30話 ブッダの帰郷

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第3章 ふるさとへ
30話 ブッダの帰郷
「わが息子よ、なぜそなたは托鉢にまわるような、そんなわたしにとって恥ずかしいことをするのだ? そなたのような王子にとって、そんなことをするのはふさわしくない。わたしがそなたと弟子たちに、十分な食べ物を与えられない、とでも思っているのか?」
「どうして、そんなことがあり得ようか? わが息子よ、われらは王族の出自で、先祖代々、家から家へ戸別に托鉢してまわったことなど、決してなかったのだ」と、スッドーダナ王が応じた。
このために、世尊は王に「大法護本生(マハーダンマパーラ ジャータカ)」(ジャータカ第447話)の物語をされた。その終わりにスッドーダナ王は、聖者のさとりの第三の階梯、不還になった。
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It was nearly seven years since Prince Siddhattha renounced the world when King Suddhodana, who had been watching his son closely, heard that the prince had attained Enlightenment and was now residing in the Veḷuvana Monastery. The king immediately sent nine of his ministers, one after another—each accompanied by a thousand attendants—to invite the Blessed One to visit the royal City of Kapilavatthu. But when they heard the Dhamma of the Blessed One, they attained Arahantship and became bhikkhus. After attaining Arahantship, the ministers became indifferent to mundane affairs and did not convey the king’s invitation to the Blessed One.
Finally, King Suddhodana sent Kāḷudāyī, the son of one of his ministers; he was born on the same day as the Blessed One and grew up as His playmate. Kāḷudāyī agreed to undertake the task as he was granted permission to enter the Order. When he and his one thousand attendants arrived in the veḷuvana Monastery, the Blessed One was delivering a discourse. They stood listening attentively. At the end of the discourse, they all attained Arahantship and became bhikkhus.
At that time, winter was over and spring had arrived. The weather was neither too cold nor too hot; it was good for travelling. The road to Kapilavatthu was shaded by forest trees bearing flowers and fruits. Then, the Venerable Kāḷudāyī conveyed the king’s invitation to the Blessed One, considering that it was the right time for Him to visit His royal families in Kapilavatthu. He recited sixty verses beseeching the Blessed One to make a visit to Kapilavatthu.
Hearing the sixty verses, the Blessed One granted the Venerable Kāḷudāyī’s request. Soon, the Blessed One left the veḷuvana Monastery with twenty thousand Arahants and travelled sixty yojanas to Kapilavatthu within two months. Throughout the journey, Kāḷudāyī went to the king’s palace everyday, through the air by supernormal power, to inform him of the progress of the journey and to bring back from the palace a bowl full of special food offered by the king to the Blessed One.
On His arrival, the Blessed One and His disciples stayed in a park belonging to the Sākya Prince Nigrodha. Boys and girls, princes and princesses, and the Sākya clansmen went to the Nigrodha Park (Nigrodhārāma) to welcome the Blessed One. However, the elderly Sākyas, who were well known by their pride, thought: “Prince Siddhattha is our younger brother, our nephew, our grandson.” Then, they told the young princes: “Young princes, you may pay homage to Him. As for us, we will sit behind you.”
To subdue the unprofitable haughtiness of His relatives, who did not realise that He has attained Enlightenment, the Blessed One rose into the sky and exhibited the twin miracle (Yamaka Pāṭihāriya), involving simultaneous streaming forth of water and fire from various parts of His body. King Suddhodana was amazed by this extraordinary phenomenon and paid homage to the Blessed One, saying: “Dear son, this is the third time I salute You.” All the Sākya families also paid obeisance to the Blessed One.
After subduing their pride, the Blessed One saw that His Royal relatives were ready to listen to His Teaching. Then, the Blessed One created a Jewelled Walk in the sky. While He was pacing up and down on it, He taught a discourse on the Four Noble Truths according to their mental disposition. Afterwards, He descended from the Jewelled Walk upon the seat prepared for Him and delivered a discourse on the Buddhavaṁsa (The Chronicle of the Buddhas).
At that time, there was a shower of rain, refreshing all and falling only on those who so wished. When the people expressed their wonder, the Blessed One preached the Vessantara Jātaka to relate that in a past existence, too, rain had fallen on His royal relatives to revive them.
All the members of the royal families were joyful with the Dhamma of the Blessed One, and they departed without any of them inviting the Blessed One and the Order of Bhikkhus to receive the alms-food for tomorrow.
In the next morning, the Blessed One and His disciples entered Kapilavatthu for alms-round. From the balcony, seeing the Blessed One and His disciples on alms-round, Princess Yasodharā immediately reported it to King Suddhodana. The king was shocked; he rushed out to see the Blessed One and said: “My son, why do You do such a shameful thing to me by going round for alms-food? It is not proper for a prince like You to do this. Do you think I cannot provide enough food for You and Your disciples?”
The Blessed One replied: “Father, I do not do a shameful thing to you. Such a practice of receiving alms from door to door is a custom of My lineage.”
“How can it be? My son, in our Khattiya lineage, from the time of our ancestor, never has there been anyone who went round for alms from door to door,” King Suddhodana replied.
Then, the Blessed One explained: “Father, it is not the custom of your Khattiya lineage, but it is the custom of My Buddha lineage.” And while standing on the street, He advised the king: “My royal father, a bhikkhu should not be heedless in standing at the doors for receiving alms. And he should lead a righteous life. A bhikkhu who cultivates this practice lives happily both in this world and in the next.”
Having heard this stanza, the king realised the Truth and attained the first stage of sainthood, Sotāpatti. He then took the alms-bowl from the hands of the Blessed One and led Him and His disciples to his palace, served them with special foods which have been prepared.
After the Blessed One and His disciples finished their meal, He exhorted him: “My royal father, a bhikkhu should lead a righteous life and should not practise an improper way of seeking alms-food. A bhikkhu who cultivates this practice lives happily both in this world and in the next.”
At the end of this stanza, King Suddhodana became Sakadāgāmi and His step-mother, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, attained the first stage of sainthood, Sotāpatti.
On another occasion, after the king’s son—Prince Nanda—was ordained, and his grandson—Prince Rāhula—was initiated, the king told the Blessed One that when his son renounced the world and was practising severe austerity, one night a deva came to him and told him that his son had died. But he refused to believe it even when the deva showed him a heap of bones. He said that his son would never die without achieving his goal. On account of this, the Blessed One related to the king the Mahādhammapāla Jātaka. At the end, King Suddhodana became an Anāgāmi.
King Suddhodana passed away in his old age. At that time, the Blessed One was keeping His fifth rains-residence in Vesālī. When He heard that His royal father was seriously sick, He went to Kapilavatthu to pay a visit. The Blessed One preached to him the Dhamma, which led him to the attainment of Arahantship. However, due to his illness he passed away as a lay Arahant.
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奥田 昭則

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