42話 逆うらみの美女 マーガンディヤー

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第2章 さまざまな女たち
42話 逆うらみの美女 マーガンディヤー
「おお、比丘よ、あなたの外見はまことに輝かしく、惚れぼれいたします。あなたのしぐさもまた、威厳にみちている。ここで、しばらくお待ちくださいませんか? わたしの美しい娘を呼んでまいります。あなたは、娘の夫にふさわしい唯一の方です」
「わが妻よ、われらの娘の最高の伴侶を、みつけた。さっさと娘をつれてきておくれ! いちばん美しい衣装で娘に、おめかししてやっておくれ!」
「わが妻よ! わが娘よ! わたしがいってた方を見てごらん! わが娘よ、さあ、もはや断ってはいけない! あの方は完全で、おまえの夫として、もっともふさわしい。あれほどすばらしい方を、わたしたちはこれまで見たことがない」
「バラモンよ、この身体と呼ばれるものを構成しているのは五蘊のみであって、その他にはない。それは不浄でおぞましいものなのに、どうして清らかで美しい、と執着するのか、無常であるのに永遠と、不満足(苦)なのに幸福(楽)と、我ではない(無我)のに我と執着するのか? わたしは世俗のすべての快楽への執着を乗りこえた。わたしは在家生活のすべての楽しみを放棄した。悪魔(マーラ)の美しい娘たちでさえ、わたしを誘惑することは、できなかった。美しい、とそなたが称する、この娘の身体も、三十二の不浄な部分のみで構成されている。(訳注:小部・小誦「三十二行相経」、長部22「大念処経」によれば、身体は、髪・毛・爪・歯・皮/肉・筋・骨・骨髄・腎臓/心臓・肝臓・肋膜・脾臓・肺臓/腸・腸間膜・胃の内容物・大便・脳髄/胆汁・痰・膿・血・汗・脂肪/涙・血漿・唾・鼻汁・関節液・尿の三十二の部分からなる)わたしは、糞尿(ふんにょう)にみちた汚物の容器でしかない肉体に、たとえわたしの足であっても、ふれたくない」
誹謗中傷を耐え忍ぶであろう」 ・・・ (ダンマパダ320)
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Episode 42. Māgandiyā, THE REVENGEFUL MAIDEN
In the Kuru Country, there lived the brahmin Māgandiya and his wife. They had a daughter named Māgandiyā. She was nourished delicately by her parents and grew up as a girl endowed with physical beauty. When Māgandiyā came of age for marriage, her parents sought a groom for her, but they could not find a suitable one. Māgandiyā herself was so proud of her own beauty; though many young men had approached and
wished to marry her, she refused them as she thought they, except a king, were not worth her beauty.
One day, when the Blessed One went on alms-round in the village where Māgandiya stayed, He was seen by him. Māgandiya was drawn by the appearance of the Blessed One. He noticed how the Blessed One was walking along the path, with a calm, mindful, and glorious demeanour. He thought: “This bhikkhu is the most suitable person to be the husband of my daughter.” Then, he approached the Blessed One saying: “O bhikkhu, Your appearance is so bright and admiring, and Your manner
is also dignified. Would You please wait a moment here? I will call my beautiful daughter. You are the only one suitable to be her husband.”
The Blessed One did not give any comment and remained silent. Through His wisdom, He knows that the brahmin and his wife were spiritually mature enough. What they needed was only a statement from Him to open their mind eyes to realise the Truth. At that time, Māgandiya immediately told his wife: “My wife, I have found an ideal partner for our daughter. Please, fetch her quickly! Dress her up with the most beautiful dress!” Meanwhile, the Blessed One carried on collecting alms-food in the village and let His footprints be seen on the ground.
When the brahmin’s wife had dressed up their daughter, they soon went to the place where Māgandiya met the Blessed One, but they did not find Him. Soon, they were quarrelling why she took such a long time to pick up the daughter. By then, the brahmin’s wife saw the Blessed One’s footprints on the ground. And when she noticed the footprints, she said: “These footprints are not ordinary ones. These do not belong
to an ordinary person. These belong to one who has renounced the world. I don’t think this person would marry our daughter.”
Although the brahmin was upset with his wife’s prediction, they followed the footprints. Finally, they saw the Blessed One sitting under a tree. Then, the brahmin said: “My wife! My daughter! Look at the person whom I mean! My daughter, now, do not reject anymore! He is a perfect person and the most suitable one to be your husband. Never have we seen such a marvelous person as Him.”
Thereafter, they came closer to the Blessed One. The brahmin then said: “Bhikkhu, here is my daughter, Māgandiyā, whom I told you of. The most beautiful is my daughter in this country; no one is suitable to be her husband except You. I am giving my daughter in marriage to You.”
Then, the Blessed One explained: “Brahmin, what is called this body consists of five aggregates only and no other than that. In what way should we attach to it as beautiful while it is loathsome, as permanent while it is impermanent, as happy while it is unsatisfactory, and as self while it is not self? I have overcome the attachment of all worldly pleasures. I have given up household life with all its enjoyments; not even the beautiful daughters of Māra can seduce Me. This body that you call as beautiful consists of the thirty-two parts of impurity only. I do not even wish to touch it with
My feet as it is only a vessel of filth.”
The brahmin and his wife listened to the explanation given by the Blessed One attentively. They immediately understood that the worldly life is miserable and not something to be attached to, no matter how beautiful it may appear. Consequently, both of them attained the third stage of sainthood (Anāgāmi).
Māgandiyā, who also listened to the Blessed One’s explanation, could not understand its meaning as her mind had not been spiritually developed. She thought: “This bhikkhu not only has rejected to marry me but has deliberately insulted my beauty as well. So many men have fallen in love with me at first sight because of my beauty, but this bhikkhu had said that my body is only a vessel of filth.” She was very
angry at the Blessed One, and with clenching fists she whispered that she would take revenge on Him someday when she would have married a powerful husband.
Then, the brahmin and his wife handed all their properties and their daughter Māgandiyā to her uncle Culla Māgandiya. After that, they went to the Blessed One and asked for the going forth and higher ordination. And in not a long time, by following the instructions given by the Blessed One, they attained Arahantship.
Later, Māgandiyā was taken by her uncle to Udena, king of Kosambī, who made her as one of his consorts, giving her five hundred lady-attendants. One day, she heard that the Blessed One had come to Kosambī and was taking up His ninth rains-residence at the Ghosita Monastery (Ghositārāma). Her grudge against the Blessed One arose, and she found an opportunity to take revenge on Him.
She hired some people to revile and abuse the Blessed One and His Disciples when they were going on alms-round. The Venerable Ānanda, who was following the Blessed One, suggested to the Blessed One to leave Kosambī, but He answered: “I am like an elephant who has entered the battle field. I must endure the arrows that come upon Me.” Thus, the Blessed One advised the Venerable Ānanda to practise tolerance and patience. After seven days, the abuse ceased and situation returned to normal.
When the first plan failed, Māgandiyā plotted another one. She found that King Udena’s first consort, Sāmāvatī, and her companions were in the habit of watching the Blessed One through the windows in the walls of their rooms. Knowing this, she told the king that Sāmāvatī and her friends were conspiring to kill him. For some time, the king refused to believe this, but when the holes were shown to him, he had them closed up and the windows built higher.
Māgandiyā disliked Queen Sāmāvatī because the queen had great faith in the Blessed One and because she was the first consort of King Udena. Again she conspired—with her uncle—against Queen Sāmāvatī. She obtained a snake from her uncle with its fangs removed. Then, she inserted it in the shell of the lute which King Udena always carried along. She then closed the hole with a bunch of flowers.
During weekends, King Udena usually spent his days in turn with each of his consorts. When the king said that he wanted to go to Queen Sāmāvatī, Māgandiyā pretended to prevent him from going, saying she had had a bad dream and feared for his safety. But the king did not pay attention to her. He kept going, and Māgandiyā went along. Then, when the king was asleep with his lute next to him, she pulled out the bunch of flowers, and soon the snake crawled out and coiled on his pillow. Māgandiyā screamed loudly and accused Queen Sāmāvatī of conspiring to kill the king.
King Udena believed her. He immediately placed Queen Sāmāvatī and her attendants in line one after another. He had an arrow shot at Queen Sāmāvatī’s breast. But by the power of her goodness, the arrow failed to pierce her. Convinced of her innocence, the king pleaded for her forgiveness and gave her a boon. She chose that the Blessed One be invited to come to the palace everyday, but the Blessed One would not accept the invitation and sent the Venerable Ānanda in His place.
The last conspiracy which Māgandiyā made with her uncle ended with her death. One day, when King Udena was on official duty outside the palace, they had all pillars of Queen Sāmāvatī’s mansion wrapped in cloth and soaked in oil. When Queen Sāmāvatī and her attendants were inside, the mansion was set on fire. Queen Sāmāvatī instructed her five hundred attendants to be self-possessed, enabling them to attain various stages of sainthood before passing away.
King Udena was much in grief about this incident; furthermore, he knew the refined quality of Queen Sāmāvatī. The King questioned Māgandiyā carefully. Although she gave a false testimony, he was convinced that she and her uncle were behind the crime. King Udena then called Māgandiyā, her uncle, and all her relatives who were involved in the conspiracy, saying that he wished to reward them. When they came, the king sentenced them to death by burying them waist deep in the palace grounds and covered them with straw; then he had the straw set on fire. When it was all burnt, he had their bodies ploughed with an iron plough.
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奥田 昭則

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