05話 アシタ仙人・・・泣き笑いの理由

第1部 出家まで
第2章 生誕
05話 アシタ仙人・・・・泣き笑いの理由
「おお偉大なる王よ! 高貴な王子が生まれた、と聞きました。お目にかからせていただきたい」
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The joy over the Bodhisatta’s birth was felt not only by King
Suddhodana and the citizens of Kapilavatthu, but also by Asita the
sage. The teacher of King Suddhodana, he was also known as Kāḷadevala.
Having heard from the joyous Tāvatiṁsa devas, headed by Sakka, about
the birth of a noble son to the king, he became very happy, too.
Immediately, he went to the palace. The king was very happy being
visited by his wise old teacher. Having been seated and exchanging
words of greeting with the king, the sage Asita said: “O great king! I
have heard that a noble son has been born to you. I would like to see
him.” Then, the king carried the baby prince to the sage to let the
child pay homage to the royal teacher. But to the surprise of all, the
feet of the baby turned and rested on the sage’s head. Astonished by
what had just happened, the sage rose from his seat and realised the
extraordinary power of the Bodhisatta. Clasping his hands, he paid
obeisance to the Bodhisatta. Seeing the amazing scene, King Suddhodana
also saluted his own son. This was the first reverence by the king.
The sage Asita then inspected the body of the baby prince and found
the major and minor marks of a Great Man. Through his wisdom, he knew
that the prince would certainly become a Buddha. Knowing this, he
laughed in great delight, but wept bitterly afterwards.
Seeing the scene, the courtiers asked the sage: “Venerable sir, will
there be any danger to our master’s son?”
“O no, there will not be any danger to him,” the sage replied, “I am
laughing because I am very lucky to see him. In fact, he will become a
Buddha, a Fully-Enlightened One, and I lament because I will have no
opportunity to see the attainment of his Enlightenment. This will be a
great loss to me.”
The Sage Asita’s Nephew, Nālaka
The sage realised that he would not live until the prince attained Enlightenment. He then pondered whether someone among his relations would have an opportunity of seeing the Buddha. He foresaw that his nephew Nālaka would. After leaving the palace, he visited his sister’s house. He summoned his nephew and encouraged him to leave the world at once and become a recluse in the name of the Bodhisatta, who would attain Buddhahood at the age of thirty-five.
The young Nālaka had confidence in his uncle as he thought that his uncle would not have urged him to do what was not beneficial. He immediately acquired his robes and alms-bowl from the market, shaved his hair and beard, and put on the robes. He spent his time in the Himalayas and devoted himself to ascetism.
Later, after waiting for thirty-five years in the foothills of the Himalayas, Nālaka came to know that the Bodhisatta had become a Buddha. It was on the seventh day after the Blessed One preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta to the five ascetics when he approached the Blessed One, who was residing in the Migadāya, at Isipatana, near Bārāṇasī. The Blessed One taught him the practice of Moneyya (the
noble practice leading to the Four-Path Knowledge), and before longv the Venerable Nālaka attained Arahantship.
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奥田 昭則

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