
04話 生地ルンビニー・・・・菩薩降誕

南伝ブッダ年代記 | アシン・クサラダンマ | 花

アシン・クサラダンマ長老 著 
奥田昭則 訳 / チョウ・ピュー・サン 挿絵

第1部 出家まで 

第2章 生誕

04話  生地せいちルンビニー・・・・菩薩ぼさつ降誕ごうたん

さて、王妃の旅の行列ぎょうれつはカピラヴァットゥとデーヴァダハの中間ちゅうかんにあるルンビニーえんというサーラじゅ原注げんちゅう:ラテン語Shoreaショレア robustaロブスタ沙羅さら)のはやしにさしかかった。ここは釈迦しゃか、コーリヤりょう王国おうこくひとびとが行楽こうらくのためにしばしばおとずれるところだった。そのなつのあいだちゅう、ルンビニー園のどのサーラ樹のどこのえだにも、あわ黄色きいろのちいさなはながびっしりいちめんいていた。

“Aggo’haṃasmi lokassa! (アッゴーハマスミ ローカッサ)
Jeṭṭho’haṃasmi lokassa! (ジェットーハマスミ ローカッサ)
Seṭṭho’haṃasmi lokassa! (セットーハマスミ ローカッサ)
Ayaṃantima jāti! (アヤマンティマ ジャーティ)
Natthi dāni punabbhavo!” (ナッティ ダーニ プナッバヴォー)

菩薩降誕ぼさつごうたん同時どうじに、ななつの存在そんざいがこの世に誕生たんじょうした。ヤソーダラー王女おうじょ将来しょうらいつまでラーフラのはは)、アーナンダ王子おうじ御者ぎょしゃチャンナ、大臣だいじんカールダーイー、王家のうまカンタカ、菩提樹ぼだいじゅよっつの宝瓶ほうびょう (ニディクンバー)、である。


※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.


When the age of her pregnancy was ten months old, the queen felt an urge to visit Devadaha, the city of her royal relatives. It was the custom in India at that time for a wife to give birth in her father’s house. She asked for permission from King Suddhodana, saying: “O great king, I wish to go to Devadaha, the city of my father. My baby is about due now.” The king gave his assent, saying: “Very well, I will have adequate preparations made for your journey.”


The king ordered the soldiers of royal attendants to clean up, repair and decorate the roads from Kapilavatthu to Devadaha with flags and banners. He had the queen seated on a new golden palanquin carried by royal servants and accompanied by a large retinue. Thus, the queen was sent off by the king to Devadaha with pomp and grandeur.


Now, the royal procession was passing through a pleasure grove of sāla (Shorea robusta) trees, called the Lumbinī Park, situated between Kapilavatthu and Devadaha. This park was frequented by people from both kingdoms for recreation. During that summer, every sāla tree in the park was blooming all over the branches.


Swarms of honeybees in five colours were humming around the flowers of the sāla trees, and birds of many species were chirping sweet melodies. The fragrance of the sāla flowers was spreading to all directions of the park, as if inviting everyone to come and enjoy its beauty. All that made the whole park seem like the Cittalatā Garden of Sakka, the king of devas.


As the palanquin was passing through the park, Queen Mahāmāyā saw its splendour and felt a desire to take a rest and amuse herself for a while in the cool shade of the sāla trees. Alighting from her golden palanquin, she walked about the grove. Under a fully blooming sāla tree, she outstretched her right hand to grasp one of its branches. A marvelous event stirred up the minds of many as the straight branch bent down by itself like a cane stalk until it reached the queen’s palm. At that very moment, she felt the pangs of child birth. Her attendants hastily cordoned off the area with curtains and withdrew. Thus, while holding on to the branch of the sāla tree, she delivered a baby boy in a standing position. It was on the full-moon day of Vesākha, in the year 623 B.C.


Two fountains of pure spring water, warm and cold, showered down from the sky and fell on the already pure and clean bodies of the Bodhisatta and the mother as a token of homage.


Then, the Bodhisatta stood firmly on his feet and examined the ten directions, seeing no one superior to him. Thereupon, he faced northward and took seven steps forward, with a lotus flower appearing on the ground under each of his footsteps.

The Bodhisatta halted at the seventh step, raising his right hand
over his head and made a fearless roar:

“Aggo’haṁ asmi lokassa!
Jeṭṭho’haṁ asmi lokassa!
Seṭṭho’haṁ asmi lokassa!
Ayaṁ antima jāti!
Natthi dāni punabbhavo!”

“I am the most superior in the world!
I am the greatest in the world!
I am the most exalted in the world!
This is my last birth!
There is no more rebirth for me!”

At the same time as the birth of the Bodhisatta, there also came into existence seven other beings. They were: Princess Yasodharā (his future wife and mother of Rāhula), Prince Ānanda, his charioteer Channa, Minister Kāḷudāyī, his royal horse Kanthaka, the Bodhi tree and four treasure pots (Nidhikumbhī).


As the baby son had been born, Queen Mahāmāyā and the Bodhisatta returned to Kapilavatthu. Having heard this good news, King Suddhodana was very happy. Together with all the citizens of Kapilavatthu, he greeted the new prince with great rejoicing.

To be continued

※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/  All rights reserved.南伝ブッダ年代記





奥田 昭則



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