03話 マハ―マーヤー妃の夢

第1部 出家まで
第2章 生誕
03話 マハーマーヤー妃の夢
「偉大なる王よ、ご心配なく! 王妃は、王子を懐妊されたのです。もしや王子が在家の生活を捨てて行者になったとしても、必ず一切知者のブッダになられます」
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Over two thousand and six hundred years ago, in Northern India, at the foothills of the Himalayas, there were a number of large and small kingdoms ruled by kings. One of these kingdoms belonged to the Sākyans, and its royal city was called Kapilavatthu. At that time, the king was of the Khattiya (Noble Warrior) race; his name was Suddhodana.
King Suddhodana was married to a beautiful Koliyan princess named Mahāmāyā as his chief queen. They lived happily, and everyone in the kingdom loved them because King Suddhodana was a wise and skilful king; so was Queen Mahāmāyā, who possessed equally good moral character.
It had been quite a long time since they were married, but they had not been favoured any children, especially a son who was expected to succeed to the throne. There was a custom of the Sākyans to celebrate an annual festival called Uttarāsāḷhanakkhatta, which fell in the month of Āsāḷha, for seven days. Queen Mahāmāyā also took part in the festival, which was distinguished by beautification with flowers, perfumes, ornaments and by total abstinence from liquor. On the seventh day of the festival, on the full-moon day of Āsāḷha, Queen Mahāmāyā woke up early, took a perfumed bath and made a most generous donation. She then took eight precepts from her teacher and spent the entire day by observing the precepts. At that full-moon night, she had a dream. In her dreams, she felt that four deva kings lifted and carried her along on a royal couch to Manosilātala, near the Anotatta Lake in the Himalayas. There, she was placed under the shade of a sāla tree.
Then, the wives of the four deva kings approached and bathed her in the lake; they dressed her in celestial raiment, anointed her with perfumes and adorned her with celestial flowers. They let her sleep in a golden mansion inside a silver mountain not far from the lake. In her dream, she saw a white elephant holding a white lotus flower in his gleaming trunk. The elephant appeared and walked around her clockwise three times, and entered into her womb from the right side. Finally, the elephant disappeared, and she woke up.
Early in the morning, she told the king about her dream. Not knowing how to interpret it, the king summoned some wise men (brahmins) and asked them the meaning. The wise men replied: “Great king, be not anxious! The queen has now conceived a baby boy. If he renounces the household life as ascetic, he will surely become an Omniscient Buddha.” Both the king and the queen were very happy upon hearing this news
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