66話 アンバパーリー ・・・・ 阿羅漢になった遊女

第6部 入滅へ
第1章 ブッダ最後の旅
66話 アンバパーリー ・・・・ 阿羅漢になった遊女
「よく見ろ、アンバパーリー! なぜ、おまえは、おまえの馬車を、リッチャヴィー族の王族青年のもろもろの馬車に、車軸と車軸、車輪と車輪、軛と軛で、ぶつけたんだ?」
「おお、王族青年のみなさま! わたしはたったいま、世尊を比丘僧団とともに、あす、布施食に招待したばかりでございますもので」
「おお、われらは、このマンゴー娘にやられたぞ! われらは、このマンゴー娘にやられたぞ!」
「おお、われらは、あのマンゴー娘に一杯食わされたぞ! われらは、あのマンゴー娘にやられたぞ!」
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In the time of the Buddha Gotama, there was a courtesan in Vesālī who became a disciple of the Buddha. She was said to have been born spontaneously (opapātika). One day, the gardener of a Licchavī ruler in Vesālī found a baby girl lying under a mango tree in the king’s garden and brought her to the city. On account of her birth, the baby girl then was named Ambapālī—from the word “amba” meaning “mango” and
“pāli” meaning “line”.
When she grew up, she became a woman with surpassing beauty and grace. Many young Licchavī princes vied with each other to marry her, which led to much quarrelling and fighting since each wanted her for himself. Finally, after a long discussion to end their strifing, they decided that Ambapālī should not belong to anyone exclusively; they appointed her as a courtesan. However, Ambapālī was endowed with good character; she spent a large sum of money on charitable activities and exercised a calming and ennobling influence on the Licchavī princes. Thus, she became virtually an uncrowned queen in the aristocratic republic of the Licchavīs.
In her previous life, during the time of the Buddha Phussa, she was born as a daughter of a Khattiya family and had done many meritorious deeds, resulting in her beauty in later births. And in the time of the Buddha Sikhī, she joined the Order of Bhikkhunīs. One day, when she took part in a procession of bhikkhunīs to pay homage at a shrine, an Arahant bhikkhunī in front of her hastily spat in the courtyard of the
shrine. As she was walking slowly in the line, she saw the spittle. Without knowing who had done it, she instantly abused: “What a prostitute has spat here!” As a result of the abuse, she was born in hell and later she became a courtesan for ten thousand times up to her last birth.
Ambapālī’s beauty spread everywhere; and because of her, Vesālī became very prosperous. Knowing this, King Bimbisāra of Magadha considered that Rājagaha should also be graced by a beautiful courtesan. A young maiden named Sālavatī was then appointed as courtesan by the king to give rise to a similar attraction. Once, King Bimbisāra met Ambapālī in person; like other men, he was overcome by her beauty and enjoyed the pleasures she could offer. Due to this relationship, she conceived a baby. And in due course, she delivered a baby son, who was named Vimala Kondañña.
Later, after staying at the Nādika Village as long as He chose, the Blessed One journeyed to Vesālī with a large number of bhikkhus and lived in the courtesan Ambapālī’s mango grove. Anticipating that Ambapālī would visit Him, the Blessed One gave an instruction to the young bhikkhus who accompanied Him to live in mindfulness and clear comprehension; He taught them the four foundations of mindfulness.
When the courtesan Ambapālī heard that the Blessed One had come to Vesālī and was staying at her mango grove, she had a number of excellent carriages harnessed. She mounted one of them and drove out of Vesālī towards her own mango grove. After the carriages went as far as they could go, she dismounted from her carriage and approached the Blessed One on foot. She paid homage to Him and sat at a suitable
The Blessed One then inspired her with the benefits of the Dhamma, instructed her in the practice of the Dhamma, and urged, encouraged and gladdened her in the practice of the Dhamma. At the end of the discourse, she was much impressed and elated with the Dhamma and invited the Blessed One: “Lord, may the Blessed One accept my invitation of offering alms-meal for tomorrow together with the Saṁgha
of Bhikkhus.” The Blessed One consented in silence. Ambapālī rose from her place, and after paying homage to Him, she departed, keeping Him on her right.
The Licchavī princes, having heard about the arrival of the Blessed One in Ambapālī’s mango grove at Vesālī, mounted their best carriages and drove out of the city. Some of them were garbed in blue uniforms, wearing blue ornaments. They rode blue carriages harnessed by horses with embellishments of blue colour. They took on a blue appearance. Some took on a yellow appearance. Some others took on a red
appearance. Still, some others took on a white appearance.
On the way, the Licchavī princes met Ambapālī, who was leaving hurriedly in her best carriage. Their carriages collided head on, axle to axle, wheel to wheel, yoke to yoke. Thereupon, the Licchavī princes said to her: “Look, Ambapālī! Why are you meeting the young Licchavī princes, letting your carriage collide with our carriages, axle to axle, wheel to wheel, yoke to yoke?”
“O my princes! It is because I have just invited the Blessed One together with the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus for tomorrow’s meal.”
“Then, Ambapālī, give that privilege of offering alms-meal to us for a hundred thousand.”
“O my princes, even if you were to give me Vesālī with its territories, I would not give this privilege of offering alms-meal to you.”
Hearing the Ambapālī’s brave answer, the Licchavī princes snapped their fingers, exclaiming: “O, we have been beaten by this mango girl! We have been defeated by this mango girl!”
Then, the Licchavī princes proceeded to Ambapālī’s mango grove. When the Blessed One saw them coming in the distance, He said to the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, let the bhikkhus who have never seen the Tāvatiṁsa devas look at the array of the Licchavīs; let them observe the array of the Licchavīs; let them imagine the Tāvatiṁsa devas to be like this array of the Licchavīs.”
The Licchavīs drove as far as the way was passable for carriages. Then they alighted and went on foot towards the Blessed One. They paid homage to the Blessed One and sat at a suitable place. The Blessed One then inspired them with the benefits of the Dhamma, instructed them in the practice of the Dhamma, and urged, encouraged and gladdened them in the practice of the Dhamma. At the end of the discourse, they were much impressed and elated with the Dhamma, and afterwards they invited the Blessed One: “Lord, may the Blessed One accept our invitation of
offering alms-meal for tomorrow together with the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus.”
The Blessed One replied: “Licchavī princes, together with the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus, I have already accepted the invitation of tomorrow’s alms-meal from the courtesan Ambapālī.”
Thereupon, the Licchavī princes snapped their fingers, exclaiming:
“O, we have been tricked by that mango girl! We have been defeated by that mango girl!”
However, the Licchavīs expressed their appreciation and delight at the Blessed One’s discourse. Then, they rose from their place, and after paying homage to Him, they departed, keeping Him on their right.
When the night was over, Ambapālī had various kinds of sumptuous food prepared in her mango grove and she had the time announced: “It is time, Lord. The meal is ready.”
The Blessed One, with the company of bhikkhus, went to Ambapālī’s house; they sat at the place already prepared for them. Ambapālī attended upon the Blessed One and the company of bhikkhus, offering the sumptuous food with her own hands. After the meal, Ambapālī took a low seat and sat down at one side, saying: “Lord, I present this mango grove to the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus headed by the Blessed One.” The
Blessed One accepted the mango grove, and after giving a talk on the Dhamma to her, He rose from His seat and went away.
When the son of Ambapālī and King Bimbisāra, Vimala Kondañña, grew up, he once met the Blessed One and was impressed by the Buddha’s majesty. He then entered the Order and attained Arahantship soon afterwards. One day, Ambapālī, having heard his son preaching the Dhamma, renounced the world. And having entered the Order of Bhikkhunīs, she practised insight meditation diligently. She took her own ageing body as a meditation subject, reflecting on its impermanence and vulnerability to pain. By doing so, she gained a progressively deeper insight into the nature of existence and soon attained Arahantship.
By assiduous practice of meditation, Ambapālī gained the knowledge of the recollection of previous lives. She saw that in her previous lives, she had often been born as a beautiful woman, but her physical beauty had always withered and been crushed by aging and death. Now, in her last life, she had attained the imperishable beauty of Nibbāna and declared that she was a “true daughter of the Buddha.”
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奥田 昭則

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