53話 アングリマーラ ・・・・ 指を花飾りにした殺人鬼

第5部 さまざまな「悪」ブッダをめぐる人々
第1章 殺人事件
53話 アングリマーラ ・・・・ 指を花飾りにした殺人鬼
「出て行け、破廉恥(は れん ち)な者たち! なんということだ、わたしとわが息子の仲を裂こうとするなんて!」
「親愛なるわが夫よ、悪名高い盗賊はわたしたちの息子だ、とわたしは信じております! そしていま、王は配下の者に命じて、あの子を捕らえるように命令したのです」
「どうぞ、あなたが行って、あの子を見つけてくださいな! あの子を説得して、武器を置いて、わが家に連れて帰ってくださいな! さもないと、あの子を王が殺してしまいますもの」と、マンターニーはかきくどいた。
(なぜ、自分の母親を殺さなきゃならないんだ? あそこに誰か、ほかの奴がいるのに。あの比丘を殺して、指を取ってやろう)
「止まれ、比丘よ! 止まれ、比丘よ!」
「大王よ、どうされたのですか? マガダ国のセーニヤ・ビンビサーラ王か、ヴェーサーリーのリッチャヴィ族か、それとも、そのほかの敵対する支配者たちが、あなたを攻撃しているのですか?」
「耐えなさい、バラモン(聖者)よ! 耐えなさい、バラモンよ! そなたが地獄で何年も、何百年も、何千年も受けねばならない悪業の果報を、そなたは今、この現世で受けているのです」
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Episode 53 Aṅgulimāla, THE FINGER GARLAND
One night in Sāvatthi, a strange phenomenon took place throughout the city. At that time, all weapons were trembling and sparkling; it frightened all the citizens; they wondered about this omen. The same happened in the palace, where King Pasenadi’s sleep was disturbed. He woke up in the middle of the night and saw that his auspicious weapon was lying at the end of his bed, sparkling brightly.
That night, in the house of the brahmin Bhaggava—the royal chaplain of the Kosala Kingdom—his wife Mantāṇī gave birth to a baby boy. Bhaggava cast his son’s horoscope. But to his consternation, he found that the boy was born under the “robber constellation”, indicating that the boy had an innate disposition to a life of crime.
When Bhaggava arrived at the palace in the next morning, King Pasenadi told him about what had happened last night and asked whether there would be any danger to him. Bhaggava replied that the king should not worry. He related the birth of his son, which had caused the weapons to tremble and sparkle. Then, the king asked his royal chaplain: “Will he be a lone robber or leader of a gang?”
“Your Majesty, he will be a lone robber. But, in order to prevent any trouble in the future, should we kill him?”
“Bhaggava, as he will be a loner, let him live and get proper education. By this way, he may not incline to do evil.”
With the expectation that the boy would not cause any harms in the future and would become a merciful person, he was named Ahiṁsaka, which means “Harmless”. He grew up as a well-behaved and intelligent child; he was also physically strong. And when he needed to pursue his higher education, his father sent him to Takkasilā, where he studied under a learned and famous teacher.
Ahiṁsaka was a diligent and brilliant student. Through hard work, he surpassed his classmates in all subjects and gained many honours. He also served his teacher so devotedly and humbly that he soon became quite close with his teacher’s family. Their warm relationship made his fellow students jealous. They tried to disgrace him. Failing many times to calumniate Ahiṁsaka, they split themselves into three groups
and charged him of having a love affair with the teacher’s wife.
The first group of pupils approached the teacher and reported:
“Teacher, we heard some talk around the house.”
“What is it about, my dear pupils?”
“Teacher, this is shameful, but we believe that there is an affair between Ahiṁsaka and your wife.”
“Go away, you miserable lot! How dare you try to cause dissension between me and my son!”
After some time, the second group reported to the teacher in the similar way. And following, the third group added: “If you did not believe us, you may check it by yourself.”
In the end, after these repeated calumnies against Ahiṁsaka, they succeeded in poisoning the teacher’s mind. His suspicion grew into conviction. Then, he swore to kill the boy in a way that would not harm his reputation. When Ahiṁsaka completed his education, the teacher found the right time to take revenge on him. The teacher
called him and said: “My dear Ahiṁsaka, do you know that there is a duty for a pupil who has completed his studies to present a gift of honour to his teacher?”
Ahiṁsaka replied: “Yes, teacher, but what kind of gift that should I present to you?”
“You must bring me a thousand human fingers, one from each person’s right hand.”
Ahiṁsaka pleaded with his teacher several times not to demand that kind of gift which would cause deprivation of human life, for his family was harmless and had never engaged in violence. But, his teacher said that it would be fruitful for him only if he performed the ceremonial homage of the science that he had learned. Seeing no
other choice and not willing to disappoint his teacher, Ahiṁsaka finally consented. After paying respect to his teacher, he took a set of weapons and went to the Jālinī Forest in the State of Kosala.
There, he lived on a high cliff where he could watch the road below. Whenever he saw travellers passing by the road, he would run down from his hideout, kill them and cut off one finger from each of his victims. At first, he hung the fingers on a tree. But then, the birds ate the flesh and dropped the bones. He noticed that many fingers
which he had collected were rotting on the ground. He had but to collect even more fingers. Finally, he made a garland of the finger bones and hung it around his neck. Thenceforward, he was known as Aṅgulimāla, or “The Finger Garland”.
In the course of time, no one dared to pass by the road alone. Now, they moved in groups of ten, twenty, thirty, and even forty. Nevertheless, rarely did they escape from Aṅgulimāla’s bloody hands. No one dared go there, and the road became deserted. Aṅgulimāla now had to approach the outskirts of villages and attack people who passed by. He even went so far as to enter houses at night, killing the inhabitants, cutting off their fingers and threading them to his necklace. In due course, people abandoned their homes; the villages became deserted. Such a great terror clouded the entire district.
Then, the homeless villagers went to Sāvatthi and gathered at the royal palace weeping and lamenting. They told the king of their plight. King Pasenadi immediately ordered a detachment of soldiers to capture the robber Aṅgulimāla. His mother Mantāṇī, who heard the king’s intention, went to his husband and said: “My dear husband, I am sure that notorious robber is our son! And now, the king has ordered
his men to arrest him.” “What should I do?” the brahmin asked.
“Please, dear, go and find him! Persuade him to lay aside his weapon and bring him home! Otherwise, the king will have him killed,” Mantāṇī begged. But the brahmin replied: “My dear, I will not do it. The king may do with him as he likes.” A mother’s heart, however, is soft. And out of love for her son, she set out alone to the forest where Aṅgulimāla was reported to have been hiding. She wanted to warn him and save him, and to beseech him to renounce his evil ways and return with her.
By now, Aṅgulimāla found that he had collected nine hundred and ninety-nine fingers, just one more finger to reach one thousand. So, he determined to kill the first person he met to fulfil the target requested by his hostile teacher.
Early in the morning, when the Blessed One surveyed the world with great compassion, He saw Aṅgulimāla in His vision. He reflected that if He did not intervene, Aṅgulimāla would kill his own mother—for this, he would have to suffer for a long time in the Niraya Hell. So out of compassion, after the morning duty, the Blessed One left alone for the forest, thirty yojanas away from Sāvatthi, to save Aṅgulimāla from conducting a heinous crime.
Many cowherds, shepherds, farmers and wayfarers saw the Blessed One was proceeding to the Jālinī Forest. They all tried to prevent Him from going there. However, He went on in silence. And as dusk was approaching, Aṅgulimāla saw from his hideout an old woman walking along the road alone. He hurried down. As he came closer, he realised that she was none other than his own mother. At first, he was
hesitating. But provoked by the quota which was nearly completed, he decided to kill her anyway.
Suddenly, Aṅgulimāla saw a bhikkhu—none other than the Blessed One—who was walking calmly on the road between him and his mother. He thought: “Why should I kill my mother while there is someone else? I will kill this bhikkhu and cut off his finger.” Then, Aṅgulimāla took up his sword and shield, buckled on his bow and quiver, and went in pursuit of the Blessed One. Just then, the Blessed One performed a feat of supernormal power (iddhi) in such a way that Aṅgulimāla, though running as fast as he could, was unable to catch up with the Blessed One, who was walking at His normal pace.
Though Aṅgulimāla had been running after the Blessed One for three yojanas, yet he failed to overtake Him. Finally, he was exhausted; he stopped and called out: “Stop, bhikkhu! Stop, bhikkhu!”
The Blessed One replied: “I have stopped, Aṅgulimāla. You stop, too!”
Aṅgulimāla thought: “These bhikkhus, sons of the Sākyans, speak the truth and assert the truth; but though this bhikkhu is walking, yet he says: ‘I have stopped, Aṅgulimāla. You stop, too!’ Suppose I question this bhikkhu?”
Then, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“While You are walking, bhikkhu, You tell me You have stopped. But now, when I have stopped, You say I have not stopped. I ask You now, O bhikkhu, what is the meaning of it? How is it You have stopped and I have not?”
The Blessed One replied:
“Aṅgulimāla, I have stopped forever;
I abstain from violence towards living beings.
But you have no restraint towards things that breathe.
That is why I have stopped, and you have not.”
On hearing these wise words, Aṅgulimāla reflected the meaning and understood that by such evil deeds he could not stop wandering in saṁsāra. And Aṅgulimāla realised that the bhikkhu standing before him was not an ordinary bhikkhu, but the Blessed One Himself. He also knew intuitively that, indeed, the Master had come to the forest specially to make him see the light of Truth.
Accordingly, he took his weapons and flung them into a chasm’s pit. Then, he approached the Blessed One, worshipped Him at His feet, and asked the Blessed One to admit him into the Order of Bhikkhus. Out of compassion, the Blessed One ordained Aṅgulimāla by the words, “Come, bhikkhu!” After this spiritual conversion, the Blessed One went to Sāvatthi by stages with Aṅgulimāla as His attendant bhikkhu. Finally, they arrived at the Jetavana Monastery, where Aṅgulimāla took residence. It was in the twentieth year of the Buddha’s ministry when this notorious murderer Aṅgulimāla was tamed and transformed into a saint.
Now King Pasenadi, accompanied by five hundred horsemen, set out towards the Jālinī Forest to capture Aṅgulimāla after an intense demand from a great number of people. On the way, he stopped at the Jetavana Monastery to pay respect to the Blessed One. Then, the Blessed One asked him: “What is wrong, great king? Is King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha, or the Licchavīs of Vesālī, or some other hostile rulers attacking you?”
“No, it is not so, Lord. A notorious murderer has appeared in my kingdom. He has killed so many people, cut off their fingers and wore them as a necklace. He is called Aṅgulimāla. But, …I shall never succeed in putting him down, Lord.”
“But, great king, if you were to see that Aṅgulimāla had shaved off his hair and beard and put on a yellow robe, and that he had laid aside his sword and led a holy life, what would you do?”
“In that case, we would pay homage to him and we would invite him to accept the four requisites of a bhikkhu. But, Lord, how could he have such virtue and restraint?”
Just then, the Blessed One extended His right arm, and said: “Great king, here is Aṅgulimāla.”
King Pasenadi was shocked and fearful. His hair stood on end. But, the Blessed One calmed him down, saying: “Do not be afraid, great king. There is nothing for you to fear.”
When the king had regained his composure, he went over to the Venerable Aṅgulimāla and asked him for the family name of his father and mother, thinking that it was unsuitable to address the bhikkhu by the name that was derived from his cruel deeds. He also wanted to make sure that this was the person he was looking for. The king was greatly surprised to know that his father was a Gagga, his royal chaplain, and his mother was a Mantāṇī; now, the king remembered the strange phenomenon of his birth. Then, the king addressed and invited him:
“May the Venerable Gagga-Mantāṇiputta accept my support of robes, alms-food, lodging and medicine.”
Afterwards, King Pasenadi returned to the Blessed One and said: “It is wonderful, Lord, it is marvelous how the Blessed One subdues the unsubdued, pacifies the unpeaceful, calms the uncalm. This one, whom we could not subdue with punishments and weapons, the Blessed One had subdued without punishments or weapons.”
One day, when the Venerable Aṅgulimāla went to Sāvatthi for alms, he saw a certain woman who was having much difficulty in bringing forth her child. Compassion aroused in him; afterwards, he reported this to the Blessed One, who advised him: “Aṅgulimāla, go to that woman and say: ‘Sister, since I was born with the noble birth, I do not remember intentionally taking the life of any being. By this utterance of truth, may there be comfort to you and to the child in your womb.’” He
immediately went to Sāvatthi. When he arrived at the woman’s house, he made the asseveration of truth as instructed by the Blessed One. Soon after that, the woman delivered a baby, and both are safe.
And before long, dwelling alone, withdrawn, diligent, ardent and resolute in the practice, the Venerable Aṅgulimāla knew directly:
“Birth is exhausted, the holy life has been lived out, what has to be done has been done, there is no more of this to come.” And the Venerable Aṅgulimāla became one of the Arahants.
One morning, when the Venerable Aṅgulimāla walked for alms in Sāvatthi, he was attacked by some people who still could not forget that the murderous Aṅgulimāla was responsible for the deaths of their beloved ones. They threw him clods of earth, stones and potsherds;
they also struck him with sticks. Their assault had been quite brutal, for Aṅgulimāla returned to the Blessed One seriously injured, with blood flowing from his head, his bowl broken in pieces, and his outer robe torn. Seeing him coming, the Blessed One consoled him: “Bear it, brahmin! Bear it, brahmin! You are experiencing here and now the result of deeds on account of which you might have been tortured in hell for many years, for many hundred years, for many thousand years.” Soon afterwards, the Venerable Aṅgulimāla passed away peacefully.
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奥田 昭則

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