55話 龍王ナンドーパナンダを撃退したモッガラーナ尊者

第5部 さまざまな「悪」ブッダをめぐる人々
第2章 邪見の神々
55話 龍王ナンドーパナンダを撃退したモッガラーナ尊者
「前は、尊師よ、ここに立っておりますと、シネール山とその周囲、三十三天、ヴェージャヤンタ宮殿(最勝殿)、そして帝釈天(サッカ)の旗が宮殿に高く掲げられているのを、はっきり見ることができました。いったい尊師よ、何が原因でわたしは、シネール山とその周囲、三十三天、ヴェージャヤンタ宮殿、そして帝釈天の旗が宮殿に高く掲げられているのを、見ることができないのでしょうか? なぜでしょうか?」
「モッガラーナよ、気をつけなさい! この龍は怪力をもっている」
「なんとまぁ、奇妙な! わが鼻から噴射した必殺の猛毒ですら、こいつの髪一本たりとも波立たせられないとは。この比丘は、まさに、すごく強力な奴だ」
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The Blessed One was once living in Sāvatthi, at the Jetavana Monastery. One afternoon, Anāthapiṇḍika, a millionaire of Sāvatthi, visited and listened to the Blessed One’s Dhamma talk. At the end of the discourse, he was very happy and inspired to invite the Blessed One, saying: “Lord, please accept my invitation for tomorrow’s alms-food at my house, together with the five hundred bhikkhus.” He
went home after the Blessed One consented. The next morning before dawn, when the Blessed One surveyed the ten thousand universes, He saw the nāga king Nandopananda within the range of His intellectual vision. The Blessed One also came to know that the nāga king held wrong views. Nevertheless, his mind was in the stage of maturity for spiritual transformation and could be tamed and established in the Triple Refuge. Again, when He continued to reflect as to who should untie the nāga king from the wrong views, He saw the Venerable Moggallāna able to tame this powerful nāga king. At daybreak, the Blessed One arose from meditation and addressed the Venerable Ānanda: “Ānanda, inform the five hundred bhikkhus to accompany the Tathāgata, who will make a celestial journey!” That day, there was a preparation for a feast and drinking orgy in Nandopananda’s drinking hall. Nandopananda was seated on a jewelled divine throne with a white divine umbrella held over his head. Surrounded by a congregation of nāgas and the three different
categories of female dancers, musicians and singers, he was seeing sumptuous food and drinks provided in celestial vessels. At that time, the Blessed One and the five hundred bhikkhus were levitating by means of supernormal power. They were travelling to the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven, passing above Nandopananda’s mansion and making themselves visible to him. On seeing the Blessed One and His disciples, such an evil thought arose in Nandopananda: “These shaven-headed ascetics go to the
Tāvatiṁsa Heaven and come out passing over my realm. From now on, I will not allow them to go above us, scattering the dirt of their feet on our heads.” Soon, he rose from his jewelled throne and hurried to the foot of Mount Sineru. Having changed his original form, he encircled the mountain seven times with his coils and concealed the
celestial realm of Tāvatiṁsa from sight by enveloping it with his gigantic hood laying prone from the above. Seeing the strange phenomenon, the Venerable Raṭṭhapāla said to the Blessed One: “Formerly, Venerable sir, standing from here, I could see clearly Sineru, its surroundings, the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven, the Vejayanta Palace, and Sakka’s flag hoisted on the Vejayanta Palace. Pray, Venerable sir, what is the cause that now I could see neither Sineru, its surroundings, the Tāvatiṁsa Heaven, the Vejayanta Palace, nor Sakka’s flag hoisted on the Vejayanta Palace? Why is it so?”
“Raṭṭhapāla, this nāga king Nandopananda is angry with us. With his body, he coils around Mount Sineru seven times, and he spreads his gigantic hood above it covering Tāvatiṁsa, creating darkness, making it invisible to us.”
The Venerable Raṭṭhapāla said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, let me tame this fierce nāga king,” but his request was rejected. Thereupon, several members of the Blessed One’s disciples, including the Venerable Bhaddiya, the Venerable Rāhula and so on offered to quell the nāga’s power. However, the Blessed One did not give His
permission. At last, the Venerable Moggallāna sought permission to tame the nāga king. The Blessed One granted it to him, saying: “Tame him, Moggallāna!” Without delay, the Venerable Moggallāna changed his body into a gigantic nāga and encircled Nandopananda fourteen times with his coils, raised his hood above Nandopananda’s hood, and pressed him down against Mount Sineru. The nāga king fought him by belching out vapour. The elder said: “The vapour is found not only in your body, but in mine as well,” and belched more powerful vapour. The nāga king’s vapour could not afflict the elder but the elder’s could afflict the nāga king. Then, the nāga king emitted blazing flames. The elder said: “The flames are found not only in your body, but in mine as well,” and emitted mightier flames. The nāga king’s flames could not afflict the elder but the elder’s could afflict the nāga king. In agony, the nāga king reflected: “This man is crushing and pressing me against Mount Sineru. He has also belched vapour and flames.” Then, he asked: “Who are you, sir?” The elder replied: “Nanda, I am Moggallāna.”
“In that case, Venerable sir, please assume your bhikkhu form!”
The elder returned to his original bhikkhu form and entered the nāga king’s right ear and came out of his left ear; again he entered his left ear and came out of his right ear. Similarly, the elder entered the nāga king’s right nostril and came out of his left nostril; again he entered his left nostril and came out of his right nostril. Afterwards, the nāga king opened his mouth, and the elder went into his belly by the mouth and walked from east to west and from west to east. At this time, the Blessed One warned the elder: “Moggallāna, be careful! This nāga king is of great power.”
“Venerable sir, I have successfully developed the four bases of psychic powers (iddhipāda) through the five kinds of mastery (Vasībhāva). I have turned it into a foundation, made it well established and thoroughly exercised. I can conquer a hundred, a thousand or a hundred thousand divine nāga kings like Nandopananda,
let alone single nāga king.” Then, the nāga king thought: “When he entered into my body, I did not see him. But when he comes out, I shall keep him between my fangs and devour him.” Having schemed thus, he said: “Please come out, Venerable sir, do not oppress me by pacing up and down inside my belly!” The elder came out and stood in front of him. As soon as he saw the elder, the nāga king—perceiving: “So, this is Moggallāna!”—tried to slaughter him directly by blowing a venomous blast from his nostrils. The elder instantly entered into the fourth stage of meditative
absorption and defended himself against this lethal attack. The blast could not ruffle even a single hair of his body. The other bhikkhus could perform all but the last manoeuvre. The ability of instantly entering into the fourth stage of meditative
absorption could be performed only by the Blessed One and the Venerable Moggallāna. That is why the Blessed One did not give permission to the other bhikkhus for taming the fierce nāga king, having seen this crucial moment in His intellectual vision during the early morning meditation. At that moment, Nandopananda was shocked and thought: “How weird! Even the blast of lethal venom from my nostrils could not strike a single hair of his body. This bhikkhu is indeed very powerful.” Thereupon, the elder changed his natural form into a supaṇṇa—a celestial bird, the eternal enemy of nāgas. He chased the nāga king and emitted lethal supaṇṇic blasts. Finding no way to escape, the nāga king turned himself into a young man and fell in salutation at the feet of the elder, saying: “Venerable sir, I go to you for refuge.” The elder told him: “Nanda, the Blessed One Himself is here. Come, we shall go to Him.” Having tamed the nāga king and withdrawn the poison
in him, the elder took him to the presence of the Blessed One. The nāga king paid respect to the Blessed One and declared:
“Venerable sir, I go to You for refuge.”
The Blessed One gave His blessings, saying: “May you be a happy nāga king.” Afterwards, accompanied by the bhikkhus, the Blessed One proceeded to Anāthapiṇḍika’s house. Having waited quite long, Anāthapiṇḍika asked the Blessed One:
“Venerable sir, why did You come when the day was far advanced?”
“There had been a battle of life and death between Moggallāna and the nāga king Nandopananda.”
“Who won, Venerable sir, and who was defeated?”
“Moggallāna won, and Nandopananda was defeated.”
Anāthapiṇḍika was elated with the news and said: “Venerable sir, may the Blessed One and the bhikkhus accept my alms-food offering for seven consecutive days. I will honour the elder for seven days.” Thus, Anāthapiṇḍika celebrated the victory of the elder over Nandopananda by honouring the five hundred bhikkhus headed by the Blessed One.
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奥田 昭則

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