06話 ゴータマ・シッダッタ ・・・・ 命名式

第1部 出家まで
第2章 生誕
06話 ゴータマ・シッダッタ・・・・命名式
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On the fifth day after the birth of the Bodhisatta, King Suddhodana
held a name-giving ceremony in his palace. He invited one hundred and eight learned brahmins to participate in the ceremony. Comfortable seats were prepared for the brahmins, and the king served them with delicious foods.
Among the brahmins, there were eight distinguished ones: Rāma, Dhaja, Lakkhaṇa, Mantī, Yañña, Subhoja, Suyāma and Sudatta. The king asked them to foresee the marks on the body of the baby prince. Having examined the physical marks of the child, seven of them raised two fingers each and said: “O great king, we see two possibilities which may occur to your son. If he chooses to lead a life of a householder, he will become a Universal Monarch; if he renounces the world and becomes a recluse, he will become a Buddha.” But the youngest and wisest one—the brahmin Yañña, who was also known as the brahmin Koṇḍañña—raised only one finger and firmly foretold: “There is only one possibility. The prince will renounce the household life and certainly become a Buddha.”
The reading of the physical marks by the young brahmin Koṇḍañña was accepted by all of the other brahmins. Then, those learned brahmins also told the king that the prince would renounce worldly life and become a recluse after seeing four omens—an old man, a sick man, a corpse and a recluse. Having prophesied that the prince would attain Buddhahood, the brahmins gave him the name “Siddhattha”, which means “one whose wishes will be fulfilled”, as an omen indicating that he would successfully accomplish the task for the benefit of the entire world. His family name was “Gotama”, so he was also called Siddhattha Gotama.
The Passing Away of Queen Mahāmāyā
On the seventh day after the birth of the Bodhisatta, his mother Queen Mahāmāyā passed away—not because she had given birth to the Bodhisatta, but because her life-span had reached the end. She was reborn in the Tusita Heaven as a deva named Māyādevaputta (Santusita). The queen’s younger sister, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, who was also the second queen, then became the chief queen. She nursed and cared for the prince in his childhood even more than her own son who was born two or three days after the Bodhisatta’s birth. She entrusted her own son—Prince Nanda—to nurses and she looked after the Bodhisatta as her own son. She loved him very much, and most of the time the Bodhisatta was under her care.
The Royal Ploughing Festival
There was a regular seasonal festival held every year called the Royal Ploughing Festival. It was participated not only by the royal families but by all the people of the city as well. Accompanied by a great retinue of ministers, courtiers, bodyguards and other followers, the king went to the field. He brought with him the young prince and
put him under the cool shade of a rose-apple tree (Pāḷi: jambu; Latin: Eugenia jambolana) to be looked after by the nurses.
Now, the king opened the festival by ploughing the field first. He drove the first pair of beautifully decorated bullocks pulling a golden plough. The other courtiers followed the king, driving silver ploughs pulled by bullocks with silver harnessing. The festival was magnificently performed.
Finding himself left by his nurses who were enjoying the ceremony, the young prince then rose and sat cross-legged quietly. He started meditating, concentrating on breathing-in and breathing-out (ānāpāna bhāvanā). Soon, he attained the first rūpāvacara jhāna (the first stage of absorption concentration). At that time, the shade of the rose-apple tree under which the Bodhisatta was sitting remained the
same as before and did not cast its shade in a natural manner in line with the movement of the sun.
The nursing attendants finally remembered their duties and hurried back to find the young prince. Amazed by what they saw, they reported to the king: “Your Majesty, the young prince is sitting quietly and calmly. And though the shadow of other trees moved with the changing position of the sun, the shade of the rose-apple tree under which the prince sat kept unchanged even after noontide, retaining its round shape.”
King Suddhodana immediately came along and observed what was happening to the young prince. Seeing the miracle, he said: “O my dear son, this is the second time I, your father, salute you,” and paid obeisance to his son.
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奥田 昭則

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