67話 大般涅槃(マハーパリニッバーナ)

第6部 入滅へ
第2章 入滅ーB.C.543年
67話 大般涅槃(マハーパリニッバーナ)
「アーナンダよ、いったい比丘僧団は、これ以上何をわたしに期待するのか? わたしは、比丘たちに、側近・周縁の弟子という内外のわけへだてなく、法(ダンマ)を説いてきた。また、わたしには、師の握拳(先生のにぎりこぶし)で保持している秘密など、何もないのだ。
それゆえ、アーナンダよ、そなたらは自己を島としなければならない。自己をよりどころにして、そのほかをよりどころにしてはならない! そなたらは法を島としなければならない。法をよりどころにして、そのほかをよりどころにしてはならない!
「世尊はいますぐ、最終の涅槃に到られますように! 善逝は入滅されますように! いまこそ世尊が入滅なさるときです!」
この現象を見て、アーナンダ尊者はふしぎに思い、世尊のもとへ行って大地震が起きた因と縁を尋ねた。世尊は、地震が起きた八つの因を説明された。それから、つづけて世尊は、八つからなるもの(八法)の一連の説法をされた。すなわち、集団の八つの範疇である八会衆(アッタ パリサー)、禅定を通した八つの心の熟達である八勝処(アッタ アビバーヤタナーニ)、解脱の八つの段階である八解脱(アッタ ヴィモーカー)について、である。
「もうよい、アーナンダよ! 如来にいま、それを願ってはならない! 如来に懇願するときは、もはや過ぎ去ったのです」
それでは、それらもろもろの真理とは何か? 三十七菩提分法(ボーディパッキヤダンマー)です。すなわち、
四念処(チャッターローサティパッターナ) (身・受・心・法)
四正勤(チャッターローサンマッパダーナー) (已に生じた悪を断つ。未だ生じていない
四神足(チャッターローイッディパーダー) (欲・勤・心・観)
五根(パンチンドリヤーニ) (信・勤・念・定・慧)
五力(パンチャ バラーニ) (信・勤・念・定・慧)
七覚支(サッタ ボーッジャンガー) (念、択法、精進、喜、軽安、定、捨)
八聖道(アリヤ アッタンギカ マッガ) (正見・正思惟・正語・正業・正命・正精進・正念・正定)
不放逸に励み、念をそなえよ! 戒をたもて、おお、比丘たちよ!
「比丘たちよ、四つのものごとを理解せず、洞察の智慧を持たなかったことを通して、そなたたちも、わたしも、このように長いあいだ、輪廻の生存をさまよわなければならなかったのです。四つとは何か? 聖者の戒、聖者の定、聖者の慧、そして聖者の解脱です。しかし、これらの四つのものごとを理解し、洞察の智慧を持ち、生存への渇愛を断ち、生存にみちびく渇愛を滅して、もはや、生まれ変わりはないのです」
「さあ、世尊は水をお飲みください! 善逝は水をお飲みください!」
〈二つの托鉢食には、いずれもひとしい果報があり、結果があり、ほかの托鉢食より、はるかに大きな功徳があるのです。その二つとは何か? それを食べた後に如来が最上の正覚に到る托鉢食と、それを食べた後に如来が無余依の涅槃(ニッバーナ)に到る托鉢食です。これら二種類の托鉢食にはほかの托鉢食より、はるかに大きな果報と功徳があるのです〉と。
まさにそのとき、沙羅双樹は満開になり、たくさんの花がはじけるように、ぱっとひらいた。まだ開花の時期ではないのに、時ならぬ満開であった。それらの花々が、如来を供養してその御身体にふりそそぎ、ふりまかれた。天上の曼荼羅華(原注:パーリ語 mandārava(マンダーラヴァ)、ラテン語 Erythrina(エリスリナ) fulgens(フルゲンス))と栴檀の粉末もまた空中からふってきて、如来を供養してその御身体にふりそそぎつづけ、その間、天上の音楽と歌声が、如来を供養して空中からゆるやかなリズムで奏でられたのである。
「そして、アーナンダよ、心が大地に縛られた空の神々と地の神々は、泣き叫び、髪をふり乱し、両手を突き上げ、身を投げ落とすように倒れ、のたうって、こう嘆いているのです。『あまりにも早く、世尊は般涅槃に到られ、入滅される! あまりにも早く、善逝は般涅槃に到られ、入滅される! あまりにも早く、智慧の眼が世界から消滅されてしまわれる!』
(1)ルンビニー : 如来誕生(降誕)の地
(2)ブッダ・ガヤー : 如来が無上の正覚(成道)に到られた地
(3)バーラーナシー近くの鹿野苑の仙人集会所(イシパタナ) : 如来が初転法輪(最初の説法)をされた地
(4)クシナーラー : 如来が究極の安らぎで、五蘊の完全な滅尽である般涅槃に到られた地
「アーナンダよ、そなたらは如来の遺体供養にはかまうな! そなたたちは最高の目標に向かって精進すべきです。涅槃に到達することに専念しなさい! みずからのために、たゆまず、熱心に、怠けることなく、実践しなさい! 如来に堅固な信を抱いている賢明な王族・武士、バラモン、在家の資産家がいます。かれらが如来の遺体供養をするであろう」
「ああ! わたしは、いまだに学んでいる身(有学(セッカ))だ。やらなければならないことがある。そして、わが師は、わたしに、これまでとても憐れみをかけてくださってきたが、いまや最終の涅槃に到られようとしているのだ」
「もうよい、アーナンダよ! 嘆くな! 泣くな! わたしは、すでにそなたに、あらゆる愛しいこと、好ましいことには、われらとの別れがあり、変わりゆくのだ、と説きはしなかったか? だから、どうして、アーナンダよ、誕生し、生成し、合成し、そして衰滅しなければならないものが、衰滅すべきではない、ということがありえようか? それは不可能です。アーナンダよ、そなたは長いあいだ如来に忠実に仕え、側にいるときも不在のときも、無量の慈悲をもって身・語・意の行為で如来の利益と安らぎのために世話をしてくれた。そなたは多くの功徳を積んだのです、アーナンダよ。不放逸に精進しなさい、そうすれば、そなたはすみやかに煩悩の汚れがない者となるであろう」
「おやめください、友、スバッダよ! 如来を煩わせないでください! 世尊は疲れきっているのです」
「もうよい、アーナンダよ! スバッダのじゃまをしてはいけない! 如来にかれを会わせなさい! スバッダがわたしにきこうとしていることは、何であっても、完全な智慧を望んで探究するために尋ねようとしているのです。わたしを煩わせるためではないのです。そして、かれの質問へのわたしの解答は、何であっても、かれはすぐさま理解するであろう」
「お行きなさい、友、スバッダよ! 世尊がお許しになられました」
「もうよい、スバッダよ! かれら全員が、みずからそう称しているように、真理を覚ったのか、あるいは誰も覚っていないのか、あるいはそのうちの誰かが覚り、誰かはそうでないのか、そんなことは、かまわなくてもよいのです。わたしはそなたに真理を説くであろう。わたしがこれから説くことを、注意深く聴きなさい!」
「とてもすばらしい、尊師よ、とてもすばらしい、尊師よ! 法が、世尊によって、多くのやりかたで明らかにされました。まるで、倒されたものを起こすかのように、覆い隠されたものをとり除くかのように、道に迷ってしまった者に道を教えるかのように、見える眼をもっている者に暗闇の中で灯火を掲げるかのように。わたしは、世尊に、法に、比丘僧団の三宝に帰依します。尊師よ、どうか、世尊の御もとで出家して、具足戒を受けられますように」
「すばらしいことです、尊師よ、すごいことです! わたしは、この比丘の集まりのなかで、ひとりの比丘も、ブッダについて、法について、僧団について、あるいは道について、実践のしかたについて、疑いや不確かさをもっている者がいない、と確信をもちました」
“Handa dāni, bhikkhave, āmantayāmi vo,
Vayadhammā saṅkhārā,
Appamādena sampādetha.”
世尊が最後のことばを述べられた後、全サーラ林は、深い静寂に沈んだ。世尊は第一禅定(ジャーナ)に入られた。それから出られて、第二、第三、第四の禅定に入られた。それから第四禅定から出られて、空無辺処定(アーカーサーナンチャーヤタナ)、識無辺処定(ヴィンニャーナンチャーヤタナ)、無所有処定(アーキンチャンニャーヤタナ)、非想非非想処定(ネーワ サンニャー ナーサンニャーヤタナ)に、それぞれ入られてから出られて、そして想受滅定(サンニャーヴェーダイタ ニローダ)に到達され、そのなかに入られていた。
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Episode 67 Mahāparinibbāna
In this chapter, we shall follow the continuation of the Blessed
One’s end journeys from Beluvagāmaka to Kusinārā.
After staying at Ambapālī’s mango grove for as long as He wished, the Blessed One went to Beluvagāmaka, near Vesālī, with a large community of bhikkhus. At that time, the rainy season was approaching. The Blessed One advised the bhikkhus to take up residence for the rains in the neighbourhood of Vesālī while the Blessed One Himself decided to spend His forty-fifth—His last rains-residence—at this village.
But, soon after the Blessed One took up His residence for the rains, He was afflicted with a very severe sickness that brought about violent and excessive pains near unto death. He bore the pain without complaint and remained mindful with full understanding. Then, a thought occurred to Him thus: “It would not be proper for Me to pass away without addressing My attendant bhikkhus and without taking leave
of the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus. Suppose I subdued this grave affliction and prolonged My will to live by entering into the Fruition attainment of Arahantship of the life-maintaining process (jīvitasaṅkhāraṁ)?” Accordingly, the Blessed One made a solemn wish and entered into that attainment. By doing so, His sickness was immediately allayed.
Soon after His recovery, He came out from His room and sat on a seat made ready at the shade of the monastery. Then, the Venerable Ānanda approached Him and said: “Lord, now I see the Blessed One in comfort and in good health. Indeed, when the Blessed One was sick, I felt as if my body were heavy and rigid. I could hardly distinguish between directions. My mind was in a fuddle and was unable to comprehend things clearly. However, Lord, I took a little comfort from the
thought that the Blessed One would not pass away without leaving any
instruction concerning the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus.”
Then, the Blessed One clarified His position in the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus, saying: “Ānanda, what more does the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus expect of Me? I have taught the Dhamma to the bhikkhus without discriminating them as the inner circle or outer circle of disciples. Nor do I keep the Teaching back as if there were some secrets held in the closed fist of a teacher. There might be someone who thought thus:
‘I shall lead the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus’ or ‘The Saṁgha of Bhikkhus depends on me’, then it would be for such a person to leave instruction concerning the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus. But Ānanda, the Tathāgata does not think like that. Why then should I leave
instruction concerning the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus?”
“Now Ānanda, I am decrepit, old, advanced in years, and have reached My last stage of life. I am eighty years of age. Just as an old worn-out cart is made to carry on with the help of makeshifts, even so is the Tathāgata’s body made to carry on with the help of makeshifts. For the Tathāgata’s body is only at ease when He remains dwelling in the Fruition attainment of Arahantship of the signless mind-deliverance, with non-attention to all objects and with cessation of certain kinds of feeling.”
“Therefore, Ānanda, you should make yourself your own island. Let yourself be your refuge and not let anyone else be your refuge! You should make the Dhamma your own island. Let the Dhamma be your refuge and not let anything else be your refuge!”
“And Ānanda, how does a bhikkhu make himself his own island, make himself his refuge and make no one else his refuge; make the Dhamma his own island, make the Dhamma his refuge and make nothing else his refuge?”
“In this Teaching, Ānanda, a bhikkhu abides contemplating the body as a body, ardent, fully aware, mindful, having put away covetousness and grief for the world. He abides contemplating feelings as feelings…contemplating consciousness as consciousness…contemplating mental objects (dhamma) as mental objects, ardent, fully aware, mindful, having put away covetousness and grief for the world.”
“Ānanda, either now or after I have passed away, whosoever shall make themselves their own island, make themselves their refuge and make no one else their refuge; whosoever make the Dhamma their own island, make the Dhamma their refuge and make nothing else their refuge, those bhikkhus will be the foremost amongst those who are intent on the Threefold Training.”
The Demise of the Two Chief Disciples
After the rains-residence at Beluvagāmaka was over, the Blessed One left that village and wandered by stages to Sāvatthi and stayed at the Jetavana Monastery. At that time, the Venerable Sāriputta approached the Blessed One. After paying homage to Him, he spoke: “Lord, may the Blessed One permit, may the Exalted One consent: the time has come for me to attain final Nibbāna. I have relinquished the life force.”
The Blessed One gave His consent by asking him: “Where will you attain final Nibbāna?”
The Venerable Sāriputta replied: “In the Magadha Country, in a village called Nālaka, in the chamber where I was born.”
Before the Venerable Sāriputta left for Nālaka, the Blessed One asked him to give his last discourse on the Dhamma to the community of bhikkhus. Accordingly, the Venerable Sāriputta displayed all his wondrous powers of teaching the Dhamma; his powers were second only to the Blessed One.
After seven days of journey, the Venerable Sāriputta arrived at the Nālaka Village. His mother, the brahmin woman Rūpasārī, who was a non-believer, welcomed him thinking that her son would return to lay life again. That very night, even though afflicted by a grave illness, the elder still had a chance to teach the Dhamma to her mother and confirmed her in the Fruition of Stream-Entry. But soon afterwards,
the Venerable Sāriputta passed away and attained final Nibbāna on the full-moon day of the month Kattika.
After the cremation was completed, the Venerable Cunda gathered together the relics and placed them in a filter cloth; together with the Venerable Sāriputta’s alms-bowl and robes, he brought them to Sāvatthi. The Blessed One praised the virtues of the Venerable Sāriputta and asked His disciples to erect a stūpa to enshrine the
relics in Sāvatthi.
Thereafter, the Blessed One went to Rājagaha. During this time, the Venerable Moggallāna was staying alone in a forest hut at the Black Rock (Kāḷasilā), on the slope of Mount Isigili outside Rājagaha. At that time, a group of naked ascetics schemed to assassinate the elder. They believed that the elder, who used to visit various worlds, had related the report that the virtuous devotees of the Buddha were
enjoying rebirth in happy worlds, while the followers of the heretics, lacking in moral conduct, were suffering in woeful states of existence.
They bribed a band of brigands to assassinate the elder. When the brigands came to kill him, the elder used his supernormal powers to slip through the keyhole. For six consecutive days, this happened. But on the seventh day, they caught the elder and beat him, crushed his bones until they were as small as grain rice; they threw him behind a clump of bushes.
But, the elder had not passed away yet. He regained his consciousness and dragged himself to the presence of the Buddha to take his leave. The Blessed One asked him to give his final sermon to the community of bhikkhus, which he did by performing many wonders and marvels. Afterwards, he paid homage to the Blessed One and returned to the Black Rock and attained his final Nibbāna there on the new-moon day of the month Kattika, half a month after the demise of the Venerable
Sāriputta. The Blessed One then instructed to have a stūpa built to enshrine the relics of the Venerable Moggallāna at Rājagaha.
Relinquishing the Will to Live
Thereafter, the Blessed One wandered by stages with a large community of bhikkhus to Ukkācelā on the bank of the Gaṅgā River in the Vajjian country, where the Blessed One gave a discourse concerning the demise of the two chief disciples.
In the morning, the Blessed One went into Vesālī for alms. After His meal, He went to the Cāpāla Shrine with the Venerable Ānanda. While passing the day there, the Blessed One said to the Venerable Ānanda:
“Ānanda, whosoever has cultivated, practised, developed, mastered the Four Bases of Psychic Power (Iddhipāda), made them the vehicle, made them the foundation, established, consolidated and has properly undertaken them, could, if he wished, live for the maximum life-span or even beyond the maximum life-span. Ānanda, the Tathāgata has done all that; He could, if He wished, live for the maximum life-span or
even beyond the maximum life-span.”
Even though the Blessed One had given such a clear hint, such an evident sign, yet the Venerable Ānanda failed to comprehend it. He did not beseech the Blessed One: “Lord, let the Blessed One live for the maximum life-span, for the welfare and happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare and happiness of devas and man.” For the second and third time, the Blessed One said
the same thing, but the Venerable Ānanda could not grasp the Blessed One’s intimation. At that moment, the Venerable Ānanda’s mind was so much under Māra’s influence.
Then, the Blessed One told the Venerable Ānanda: “You may go, Ānanda. Now, it is time to do as you like.” The Venerable Ānanda replied:
“Very well, Lord,” then he rose from his seat, paid homage to the Blessed One and went away to sit down at the foot of a tree, nearby the Blessed One.
Soon after he had gone, Māra the Evil One came to the Blessed One and stood at one side, saying: “Let the Blessed One attain final Nibbāna now! Let the Sublime One pass away! Now is the time for the Blessed One to pass away!”
When Māra said thus, the Blessed One replied: “You may rest, Evil One. Before long, the passing away of the Tathāgata will take place. Three months from now, the Tathāgata will attain Parinibbāna.”
Then, the Blessed One, while passing the day at the Cāpāla Shrine, mindful and fully aware, decided to relinquish the will to live (āyusaṅkhāra-ossajjanaṁ). When the Blessed One made the resolution, the great earth quaked violently, and thunder rumbled fearfully, causing people gripped in terror; their gooseflesh appeared, and their hair stood on its end.
Seeing this phenomenon, the Venerable Ānanda wondered and went to the Blessed One inquiring the cause and reason for the manifestation of the great earthquake. The Blessed One explained the eight things which might cause an earthquake. The Blessed One then continued with a series of discourses consisting of eight things each viz. eight categories of assemblies (aṭṭha parisā), eight ways of mastery of the mind through concentration (aṭṭha abhibhāyatanāni), and eight stages
of release (aṭṭha vimokhā).
Having discoursed thus, the Blessed One then related what had happened between Him and Māra just before the great earthquake. He said to the Venerable Ānanda: “And now, Ānanda, this very day at the Cāpāla Shrine, the Blessed One, mindful and fully aware, has decided to relinquish His will to live.”
When he heard this, the Venerable Ānanda instantly recalled what the
Blessed One had said to him before and entreated Him, saying: “Lord, let the Blessed One live for the maximum life-span, for the welfare and happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare and happiness of devas and man.”
“Enough, Ānanda! Do not ask that of the Tathāgata now! The time to ask that of the Tathāgata has now gone by.”
For the second time, the Venerable Ānanda repeated the same request and received the same answer. And when he repeated the same request for a third time, the Blessed One replied that He had given a clear hint for many times, but the Venerable Ānanda failed to grasp them so as to invite the Blessed One to live for the maximum life-span. The fault then was on the Venerable Ānanda.
The Thirty-Seven Requisites of Enlightenment
After attenuating the Venerable Ānanda’s sorrow, the Blessed One went with him to the Pinnacled Hall at Mahāvana and asked him to summon all the bhikkhus in the neighbourhood of Vesālī to meet in the assembly hall.
The Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, I have expounded to you the doctrines which I have directly known. You should thoroughly learn, master, cultivate, develop and put them into constant practice so that this holy life may endure long and be perpetuated for the welfare and happiness of the many, out of
compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare and happiness of devas and man.”
“And what are these doctrines? They are the thirty-seven requisites of Enlightenment (bodhipakkhiyadhammā):
the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Cattāro Satipaṭṭhānā),
the Four Kinds of Right Endeavour (Cattāro Sammappadānā),
the Four Bases of Psychic Power (Cattāro Iddhipādā),
the Five Spiritual Faculties (Pañcindriyāni),
the Five Spiritual Powers (Pañca Balāni),
the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Satta Bojjhaṅgā),
the Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya Aṭṭhaṅgika Magga).”
The Announcement of the Tathāgata’s Parinibbāna
Then, the Blessed One exhorted and announced the time of His Parinibbāna to the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus: “Behold, bhikkhus, now I declare to you: all conditioned things are of a nature to decay. Strive on with diligence! The passing away of the Tathāgata will take place before long. Three months from now, the Tathāgata will attain Parinibbāna.”
This the Blessed One said. The Accomplished One, the Teacher, having said this, furthermore spoke these words:
“Ripe is My age, a little of My life remains;
Leaving you behind I shall depart; I have made Myself My own refuge.
Be diligent and mindful! Be virtuous, O bhikkhus!
With well-concentrated thoughts, keep watch over your mind!
Whosoever lives out diligently in this Dispensation
Will get rid of the cycle of rebirths and make an end of all sufferings.”
A Noble Tusker’s Gaze
When it was morning, the Blessed One rearranged His robe; taking His alms-bowl and outer robe, He went to Vesālī for alms-round. After the alms-round and after taking His meal, on leaving the place He turned around and looked at Vesālī with a noble tusker’s gaze. Then, He said to the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, this will be the Tathāgata’s last sight of Vesālī. Come, Ānanda, let us go to Bhaṇḍagāma!”
“Very well, Lord,” the Venerable Ānanda replied. Then, the Blessed One, accompanied by a large community of bhikkhus, journeyed to Bhaṇḍagāma. And while staying there, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus as follows: “Bhikkhus, it is through not having understanding and penetrative knowledge of four things that both you and I have had to wander about in the round of existence for a long time. What are the four? They are the noble one’s virtue, the noble one’s concentration, the noble one’s wisdom, and the noble one’s deliverance. But, when these four things have been understood and penetrated, then craving of existence is cut off, craving that leads one to becoming is exhausted, and there will be no more rebirth.”
The Discourse on the Four Great Authorities (Mahāpadesa)
After staying at Bhaṇḍagāma as long as He wished, the Blessed One wandered by stages with a large community of bhikkhus to Hatthigāma, Ambagāma, Jambugāma and thence to Bhoganagara, where He stayed at the Ānanda Shrine.
While the Blessed One was residing there, He taught a large assembly of bhikkhus the four great authorities (Mahāpadesa):
“In this Teaching, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu may say thus: ‘I have heard and received this exposition from the mouth of the Blessed One Himself; this is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teaching of the Master.’”
“Or a bhikkhu may say thus: ‘In a certain monastery, there live a community of bhikkhus headed by an elder bhikkhu; I heard and received this exposition from the mouth of that community; this is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teaching of the Master.’”
“Or a bhikkhu may say thus: ‘In a certain monastery, there live many elder bhikkhus of great learning, who are versed in the Teachings, proficient in the Dhamma, the Vinaya, and the Matrices; I heard and received this exposition from the mouth of those elders themselves;
this is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teaching of the Master.’”
“Or a bhikkhu may say thus: ‘In a certain monastery, there lives an elder bhikkhu of great learning, who is versed in the Teachings, proficient in the Dhamma, the Vinaya, and the Matrices; I heard and received this exposition from the mouth of that elder himself; this is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teaching of the Master.’”
“Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu’s words should be neither approved nor rejected. Without either approving or rejecting, those words and syllables stated of him should be studied thoroughly; then, they should be collated with the discourses (sutta) and compared with the disciplinary rules (vinaya).”
“If, when so compared, they neither harmonise with the discourses nor agree with the disciplinary rules, then you may conclude thus:
‘Certainly, this is not the Blessed One’s word. It has been wrongly learned by that bhikkhu or by that community of bhikkhus or by those elders or by that elder,’ and therefore you should reject it.”
“However, if, when so compared, they harmonise with the discourses and agree with the disciplinary rules, then you may conclude thus:
‘Certainly, this is the Blessed One’s word. It has been rightly learned by that bhikkhu or by that community of bhikkhus or by those elders or by that elder.’”
“Bhikkhus, you should remember well these four great authorities.”
The Buddha’s Last Meal
Then, when the Blessed One had stayed at Bhoganagara as long as He wished, He proceeded to Pāvā with a large community of bhikkhus and stayed at the mango grove belonging to Cunda the goldsmith’s son.
Having heard the news of the arrival of the Blessed One in his mango grove, Cunda immediately approached the Blessed One and paid his respect to Him. The Blessed One encouraged him with talk on the Dhamma and gladdened him in the practice. After listening to the Dhamma, he invited the Blessed One together with the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus to accept his offering of alms-food for the next day. And the Blessed One consented in silence.
Then on the next day, Cunda had sumptuous food prepared, including a special dish called sūkara maddava. (According to the Dīghanikāya Aṭṭhakathā, sūkara maddava or tender pork is the flesh of a pig that was neither too young nor too old, but not killed for His sake (pavattamaṁsa). Some teachers interpreted it as soft rice boiled with five different produces of a cow, while other teachers said that it was a special food prepared with some delicious and highly nutritive concoction called rasāyana.)
When the food was offered, the Blessed One asked Cunda to serve the sūkara maddava only to Him and any other food to the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus. After the Blessed One had partaken of the meal, He instructed Cunda to bury the leftover of the sūkara maddava in a hole as He saw no one else could digest it well. But after the meal, an
acute form of dysentry attacked the Blessed One with a flow of blood accompanied by violent deadly pains. The Blessed One bore this pain without complaint and remained mindful with clear comprehension.
On the Journey to Kusinārā
Though His body became very weak due to the illness, the Blessed One decided to continue his last journey to Kusinārā with a large community of bhikkhus.
On the way, the Blessed One left the road and went to the foot of a tree. There, He sat down on a seat prepared and asked the Venerable Ānanda to fetch Him some drinking water as He was very tired and thirsty. At that time, five hundred carts had just gone by crossing the stream and had made the water muddy. Then, the Venerable Ānanda suggested to the Blessed One: “Lord, the Kakutthā River is not far off; it has clear, pleasant, cool water, free from muddiness, and is with smooth and delightful banks. The Blessed One may drink and cool His limbs there.”
For the second time, the Blessed One asked and received the same reply. After the third time, the Venerable Ānanda assented: “Very well, Lord.” And when the Venerable Ānanda came to the stream, due to the power of the Blessed One, he found the shallow stream was clear, pure and free from muddiness. Then, he took some water and put it inside the alms-bowl. He returned to the Blessed One and told Him what had happened, adding: “Now, let the Blessed One drink the water! Let the Sublime One drink the water!” And the Blessed One drank the water.
Pukkusa the Malla Prince
After the Blessed One drank, and while He was still sitting at the foot of the tree, a Malla prince named Pukkusa—a disciple of Āḷāra Kālāma—who was on his way from Kusinārā to Pāvā, saw the Blessed One and approached Him. He expressed his wonder about his teacher, who was once sitting in deep concentration under a tree by the roadside to spend his daytime, but who neither saw nor heard a caravan of five
hundred carts passing by quite close to him, even though he was conscious and awake and his outer robe was covered all over with dust.
Thereupon, the Blessed One related to Pukkusa His experience. At one time, while the Blessed One was living in a threshing barn near Ātumā and was engaged in a deep meditation, there was a torrential rain with rumbling thunder, flashing lightning and crushing of thunderbolts. Then, a thunderbolt struck two ploughman brothers and four oxen to death near His hut. Although He was conscious and awake, while there was a torrential rain with rumbling thunder, flashing lightning and crushing of thunderbolts, He neither saw it nor heard the sound and He remained in His tranquil state.
Pukkusa was much impressed by the Blessed One’s tranquil state and took refuge in the Triple Gems to the end of his life. Subsequently, he presented a pair of golden-hued robes to the Blessed One. But, He asked Pukkusa to present one piece to Him and another piece to the Venerable Ānanda.
Soon after Pukkusa had gone, the Venerable Ānanda placed the pair of golden-hued robes on the Blessed One’s body. To his surprise, the brilliant colour of the golden-hued robes died out when they were placed on His body. Seeing this, the Venerable Ānanda exclaimed what he saw. Thereupon, the Blessed One explained that there would be two occasions when the natural colour of the Tathāgata’s skin became
exceedingly clear and bright viz. on the eve of His discovery of Supreme Full Enlightenment, and on the eve of His attainment of Parinibbāna.
The Blessed One then announced that in the last watch of the night on that very day, between the twin sāla trees in the sāla grove of the Mallas near Kusinārā, the Tathāgata would attain Parinibbāna.
The Two Exceptional Alms-Givings
Then, the Blessed One proceeded to the Kakutthā River, where He went down into the water, took His last bath, and drank the water. Afterwards, He went to a mango grove and took a short rest there, lying down on His right side like a lion sleeping. He laid on the outer robe made ready by the Venerable Cundaka.
While resting there, the Blessed One said to the Venerable Ānanda:
“Ānanda, it might happen that someone should provoke remorse in Cunda
the goldsmith’s son by saying: ‘It is no gain for you, Cunda; it is a loss for you that the Tathāgata passed away after having eaten His last meal provided by you.’ Now, any such remorse in Cunda the goldsmith’s son must be expelled in this way: ‘That is your gain, Cunda. That is your great fortune that the Tathāgata passed away after
having eaten His last meal provided by you. Cunda, I heard and learned this from the mouth of the Blessed One Himself: “These two kinds of alms-giving are equal in their fruit and result, and their fruit and result is far greater than any other. What are the two? They are the alms-giving after eating which the Tathāgata attains Supreme Full
Enlightenment, and the alms-giving after eating which the Tathāgata attains final Nibbāna without any residue left. These two kinds of alms-giving are more fruitful and profitable than all others.” These are the words I heard and learned from the mouth of the Blessed One Himself. Indeed, Cunda the goldsmith’s son has stored up a meritorious deed conducive to longevity, good looks, happiness, fame, heaven, and
to great power.’ Thus, the remorse in Cunda the goldsmith’s son must be expelled.”
Reaching the Twin Sāla Trees
After that short rest, the Blessed One continued His last tour with a large community of bhikkhus, crossing the Hiraññavatī River and went to the sāla grove of the Mallas in the vicinity of Kusinārā, His last resting place. Thus, the Blessed One had covered His last journey from Pāvā to Kusinārā, a distance about three gāvutas (three quarters of a yojana), during which he had to halt for twenty-five times due to His weakness and ailment.
On reaching there, the Blessed One asked the Venerable Ānanda to prepare a couch between the twin sāla trees with the head facing the north. And when it was ready, the Blessed One laid down on His right side in the lion-posture, placing one leg on the other, mindful and clearly aware.
At that time, the twin sāla trees burst forth into abundant blossoms, though it was not the flowering season yet; the blossoms scaterred and sprinkled themselves in veneration over the Tathāgata’s body.
Celestial coral-tree flowers (Pāḷi: mandārava; Latin: Erythrina fulgens) and celestial sandalwood powder also fell from the sky, continuously sprinkling themselves in veneration over the Tathāgata’s body while celestial music and songs resounded from the sky in slow rhythm out of veneration for the Tathāgata.
Seeing this celestial adoration for Him, the Blessed One said to the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, it is not by such a way that the Tathāgata should be honoured, respected, revered, venerated or worshipped. But, whatever bhikkhu or bhikkhunī, upāsaka or upāsikā who lives practising in accordance with the Dhamma, who is endowed with rightfulness in the practice of the Dhamma, who walks in perfect conformity with the Dhamma, he or she honours, respects, reveres, venerates and worships the Tathāgata with the highest veneration of all. Therefore, Ānanda,
you should train thus: “We will live practising in accordance with the Dhamma, be endowed with rightfulness in the practice of the Dhamma, walk in perfect conformity with the Dhamma.”
At that time, the Venerable Upavāṇa, who was standing in front of the Blessed One fanning Him, was asked by the Blessed One to move aside. The Venerable Ānanda enquired Him: “Lord, the Venerable Upavāṇa had been an attendant to the Blessed One for a long time, staying near Him and is closely associated with Him. Yet, at this last hour, the Blessed One tells him to move aside. What is the reason of this?”
The Blessed One replied: “Ānanda, most of the devas from ten thousand world systems have come from afar to see the Tathāgata. These powerful devas have occupied a distance of twelve yojanas around the sāla grove of the Mallas without leaving a single space you could pierce with the point of a hair. They are grumbling and are displeased because their view is cut off by the powerful Bhikkhu Upavāṇa. That is why I had asked Upavāṇa to move aside and not to stand in front of Me.”
“And Ānanda, there are many sky devas and earth devas whose minds are earth-bound who are wailing and tearing their hair, upraising their hands, flinging themselves down, rolling back and forth, and lamenting: ‘Too soon is the Blessed One going to attain Parinibbāna! So soon is the Sublime One going to attain Parinibbāna! Too soon is the Possessor of the Eye of Wisdom going to vanish from the world!’”
“But Ānanda, those devas who are free from sensual passion can bear it, mindful and clearly aware: ‘All compounded things are impermanent. How could it be possible to get any permanence in this compounded nature?’”
Four Places Rousing Religious Emotion
Then, the Venerable Ānanda said: “Lord, it is customary for the bhikkhus who had spent rains-residence in various places to come and pay homage to the Blessed One. And on that occasion, we used to welcome them and get the privilege of seeing and honouring these inspiring bhikkhus. But Lord, after the Blessed One has passed away, we shall not be able to get this privilege any more.”
Concerning this, the Blessed One showed: “Ānanda, there are four places which are worthy of pilgrimage for the faithful devotees and which will inspire in them an emotional religious awakening. They are:
(1) Lumbinī, the birthplace of the Tathāgata.
(2) Buddha Gayā, the place where the Tathāgata attained Supreme Enlightenment.
(3) The deer park at Isipatana near Bārāṇasī, the place where the Tathāgata set the wheel of the Dhamma in motion.
(4) Kusinārā, the place where the Tathāgata attained Parinibbāna, the ultimate peace, which is the complete cessation of the five aggregates.”
“And Ānanda, all those pilgrims, if they should die while making the pilgrimage to these shrines with devout hearts, at the breaking up of the body after death, will be reborn in a happy destination, even in a heavenly world.”
The Venerable Ānanda’s Questions
Then, the Venerable Ānanda asked a series of questions to the Blessed One, thus: “Lord, how should we act towards women?”
“Do not see them, Ānanda!”
“But Lord, if we see them, how should we behave?”
“Do not speak to them, Ānanda!”
“But if they should speak to us, how should we behave, Lord?”
“You should keep mindfulness, Ānanda!”
The Venerable Ānanda continued asking: “Lord, how should we do with
the remains of the Tathāgata?”
“Ānanda, do not trouble yourselves with honouring the remains of the
Tathāgata! You should strive for the highest goal. Devote yourself to the attainment of Nibbāna! Practise with perseverance, ardently and without negligence for your own good! There are wise warriors, brahmins and householders who have firm confidence in the Tathāgata; they will honour the remains of the Tathāgata.”
Consoling the Venerable Ānanda’s Grief
After this questions and answers, thinking that on that very day the Tathāgata would attain Parinibbāna, the Venerable Ānanda fell in grief. Then, he went into a lodging, leaning on the doorpost, stood lamenting: “Alas! I am still a learner (sekkha) with tasks still to be done. And my Teacher, who has been so compassionate to me, is about to attain final Nibbāna.”
Knowing that the Venerable Ānanda was not beside Him, the Blessed One asked a bhikkhu to summon him to His presence and consoled him:
“Enough, Ānanda! Do not grieve! Do not lament! Have I not already told you that all things that are dear and beloved to us are subject to separation and changeable? So how could it be, Ānanda, that what is born, come to being, compounded, and subject to decay should not decay? That is not possible. Ānanda, for a long time you have attended on the Tathāgata faithfully both in His presence and in His absence with unbounded loving-kindness in act of body, speech and mind, for the benefit and welfare of the Tathāgata. You have made much merit, Ānanda. Keep on endeavouring and you will soon be free from taints.”
The Blessed One praised the Venerable Ānanda as wise and skilful in arranging the right time for bhikkhus, bhikkhunīs, upāsakas and upāsikās to come and see the Blessed One. The Blessed One also admired the Venerable Ānanda as he has four wonderful and marvelous qualities.
After the Blessed One preached the Mahāsudassana Sutta in connection with the place He chose for His Parinibbāna, He ordered the Venerable Ānanda to go to Kusinārā and announce to the Mallas of Kusinārā that the Tathāgata would attain final Nibbāna in the third watch of the night. Hearing the message brought by the Venerable Ānanda, the Malla princes, with their sons and daughters, daughters-in-law and their wives were grief-stricken, struck with anguish and sorrow. They went to the sāla grove to pay their last respects to the Blessed One.
Subhadda, the Last Disciple in the Presence of the Buddha
At that time, Subhadda the wandering ascetic was living at Kusinārā. He heard that the ascetic Gotama would attain Parinibbāna in the last watch of the night. He thought: “I have heard from the venerable elders, teachers among wandering ascetics, that indeed very rare, do the worthy, Fully Self-Enlightened Ones, the Tathāgatas, appear in the world. And, tonight, in the last watch, the ascetic Gotama will attain
final Nibbāna. Now, a doubt has arisen in my mind, and I have confidence in the ascetic Gotama that He can teach me the doctrine in such a way that I can dispel my doubt.”
Without delay, Subhadda went to the sāla grove and approached the Venerable Ānanda, expressing what he had thought and said: “Friend Ānanda, please allow me to see the ascetic Gotama!”
But the Venerable Ānanda replied: “Enough, friend Subhadda! Do not disturb the Tathāgata! The Blessed One is weary.”
Subhadda repeated his request for the second and third time, but the Venerable Ānanda replied in the same way, refusing it. Having overheard the conversation between the Venerable Ānanda and Subhadda, the Blessed One called the Venerable Ānanda: “Enough, Ānanda! Do not hinder Subhadda! Let him see the Tathāgata! For whatever Subhadda will ask of Me, he will ask in quest of his desire for perfect knowledge, not to annoy Me, and whatever I shall reply to his questions he will
quickly understand.”
Then, the Venerable Ānanda said: “Go, friend Subhadda! The Blessed One gives you permission.”
After exchanging friendly greetings with the Blessed One and sitting down at one side, Subhadda said: “O Gotama, there are these ascetics and brahmins who have large communities and followings, who are leaders of sects, who are renowned and famous as founders of schools, and who are esteemed by the multitude as saints, like Pūraṇa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosāla, Ajita Kesakambala, Pakudha Kaccāyana, Sañjaya
Belaṭṭhaputta, and Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta. Have they all realised the truth as they declare, or have none of them realised the truth, or have some of them realised the truth and some not?”
“Enough, Subhadda! Regardless whether they have all realised the truth as they declare, or none of them have realised the truth, or some of them have realised the truth and some not, I shall teach you the Dhamma. Listen and pay attention carefully to what I shall say!”
“Very well, Lord,” Subhadda replied.
“Subhadda, in whatever Dhamma and Vinaya the Noble Eightfold Path is not found, there is not found any ascetic of the first stage (Sotāpatti), neither is there any ascetic of the second stage (Sakadāgāmi), nor the third stage (Anāgāmi), nor the fourth stage (Arahatta). In whatever Dhamma and Vinaya the Noble Eightfold Path is
found, there are also found ascetics of the first stage, the second stage, the third stage, and the fourth stage.”
“Now, Subhadda, in this Dhamma and Vinaya of Mine, there exists the Noble Eightfold Path, and here, indeed, are found ascetics of the first stage, the second stage, the third stage, and the fourth stage. The other schools are void of true ascetics. And Subhadda, if these bhikkhus were to live and practise the Teaching rightly, the world will not be void of Arahants.”
“Subhadda, I was twenty-nine years of age when I renounced the world and became an ascetic to seek after what is wholesome. And now, over fifty years have passed since the time I went forth. Outside this Teaching, there is not a single ascetic who cultivates insight, even in part, which leads to the Noble Path. There is no ascetic of the first stage, nor is there any ascetic of the second stage, nor the
third stage, nor the fourth stage. The other schools are void of true ascetics. But if these bhikkhus were to live and practise the Teaching rightly, the world will not be void of Arahants.”
When Subhadda heard this, he said: “Magnificent, Lord, magnificent, Lord! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by the Blessed One, as though He were righting the overthrown, or revealing the hidden, or showing the way to one who is lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyes to see visible forms. I take refuge in the Blessed One, in the Dhamma and in the Saṁgha of Bhikkhus. Lord, may I receive the going-forth and the full admission in the presence of the Blessed One.”
The Blessed One said: “Subhadda, if a person who has already been a believer in other doctrines wishes for the going-forth and the full admission into this Dhamma and Vinaya, he has to live under probation for four months. At the end of the four months, if the bhikkhus are satisfied, he will be initiated and admitted into the Order and be raised to the state of a bhikkhu. However, I recognise differences in individuals.”
“Lord, if that is so, I am prepared to live under probation even for four years; and at the end of the four years, if the bhikkhus are satisfied, let them grant me the going-forth and full admission into the Order and raise me to the state of a bhikkhu.”
But, the Blessed One told the Venerable Ānanda: “Since that is so, Ānanda, let Subhadda be initiated into the Order!”
“Very well, Lord,” the Venerable Ānanda replied.
Then, Subhadda said to the Venerable Ānanda: “It is a gain for you, friend Ānanda, it is indeed a great gain to you, for you have been anointed by the Blessed One, and in His presence, the anointment of close discipleship.”
Then, Subhadda the wandering ascetic received the going-forth and full admission into the Order as a bhikkhu in the presence of the Blessed One, and was taught by Him the appropriate method of meditation. After that, the Venerable Subhadda sought a secluded place, went into meditation, keeping a constant mindfulness, striving arduously, and directing his mind towards the attainment of Nibbāna. And in no long time, the Venerable Subhadda attained Arahantship. He
was the last one to become an Arahant in the presence of the Blessed One.
The Last Utterance of the Buddha
The Blessed One addressed the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, you may think: ‘The Teacher’s instruction has ceased; now we have no Teacher.’ But you should not regard it so, for what I have taught and explained to you as the Dhamma and the Discipline will be your Teacher after My passing away.”
“Up till now, bhikkhus address each other with the word ‘Friend’ (āvuso), but they should not do so after My passing away. A senior bhikkhu should address a junior bhikkhu by his bhikkhu name or his family name, or as ‘Friend’ (āvuso). And a junior bhikkhu should address a senior bhikkhu as ‘Lord’ (Bhante) or ‘Venerable sir’
“Ānanda, if it so wishes, the Saṁgha may abolish the lesser and minor rules after My passing away.”
“And Ānanda, after My passing away, the higher penalty (brahmadaṇḍa) should be imposed upon the Venerable Channa.”
“But, Lord, what is the higher penalty?”
“Whatever the Venerable Channa wants or says, he should not be spoken to, admonished, or instructed by the bhikkhus.”
Then, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, it may be that some bhikkhu has doubts or uncertainty about the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Saṁgha, or about the path or the way of practice. Ask now, bhikkhus! Repent not afterwards, thinking: ‘We were face to face with the Teacher, yet we failed to ask the Blessed One in His presence to clear our doubts.’”
When this was said, the bhikkhus were silent. For the second and third time, the Blessed One repeated His words, and still they remained silent. Then, the Blessed One said: “Perhaps, bhikkhus, it may be out of respect for the Teacher that you do not ask Me. Then, bhikkhus, let one friend tell it to another!” But still, they were silent.
Then, the Venerable Ānanda said to the Blessed One: “It is wonderful, Lord, it is marvelous! I have such confidence that in this assembly there is not one bhikkhu who has doubts or uncertainty about the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Saṁgha, or about the path or the way of practice.”
“You, Ānanda, speak out of faith. But, the Tathāgata knows that in this assembly there is not a single bhikkhu who has doubts or uncertainty about the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Saṁgha, or about the path or the way of practice. Ānanda, the least one of these five hundred bhikkhus is a Sotāpanna, not subject to fall into woeful states, but certain and destined to Enlightenment.”
Then, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus and gave His last admonition:
“Handa dāni, bhikkhave, āmantayāmi vo,
Vayadhammā saṅkhārā,
Appamādena sampādetha.”
“Bhikkhus, now I declare to you:
“All conditioned things are of a nature to decay.
Strive on with diligence!”
The Buddha’s Mahāparinibbāna
After the Blessed One uttered His last words, the whole sāla grove fell into deep silence. The Blessed One entered upon the first ecstasy (jhāna). And emerging from it, He entered the second, the third, and the fourth jhāna. Then emerging from the fourth jhāna, He entered the Sphere of Infinite Space (ākāsānañcāyatana), the Sphere of Infinite Consciousness (viññāṇañcāyatana), the Sphere of Nothingness
(ākiñcaññāyatana), and the Sphere of Neither-Perception-Nor-Non-Per
The Venerable Ānanda, who noticed that the Blessed One did not breathe, was alarmed and said to the Venerable Anuruddha: “Venerable sir, the Blessed One has passed away.”
“No, friend Ānanda, the Lord has not passed away. He has attained the Cessation of Perception and Feeling.”
Then, the Blessed One, emerging from the Cessation of Perception and Feeling, entered the Sphere of Neither-Perception-Nor-Non-Per
And then again, emerging from the first jhāna, He entered the second jhāna, the third jhāna, and the fourth jhāna. And emerging from the fourth jhāna, the Blessed One attained final Nibbāna.
At the same time as the attainment the final Nibbāna by the Blessed One, there was a great and terrible earthquake—accompanied with thunder—causing hair-raising and gooseflesh.
It was in the last watch of the night on the full-moon day of Vesākha in 543 B.C. and on His eightieth year when the Blessed One passed away without any residue remaining.
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