69話 仏典結集

第7部 入滅のあとに
最終章 ブッダの遺産
69話 仏典結集
そして、雨期が近づいてきたとき、選ばれた比丘たちは全員、会議のためにラージャガハへ行った。しかし、かれらは、街の周辺にあって滞在する予定の十八僧院(精舎)が長いあいだ居住していなかったせいで良好な状態ではない、と知ったのである。そこでかれらは、建物で壊れたり、崩れたりしたところを修理することに決め、最初のひと月は、それに当てて、法と律の復誦は、ふた月目に始めることにした。仏教徒会議の開催場所は、七葉(サッタパンニ)窟の近くであった。ウェーバーラ山腹で、ラージャガハから、ほど近くの地にあり、サッタパンニの大きな樹(原注:七葉樹、ラテン語の学名はAlstonia(アルストニア) scholaris(スコラリス))が生えていた。
(訳注:マハーシ・サヤドーの解説では「横になっている、横になっている」と念じた、その瞬間をさす。『気づきと智慧のヴィパッサナー瞑想』 マハーシ長老著、星飛雄馬訳、サンガ刊による)
僧団の承認を得て、マハー・カッサパ尊者は、ウパーリ尊者に、初犯者(波羅夷(パーラージカ))から始めて、すべての律について審問した。問いは、主題、発生場所、因縁話、かかわった個人、もとの決まり、修正された決まり、何が違反で、何が違反ではないのか、で構成されていた。どの律の決まりに対しても、ウパーリ尊者は申し分なく答え、その決まりを朗唱し、その朗唱に沿って、五百人の比丘たちが声をひとつに合わせて朗唱した。このようにして、律蔵(ヴィナヤ ピタカ)の全体、すなわち二つの経分別(スッタヴィバンガ)、大品(マハーヴァッガ)、小品(チューラヴァッガ)、附随(パリヴァーラ)が復誦されたのである。
律の復誦の完了後、会議は法の復誦へ、とつづけられた。マハー・カッサパ尊者は、アーナンダ尊者に、法(ダンマ)の全体について審問し、「梵網経(ブラフマジャーラ スッタ)」(長部1)から始めた。マハー・カッサパ尊者の審問は、長い経典を集めた長部経典(ディーガニカーヤ)、中ぐらいの長さの経典を集めた中部経典(マッジマニカーヤ)、関連することを一つひとつ主題ごとに相応させて集めた相応部経典(サンユッタニカーヤ)、法数にしたがって一から十一まで集めた増支部経典(アングッタラニカーヤ)、小さな経典を集めた小部経典(クッダカニカーヤ)と、進められた。主題、発生場所、因縁話、かかわった個人、について問うた。経典ことごとくの審問終了時に、五百人の比丘たち全員が、声をひとつに合わせて朗唱した。
このようにしてブッダの教えは、第一回の仏教徒会議(第一結集)で、編集され、整理されたのである。そして、三つの籠(Piṭaka(ピタカ))、すなわち律蔵(ヴィナヤ ピタカ)、経蔵(スッタ ピタカ)、論蔵(アビダンマ ピタカ)に、まとめられた。「三蔵(ティ ピタカ)」として知られており、現代の今日まで保存されている。
第二回仏教徒会議(仏典結集)は、ヴェーサーリー市のヴァールカーラーマ僧院で、世尊入滅後一世紀の仏紀百年(100 B.E.)、西暦の紀元前443年(443 B.C.)に開催された。ヴェーサーリーのヴァッジ族の比丘は習慣化している十点の活動で法に反している(十事非法(ダサヴァットゥーニ)訳注:比丘が金銭の布施を受けて貯めた、など十点で、それを認めるかどうかで、大衆部と上座部の「根本分裂」の原因となった)、ということから会議は開かれた。七百人の阿羅漢が会議に参加し、サッバカーミ尊者が議長に選出された。カーラーソーカ王が必要なものの援助をして、会議は八か月つづいた。
第三回の仏典結集は、パータリプッタのアソーカラーマ僧院で、仏紀235 年、西暦の紀元前308年に開催された。この会議の主たる開催理由は、僧団に侵入してきた六万人の異教徒によって、ブッダの教えの純粋性が汚されているのを防護するためであった。モッガリプッタ・ティッサ尊者が会議の議長を務め、一千人の阿羅漢が参加した。アソーカ王の援助下、会議は九か月つづいた。会議後、仏教の布教使節が九つのさまざまな国々に派遣され、ブッダの教えを広めた。
第五回の仏典結集は、ミャンマーのマンダレーで、仏紀2415年、西暦1871年の十一月に、開かれた。ジャーガラービワンサ尊者によって率いられた二千四百人の比丘が、この会議に参加した。ミンドン王が、会議を始めさせ、終わりまで援助した。会議の期間中に、すでに椰子の葉に書き記されていたパーリ語の三蔵が、729枚の大理石の石板に記録された。すなわち、律蔵(ヴィナヤ ピタカ)111枚、経蔵(スッタ ピタカ)410枚、論蔵(アビダンマ ピタカ)208枚である。記録作業はマンダレーヒルの麓のマハー・ローカマーラジナ・クドードォ仏塔の境内で行われた。作業には七年六か月と十四日間かかった。それから、比丘たちは、石板の碑文が正しいものである、と認証するため朗唱し、それには五か月と三日かかったのである。
Iti pi so Bhagavā(イティ ピ ソー バガワー)
Sammāsambuddho(サンマー サンブッドー)
Vijjācaraṇasampanno(ヴィッジャー チャラナ サンパンノー)
Lokavidū(ローカ ヴィドゥー)
Anuttaro Purisadammasārathi(アヌッタロー プリサ ダンマ サーラティー)
Satthā Devamanussānaṃ(サッター デーワ マヌッサーナン)
(ブッダの九徳 「旗先経」 相応部経典 有偈篇 帝釈相応より)
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
It was still fresh in the Venerable Mahā Kassapa’s mind the callous words spoken by Subhadda—an elderly bhikkhu in his company who became a bhikkhu at his late age—during their journey from Pāvā to Kusinārā. Hearing these irreverent remarks, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa was filled with alarm for the safety and purity of the Dhamma, as though he was struck by thunder on the head. He thought: “Alas, this has been only seven days since the Blessed One passed away and when His golden-hued body is still in existence, but there has arisen a bad bhikkhu who could spoil the existence of the Teachings, which had been set up with so much difficulty by the Blessed One. Indeed, he is a scum of the religion, a thorn to the Order of Bhikkhus. There would be a great danger to the Teachings in the future if such a wicked bhikkhu
should grow.”
At that time, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa neither admonished nor rebuked him, thinking: “If I were to censure and had this wicked bhikkhu disrobed as he deserved now, the people would say, ‘Even when the remains of the Blessed One are still in existence, His disciples are already in disharmony.’ I must be patient.”
But, these thoughts occurred to the Venerable Mahā Kassapa: “Indeed, the Blessed One had come to Kusinārā after travelling three gāvutas to enable me to pay my last respects to Him there. He had given me the triple exhortation which constituted my full admission into the Order of Bhikkhus. And He had bestowed me an honour not shared by any other disciple. He had given His hempen and worn-out rag robes in exchange for my soft double-robe. Indeed, this was the Blessed One’s will to
set me up as the custodian of His Dispensation.”
The Venerable Mahā Kassapa also reflected thus: “It would be good if a council of elders were convened to recite in harmony all the Dhamma and the Discipline expounded by the Blessed One. By doing so, the bhikkhus will learn the Dhamma thoroughly and discuss the Discipline on the matters that are proper and improper. And such a mischievous bhikkhu will know his position and will be indirectly rebuked. Thus, such an ill-behaved bhikkhu will never grow. This way, the holy Truth would survive for a long time.”
It was a few weeks after the Mahāparinibbāna when the relics of the Blessed One had just been distributed. At that time, a large number of bhikkhus still assembled at Kusinārā. On that occasion, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa met the right time and the good opportunity to propose his idea of holding a council of bhikkhus to rehearse the Blessed One’s Teachings and to preserve them for the next generations.
The Venerable Mahā Kassapa related to the congregation of bhikkhus, saying: “Now, friends, let us rehearse the Dhamma and the Discipline and preserve them for posterity, before what is not the Dhamma shine forth and the Dhamma is withheld, before what is not the Discipline shine forth and the Discipline is withheld, before those who speak what is not the Dhamma become strong and those who speak the Dhamma become feeble, before those who speak of what is not the Discipline become strong and those who speak of the Discipline become feeble.”
“Well then, honoured sir, let the Venerable one select the bhikkhus to carry out the rehearsal of the Dhamma and the Discipline.”
The Venerable Mahā Kassapa selected five hundred Arahants, less one. However, the congregation of bhikkhus said to him: “Venerable sir, there is the Venerable Ānanda. Although he is still a sekkha, he is not one to follow a wrong course through desire, anger, delusion or fear. He has mastered much of the Dhamma and the Discipline of a wide variety in presence of the Blessed One. Let the Venerable one select the Venerable Ānanda as well.”
Considering that the position of the Venerable Ānanda was essential for holding the Council, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa then admitted the Venerable Ānanda to complete the five hundred members of the First Buddhist Council with the approval of the congregation.
They chose Rājagaha, the capital city of the Magadha Kingdom, for the place for holding the Council as it was a big city with plenty of accommodation, and there was no difficulty about supplies. The Venerable Mahā Kassapa then made a Formal Act of the Saṁgha (Saṁghakamma), which was approved by the congregation that the five
hundred bhikkhus would stay at Rājagaha during the rains (vassa) for the purpose of rehearsing the Dhamma and the Discipline; and that other bhikkhus were not allowed to stay at Rājagaha during the same period.
And when the rains was approaching, all the bhikkhus selected for the Council went to Rājagaha. But, they found that the eighteen monasteries for their residence around the city were not in a good condition due to long non-occupancy. So, they decided to repair the broken and dilapidated parts of the buildings and compounds during the first month, and would start the rehearsal of the Dhamma and the
Discipline in the second month. The place of the Buddhist Council was near the Sattapaṇṇi Cave, situated on the side of Mount Vebhāra, near Rājagaha, where the great Sattapaṇṇi tree (Alstonia scholaris) grew.
Under the patronage of King Ajātasattu, they made repairs of the monasteries. The king also had a grand pavilion erected outside of the Sattapaṇṇi Cave and made ready all other necessary arrangements for the bhikkhus in holding the Council.
When the time set for the Council came closer, some bhikkhus went about, saying among themselves: “Among the members of this Council, there is still one bhikkhu who has not completely eradicated his cankers.” The Venerable Ānanda soon heard this ridicule and knew that it was no one else but himself. The Venerable Anuruddha even gave a strict prerequisite that the Venerable Ānanda should only be admitted if he could overcome the last taints and attained Arahantship.
Hearing this, the Venerable Ānanda thought: “The Council will begin tomorrow. It would not be proper for me if I should go to the assembly as a mere sekkha.” Having determined himself in the practice to realise Nibbāna, he applied all his effort in the mindfulness of the body throughout the night, but he was not able to eradicate all his last taints. Then, when it was near dawn, he thought: “Now my effort is over-exerted and this makes my mind agitated. I shall therefore balance my effort and concentration.” So, he came down from the walk, and standing in the foot-washing place, he washed his feet. He entered his dwelling, thinking: “I shall sit on the bed and take a little rest,” and he reclined his body on the bed. As his two feet had left
the floor and his head had not yet reached the pillow, in that short interval, he reached Arahantship, without assuming any of the four bodily postures.
Proceedings of the Council
It was the day of the rehearsal of the Dhamma and the Discipline. Having finished their meal, all the elder bhikkhus went to the assembly hall for the rehearsal, but the Venerable Ānanda did not go together with them. Soon, after all the elder bhikkhus were seated, they came to know that one seat was still unoccupied. They asked each other: “Whose seat is it?”
“It is Ānanda’s,” the other replied.
They asked again: “But, where has Ānanda gone?”
When they asked that question, the Venerable Ānanda thought that it was his time to go to the Council. Then, the Venerable Ānanda went there by his psychic power; he dived into the earth and then showed himself sitting on the seat reserved for him. When the Venerable Mahā Kassapa and the Venerable Anuruddha saw this, they knew he had attained his goal and expressed their joy.
When the five hundred members of the Council were seated, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa commenced the Council by addressing the bhikkhus: “Friends, which shall we rehearse first, the Dhamma or the Discipline?”
The bhikkhus replied: “Venerable sir, the Discipline is called the life of the Buddha’s Teaching. As long as the Discipline lasts, the Buddha’s Teaching will last. Therefore, let us first rehearse the Discipline.”
With the permission of the Saṁgha, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa interrogated the Venerable Upāli on the whole Discipline, beginning with the First Defeat (Pārājika). The questions comprised the subject matter, the place of origin, its background story, the individual concerned, the original rule, the amended rule, what was an offence, and what was not an offence. For every disciplinary rule which had
been answered well by the Venerable Upāli, a recitation of the rule—along with its source—was done in unison by all the five hundred bhikkhus. In this way, the whole Basket of the Discipline (Vinaya Piṭaka), i.e. two Suttavibhaṅgas, the Mahāvagga, the Cullavagga, and the Parivāra were recited.
After the rehearsal of the Discipline was completed, the Council continued with the rehearsal of the Dhamma. The Venerable Mahā Kassapa interrogated the Venerable Ānanda on the whole Dhamma, beginning with the Brahmajāla Sutta. He proceeded the interrogation on the whole Collection of Long Discourses (Dīgha Nikāya), the Collection of Middle-Length Discourses (Majjhima Nikāya), the Collection of Kindred
Sayings (Saṁyutta Nikāya), the Collection of Gradual Sayings (Aṅguttara Nikāya), and the Minor Collection (Khuddaka Nikāya). He questioned the subject matter, the place of origin, its background story, and the individual concerned. At the end of every discourse (sutta), all the five hundred bhikkhus recited the discourse in unison.
Thus, the Teachings of the Buddha were compiled and arranged in this First Buddhist Council. And as they were collected in three baskets, i.e. the Basket of the Discipline (Vinaya Piṭaka), the Basket of Discourses (Sutta Piṭaka), and the Basket of the Higher Doctrine (Abhidhamma Piṭaka), they are known as the “Tipiṭaka”, which is
preserved up to the present day.
When the rehearsal of the Dhamma and the Discipline was done, the Venerable Ānanda told the assembly: “Venerable sirs, at His imminent passing away, the Blessed One spoke to me: ‘Ānanda, if it wishes, the Saṁgha may abolish the lesser and minor rules after My passing away.’”
“But, friend Ānanda, did you ask the Blessed One what these lesser and minor rules were?”
“No, Venerable sirs, I did not ask the Blessed One.”
Then, the elder bhikkhus discussed about what these lesser and minor rules really were, but they could not reach a conclusion. Thereupon, the Venerable Mahā Kassapa addressed the assembly: “If we were to abolish these lesser and minor rules which we actually do not know, the lay people might say: ‘The disciples of the recluse Gotama observed the training rules only when their Master was still amongst them. But soon after the passing away of their Master, they do not train themselves in the training rules.’ If it seems proper to the Saṁgha, we should not lay down what has not been laid down, nor should we abolish what has been laid down; we should proceed in conformity with and according to the training rules which have been laid down.”
The elder bhikkhus charged the Venerable Ānanda with several offences of wrongdoing. First, he was arraigned for not asking the Blessed One what was meant by the lesser and minor rules. The Venerable Ānanda replied that it was out of unmindfulness that he did not ask the Blessed One; at that time, he was overwhelmed with grief at the imminent passing away of the Blessed One.
Second, he was charged of having stepped on the Blessed One’s rains-cloth while he was sewing it. The Venerable Ānanda replied that it was not out of disrespect to the Blessed One; it was because there was no one to help him that he had trod on the Blessed One’s rains-cloth.
Third, he was charged with having permitted women to salute first the Blessed One’s remains; they made the Blessed One’s remains smeared with their tears. The Venerable Ānanda replied that at the time of the funeral, he did not want to detain them for a prolonged period so that they may return home before dark.
Fourth, he was charged with failing to beg the Blessed One to remain for an aeon even though a broad hint was given by the Blessed One. The Venerable Ānanda replied that at that time he was under the influence of Māra.
Fifth, he was charged with having pleaded for the going forth of women into the Order proclaimed by the Blessed One. The Venerable Ānanda replied that he did so by considering that Mahāpajāpati Gotamī was the sister of the Blessed One’s mother, His foster mother, who had nursed Him in His infancy more than her own son.
Nevertheless, out of faith in the elder bhikkhus, the Venerable Ānanda acknowledged each of them as a wrongdoing.
Then, the Venerable Ānanda informed the assembly that the Blessed One had also instructed him immediately before His passing away that the higher penalty should be imposed upon the Venerable Channa. The assembly requested the Venerable Ānanda himself to enjoin the higher penalty on the Venerable Channa. He went along together with a large number of bhikkhus to Kosambī, where the Venerable Channa was living, and declared it to him.
When Venerable Channa heard this, he fell down and fainted at that very place. When he regained his senses, he was deeply ashamed and was seized with deep repentance and grief. Then, he dwelt in seclusion, put forth his strenuous effort and within a short time he became an Arahant. The Venerable Channa then went to the Venerable Ānanda and begged him to revoke the penalty. The Venerable Ānanda replied that as soon as he had realised perfection, the penalty had ceased to be
The Five Successive Councils
The Second Buddhist Council was held at the Vālukārāma Monastery near the City of Vesālī, a century after the passing away of the Blessed One, in 100 B.E. (443 B.C.). It was held because the Vajjian bhikkhus from Vesālī were in the habit of practising the Ten Points (Dasavatthūni), which were unlawful. Seven hundred Arahants participated at this Council, wherein the Venerable Sabbakāmi was elected president. King Kālāsoka gave the necessary support to the Council, which lasted eight months.
The Third Buddhist Council was held at the Asokārāma Monastery at Pāṭaliputta in 235 B.E. (308 B.C.). The main reason of holding this Council was to protect the purity of the Buddha’s Teaching from being polluted by sixty thousand heretics who infiltrated into the Saṁgha. The Venerable Moggaliputta Tissa presided over the Council, which was participated by one thousand Arahants. The Council lasted nine months under the patronage of King Asoka. After the Council, Buddhist missionaries were sent to nine different countries to propagate the Buddha’s Teachings.
The Fourth Buddhist Council was held at the Āloka Cave, in the Village of Matale or Malaya in Ceylon, about 450 B.E., during the reign of King Vaṭṭagāmani Abhaya (101-77 B.C.). This Council was called Aluvihāra or the Ālokavihāra Council. It was said that at that time the Buddhist religious practice and culture were threatened by
growing materialism and moral decline of mankind through wars and famines. The elder bhikkhus foresaw that if such a danger were to appear in the future, the bhikkhus would not be able to memorise the Dhamma and the Discipline by heart due to the declination of their power of mindfulness, concentration and wisdom. Then, five hundred learned bhikkhus under the presidentship of the Venerable Rakkhita
Mahāthera held the Council. During the Council, the entire Buddhist Scriptures (the Tipiṭaka) and the Commentaries (Aṭṭhakathā) were inscribed on palm leaves. Thus, the Buddhist Scriptures, which were transmitted orally for a number of centuries, were put to writing in this Council. The Council lasted one year and was patronised by a minister of the king.
The Fifth Buddhist Council was convened at Mandalay, Myanmar, in 2415 B.E. (in November 1871 A.D.). Two thousand and four hundred bhikkhus led by the Venerable Jāgarābhivaṁsa participated in this Council. King Mindon initiated and gave support to the Council up to the end. During this Council, the Tipiṭaka Pāḷi—already trascribed on palm leaves—was recorded on as many as 729 marble slabs viz. 111 marble slabs of the Vinaya Piṭaka, 410 marble slabs of the Sutta Piṭaka, and 208 marble slabs of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka. The recording was done in the precinct of the Mahā Lokamārajina Kuthodaw Pagoda, at the foot of the Mandalay Hill. It took seven years, six months and fourteen days to complete this work. Then, the bhikkhus rehearsed to approve the inscriptions for five months and three days.
The Sixth Buddhist Council was inaugurated on the full-moon day of Vesākha (May) in 1954 in the Mahāpāsāṇa Cave, Kabā-Aye, Yangon, Myanmar. The Council was held aiming at the purification and promotion of the Buddha’s Teaching. Two thousand and five hundred learned bhikkhus from various countries, particularly Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos, took part in the Council. The Venerable Revata (Nyaung Yan Sayādaw) was the president of the Council, the Venerable Sobhana (Mahāsī Sayādaw) the questioner, and the Venerable Vicittasārābhivaṁsa (Mingun Sayādaw) the respondent. During the council, the Tipiṭaka Pāḷi, the Aṭṭhakathā, and the Sub-Commentaries (Ṭīkā) were re-examined. This Council, which was inaugurated in 1954, was held until its tasks were completed on the full-moon day of Vesākha 1956, coinciding with the 2,500th anniversary of the Buddha’s Mahāparinibbāna.
Iti pi so Bhagavā
Anuttaro Purisadammasārathi
Satthā Devamanussānaṁ
Because of this the Bhagavā is called
The Worthy One
The Fully-Enlightened One
One Fully Endowed With Knowledge and Conduct
One Who Has Gone Beyond
The Knower of the Worlds
The Incomparable Leader of Man to be Trained
The Teacher of Gods and Man
The Enlightened
And the Blessed
(Dhajagga Sutta)
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奥田 昭則

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