
15話 髮を切る

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第1部 出家まで 

第5章 出家

15話  髮を


それから、菩薩は黄金おうごんけん右手みぎてにもち、左手ひだりてで自分のながかみをつかんだ。いっきに、それをとし、そのもとどりと冠をむすんだ。のこった頭髪とうはつゆびほんはばの長さで、もはやそのままで生涯しょうがいわりまでびなかった。このとき厳粛げんしゅく決意けついかためた。「もし、わたしがブッダになるさだめなら、この髪は空中くうちゅうに浮かんだままになれ! さもなければ、地上ちじょう落下らっかさせよ!」と。そして髪を上空じょうくうげた。おどろくべきことに、空中に浮かんだままになったのである。
「カンタカ、チャンナといっしょにっておくれ! もう、わたしをつな! わたしは一切いっさい知者ちしゃになってから、またやって来るであろう」


※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.




The Bodhisatta rode the white steed Kanthaka, which was running at a great speed. But after covering some distance, a thought of taking a view of Kapilavatthu arose in his mind. He stopped his royal horse and turned round, taking a final look at the city. A holy shrine (cetiya) called Kanthakanivatta Cetiya had since been erected at the very place where the royal horse Kanthaka halted. After that, the Bodhisatta
continued his journey passing through the three kingdoms of Sākya, Koliya and Malla, covering a distance of thirty yojanas in one whole night. He finally arrived at the bank of the Anomā River.
He stopped his royal horse Kanthaka at the edge of the river and asked his charioteer: “Channa, what is the name of this river?”
“This river is called Anomā, Your Majesty,” Channa replied.
The Bodhisatta reflected the meaning of the river’s name as a token of his renunciation and made a wish: “May my renunciation not be inferior but a superior one.” (Anomā means ‘not inferior’). Then, the Bodhisatta ordered Kanthaka to cross the river by striking his belly with the heel, and Kanthaka immediately made a great jump to the farther bank of the river.
It was dawn. The white sand on the bank of the river was gleaming like pearls under the morning sunray. The wind was blowing fresh morning air; the grass, bushes and leaves of trees were still wet with night dews while the birds just awake from their night rest were chirping and twittering noisily as if they were telling everyone that the day had started. The Bodhisatta dismounted from the back of Kanthaka. While standing on the white sandbank, he addressed Channa: “My friend Channa, I have arrived at my destination and I will become a monk. Please, take the horse Kanthaka together with my royal regalia and return to Kapilavatthu!”
“Your Majesty, I have always accompanied you since our childhood. Please let me be a monk like you, so that I can always accompany you!” Channa pleaded.
“No, Channa. You do not have my permission to become a monk. Just go back to Kapilavatthu!” forbade the Bodhisatta, who afterwards handed over his royal steed Kanthaka and the ornaments to Channa.
Thereafter, the Bodhisatta took out his golden sword with his right hand, and grabbed his long hair by his left hand. With a single stroke, he cut off his long hair, which he then he held together with his royal diadem. The length of his hair remained two fingers’ breadth and it did not grow any longer till the end of his life. Then, he made a solemn resolution: “If I were destined to become a Buddha, let this hair stay in the air! Else, let it fall to the ground!” and threw the hair up. It marvelously remained in the air.
Sakka, the king of devas, who saw the Bodhisatta’s hair with the royal diadem hanging in the air, immediately received it with a jewel casket. He erected a shrine named Cūḷāmaṇi Cetiya for enshrining it.
Again, the Bodhisatta reflected that the royal clothes he was wearing were improper for an ascetic. Brahmā Ghaṭikāra, who happened to be an old friend in the lifetime of the Buddha Kassapa, saw the Bodhisatta was going forth on noble renunciation that very day. Then from his Akaniṭṭha-Brahmā abode, he came down to the human world taking the requisites of a monk for his old friend, the Bodhisatta prince. He offered the eight requisites (aṭṭhaparikkhāra) to the Bodhisatta: a
double robe (saṅghāṭi), an upper robe (uttarāsaṅga), a lower robe (antaravāsaka), an alms-bowl (patta), an adze (vāsi), a needle (sūci), a waistband (kāyabandhana), and a water-strainer (parissāvana).
Having properly put on the robeswhich may be termed as the banner of Arahatta Phalathe Bodhisatta threw his royal garments up into the sky. Brahmā Ghaṭikāra seized them. He then he erected a shrine, called Dussa Cetiya, for enshrining them in the Akaniṭṭha-Brahmā abode.
Having become a monk, the Bodhisatta instructed Channa to immediately go back to Kapilavatthu: “Channa, the time has come for us to separate. Send my respect to my father King Suddhodana, my mother Queen Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī and Princess Yasodharā, and convey to them that I am in good health!”
Channa paid obeisance respectfully to the Bodhisatta, took the Bodhisatta’s ornaments along with the royal steed Kanthaka, and departed. Channa was about to go, however Kanthaka refused to. The horse stood firmly on the ground thinking that from then on he would not have the opportunity to see his master any longer. The Bodhisatta approached the horse, rubbed his head very softly and persuaded: “Kanthaka, please go with Channa! Do not wait for me any more! I will come back after I gain omniscience.”
Then, both Channa and Kanthaka departed with tears rolling down on their faces. After a distance, Kanthaka stopped and turned around to have a last look at the Bodhisatta. After they had covered some distance and they could not see one another anymore, Kanthaka, who had been lamenting since the departure, could not bear his deep grief of separation from the Bodhisatta, whom he loved so much. Thus, he died
broken-hearted. Being separated from his two close friends, Channa continued his way home to Kapilavatthu, weeping and crying.
At the age of twenty-nine, the Sākyan prince Siddhattha Gotama, young, handsome and full of power, the single inheritor of the Sākya Kingdom, had left all the luxuries and enjoyments of worldly life to become a monk for the sake of humanity, to seek the way to overcome suffering caused by birth, aging, sickness and death. From then onwards, he wandered as a homeless one, supporting his life by
collecting alms-food, releasing his tiredness by sleeping under a tree or in a lonely cave, and fully dedicating himself to his noble quest. Thus came about what is known as “The Great Renunciation”.

To be continued

※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.南伝ブッダ年代記





奥田 昭則



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