65話 死への旅立ち ・・・・ 般涅槃へ(最期の1年)

第6部 入滅へ
第1章 ブッダ最後の旅
65話 死への旅立ち ・・・・ 般涅槃へ(最期の1年)
「さあ、バラモンよ、世尊のもとへ行って、こう述べよ。『尊師よ、ヴェーデーヒー妃の子でマガダ国王のアジャータサットゥが、世尊の御足を頭に頂き、礼拝します。患い、病いがなく、健やかで、気力あふれ、幸福であられるか、お尋ねします』それから、こう述べよ。『尊師よ、ヴェーデーヒー妃の子でマガダ国王のアジャータサットゥは、ヴァッジ族を攻撃したい、と切望しております。王は、このように申しております。〈強大で有力なヴァッジ族を、わたしは絶滅したい。わたしは、かれらを滅ぼすであろう。わたしは、かれらに粉砕と崩壊をもたらす〉』そなたは世尊の回答をしっかり記憶して、わたしに報告せよ! 如来(タターガタ)は、決して偽りを語られない」
「この七つの不衰退法のうちのたった一つでも注意深く遵守していれば、ゴータマ師よ、ヴァッジ族の繁栄は保証され、かれらが衰退を招くことはまったくありません。では七つすべてを注意深く遵守したら何がいえるというのでしょうか? それはいうまでもなく、まさしくゴータマ師よ、アジャータサットゥ王が言葉巧みにヴァッジ族をうまく味方に引き入れられるか、離間策の種をまくかしなければ、たんにヴァッジ族に戦争を仕掛けて征服しようとすることは決してありません。ところで、われらは、これにて失礼いたします。われらは多忙で、なすべきことがたくさんありますので」
比丘の繁栄の条件(比丘の不衰退法(ビック-アパリハーニヤダンマー)④)・・・不衰退法その5. 「七覚支」
「尊師よ、わたしには、過去、未来、現在の阿羅漢である正自覚者の方々に対する他心智(チェートーパリヤ ニャーナ)はありません。とは申しましても、わたしは法推知智(ダンマンヴァヤ ニャーナ)に通じております。すなわち、個人的な経験から推定する智慧です。
ちょうどそのように尊師よ、わたしが通じております法推知智(ダンマンヴァヤ ニャーナ)によって、わたしは過去の世尊の方々、阿羅漢である正自覚者の方々すべてが、心を汚して理解を弱める五蓋(貪欲・瞋恚・惛沈睡眠・掉挙後悔・疑)を捨て去り、四念処において心を確立し、七覚支を正しく育てることによって無上の正自覚に到達された、と知っております。未来の世尊の方々、阿羅漢である正自覚者の方々すべても、同様でありましょう。現在の世尊、阿羅漢である正自覚者も、同様にされたのです」
「在家の資産家たちよ、不道徳(無戒)の者は、道徳の欠如によって次の五つの不都合を招きます。五つとは何か? ここに、不道徳の者は道徳で失敗し、怠慢(放逸)をとおして富の大損失をこうむります。第二に、不道徳の者には悪い評判が立ち、遠くまで広範囲に広がります。第三に、不道徳の者はどんな集会に行っても、その集会が王侯貴族・武士のものであれ、バラモン、資産家、行者のものであれ、おどおど、おずおず気後れします。第四に、不道徳の者は、うろたえ迷った状態で亡くなります。第五に、身体が崩壊して死後、悲惨な状態に再生し、悪趣、阿修羅、さらには地獄へ堕ちることもあります。
しかし、道徳(持戒)者は、道徳的に完全であることによって次の五つの功徳を得ます。五つとは何か? ここに、道徳者は道徳的に完全で、精励(不放逸)をとおして大きな富を得ます。第二に、道徳者の善い評判は遠くまで広範囲に広がります。第三に、道徳者はどんな集会に行っても、その集会が王侯貴族・武士のものであれ、バラモン、資産家、行者のものであれ、自信と勇気があります。第四に、道徳者は、うろたえ迷うことなく亡くなります。第五に、死後、身体が崩壊すると、善趣(現世で善行為をした者が趣くところ)に再生し、天界へゆくこともあります」
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
In the first twenty years of His ministry, the Blessed One spent His rains-residence at various places. But, starting from His twenty-first up to His forty-fourth rains-residence He spent it consecutively in Sāvatthi only at the Jetavana Monastery and the Pubbārāma Monastery. After the forty-fourth rains-residence, the Blessed One made the last journeys, which were recorded chronologically in the Mahāparinibbāna
Sutta. The starting point of the events was at Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, with the background of King Ajātasattu, who was anxious to wage war against the Vajjians.
Rājagaha and Vesālī were two prosperous cities led by two powerful kings. They were separated by the Gaṅgā River, which flowed from the west to the east. Vesālī was on the northern side, while Rājagaha was on the southern side. At about the middle of both cities, there was a caravan station village called Paṭṭanagāma; about half a yojana of the region was under the domain of King Ajātasattu, while the rest came
under the domain of the Licchavīs.
Near Paṭṭanagāma, there was a hillside with a rich deposit of precious materials. Knowing this, King Ajātasattu intended to go there, but the Licchavīs got there first and took away all the treasures. When King Ajātasattu arrived there, he got nothing to take. So, he had to go back home with empty hands and with a great anger. In the following year, the Licchavīs did the same thing. They took the treasures earlier before King Ajātasattu. The king was full of fury against the Licchavīs and was obsessed to exterminate them.
Knowing that a war would result in loss of human life, loss of properties and other disastrous effects on both sides, King Ajātasattu sent his chief minister, the brahmin Vassakāra, to the Blessed One, who at that time was residing at the Gijjhakūṭa Hill near Rājagaha. He wanted to seek His advice. He told the brahmin: “Come, brahmin, go to the Blessed One and say: ‘Lord, Ajātasattu Vedehiputta, king of
Magadha, pays homage with his head at the Blessed One’s feet and asks if He is free from affliction and sickness and is enjoying health, strength and happiness.’ And say: ‘Lord, Ajātasattu Vedehiputta, king of Magadha, is anxious to attack the Vajjians. He says: “I will exterminate these Vajjians, who are so mighty and powerful. I will
destroy them. I will bring them to wreck and ruin.”’ Note well what His answer is and report it to me! The Tathāgata never speaks lie.”
Then, Vassakāra mounted on one of the carriages and drove out of Rājagaha towards the Gijjhakūṭa Hill as far as the way was passable for carriages. Then, he alighted and went on foot to where the Blessed One was. He approached the Blessed One, and after exchanging greetings, he sat at a suitable place and conveyed King Ajātasattu’s message.
Seven Conditions of Prosperity for a Ruler (Rāja-aparihāniyadhammā)
When the brahmin Vassakāra asked thus, the Blessed One indirectly answered his questions by engaging the Venerable Ānanda—who was standing behind Him and fanning Him—in a dialogue: “Ānanda, have you heard whether the Vajjians hold frequent and well-attended meetings?”
“They do, Lord.”
“As long as they do so, Ānanda, they can be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
“Ānanda, have you heard whether they assemble in harmony, rise in harmony, and do their duty as Vajjians in harmony?…whether they avoid enacting the unenacted, avoid abolishing existing enactments, and proceed in accordance with the already established ancient Vajjian traditions and practices?…whether they honour, respect, revere and venerate the Vajjian elders and consider their worthy advice?…whether they refrain from abducting by force and detaining women and girls of
their clans?…whether they honour, respect, revere and venerate Vajjian shrines both in towns and countries without allowing appropriate offerings and oblations, hitherto given and made, to lapse?…whether suitable protection, defence and support are provided for Arahants so that the Arahants who have not come to the realm may come, and the Arahants who have already come may live in peace and comfort?”
“They do, Lord.”
“As long as they do so, Ānanda, they can be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Then, the Blessed One spoke to the brahmin Vassakāra: “Once, brahmin, when I was living in the Sāradanda Shrine in Vesālī, I taught the Vajjians these seven conditions of prosperity. As long as they abide by these seven principles and the principles are taught among themselves, the Vajjians may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Hearing this, the brahmin replied: “Abiding carefully by just one of these principles, Master Gotama, would ensure the prosperity of the Vajjians, allowing no reason for their decline, so what can be said if they carefully abide by all seven? Indeed, Master Gotama, King Ajātasattu will never conquer the Vajjians simply by waging war upon them, unless he can successfully seduce them and sow seeds of
dissension among them. But we shall go now, Master Gotama. We are busy and have much to do.”
“It is time now, brahmin, to do as you think fit.”
Brahmin Vassakāra was greatly satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One’s words; he rose from his seat and after expressing his appreciation, he departed.
Conditions of Prosperity for Bhikkhus (Bhikkhu-aparihāniyadhammā)
As soon as the brahmin Vassakāra had left, the Blessed One, intending to teach a similar discourse which would bring prosperity to His disciples, asked the Venerable Ānanda to summon all the bhikkhus who were living in the neighbourhood of Rājagaha to meet in the assembly hall.
Then, the Blessed One went to the assembly hall and sat down on a seat made ready for Him. He addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, I shall teach you seven factors that prevent decline. Listen and attend carefully to what I shall say!”
“Very well, Lord,” they replied.
And the Blessed One discoursed to the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus hold frequent and well-attended meetings…so long as bhikkhus assemble in harmony, rise in harmony, and do their duty as members of the Saṁgha in harmony…so long as bhikkhus avoid enacting the unenacted, avoid abolishing existing enactments, and proceed in accordance with the training rules prescribed by the Blessed One…so
long as bhikkhus honour, respect, revere and venerate the bhikkhu elders who are experienced, long gone forth, who are the fathers and leaders of the Saṁgha, and consider their worthy advice…so long as bhikkhus do not fall into the power of craving which arises in them and which leads to repeated births…so long as bhikkhus are willing to go into seclusion in remote forest dwellings…so long as bhikkhus
maintain mindfulness in themselves so that co-practitioners in the holy life who have not come to them may come and co-practitioners in the holy life who have come may live in peace and comfort, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Further, the Blessed One expounded another set of seven factors of non-decline: “Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus do not delight in, rejoice and engage in being busy; so long as bhikkhus do not delight in and seek enjoyment in gossiping; …in sleeping; …in society; so long as they have no evil desires and avoid falling under their influence; so long as they do not associate with evil friends and are not prone to
evil; so long as they do not stop half-way with the attainment of only the lower, worldly distinctions, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Further, the Blessed One expounded another set of seven factors of non-decline: “Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus have faith, shame of doing evil, and fear of wrong doing, vast learning, strenuous effort, are established in mindfulness, and are endowed with insight knowledge, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Further, the Blessed One expounded another set of seven factors of non-decline: “Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus cultivate the Enlightenment factors of mindfulness, investigation of states, energy, rapture, tranquillity, concentration, and equanimity, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Further, the Blessed One expounded another set of seven factors of non-decline: “Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus cultivate the perception of impermanence, of non-self, of loathsomeness of the body, of danger, of abandonment, of detachment, and of cessation, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Further, the Blessed One expounded six factors that prevent decline:
“Bhikkhus, so long as bhikkhus show loving-kindness in bodily actions, in verbal actions and in mental actions towards their companions in the holy life, both openly and privately; so long as bhikkhus share whatever requisites which are righteously obtained, even the alms-food collected in their alms-bowls, with virtuous companions in the holy life impartially and indiscriminately; so long as bhikkhus, among
their companions in the holy life, live both openly and privately, abide by the same training rules which are commended by the wise, not subject to misconception, conducive to concentration, and which are unbroken, untorn, unblotched, unmottled, emancipating; so long as bhikkhus remain in noble ones’ view which leads to Nibbāna and which leads to the complete exhaustion of suffering for him who gives effect
to it, they may be expected to prosper and not to decline.”
Thus, the Blessed One taught His disciples five sets of seven conditions of prosperity and a set of six conditions of prosperity.
And while the Blessed One was living at the Gijjhakūṭa Hill near Rājagaha, along His last journeys, whenever He discoursed to the bhikkhus, He exhorted the bhikkhus with the following theme repeatedly: “Such is virtue (sīla), such is concentration (samādhi), such is wisdom (paññā); concentration which is developed through
virtue brings great benefits and great fruits; wisdom which is developed through concentration brings great benefits and great fruits; the mind which is developed through wisdom becomes completely liberated from taints, namely the taints of sensual desire, the taints of hankering after continued existence, the taints of wrong views, and the taints of ignorance of the Four Noble Truths.”
The Venerable Sāriputta’s Lion’s Roar
When the Blessed One had lived at Rājagaha as long as He chose, He went to the Ambalaṭṭhikā Garden, accompanied by the Venerable Ānanda and a large number of bhikkhus, and stayed at the king’s rest-house. And after some time there, the Blessed One continued His journey to Nāḷandā and stayed at Pāvārika’s mango grove.
At that time, the Venerable Sāriputta approached the Blessed One. After paying obeisance to the Blessed One, he proclaimed a brave utterance: “Lord, I am convinced that there has never been, nor will there ever be, nor is there any other ascetic or brahmin who excels the Blessed One as regards Perfect Enlightenment.”
Hearing the Venerable Sāriputta’s song of ecstacy—which was like the brave sound of a lion’s roar, the Blessed One justified whether he had known definitely the minds of the Buddhas of the past, of the future, or the mind of the present Buddha.
The Venerable Sāriputta replied that he had no such intimate knowledge, but gave his justification: “Lord, I have no knowledge of reading with mind (cetopariya ñāṇa) the minds of the Worthy Ones, the Fully-Enlightened Ones of the past, the future and the present. Nevertheless, I am acquainted with the Dhamma lineage (dhammanvaya
ñāṇa), that is, the knowledge by inference from personal experience.”
“Suppose, Lord, a king had a frontier city with strong ditches, ramparts, bastions and a single gate, and he had a wise, clever, sagacious gatekeeper there who would keep out strangers and admit only those whom he knew. And when he had himself gone round the path encircling the city, he had seen no gaps in the ramparts or any hole even big enough for a cat to pass through. Then, he might conclude
that living beings above a certain size must go in and out of the city through that only gate.”
“Even so, Lord, by the Dhamma lineage which is known to me, I know all the Blessed Ones of the past, the Worthy and Fully-Enlightened Ones, had abandoned the five hindrances that defile the mind and weaken understanding, had their minds well established upon the four foundations of mindfulness; they had attained Supreme Full
Enlightenment by rightly cultivating the seven factors of Enlightenment. All the Blessed Ones of the future, the Worthy and Fully-Enlightened Ones, will do likewise. The present Blessed One, the Worthy and Fully-Enlightened One, has done likewise.”
The Discourse on Virtue at Pāṭaligāma
After staying in Nāḷandā as long as He wished, the Blessed One, accompanied by the Venerable Ānanda and a large number of bhikkhus, continued His journey to Pāṭaligāma and stayed at a new guest-house offered by the lay devotees of the village.
In this village, the Blessed One delivered a discourse on virtue to the lay devotees of Pāṭaligāma: “Householders, the unvirtuous person incurs these five disadvantages through lack of moral virtue. What five? Here, the unvirtuous person who fails in virtue suffers a great loss of wealth through negligence. Secondly, his ill repute spread far and wide. Thirdly, whatever assembly he goes into, whether of
warrior-nobles or brahmins or householders or ascetics, he is diffident and uneasy. Fourthly, he dies in a bewildered state. Fifthly, on the dissolution of the body, after death, he reappears in a woeful state, in an unhappy destination, in purgatory, even in hell.”
“But the virtuous person acquires these five advantanges through perfection of virtue. What five? Here, the virtuous person who has perfected virtue acquires great wealth through diligence. Secondly, his good reputation spread far and wide. Thirdly, whatever assembly he goes into, whether of warrior-nobles or brahmins or householders or ascetics, he has self-confidence and courage. Fourthly, he dies
without any bewilderment. Fifthly, on the dissolution of the body, after death, he reappears in a happy destination, even in a heavenly world.”
The Founding of the Pāṭaliputta City
At that time, the brahmins Sunidha and Vassakāra, the chief ministers of Magadha were having a city founded at Pāṭaligāma in order to keep the Vajjians at bay. The Blessed One saw with His divine eye that many devas, in groups of thousands each, were haunting many different sites of the land at Pāṭaligāma. The Blessed One perceived that devas of great power inclined the minds of the officials responsible for the founding of the city to build houses for princes and king’s ministers of great power in the places they haunted. Other devas of medium power inclined the minds of the officials responsible for the founding of the city to build houses for princes and king’s ministers of medium power in the places they haunted. Still, other devas of lesser power inclined the minds of the officials responsible for the founding of
the city to build houses for princes and king’s ministers of lesser power in the places they haunted.
Seeing thus, the Blessed One predicted that Pāṭaliputta would be the greatest city of all the resorts of noble ones and of all the trading centres where all kinds of wares were interchanged. But, the City of Pāṭaliputta would be subject to three dangers which might bring about its downfall: fire, water, and dissension.
Hearing that the Blessed One had arrived at Pāṭaligāma, the brahmins Sunidha and Vassakāra invited the Blessed One and the community of bhikkhus for the following day’s meal. After the meal, the Blessed One appreciated their offerings by uttering three stanzas:
“Wheresoever a wise man makes his abode;
Let him offer alms-food to the virtuous persons there who lead the
purity of life, self-controlled.”
“And share the merit of his offering to the devas who haunt the place.
Being honoured, they will honour him; being revered, they will revere
him in return.”
“Thence, the devas love him just as a mother loves her own son.
And a man who is loved by devas always meets with auspicious things.”
Then, the Blessed One rose from His seat and went away. To honour the Blessed One’s visit, Sunidha and Vassakāra then followed the Blessed One, determining: “The gate by which the Blessed One leaves shall be called the Gotama Gate; the ford by which He crosses the Gaṅgā River shall be called Gotama Ford.”
But when the Blessed One came, the Gaṅgā River was overflowing its banks. He then crossed the river by His supernormal power; just as a strong man might stretch out his bent arm or bend his outstretched arm, the Blessed One vanished with the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus from the near bank of the Gaṅgā River and reappeared on the farther bank.
He saw some people who wanted to get across were looking for boats;
some were looking for floats, and some were making bamboo rafts together. Understanding the meaning of this, the Blessed One then breathed forth this joyous utterance:
“The multitude would cross the vast river
By building bridges for avoiding its deep and wide.
While people are lashing their rafts together,
The wise have already crossed.”
The Discourse on the Four Noble Truths at Koṭigāma
The Blessed One continued His journey to Koṭigāma with a large number of bhikkhus. While staying there, He addressed the bhikkhus:
“Bhikkhus, it is through not understanding and not penetrating the Four Noble Truths that both you and I had to run through and move about continuously this long round of existence. What four? They are the Noble Truth of suffering, the Noble Truth of the origin of suffering, the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering. But when these Four Noble Truths are understood and penetrated, craving for existence is completely cut off, craving that drags one to existence is exhausted, and there will be no more rebirth.”
The Discourse on the Mirror of the Dhamma (Dhammādāsa) at Nādika
After staying at Koṭigāma as long as He wished, the Blessed One continued His journey to Nādika with a large number of bhikkhus and stayed at the brick hall.
At that time, the Venerable Ānanda approached the Blessed One and asked the destination and the next existence of several bhikkhus, bhikkhunīs, upāsakas and upāsikās who had died at Nādika. The Blessed One patiently gave the answers, revealing their destination and their next existence, one by one. He also mentioned that among the lay followers in Nādika who had died, fifty of them were Non-Returners (Anāgāmi), ninety were Once-Returners (Sakadāgāmi), and over five
hundred were Stream-Enterers (Sotāpanna).
Then, the Blessed One taught the Venerable Ānanda an exposition of the Dhamma called “the Mirror of the Dhamma” (Dhammādāsa), by which a noble disciple can predict for himself: “There is no more rebirth for me in hell, in the animal kingdom, in the sphere of petas (hungry ghosts), in woeful states, in unhappy destinations, or in purgatory. I am a Stream-Enterer, no more subject to fall. I am certain to attain Enlightenment.”
And the Blessed One expounded the Mirror of the Dhamma thus:
“Ānanda, in this Teaching, the noble disciple has absolute confidence in the Buddha that: ‘Indeed, the Blessed One is worthy of homage, Fully Self-Enlightened, fully endowed with perfect knowledge and conduct, one who has gone rightly, the knower of the worlds, the incomparable leader of man to be trained, the teacher of devas and man, enlightened and blessed.’”
“The noble disciple has absolute confidence in the Buddha that: ‘The Dhamma of the Blessed One is well-expounded, to be realised by oneself, gives immediate result, inviting to “come and see”, worthy of being perpetually borne in mind, and to be realised by the wise each in his mind.’”
“The noble disciple has absolute confidence in the Buddha that: ‘The Order of the Blessed One’s disciples has practised the right way, has practised the straight way, has practised the way to Nibbāna, has practised the proper way. This Order of the Blessed One’s disciples, comprising four pairs of persons, the eight kinds of individuals, is worthy of gifts, is worthy of hospitality, is worthy of offerings, is
worthy of reverential salutation and is an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.’”
“He is endowed with the virtues which are cherished by the noble ones, which are unbroken, untorn, unblotched, unmottled, which are emancipating, commended by the wise, not subject to misconception, and conducive to concentration.”
“Ānanda, the noble disciple who is endowed with these four factors of the Dhamma, called ‘the Mirror of the Dhamma,’ can predict for himself: ‘There is no more rebirth for me in hell, in the animal kingdom, in the sphere of petas (hungry ghosts), in woeful states, in unhappy destinations, or in purgatory. I am a Stream-Enterer, no more subject to fall. I am certain to attain Enlightenment.’”
Thus the Blessed One had journeyed by stages from Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, up to the Nādika Village. But, His journey did not end here. Accompanied by His personal attendant—the Venerable Ānanda—and a large company of bhikkhus, He proceeded to Vesālī and stayed at Ambapālī’s mango grove.
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奥田 昭則

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