62話 デーヴァダッタ ・・・・ 殺仏・破僧のたくらみ

第5部 さまざまな「悪」
第5章 サンガ分裂の陰謀
62話 デーヴァダッタ ・・・・ 殺仏・破僧のたくらみ
「もうよい、デーヴァダッタよ、それはふさわしくない! そなたが比丘僧団を率いる、などという野望を抱いてはならない!」
「王子よ、人びとは昔、長生きでした。しかし、このごろ、人びとは短命です。あなたもまた、ただの王子のままで死ぬかもしれません。だから、あなたの父上を暗殺して、王になられてはどうですか? そして、わたしは世尊を暗殺して、ブッダになります」
「世尊と真理と僧団(三宝)と、それは何のかかわりがあるのか? 世尊は、すでにデーヴァダッタに対して、ラージャガハにおいて、公然弾劾を発表されているのではないのか?」
「行け、友よ! ゴータマ比丘は、これこれのところに、いま住んでいる。かれの命を奪い、この道を通って戻って参れ!」
「友よ、ここへ来なさい! 恐れることはない!」
ある日、世尊は鷲峰山(ギッジャクータ パッバタ)の起伏ある山陰のなかを歩かれていた。そこでデーヴァダッタが丘を登り、大きな石を強く投げつけながら、こう考えた。
「これが、比丘たちよ、デーヴァダッタの最初の極悪犯罪(無間業)で、邪心と殺意のために、かれは如来(タターガタ)に出血せしめた(出仏身血業(ローヒトゥッパーダカ カンマ))のである」
「比丘たちよ、どのような人でもブッダの命を暴力で奪うことはできません。ブッダが大般涅槃(マハーパリニッバーナ)に達するときは、どのような人であれ、暴力によってではないのです。そなたたちのそれぞれの住まいに戻りなさい! もろもろのブッダは、命の安全が他の人間の護衛に依っている、というふうな存在ではないのです」
「もうよい、デーヴァダッタ! 林住したいと望む比丘には、そうさせよ。托鉢に行って得た食べ物のみを食べたいと望む比丘には、そうさせよ。糞掃衣のみを着たいと望む比丘には、そうさせよ。在家によって布施された衣を着たいと望む比丘には、そうさせよ。わたしは比丘たちに樹下に八か月住することを許したが、雨期のあいだは許さなかった。わたしは比丘たちに、三つの面で清浄な肉と魚を食べることを許した。すなわち、それらが、かれらの食べ物とするために殺されたことを、見たり、聞いたり、疑わせたり、しないものである」
「デーヴァダッタよ、そなたは、分裂を画策(破僧業(サンガベーダカ カンマ))し、サンガの和合を破ろうとしている、というのは、ほんとうか?」
「もうよい、デーヴァダッタ! 分裂を画策し、サンガの和合を破ろうとしてはならない。サンガの分裂を起こす者は、一劫すべてにつづく悪果をともなう悪業を犯すのだ。その者は一劫すべて、地獄で苦しむのだ。しかし、デーヴァダッタよ、すでに分裂したサンガを再結合させた者は善業を積み、一劫すべてにつづく天の至福を楽しむのである。デーヴァダッタよ、サンガの分裂を画策してはならない! まさにそれは、とても重大な責任である」
善人は悪行為をしがたい。 」 ・・・ウダーナ(自説) 第5章 第8経より
比丘たちに夜の長いあいだ説法したので、デーヴァダッタは疲れを感じ、休息したかったのだ。サーリプッタ尊者に、会衆に法話をするよう頼んだ。そこで、サーリプッタ尊者は、心を読み取る神変(説示神変(アーデーサナーパーティハーリヤ))を比丘たちに使いながら、忠告し、教誡した。マハーモッガラーナ尊者は、超自然能力の神変(神通神変(イッディ パーティハーリヤ))を比丘たちに使いながら、忠告し、教誡した。無垢で清らかな真理の姿が、比丘たちの内に生じた。
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
Devadatta was the son of King Suppabuddha and Princess Amitā, and he was the elder brother of Princess Yasodharā, the wife of Prince Siddhattha. In his childhood, he was one of the playmates of Prince Siddhattha. After Prince Siddhattha had renounced the world and became a Buddha, Devadatta entered the Order of Bhikkhus together with the other Sākyan princesBhaddiya, Anuruddha, Ānanda, Bhagu and Kimbila.
Among those Sākyan princes who obtained their higher ordination under the Blessed One, the Venerable Bhaddiya attained the threefold supramundane knowledge and became an Arahant during his first rains-residence; the Venerable Anuruddha gained the Divine Eye (Dibba Cakkhu), and after hearing the Mahāvitakka Sutta he attained Arahantship; the Venerable Ānanda attained the Sotāpatti Phala after hearing the Ānanda Sutta preached by the Venerable Puṇṇa Mantāniputta;
the Venerable Bhagu and the Venerable Kimbila developed insight meditation and attained Arahantship. Devadatta, in the meantime, gained mundane psychic powers (puthujjanika iddhi) remaining as a worldling (puthujjana).
It was the thirty-seventh year of the Buddha’s ministry and when the Buddha was seventy-two years old that Devadatta made his attempt to usurp the Buddha’s place. At one time, the Blessed One was residing in Kosambī together with His many disciples, including Devadatta. The lay devotees came to the monastery to pay respect to the Blessed One and they also brought with them abundant offerings for the Blessed One and His eighty great disciples, but they neglected Devadatta.
Seeing this, such a jealous thought arose in Devadatta: “I am a bhikkhu, and they are also bhikkhus. Many of them are of the Khattiya lineage; I also come from the Khattiya lineage. But, these people pay respect and give abundant offerings only to them, and no one cares about me. Whom should I associate with, whose confidence I can win over, thereby enabling me to acquire much gain, honour and fame?” He
pondered again: “There is this Prince Ajātasattu, son of King Bimbisāra, who is young and still ignorant of many aspects of life, but is with glorious future. Suppose I should associate with him and win over his confidence, then I would also acquire much gain, honour and fame.”
So thinking, Devadatta packed his bed away. He took his alms-bowl and outer robe and set out for Rājagaha. He assumed the form of a youth and adorned himself with seven snakes which wound around his legs, arms, neck, head and left shoulder, and in that guise he came down from the sky and suddenly sat on the lap of Prince Ajātasattu. The prince was shocked, scared and worried. Devadatta then asked: “Are you scared of me, prince?”
The prince replied in a trembling voice: “Yes, I am scared. Who are you?”
“I am Devadatta.”
“If you are Devadatta, good sir, then show yourself as the real Devadatta.”
Devadatta forthwith removed his guise and stood before the prince. He
was dressed in a yellow robe, bringing with him his outer robe and alms-bowl. Prince Ajātasattu was much impressed by this feat of supernormal power and became Devadatta’s devoted follower. Thenceforward, the prince attended on Devadatta every morning and evening with five hundred chariots; he also offered five hundred pots
of cooked food. Now, Devadatta was overwhelmed with offerings, respect and fame, exactly as he wished for. But because of this, he was obsessed by an evil desire: “I will lead the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus.” And as soon as this evil desire arose in him, his supernormal power vanished.
After the Blessed One had stayed at Kosambī as long as He chose, He left for Rājagaha and lived in the Veḷuvana Monastery. A number of bhikkhus came to Him and reported: “Lord, Prince Ajātasattu goes to attend on Devadatta every morning and evening with five hundred chariots. Five hundred pots of cooked food are sent regularly to him by the prince.”
The Blessed One said: “Bhikkhus, do not begrudge Devadatta his gain, honour and fame. Just as a man were to throw a bladder at a fierce dog’s nose, the dog would become more violent. Even so, bhikkhus, for as long as Prince Ajātasattu goes to attend on Devadatta every morning and evening with five hundred chariots and sends five hundred pots of cooked food regularly, so long may Devadatta’s wholesome states be expected to diminish, not to increase.”
“Bhikkhus, just as a banana tree bears its fruit for its own destruction, even so Devadatta’s reputation for gain, honour and fame will lead to his own destruction.”
One day, while the Blessed One was seated amidst a huge gathering preaching the Dhamma to the king and the people, Devadatta rose from his seat. Arranging his upper robe over the left shoulder, he raised up his clasped hands in respect to the Blessed One and said: “Lord, the Blessed One is now old, far advanced in age and have come to the last stage of life. Let the Blessed One now rest and dwell in bliss in
the present life. Let Him hand over the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus to me. I will lead the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus.”
“Enough, Devadatta, it is not proper! Do not aspire to lead the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus!”
For the second time, Devadatta made the same request and received the same answer. When Devadatta made the request for the third time, the Blessed One said: “Devadatta, I would not hand over the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus even to Sāriputta and Moggallāna. How could I hand it over to such a squanderer, eater of spittle (kheḷāsaka), as you?”
Hearing this answer, he thought: “The Blessed One has rebuked me in front of the king and many people as an eater of spittle. He praised Sāriputta and Moggallāna only.” So thinking, he felt aggrieved and displeased. After paying respect to the Blessed One, he departed, keeping Him on his right.
Then, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Now, bhikkhus, let the Saṁgha carry out an act of public denunciation (pakāsanīya kamma) against Devadatta in Rājagaha, announcing: ‘Formerly, Devadatta’s conduct was one kind; now he has another. Henceforth, for all his physical and verbal actions, only Devadatta himself is to be held responsible; they have nothing to do with the Blessed One, the Dhamma
and the Saṁgha.’”
Afterwards, the Venerable Sāriputta, formally authorised by the Saṁgha, went into Rājagaha accompanied by a number of bhikkhus and denounced Devadatta. On hearing this, people who lacked faith and were unwise said: “These bhikkhus, son of the Sākyans, are jealous of Devadatta’s gain, honour and fame.” But those who were faithful and wise said: “This cannot be an ordinary matter for the Blessed One to
have Devadatta denounced in Rājagaha.”
Having heard that the Saṁgha made an act of public denunciation on him, Devadatta approached Prince Ajātasattu, saying: “Prince, in ancient times, people were long-lived, but nowadays people are short-lived. You may die also while you are still only a prince. So, why do you not assassinate your father and become king? And I shall assassinate the Blessed One and become a Buddha.”
Prince Ajātasattu thought: “The Venerable Devadatta is mighty and powerful; he should have reasons to say so.” Then, he tied a dagger to his thigh, and in broad daylight, shaking with fear, anxious and suspicious, he tried to enter the inner palace. But, the officers who guarded the king saw him and arrested the prince. And when they examined him, they found a dagger fastened to his thigh. So, they asked: “What do you intend to do with this dagger, prince?”
“I wanted to assassinate my father.”
“Who has instigated you to do this?”
“The Venerable Devadatta.”
Finding this, some officers held the opinion that the prince, Devadatta and all the bhikkhus should be put to death. Some others were of the opinion that the bhikkhus should not be put to death as they did no mistake, but that the prince and Devadatta should. Still, others maintained that neither the prince, Devadatta, nor the bhikkhus should be put to death, but that the matter should be reported to the
king, and action should be carried out according to the king’s orders.
Then, the officers took the prince to King Bimbisāra and informed him of the prince’s attempt to assassinate him. When the king asked them about their opinion, they expressed their different opinions. The king said: “What does the Blessed One, the Dhamma or the Saṁgha have to do with it? Has not the Blessed One already declared an act of public denunciation against Devadatta in Rājagaha?”
Then, the king dismissed the officers who held the opinion that the prince, Devadatta and all the bhikkhus should be put to death. He demoted the officers who were of the opinion that the bhikkhus should not be put to death as they did no mistake, but that the prince and Devadatta should. And he promoted the officers who maintained that neither the prince, Devadatta, nor the bhikkhus should be put to
death, but that the matter should be reported to the king, and action should be carried out according to the king’s orders. Then, King Bimbisāra asked his prince son: “Why do you want to assassinate me, prince?”
“Royal Father, I want the kingdom.”
“Prince, if you want the kingdom, then it is yours,” and he forthwith handed over his kingdom to him and crowned Prince Ajātasattu as king of Magadha.
One day, Devadatta went to King Ajātasattu and mentioned his plan to take the Blessed One’s life. In conclusion, he said: “Great king, send some men for me to assassinate the bhikkhu Gotama!”
Having agreed with Devadatta’s scheme, King Ajātasattu sent some men to Devadatta telling them to follow the instructions of his teacher. Then, Devadatta told one of them: “Go, friend! The bhikkhu Gotama is residing in such and such a place. Take His life and return by this path!” Then he told two men: “You two stay in this path and kill the man who will be coming along by this path, and return by that path!” Thus he placed four men…eight men…sixteen men, and instructed them to
kill the men coming along by this path, and to return by another path.
Then, the first man, having taken his sword and shield and fixed his bow and quiver, went to where the Blessed One was residing. But, when he came closer, he was terrified and stood still; his body became rigid. The Blessed One saw him and spoke to him kindly: “Friend, come here! Do not be afraid!” The man then laid aside his sword and shield as well as his bow and quiver on the ground. He approached the Blessed One, paid obeisance with his head at His feet, confessed his intended
crime and apologised for his transgression. The Blessed One forgave him and expounded progressive talks on generosity, on morality, on the heavens; and He explained the dangers, the vanity and the defilement in sensual pleasures and the blessings in renunciation. The man was established in the Fruition of Sotāpatti and sought refuge in the Triple Refuge, and afterwards the Blessed One sent him back by a
different path.
Then, the two men who had been waiting for the first man for a long time became tired. They got up, followed the path and saw the Blessed One sitting at the foot of a tree. Having paid respect to the Blessed One, they sat down at a suitable place. The Blessed One then gave them progressive talks of the Dhamma. As a result, they were established in the Fruition of Sotāpatti and sought refuge in the Triple Refuge. Again, the Blessed One dismissed them by a different path. The same thing happened with the four, the eight and the sixteen men.
Then, the first man went to Devadatta and said: “Venerable sir, I cannot take the life of the Blessed One. He is very mighty and powerful.”
“Enough, friend, do not take the life of the bhikkhu Gotama. I shall take the life of the bhikkhu Gotama by myself.”
One day, the Blessed One was walking up and down in the shade of the Vulture Peak Rock (Gijjhakūṭa Pabbata). Then, Devadatta climbed up the hill and hurled down a huge stone, thinking: “I shall take the life of the bhikkhu Gotama with this.” Two peaks of rock suddenly sprang up from the ground and blocked the huge stone; but a splinter from it flew off and struck the Blessed One’s foot, causing bloodshed. The
Blessed One looked up and said to Devadatta: “Foolish man, you have made much demerit; for with evil mind and murderous intention, you have caused the bloodshed of the Tathāgata.”
Subsequently the Blessed One said to the bhikkhus: “This, bhikkhus, is Devadatta’s first heinous crime (ānantariya kamma), for with evil mind and murderous intention, he has caused the bloodshed of the Tathāgata (lohituppādaka-kamma).”
Then, the bhikkhus carried the Blessed One to the monastery in Maddakucchi, and from there the Blessed One asked the bhikkhus to take Him to Jīvakambavana, where the physician Jīvaka attended on Him. After this event, many bhikkhus wished to give protection to the Blessed One. They surrounded the Blessed One’s chamber, walking up and down, and reciting the scriptures without realising that they made a
loud noise. But, the Blessed One refused it and summoned the bhikkhus, saying: “Bhikkhus, it is impossible for any person to take the life of the Buddhas by violence. When the Buddhas attain Mahāparinibbāna, it is not through violence caused by any person or another. Go back to your own dwellings! The Buddhas are not beings whose security of Their lives depends only on other people’s protection.”
Having failed to take the life of the Blessed One at the Gijjhakūṭa Hill, Devadatta made his third attempt by causing the elephant Nāḷāgiri to attack Him. He persuaded the mahout to give much liquor to the vicious elephant Nāḷāgiri and let it loose on the street of Rājagaha where the Blessed One usually went for alms. Although the
Blessed One was warned by the bhikkhus to turn back, He refused it. And as the elephant advanced, the Blessed One suffused loving-kindness to it. The fierce elephant Nāḷāgiri became calm and was completely subdued.
People were much annoyed by Devadatta’s plot to assassinate the Blessed One. They protested and blamed King Ajātasattu: “This wicked Devadatta, who instigated the king to take the life of King Bimbisārait was Devadatta who sent the assassins; it was he who hurled down the huge rock; and now he sent the fierce elephant Nāḷāgiri to
assassinate the Blessed One. How can King Ajātasattu be associated with this wicked man and make him his teacher?”
King Ajātasattu, having heard his people reproaching him, instructed his ministers not to send regular offerings of five hundred cooked foods to Devadatta anymore. He himself stopped visiting him. The citizens of Rājagaha also did not offer alms-food anymore to Devadatta on his daily alms-round. Thus, Devadatta’s gain, honour and fame declined, while the Blessed One’s gain, honour and fame increased even more.
Although now Devadatta had to manage his life in a more difficult condition, it did not lessen his evil intention to disparage the Blessed One. He approached Kokālika, Kaṭamodakatissaka, Khaṇḍadeviyāputta and Samuddadatta and won over their support in bringing about a schism in the Holy Order. Devadatta went together
with them to the Blessed One. After paying homage to Him, they sat down at one side. Devadatta then said: “Lord, the Blessed One has in many ways instructed the bhikkhus to have few wishes, to be contented, devoted to effacement, scrupulous, amiable, given to diminution of craving, and energetic. These, Lord, are five points conducive to those states for bhikkhus:
(1) All bhikkhus should be forest dwellers for life. Should any bhikkhu live in a village, he is guilty of an offfence.
(2) All bhikkhus should eat only food obtained by going on alms-round for life. Should any bhikkhu eat food obtained from accepting householders’ invitation, he is guilty of an offfence.
(3) All bhikkhus should wear only robes made from pieces of cloth collected from rubbish heaps for life. Should any bhikkhu wear a robe offered by householders, he is guilty of an offfence.
(4) All bhikkhus should only dwell at the foot of trees for life. Should any bhikkhu dwell in a building with a roof, he is guilty of an offfence.
(5) All bhikkhus should not eat meat and fish for life. Should any bhikkhu eat meat and fish, he is guilty of an offfence.”
“Enough, Devadatta! Let the bhikkhu who so wishes be a forest dweller; let the bhikkhu who so wishes dwell in a village. Let the bhikkhu who so wishes eat only food obtained by going on alms-round; let the bhikkhu who so wishes eat the food obtained from accepting householders’ invitation. Let the bhikkhu who so wishes wear only a robe made from pieces of cloth collected from rubbish heaps; let the
bhikkhu who so wishes wear a robe offered by householders. I have allowed bhikkhus to dwell at the foot of trees for eight months, but not during the rains. I have allowed bhikkhus to eat meat and fish which are pure in three aspects, that is, they not seen or heard or suspected to have been killed for their food.”
Devadatta was delighted when the Blessed One refused to comply with his five requests. Then, he got up together with his followers. After paying homage to the Blessed One, he departed. They made their way into Rājagaha and spread the news to the people that the Blessed One had rejected the five points conducive to holy life, and said that Devadatta and his followers observed them.
Those people who lacked faith and were unwise praised Devadatta and blamed the Blessed One. But those who were faithful and wise condemned Devadatta for trying to create a schism and a breach of concord in the Saṁgha, and they reported this matter to the Blessed One.
Thereupon, the Blessed One called a Saṁgha meeting and asked Devadatta: “Devadatta, is it true that you are trying to create a schism (saṁghabhedaka-kamma) and a breach of concord in the Saṁgha?”
“Yes, it is true, Lord.”
“Enough, Devadatta! Do not try to create a schism and a breach of concord in the Saṁgha. One who causes a schism in the Saṁgha commits an evil deed with evil consequences lasting for one whole aeon. He will suffer in hell for one whole aeon. But, Devadatta, one who reunites the Saṁgha already split commits a good deed and enjoys heavenly bliss lasting for one whole aeon. Devadatta, do not try to create a schism in the Saṁgha! Indeed, it is a very grave responsibility.”
The next morning, when the Venerable Ānanda was going for alms-round
in Rājagaha, Devadatta saw him. He went up to him and said: “Friend Ānanda, starting from today I shall perform the Uposatha (Sabbath day) service and the acts of the Saṁgha (Saṁghakamma) without the Blessed One and the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus.”
On his return, the Venerable Ānanda related this to the Blessed One, who then uttered a stanza:
“It is easy for a good man to do a good deed.
It is hard for an evil man to do a good deed.
It is easy for an evil man to do an evil deed.
It is hard for a good man to do an evil deed.”
Then, on the Uposatha day, in middle of the assembly of bhikkhus, Devadatta mentioned the five points that were rejected by the Blessed One, but observed by him and his followers. He held a ballot, saying: “Let any bhikkhu in favour of these five points take a voting ticket.” At that time, there were five hundred new bhikkhus from Vesālī, sons of the Vajjians. They were actually ignorant of the Discipline (Vinaya) rules. But, thinking that it was the Dhamma, it was the Vinaya and it was the Master’s Teaching, they took the voting tickets. Having created a schism in the Saṁgha, Devadatta left for Gayāsīsa together with the five hundred bhikkhus.
Hearing that Devadatta had created a schism (saṁghabhedaka-kamma), the Blessed One sent the Venerable Sāriputta and the Venerable Moggallāna to Gayāsīsa. Devadatta, who was seated preaching in the midst of his followers, saw the two elders coming and welcomed them. Devadatta, neglecting the warning posed by Kokālika, believed that the two elders had come to join him.
Having preached to the bhikkhus for much of the night, Devadatta felt tired and wished to rest; he asked the Venerable Sāriputta to address the assembly. Then, the Venerable Sāriputta advised and admonished the bhikkhus with a talk on the Dhamma using the marvel of reading minds (ādesanāpāṭihāriya); the Venerable Moggallāna advised and admonished them with talk on the Dhamma using the marvel of supernormal powers (iddhipāṭihāriya). The spotless and immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in them: “All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation.” Thus, the five hundred new bhikkhus attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti. Then, the elders took them back to the Veḷuvana Monastery.
After the two elders had gone away with the five hundred bhikkhus, Kokālika woke Devadatta up by kicking him on the chest and told him the news. When Devadatta discovered what had happened, hot blood gushed from his mouth. For nine months, he laid grieviously ill.
One day, after nine months, Devadatta desired to see the Blessed One; he begged his disciples to take him to the Blessed One. His disciples laid him on a couch and carried him to the Jetavana Monastery in Sāvatthi, where the Blessed One was residing. On reaching the Jetavana Monastery, he asked his disciples to stop on the bank of a pond nearby as he desired to take a bath. But, as soon as he stepped his feet down on the ground, the earth cracked open, and he was swallowed up and
engulfed in the Avīci Hell, where he would stay there for one hundred thousand aeons.
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奥田 昭則

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