
63話 凶象ナーラーギリ ・・・・ 酔象もおとなしくここから

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第5部 さまざまな「悪」

第5章 サンガ分裂の陰謀

63話  凶象ナーラーギリ ・・・・ 酔象もおとなしくここから











「尊師よ、デーヴァダッタにそそのかされた王が、凶暴なナーラーギリ象を、あす朝、通りに放します。ですから、どうか尊師よ、あすは街へ托鉢(たくはつ)にお出かけにならないでください! その代わり、われらが、ここの世尊と比丘たちに、食べ物を持ってまいります」





「尊師よ、凶暴な、人殺しのナーラーギリ象が放されて、通りにやって来ます。尊師よ、世尊は引き返してくださいますように! 尊師よ、無上士むじょうしは引き返してくださいますように!」

「来なさい、比丘たちよ! 恐れることはない! どんな者であっても、諸仏の命を暴力によって奪える、ということはありえないのだ。諸仏が大般涅槃(マハーパリニッバーナ)に達するときは、暴力によってではない。それが、どんな者、あるいは、その他のことで引き起こされる暴力だとしても」











「後ろへ下がりなさい、アーナンダよ! 後ろへ下がりなさい! わたしの正面に、いてはいけない!」





「ナーラーギリよ、そなたの飼い主が、わたしを殺させようと、そなたにトディ十六杯を飲ませて酔わせたのだ。だから、ほかの人びとを傷つけてはならぬ! わたしがいるところへ、まっすぐおいで!」





















※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.


Episode 63  Nāḷāgiri, THE MAN-KILLER ELEPHANT

Once, Devadatta approached the Blessed One and asked Him to hand over the leadership of the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus to him, but the Blessed One rejected his request, saying that as He would not hand it over even to the Venerable Sāriputta or the Venerable Moggallāna, He definitely could not hand it over to a vile one, eater of spittle like him. Devadatta was very angry and vowed vengeance to the Blessed One.
He instigated Prince Ajātasattu to assassinate his royal father, King Bimbisāra, and made himself king of Magadha. In the meantime, Devadatta schemed assassination of the Blessed One. With the help of King Ajātasattu, Devadatta sent some royal archers to assassinate Him. But, when the archers came into contact with the Blessed One, they threw away their weapons and were spiritually converted. When this plot failed, Devadatta made his second attempt. He rolled down a huge boulder upon the Blessed One, who was walking up and down under the shade of the Gijjhakūṭa Hill. The rock could not strike the Blessed One, but a splinter of the rock struck the foot of the Blessed One and caused it bleeding. The physician Jīvaka gave medical treatment by applying astringent on His foot; soon it recovered.
When the second plot failed, too, Devadatta thought: “It is impossible for anyone to approach and assassinate the Blessed One when he sees the Buddha’s majesty. But, there is this Nāḷāgiri, King Ajātasattu’s elephant, which is vicious, savage and homicidal. This elephant knows nothing about the virtues of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Saṁgha. This savage elephant surely would be able to assassinate the Blessed One.”
So thinking, Devadatta went to King Ajātasattu and told him about this third plot. King Ajātasattu, being young and immature in wisdom, gave his consent to use Nāḷāgiri as a means to execute the evil plot. The king called the mahout and instructed him to give Nāḷāgiri eight pots of toddy in the next morning. King Ajātasattu then had it announced by the beating of drums that all citizens should do their business early in the next morning and avoid going about in the streets as the savage elephant Nāḷāgiri would be let loose in the city.
Unsatisfied with the king’s order, Devadatta approached the mahout in the elephant stable, saying: “We are known to have a great influence on the king. If you could carry out this duty well, you would get promotion, your wages would increase, and you would also get other rewards. Give the elephant Nāḷāgiri sixteen pots of toddy early in the morning in order to increase his fierceness, and then let it loose
into the street and rush in the opposite direction to where the bhikkhu Gotama will be walking on His alms-round.” The mahout obeyed his instruction, saying: “Very well, sir.”
The lay devotees, who heard the news, immediately went to the Blessed One and said: “Lord, the king was incited by Devadatta to let loose the savage elephant Nāḷāgiri into the streets of Rājagaha tomorrow morning. So please, Lord, do not go for alms-round in the city tomorrow! Instead, we will come and bring food to You and the bhikkhus here.”
The Blessed One accepted their invitation to take the meal in the Veḷuvana Monastery, but He did not say that He would not go into Rājagaha. After the lay devotees went away, the Blessed One performed His daily duties preaching to the bhikkhus in the first watch of the night; and in the second watch of the night, He taught devas and brahmās and answered their questions. Then, in the last hour of the
third watch of the night, when the Blessed One was surveying the world, He saw clearly in His vision that when He preached to the elephant Nāḷāgiri, eighty-four thousand sentient beings would realise the Four Noble Truths and become liberated. At dawn, having emerged from that state, He called the Venerable Ānanda and said: “Ānanda, tell all the bhikkhus who live in the eighteen monasteries around Rājagaha to come along with Me into the city.”
That morning, the Blessed One went into Rājagaha, followed by many bhikkhus. When the mahout saw them, he immediately let loose Nāḷāgiri into the street. Soon, the elephant saw the Blessed One coming in the distance. Raising his trunk and with his ears and tail erect, he charged, trumpeting towards the Blessed One, destroying anything which blocked his way. People fled in terror seeing this fierce elephant.
The bhikkhus, seeing the elephant rushing, warned the Blessed One:
“Lord, the savage elephant Nāḷāgiri, the man-killer, is loose and coming along in this street. Lord, let the Blessed One turn back! Lord, let the Sublime One turn back!”
“Come, bhikkhus! Do not be afraid! It is impossible for any person to be able to take the life of the Buddhas by violence. When the Buddhas should attain Mahāparinibbāna, it is not through violence caused by any person or another.”
For the second and the third time, the alarmed bhikkhus warned the Blessed One, but they received the same answer. At that time, a large gathering of people in the palace, houses and huts were waiting in suspense. Those who were faithful and confident, the wise and discreet, said: “We shall witness how the Buddha-Tusker tames the elephant-tusker by admonition.” But, the heretics and those who were
not faithful and confident, the unwise and indiscreet, said: “Today we shall witness how the Buddha’s majesty, the bright, yellow and golden body of the Buddha is destroyed by the savage tusker Nāḷāgiri, the man-killer.”
Then, the Venerable Sāriputta said: “Lord, it is the duty of the eldest son to attend to any matter that concerns his father. Let me tame the elephant!”
But, the Blessed One declined his request: “Sāriputta, the power of the Buddha is one thing, and the power of the disciples is another thing. You need not take any trouble.” When the other great disciples offered their service, the Blessed One also declined it.
However, the Venerable Ānanda could no longer restrain himself. Out of great love for the Blessed One and in a spirit of self-sacrifice, he came forward and stood in front of the Blessed One to protect the Master. But the Blessed One said to him: “Move back, Ānanda! Move back! Do not stay in front of Me!”
The Venerable Ānanda replied: “O Lord, this savage elephant Nāḷāgiri, the man-killer, is vicious, wild and homicidal. I will not allow it to harm You. Let it trample me to death!”
The Blessed One advised him three times, but the Venerable Ānanda persisted in standing in front of Him. At last, the Blessed One had to make use of His supernormal power to remove the Venerable Ānanda from his place and to put him among the bhikkhus.
Just then, a mother, carrying a child, saw the elephant coming; she became panic-stricken and fled, dropping the child from her bosom on the ground between the Blessed One and the elephant. Nāḷāgiri immediately rushed towards the woman. But, unable to catch her, it turned back and went to the child, who was crying loudly in the middle of the street. And when the elephant was about to attack the child,
the Blessed One suffused it with loving-kindness. In a soft and sweet voice, He said: “Nāḷāgiri, your master has made you intoxicated with sixteen pots of toddy with an intention to kill Me. So, do not harm other people! Come straight to where I am!”
This drunken elephant, hearing the sweet voice of the Blessed One, opened his eyes widely and saw the Buddha’s majesty, the bright, yellow and golden body of the Blessed One. He was overpowered by the glory of the Blessed One and became sober, tame; he regained his sanity. Nāḷāgiri lowered his trunk. Flapping his ears, he approached the Blessed One and stood before Him. The Blessed One stretched out
His right hand and stroked the elephant’s forehead. Thrilling with joy at the touch, Nāḷāgiri knelt down before the Blessed One. The Blessed One uttered these stanzas:

“O elephant, do not attack a Tusker,
For indeed it is painful to attack a Tusker.
There is no happy destiny beyond
For one who kills a Tusker.”

“Do not be conceited and negligent!
The negligent ones have no happy destiny.
Should you not act in such ways,
You would lead to a happy destination.”

The elephant Nāḷāgiri was overjoyed hearing the stanzas. Had he not been a wild beast, he would have become a Sotāpanna on the spot. Then, the elephant took the dust off the Blessed One’s feet with its trunk and sprinkled it on his head. Seeing this miracle, people clapped their hands; joyously, they threw all of their ornaments over the elephant’s body, covering it entirely as rewards. Henceforth, the elephant was known as Dhanapāla. When the elephant was tamed by the coolness of loving-kindness, eighty-four thousand sentient beings won the Four Noble Truths and became liberated. After this incident, the elephant Dhanapāla retreated backwards for as long as the Blessed One was in sight. Then, he went back to the elephant stable. Henceforth, he became a docile, good-tempered, tame and harmless elephant for the rest of his life.
Having tamed the elephant and subdued the heretics, the Blessed One returned to the Veḷuvana Monastery together with the bhikkhus. Then, the lay devotees went to the monastery with sumptuous foods and offered them to the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus headed by the Blessed One. They sang a joyous stanza:

“Some tame others by sticks,
And some with goads and whips.
But here, the Great Sage has tamed a tusker,
Using neither stick nor weapon.”

To be continued

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奥田 昭則



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