43話 パーリレイヤカの森の象のように

第4部 ブッダをめぐる人々
第3章 ブッダの一日
43話 パーリレイヤカの森の象のように
ある日、その猿があたりをうろついているあいだに、ハチのいないハチの巣が付いた木の枝をみつけた。猿は枝を折って、ていねいにハチの玉子を取り除いた。一枚のプランテーン(訳注:熱帯産バショウ科の多年草で、果実は料理用バナナ)の葉の上に乗せて世尊のもとへ持って行き、それを献げた。世尊が受け取って食べられたのを見て、猿はたいへん喜んだ。有頂天になって踊り、木から木へ跳びはねた。ところが不運にもつかんでいた枝がポキンと折れ、切り株の上に転落し、突き刺さって死んだ。しかしながら猿の心は世尊に捧げられていたので三十三(ターヴァティンサ)天に生まれ変わり、猿の神(デーヴァ マッカタ)として知られた。
「立ち去れ、パーリレイヤカよ、立ち去れ! じゃまをしてはならぬ! かれは、わたしの侍者である!」
・・・ (ダンマパダ328)
また、森の中の象のように、ひとり歩め” ・・・ (ダンマパダ329)
こだわりなく、平然と、森の中の象のように” ・・・ (ダンマパダ330)
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Episode 43 RAINS-RESIDENCE AT Pārileyyaka
While the Blessed One was residing at the Ghosita Monastery in Kosambī, there arose a little dispute that led to the first great quarrel which threatened to produce a schism in the Saṁgha.
At that time, there were two bhikkhus in one monastery, one an expert in the Discipline (Vinayadhara) and the other a teacher of Discourses (Dhammadhara). One day, the teacher of Discourses went to the latrine and left some unused washing water in a vessel. In turn, the master of the Discipline went in and found it there. He came out and asked the teacher of Discourses: “Friend, did you leave some amount of unused water in that vessel?” The teacher of Discourses sincerely replied:
“Yes, I did.” The master of the Discipline complained: “Well, friend, don’t you know it was an offence?” The teacher of Discourses replied: “No, I don’t, my friend.” Then the master of the Discipline explained: “Friend, to leave any amount of water in the vessel is an offence.” The teacher of Discourses said: “Then, if I am guilty of an offence, I will acknowledge it by confessing.” Upon this, the master of the Discipline explained: “Friend, but if you did it unintentionally and out of forgetfulness, there was no offence.”
On hearing this, the teacher of Discourses perceived that he had not committed an offence and went away. However, the master of the Discipline told his disciples: “This teacher of Discourses does not know when he has committed an offence.” And they told the disciples of the bhikkhu—the teacher versed in Discourses: “Your preceptor does not know the offence that he has committed.” When they told their
preceptor of this news, the teacher of Discourses said: “This bhikkhu versed in the Discipline said first that I was not guilty of that offence, and now he accused me of being guilty of that offence. He has told a lie.” They told back the disciples of the bhikkhu versed in the Discipline: “Your preceptor is a liar.” Thereafter, the master of the Discipline managed to obtain support of his own associates and charged the teacher of Discourses with the offence of not seeing the fault as a fault and suspended the teacher of Discourses with a formal act of the Saṁgha. Thus a quarrel erupted.
Having learnt of this dispute, the Blessed One went to both parties to settle the quarrel peacefully. He advised them in many ways to discontinue quarrelling and explained the disadvantages of a schism in the Saṁgha and the benefits of living in harmony. However, they did not heed the Blessed One’s advice. Now quarrels, brawls, and disputes broke out in the midst of the Saṁgha, and bhikkhus abused each other
with verbal arrows.
One morning, having dressed, the Blessed One took His alms-bowl and robe, and entered Kosambī for alms-food. After meal, He returned to the monastery. Then, He set His resting place in order and took up His bowl and robe; standing in the midst of bhikkhus, He gave a Dhamma exposition. After that, He proceeded all alone—without telling any of His disciples—to the village of Bālakaloṇakāra, where the Venerable
Bhagu was staying. The Blessed One instructed, roused, encouraged, and advised him on the importance and benefits of living in solitude. Having done so, He rose from His seat and left for the Eastern Bamboo Grove (Pācīnavaṁsadāya), where lived the Venerable Anuruddha, the Venerable Nandiya, and the Venerable Kimbila. The Blessed One instructed, roused, encouraged, and advised them on the importance of living peacefully and harmoniously. Then, He continued His journey until He reached the Pārileyyaka Village, and stayed in the Rakkhita Forest (Rakkhitavanasaṇḍa), at the foot of an auspicious sāla tree named Bhaddasāla.
The Blessed One spent his tenth rains-residence in the Rakkhita Forest, and while staying alone in retreat there such a thought occurred to the Blessed One: “Formerly I lived in discomfort, pestered by those Kosambī bhikkhus who quarrel, brawl and dispute in the midst of the Saṁgha. Now, I am alone and companionless, living at ease and with comfort, away from all of them.”
At that time, there was a certain tusker elephant, leader of a herd, living with young male elephants, cow elephants, calf elephants, and sucking elephants. He had been living pestered by them. He had to eat grass without tender tips; all the branches and twigs brought down from trees by him were eaten up by other elephants. He also had to drink dirty water. Besides, when he came out of the bathing place, the cow elephants went passed by jostling his body. He had considered all this and he thought: “Why should I not live alone, withdrawn from the crowd?” So thinking, he left the herd and went to Pārileyyaka, to the Rakkhita Forest.
The elephant—then known as the Pārileyyaka elephant—happened to come to the Blessed One, who was at the foot of the auspicious sāla tree. On seeing the Blessed One seated there—serene and peaceful in appearance—the Pārileyyaka elephant became calm just like a man whose grief was allayed by cool water from a thousand pots. From then onwards, he attended to the Blessed One devotedly. He performed his
daily routine by sweeping the ground—around the bhaddasāla tree and the hut where the Blessed One stayed—with a twig so that it might be cleared of fallen old leaves and other unexpected things; he would bring water to the Blessed One for washing face, water for His bathing, and even preparing drinking water. He also would bring a
variety of sweet and delicious fruits and offer them to the Blessed One.
When the Blessed One entered the village for alms-food, thePārileyyaka elephant would carry the Blessed One’s bowl and robe on his head, up to the outskirts of the village where the Blessed One would take His alms-bowl and robe from him and entered the village alone. He would wait at that very spot till the Blessed One’s return.
He would then receive the Blessed One’s alms-bowl and robe, put them on his head, and return to the forest dwelling. When the Blessed One partook of His alms-food, the Pārileyyaka elephant would stand beside Him and fan Him with a twig. At night, he would hold a big stick with his trunk and roam around to ward off danger that might come from other animals. Thus, the Blessed One spent the rains-residence for
three months in the Rakkhita Forest, receiving service from the Pārileyyaka elephant.
At that time, a monkey became inspired on seeing the daily duties performed energetically by the Pārileyyaka elephant. He thought to himself: “I shall also do some meritorious deed towards the Blessed One.” One day, while roaming about, he found a tree-branch with a honeycomb devoid of bees. He broke the branch and gently removed the bee-eggs. He placed them on a plantain leaf, brought and offered it to
the Blessed One. When the monkey saw the Blessed One receiving his offering and ate it, he was so elated with joy. He danced and jumped from one tree branch to another. Unfortunately, the branch he was holding on to broke off and he fell on a tree stump. He died with his body pierced by the stump. However, as his mind was devoted to the
Blessed One, he was reborn in the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven and was known as Deva Makkaṭa.
When the rains-residence was over, the millionaire Anāthapiṇḍika, Visākhā, and other residents of Sāvatthi sent their message to the Venerable Ānanda, saying: “Venerable sir, kindly help us arrange for an opportunity to behold the Blessed One!” There also came five hundred bhikkhus—who had been staying at many places of
rains-residence—to the Venerable Ānanda for the purpose of listening to the Dhamma from the Blessed One.
Then, the Venerable Ānanda, together with the five hundred bhikkhus, went to the Pārileyyaka Village. Arriving at the edge of the forest, the Venerable Ānanda asked the five hundred bhikkhus to stop there, thinking that it was not suitable to meet the Blessed One with such a big group while He was staying in solitude. But when the Venerable Ānanda entered the forest alone, the Pārileyyaka elephant mistook him as an enemy. The elephant rushed up to the Venerable Ānanda by
carrying a stick with his trunk, but the Blessed One stopped him, saying: “Go away, Pārileyyaka, go away! Do not block his way! He is my attendant!” The Pārileyyaka elephant then dropped the stick and made a gesture to express his desire to take the Venerable Ānanda’s bowl and robe. However, the Venerable Ānanda refused to hand them over to the elephant.
After paying obeisance to the Blessed One, the Venerable Ānanda sat down at one side. The Blessed One asked whether he came alone. And knowing that he came accompanied by five hundreds bhikkhus, the Blessed One asked him to fetch them. The Venerable Ānanda and the bhikkhus were amazed to see how well the animals could assist the Blessed One better than human beings. After the Blessed One had
exchanged friendly greetings with them, He gave an inspiring sermon illustrating this incident, and expressed His gratitude for the services of the animals that assisted Him in the forest and the importance of having good companions, associating with wise people, and avoiding unlawful and disgraceful acts. And at the end of the
sermon, all the five hundreds bhikkhus attained Arahantship. Then, the Venerable Ānanda conveyed the request of all the residents of Sāvatthi and invited the Blessed One to stay there on their behalf.
After accepting the invitation of Anāthapiṇḍika, Visākhā and the residents of Sāvatthi, the Blessed One set out to wander by stages to Sāvatthi, accompanied by the Venerable Ānanda and the five hundreds bhikkhus. Pārileyyaka provided them all with various kinds of fruits. On reaching the outskirts of the Pārileyyaka Village, the Blessed One addressed His last words to the elephant: “It is better for you to stay here; the human abode is not your habitat, and it is dangerous!” The elephant stood lamenting there; he watched the Blessed One going away until He disappeared round the way. When he lost sight of the Blessed One, he was grief-stricken and died of a broken heart. But due to his great meritorious deeds to the Blessed One, he was reborn in the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven and was known as Deva Pārileyyaka.
Meanwhile in Kosambī, the lay devotees inquired the bhikkhus in the Ghosita Monastery as they did not see the Blessed One for a long time; they found that the Blessed One had gone to the Pārileyyaka Forest because the bhikkhus were quarrelling with each other and did not want to receive advice from the Blessed One. The lay devotees of Kosambī were much disappointed in them and agreed among themselves not to treat the bhikkhus with respect.
As a result, the bhikkhus of Kosambī had to pass the rains-residence in misery with scarcity of the food and starvation. Being treated by the lay devotees in this way, they became emaciated day by day and realised their mistake. They then confessed their fault and apologised to one another. They also apologised to the lay devotees for their being disobedient to the Master and asked them to treat the bhikkhus as before. However, the lay devotees would treat them properly only after they had asked for an apology from the Blessed One. When the Kosambī bhikkhus heard that the Blessed One has come to Sāvatthi, they headed there to ask for his pardon and to settle their dispute.The English version is currently being prepared.
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