
01話 スメーダ・・・・未来のブッダ

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第1部 出家まで 

第1章 ブッダの過去世

01話 スメーダ・・・未来のブッダ








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南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ


                   SUMEDHA, THE BUDDHA-TO-BE

Four incalculable ages (asaṅkhyeyya) and a hundred thousand aeons (kappa) ago, in the flourishing City of Amaravatī, there lived a young son of a rich brahmin family named Sumedha. When he was still young, his parents passed away and left him with all their wealth. As a young brahmin, he studied the three Vedas, and before long he became expert and could recite them flawlessly.

When Sumedha had finished his education and come of age, the family treasurer brought him a list of treasures which he had kept since the passing away of Sumedha’s parents; the treasurer opened the treasure house—full of gold, silver, diamond, rubies, pearls and other valuables. The treasurer handed the entire wealth over to him, saying: “Young master, you inherit all this wealth which has come down from your mother’s side, your father’s side and from seven generations of your ancestors. You may do anything as you wish!”

One day, while he was sitting cross-legged in solitude, a thought occurred to him: “Miserable, indeed, is being born into this existence as the body will be plagued by old age, sickness and death. Only if I could abandon this body, would I be liberated from the misery of birth, old age, sickness and death. My parents, grandparents and ancestors could only amass the wealth, but they could not bring even a single gold coin with them when they passed away. I will also become old, sick, and finally dead one day. It will be good if, after having released this wealth, I leave the household life, go into the forest and become an ascetic. I will seek the path leading to the liberation from this bondage of life.”

Accordingly, after obtaining permission from the king, the mighty drum was beaten, and he proclaimed his great alms-giving to the whole City of Amaravatī: “Let whosoever desire my wealth come and take it!” Thus, people of various status, from various places, came and took Sumedha’s wealth as they wished.


Beginning the Ascetic Life

After the great act of charity, Sumedha renounced the world and left for the Himalayas on that very day. On reaching the foothills of the Himalayas, Sumedha walked along the hills and ravines, looking for a suitable place where he could live comfortably. There, he found a hermitage beside the river in the region of the Dhammika Mountain. After investigating that the leaf-hut belonged to no one, he decided to use it as his dwelling place. Then, he discarded his layman’s dress, donned the fibre-robe and made himself ascetic.

From that day onwards, he practised ascetic life without negligence. He understood that there are three categories of wrong thoughts—thoughts based on sense desire (kāma vitakka) leading one to sense-indulgence, thoughts based on ill-will (vyāpāda vitakka) leading one to killing, destroying and harming, and thoughts based on cruelty (vihiṁsa vitakka) leading one to causing harm and injury to others. Knowing this, the ascetic devoted himself totally to the practice of mental detachment and physical detachment (paviveka). Consequently, the next day he abandoned the hut and approached the foot of trees for his dwelling place.

The following morning, he entered a nearby village for alms-food. The villagers enthusiastically offered him choice food. After meal, he sat down thinking: “I became an ascetic not because I lacked food and nourishment. It would be good if I abstain from food made from cultivated grains and live only on the fruits that fall from trees.”

Since then, he only lived on the fruits that fall from trees. He made strenuous efforts to meditate incessantly only in the three postures of sitting, standing and walking, without lying down at all. As a result, at the end of the seventh day, he achieved eight attainments (jhāna) and the five supernormal powers (Abhiññā).

To be continued

※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.南伝ブッダ年代記





奥田 昭則



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