house. She said: “My dear husband, I want to give birth in my fathers’ house. Here, I have no one who could help me, but there I would be under their care. One’s father and mother have a soft spot in their hearts for their child and can forgive any wrongdoing. So, please take me back to their house!”
Her husband refused her request, saying: “My darling, if your parents were to see me, they would have me arrested or even killed.”
She begged him over and over again, but her husband, on various pretexts, put off the visit. When she realised that her husband would not yield to her entreaties, she decided to go by herself. So one day, while her husband was away at work, she left a message with the neighbours and set out down the road towards Sāvatthi.
When the husband came home, the neighbours conveyed her message. Learning what had happened, he felt pity for her and repented: “She has to suffer because of me.” He followed her and soon caught up with her on the way. He persuaded her to return, but she would not to listen to him and went on. He followed her until a certain place where she felt birth-pains, and she soon gave birth to a baby boy. Since
there was no more reason to go to her parents’ home, they went back to their own.
Some time later, Paṭācārā became pregnant for the second time. Again, she asked her husband to take her back to her parents’ house. And again, he refused. She became impatient and left for her parents’ house when her husband was not at home, carrying her little son. Her husband caught up with her and pleaded with her to return with him, but she refused to listen and insisted on continuing. However, she
soon felt birth-pains and delivered her second son on the way.
Just after the baby’s birth, a great storm broke quite out of season, with thunder, lightning and torrential rain from all the four quarters. She asked her husband to put up some shelter for the night. He made a bivouac from whatever leaves and sticks he could find. He then went to cut some branches and grass to build an embankment around the bivouac. As he was doing so, a poisonous snake that laid inside the mound got annoyed; it came out and bit him. He immediately fell down dead on the spot.
She kept waiting for her husband in the bivouac hopelessly, thinking that her husband had deserted her. Throughout the night, the storm continually buffeted the bivouac with a strong wind, rain, and lightning. Both children, terrified and unable to bear the horrible weather, began to scream as loud as they could. Paṭācārā could only
offer them her weak and haggard body—after giving birth—as their protection. She put the children on her bosom, hugging them with her hands and knees so that they could get warmth and felt safe. Thus, she spent the whole night in misery, without sleep.
Early in the morning, placing the newborn son on her waist and giving a finger to the elder child, she went out to look for her husband, saying: “Come, dear child, your father has left us.” She set out upon the path that her husband had taken. When she came near the mound, she was shocked finding her husband lying dead, his body stiff and dark bluish. Instantly, she wailed mournfully: “Oh! My dear husband! Oh,
how? You met your death? Oh! This is all because of me. Oh! This is all because of me.”
Thinking that there was no more she could do at her home in the small village, she started off to go to her parents in Sāvatthi. After some time, she came to the Aciravatī River, which was flooded due to the rain last night; the river water was waist-high with violent currents. She thought, “It is impossible for me to wade across with both children together now. I felt very weak, for last night I had no food,
no sleep, and I lost blood, too.” So, she left the elder boy on the bank and carried the baby across to the farther side. She then placed the newborn on some leaves on the bank and then waded across back to fetch the elder son.
When Paṭācārā was in the midstream, a hawk was flying in the sky in search of prey. Its sharp eyes soon saw the newborn baby, mistaking it for a piece of meat. It came swooping down to snatch the child. She screamed out loud and threw up her hands in the air to shoo away the hawk, but it immediately seized and carried the baby away with its talons. Seeing her mother screaming in the midstream, the elder child thought that she was calling him. He ran after his mother. But as soon as he stepped into the river, he was swept away by the swift current.
She fell into a deep grief, wailing and lamenting along the road to Sāvatthi. She cried desperately: “My newborn son is pounced by the hawk; my elder son is swept away by the river; and my husband lies dead on the road bitten by a snake.” Thus, after the triple tragedy that had befallen her in a single day, she was dazed.
On the way near the City of Sāvatthi, she met a man who was leaving the city. She then asked him about her family: “O sir, do you know a wealthy merchant family living in such and such street?”
“Yes, I know them, good lady. Please do not ask me about that family! Ask about any other family in town but that one!” answered the man.
She insisted: “But, sir! What I know is only that family. Please tell me!”
Then the man replied reluctantly: “Well, good lady! Do you know that there was a great out-of-season storm last night? During that terrible storm, their house collapsed and fell on the rich merchant, his wife and their son, killing them. They were cremated on a single pyre just a few moments ago. Look over there! You can still see the smoke of their funeral pyre.”
No words came out from her mouth when she saw wisps of smoke swirling up in the distance. Being repeatedly oppressed by such a great grief, she collapsed for a short moment. But when she regained her consciousness, she become mentally deranged. She wandered about in circles. As she circled round, her clothing fell from her body, and she became naked. Because of this, everyone called her “Paṭācārā”.
She ran about the city naked, wailing and lamenting, “Both my sons are dead; my husband lies dead on the road; my mother, father and brother have been cremated on a single pyre.” When people tried to cover her body, she tore off the clothes. People then would throw dirt at her; some would throw stones at her, and some others would throw clods of earth at her.
The Blessed One was delivering a discourse to a multitude of disciples when Paṭācārā arrived at the entrance of the Jetavana Monastery. Seeing that her faculties had now ripened, the Blessed One advised the multitude not to prevent her coming to Him. And when she was quite near, the Blessed One said to her: “Paṭācārā, be mindful!”
As soon as she heard the Blessed One’s words, she regained her mindfulness. Realizing that she was naked, she crouched on the ground with closing knees, trying to cover up her body with her hands. A kind man threw his outer cloak to her. After wearing it, she approached the Blessed One and prostrated herself at His feet. She told Him her tragic story and begged for His help.
The Blessed One, with deep compassion, consoled her with a Dhamma talk about the perils of the rounds of existence (saṁsāra) and instructed her not to be heedless, but to be established in the path leading to Nibbāna. Hearing the Blessed One’s exhortation, her grief disappeared. At the end of the discourse, Paṭācārā became a Sotāpanna and requested for admission into the Order of Bhikkhunīs. The Blessed
One granted her request and sent her to the Bhikkhunīs to be admitted as a Bhikkhunī.
One day, while washing her feet, she noticed how water trickled down a slope. Sometimes, it flowed only a short distance and quickly sank into the ground; sometimes it flowed down slightly farther; at other times, it flowed all the way to the bottom of the slope. Paṭācārā contemplated this phenomenon and applied this observation to the three different life spans: “Some beings live a very short life, like my sons; some others live to their middle age, like my husband; still, some others live to their old age, like my parents.”
Then, she entered her cell and sat down contemplating the three characteristics of impermanence, suffering, and non-self; she did it to late night. She felt tired and decided to retire for a while. When she pulled the wick down into the oil with a pointed needle, the Blessed One sent her a ray of glory and appeared before her, speaking and confirming her thoughts. After the Blessed One had finished uttering a short discourse, Paṭācārā attained Arahantship.
Paṭācārā learnt the Discipline (Vinaya) from the Blessed One extensively and made wise judgements on matters concerning it. She became a great teacher, and many Bhikkhunīs turned to her guidance in their training; they found great consolation in her advice. On one occasion, the Blessed One declared in front of His disciples at the Jetavana Monastery that among the Bhikkhunī disciples learned in the Discipline Rules, Paṭācārā was the foremost (Vinayadhara).
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奥田 昭則

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