28話 二大弟子 ・・・・ サーリプッタとモッガラーナ

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第2章 サンガ(僧団)
28話 二大弟子 ・・・・ サーリプッタとモッガラーナ
「友よ、あなたの挙措には落ちつきがあり、あなたの顔は晴れやかで、輝いています。友よ、どなたのもとで、あなたは歩んでこられたのでしょうか? どなたが師なのですか? あなたは、誰の法(ダンマ)を信奉されているのですか?」
「しかし、あなたの師は何をいわれているのですか? 世尊は何を教えていらっしゃるのですか?」
“Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā
tesaṃ hetuṃ Tathāgato āha
tesañca yo nirodho
evaṃ vādī mahāsamaṇo”
「来たれ、比丘たちよ! 法は高らかに説かれた。苦の完全な滅尽のために聖なる修行をしなさい」
しかしながら、サーリプッタ尊者はまだ阿羅漢に達していなかった。受戒から半月後、ラージャガハに近いギッジャクータ山(鷲峰山)のスーカラカター窟に世尊とともに滞在しているあいだに、尊者は世尊の遍歴行者ディーガナカへの説法「感受摂受経(ヴェーダナー パリッガハ スッタ)」-これは「ディーガナカ(長爪)経」(中部第74)としても知られているが-を聴かれた。世尊の後ろに立って扇であおいでいる間、教えに心を集中してよく考えてみた。そしてかれの心は汚染から解放されたのである。かれは阿羅漢になった。
比丘たちの教団内で、サーリプッタ尊者は、偉大な智慧では第一人者の弟子(智慧第一(エータダッガン マハーパンニャーナン))であり、一方、モッガラーナ尊者は、偉大な神通力では第一人者の弟子(神通第一(エータダッガン イッディマンターナン))である。
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Episode 28
Before the Bodhisatta became a Buddha, in the village of Upatissa—also known as Nālaka—near Rājagaha, a brahmin lady named Rūpasārī—wife of the village chief—gave birth to a baby boy. They named their son Upatissa as he was the son of the village chief of Upatissa. The baby was also called Sāriputta, the son of Rūpasārī. In
another village named Kolita—also near Rājagaha—on the same day that Upatissa was born, there was also born a baby boy in the family of the village chief. The baby was named Kolita as he was the son of the village chief of Kolita. The baby was also called Moggallāna, the son of Moggalī, his mother. Both of the boys were well nurtured. They were brought up in luxury as they came from the well-to-do families. They grew up and became intimate friends since their childhood.
One day, they were watching an annual hill-top festival, called Giragga Samajja, in Rājagaha. They watched the shows and enjoyed themselves. However, after a few days, they were no longer amused by the comedian shows and they were no longer frightened by the horror shows. They found nothing worth seeing. They felt that all these could only give transient happiness. They were thinking of something which
would lead them to liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death (saṁsāra). Then, they agreed to search for some form of spiritual way of life in order to escape from saṁsāra.
At that time, the wandering ascetic (paribbājaka) Sañjaya was living in Rājagaha with two hundred and fifty disciples. Upatissa and Kolita agreed to lead the holy life under him. In a short period, they could understand and realise all the doctrines of their teacher. However, they could go no further than that. Unsatisfied with their
achievement, they left Sañjaya and searched for higher knowledge from other brahmins and ascetics. Although they wandered to so many places and had learnt from one teacher after another, still they could not find the way leading to liberation from saṁsāra. Then, they went back to their own villages and made an agreement that whoever would first discover the Path should inform the other.
One morning, when the Venerable Assaji was going on alms-round along the street of Rājagaha, the wanderer Upatissa came across him. He watched carefully how the Venerable Assaji moved forwards or backwards, looked ahead or aside, bent or stretched his arms, how his eyes were downcast and how he moved with grace. He was deeply impressed by the Venerable Assaji’s manner, which was so elegant, mindful, careful, and peaceful. As he had never seen such an ascetic, he thought: “This ascetic must be one who has attained Arahantship or is practising the path leading to Arahantship. Upatissa was eager to know more about him. But finding that it was not a suitable time to ask, he then tailed the Venerable Assaji from some distance behind,
waiting for the right time to ask.
When the Venerable Assaji had finished his alms-round, Upatissa prepared a seat for him. He offered some water from his jug when the Venerable Assaji had taken his meal. Having fulfilled the duties of a pupil, he exchanged pleasant greetings with him and said thus:
“Friend, your faculties are serene; your complexion is clear and bright. Friend, under whom have you gone forth? Who is your teacher? Whose Dhamma do you profess?”
“Friend, I have gone forth under the Blessed One, a son of the Sākyans, who renounced the world and became a bhikkhu. He is my teacher. I follow and practise under the Blessed One’s Dhamma,” the Venerable Assaji replied.
Then, Upatissa asked: “But, what does your teacher say? What does He teach?”
The Venerable Assaji replied: “Friend, I am only a junior in this Dhamma and Discipline. I cannot teach you the Dhamma in detail. But, I will tell you its meaning in brief.”
Upatissa said: “Please, Venerable sir, tell me much or little according to your ability. Just tell me the essential meaning, for I need no more than the essential meaning.”
Accordingly, the Venerable Assaji recited a four-line verse which summed up the Blessed One’s Teachings on the law of cause and effect:
“Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā
tesaṁ hetuṁ Tathāgato āha
tesañca yo nirodho
evaṁ vādī mahāsamaṇo”
“Everything is causally arisen.
The Tathāgata has told their cause
And also what brings their cessation.
Such is the Doctrine preached by the Great Monk.”
Just as a lotus—growing and standing out of the water surface—would immediately open their petals after being touched by the morning sunshine, even so, Upatissa—who was sharp-witted and wise—having heard the first two lines of the verse, comprehended the Truth and attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti.
Upatissa showed his highest respect towards the Venerable Assaji, who had taught him the Truth and had made him understand the essential Teachings of the Blessed One. Later on, Upatissa never failed to show his gratitude towards his teacher by paying homage to the direction wherever the Venerable Assaji lived, and he would also sleep with his head to that direction.
Knowing that the Blessed One was residing at the Veḷuvana Monastery and having paid homage to the Venerable Assaji, Upatissa went to his friend, Kolita, to inform him what he had found. Kolita wondered at Upatissa’s serene appearance, which has a clear and bright complexion.
Immediately, he asked whether Upatissa had found the path to liberation. Then, Upatissa told Kolita what had happened and repeated the four-line verse which he had heard from the Venerable Assaji. After hearing the verse in full length, Kolita attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti.
On the way to the Veḷuvana Monastery, they first stopped to see their teacher, the wandering ascetic Sañjaya, and told him the good news and invited him to join them and meet the Blessed One. Sañjaya rejected. However, the two hundred and fifty disciples of Sañjaya, whose living was much dependent on them, followed Upatissa and Kolita to the Veḷuvana Monastery, where the Blessed One was residing. Sañjaya was so much depressed finding he was alone in his precinct that hot blood
spurted from his mouth.
The Blessed One was sitting amidst the Saṁgha and delivering a discourse when the two friends and two hundred and fifty wanderers came. Having paid their obeisance to the Blessed One, they said:
“Lord, we wish to have the going forth and higher ordination in the presence of the Blessed One.”
Then, the Blessed One ordained them by saying: “Come, bhikkhus! The Dhamma is well proclaimed. Lead the holy life for the complete ending of suffering.” And when the Blessed One addressed them with an appropriate discourse, in accordance with the intellectual level and disposition of the two hundred and fifty bhikkhus, all but the two friends attained Arahantship.
After his ordination, Kolita—then known as the Venerable Moggallāna—went to a small village called Kallavāḷaputta. There, he practised the holy life so strenuously that on the seventh day he felt tired, sat down, and was overcome by drowsiness. The Blessed One roused him by giving meditation instructions on the analysis of elements (dhātu kammaṭṭhāna). By following the instructions, the Venerable Moggallāna could attain Arahantship on that very day.
However, the Venerable Sāriputta had not attained Arahantship yet. Half a month after his ordination, while staying with the Blessed One in the Sūkarakhatā Cave on the mount of Gijjhakūṭa (Vulture Peak) near Rājagaha, he heard the Blessed One’s discourse on the Vedanā Pariggaha Sutta—also known as the Dīghanakha Sutta—to the wanderer Dīghanakha. While he was standing behind the Blessed One and fanning Him, he contemplated on the instruction attentively, and his mind was
liberated from defilements. He became an Arahant.
In the Order of Bhikkhus, the Venerable Sāriputta is the foremost disciple in great wisdom (etadaggaṁ mahāpaññānaṁ), while the Venerable Moggallāna is the foremost disciple in great supernormal powers (etadaggaṁ iddhimantānaṁ).
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